JMeter Embedded Resource Download property - jmeter

Is it possible to set a global property to automatically retrieve all embedded resources from html files in JMeter. I know we can check/uncheck this in a Http Request in a plan, and in Http Request Defaults, but is there a similar option in a .properties file.
Also, if I do check the option on a Http Request Defaults element, how do I disable it for a individual Http Request in the plan?

It is not yet possible as of 2.8, there is an enhancement request for this:
Regarding the second question, the answer is here:
See note:
Note: radio buttons only have two states - on or off. This makes it impossible to
override settings consistently - does off mean off, or does it mean use the current
default? JMeter uses the latter (otherwise defaults would not work at all). So if
the button is off, then a later element can set it on, but if the button is on, a
later element cannot set it off.

You can add a BSF PreProcessor to the HTTP Sampler that override the default configuration, by setting as, as javascript language, the script code:
Where LOAD_ALL_PAGE_RESOURCES is a User Defined Variables
If you set this BSF PreProcessor into a Thread Group it is valid for all the Http Sampler defined in it.
As described at this link:


Facing issues in __eventvalidation and __viewstate in jmeter

i have a scenario, as given below
once the user navigating to planning page and
clicks on a menu,
it will open the lists of recipes in week wise.
if the users wants to add a recipe for a particular, it has an option to click on '+', which will open a popup window which has all the recipe details available.
I have recorded the scenario using JMeter and it has the dynamic values like __VIEWSTATE and ___EVENTVALIDATION etc., and correlated them as well.
But at the 4th step, in the jmeter instead of proper response body and the below message is displayed.
Any suggests
Make sure to add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
Make sure that your correlation really works, i.e.
associated JMeter Variables are there
they have correct values (like you extracted the dynamic parameter fully)
depending on your application and extra step might be required like URL-encoding the parameter or vice versa
You can use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination in order to check these variables
Use an external sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler to capture the requests from JMeter and the real browser, the requests must be exactly the same including:
Request body
all the dynamic parameters must be properly correlated. Given you will send the same request you should get the same response

Old header saved on HTTP Header Manager being used instead of updated one

I have saved the HTTP Header Manager information for an endpoint as below:
However, when i execute this test plan i see in the test results tree view, many of the hits fail. I figure from the response headers i see there that it is using the header value i had put in earlier.
Why are these history values being used? How do i get rid of it.
Check the request start time, it might be the case you're looking at "old" results and you need to scroll down to see "new" results. Alternatively you can invoke Clear all menu entry which will remove all the previous results, logs, etc.
Running tests in GUI mode should only be used for development and debugging, for your 100 threads you should switch to command-line non-GUI mode
Also when you're done with designing your test consider removing all the listeners as they don't add any value and just consume valuable resources. More information: Reducing resource requirements
I assume you have a Header Manager for the specific http request (HTTP Sampler). You need to override the values in the individual HTTP Sampler's Header Manager. JMeter follows hierarchy where you can override values at node level.

Unable to pass Jmeter recording test when running the test in real website- one section get fail?

I want to do load test as well as performance test a website and I have recorded user step by step action through jmeter recording by proxy setting. And when I run this recorded test it gets passed all the sections except one section.
During recording steps, it gets filled all the required fields like POST, GET, PATH etc by default as well as like token, session id etc in the HTTP header manager. When user login again its get unique session id and token through Regular Expression Extractor. But my test gets failed when the user wants to accept a task it says unauthorized. I have attached screenshot.
This image showing all the steps user will do from login to logout.
Here steps 2.9 section gets fail.
Here its showing the response from the server.
Please let me know where am I doing wrong.
There are multiple possible issues with your test:
Location of the Regular Expression Extractor and other Post and Pre-Processors. According to JMeter Scoping Rules they are applied to all your Samplers so please double check if this is something you're looking for. If you want to apply the Post-Processor to a single sampler - you need to move it to be a child of the particular sampler
Since JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so consider converting your Beanshell test elements into JSR223 ones
Since JMeter 3.0 there is JSON Extractor which you should be using instead of the plugins
In general HTTP status 401 means Unauthorized so double check that your test is doing what it is supposed to be doing using View Results Tree listener. You might also want to double check JMeter Variables values using Debug Sampler as it might be the case that the variables are being overwritten with something you don't expect due to the aforementioned Scoping Rules potential issue

jmeter - how to record request contains 5000 items

I recorded jmeter scripts for a request having 5000 items, in that each time some rids will change, and it is impossible to change the rids or to add regular expression extractor for 500 times.
Please help me regarding this
In that case, you no need to record all the HTTP requests for the resources (items). Just add one HTTP request which is responsible for loading the resources and configure it as follows:
Add HTTP request (sampler) which is responsible to load resources.
Go to Advanced tab
Enable "Retrieve All Embedded Resources" checkbox.
Enable "parallel Downloads" checkbox
in Number field, specify "6" (so, 6 threads will be used to download resources. this is to simulate browser behaviour)
Note1: use latest JMeter version i.e.., 3.1 which supports CSS parsing. This enables the JMeter to send requests which are orginiated from .css files.
Note2: still .js parsing is not supported (as of 3.1 version). so, requests originated from .hs files won't be sent.

Header Manager and Recording Controller

In my test scripts, I use a header manager that is shared at a thread group level, and then each sampler has it's own header as well for things that change (referrer, certain pragmas and cache-control) from request to request. I do this for ease of control e.g. so I can easily change the user agent for all requests.
I use the proxy and a recording controller to make the majority of my scripts, and I have set a header manager as a child of the recording controller - I have also tested this by setting a header manager inside the proxy element, but neither of these work as I want.
What it is doing is adding in a full set of headers from the browser, and not just those missing or different than what I have specified in the header manager.
Am I missing something, or is there even a way to do what I am trying to do?
I am using jmeter 2.6.
As others have pointed out, this doesn't happen yet in Jmeter. I am using 2.7 and see the same behavior.
I believe the original intent of the HTTP Request Defaults and HTTP Header Manager was to ease the task of developers creating scripts by hand. With the increased usage of the HTTP Proxy Controller, the application of the the above two elements needs to be extended to the Proxy Controller as well for recording.
