Something weird about express session store - session

If I store an object in session like this: = "Kelvin"; // user is an object pass by "mongoose" findOne's callback.
req.session.user = user;
console.log(; // Kelvin
and after that, I access "user" in other routes of express:
app.get("/somepath", function(req, resp) {
console.log(; // undefined
I want to know why is undefined besides the function I set it?

After looking into mongoose source code I can say that this is because how mongoose models and session works. When you call req.session.user = user then req.session.user points to the object but actually the data needs to be stored somewhere (like memory or Redis).
In order to do that Express calls JSON.stringify(sess) and string is stored in memory. Here's where mongoose enters. Models are constructed in such a way, that when you stringify them only attributes predefined in Schema are included. So when you set req.session.user = user Express stringifies user (you loose name attribute) and saves the data. When you call req.session.user in another route Express parses stringified data and you obtain object without name attribute.
Now how to fix this? There are several ways.
Add name attribute to the Schema;
Define new literal object for user:
var newuser = { id:, name : "Kelvin", pwd: user.pwd, etc. };
req.session.user = newuser;
Store name in another field: = "Kelvin"; (the best solution imho)
By the way: You shouldn't hold the user object in session. What if some other user like administrator makes changes to the user object? You won't see them at all. I advice holding only the id of the user in session and make custom middleware to load user from DB and store it in request object.


Parse-Server prevent fields from being added automatically

Right now, if I add a field to a Parse object and then save it, the new column shows up in the Parse dashboard.
For example, after running:
let media = new Parse.Object("Media");
media.set("foo", "bar");
I will have a new column called foo.
Is it possible to prevent this from happening?
Yes. This can be done using class-level permissions, which allow you to prevent fields being added to classes.
Parse lets you specify what operations are allowed per class. This lets you restrict the ways in which clients can access or modify your classes.
Add fields: Parse classes have schemas that are inferred when objects are created. While you’re developing your app, this is great, because you can add a new field to your object without having to make any changes on the backend. But once you ship your app, it’s very rare to need to add new fields to your classes automatically. You should pretty much always turn off this permission for all of your classes when you submit your app to the public.
You would have to add a beforeSave trigger for every one of your classes, keep a schema of all your keys, iterate over the request.object's keys, and see if there are any that do not belong in your schema. You can then either un-set them and call response.success(), or you can call response.error() to block the save entirely, preferably with a message indicating the offending field(s).
const approvedFields = ["field1", "field2", "field3"];
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("MyClass", function(request, response) {
let object = request.object;
for( var key in object.dirtyKeys() ) {
if( approviedFields.indexOf(key) == -1 ) return response.error(`Error: Attempt to save invalid field: ${key});
Since this got a little attention, I thought I'd add that you can get the current schema of your class. From the docs:
// create an instance to manage your class
const mySchema = new Parse.Schema('MyClass');
// gets the current schema data
It's not clear if that's async or not (you'll have to test yourself, feel free to comment update the answer once you know!)
However, once you have the schema, it has a fields property, which is an object. Check the link for what those look like.
You could validate an object by iterating over it's keys, and seeing if the schema.fields has that property:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('MyClass', (request, response) => {
let object = request.object;
for( var key in object.dirtyKeys() ) {
if( !schema.fields.hasOwnProperty(key) ) < Unset or return error >
And an obligatory note for anyone just starting with Parse-Server on the latest version ,the request scheme has changed to no longer use a response object. You just return the result. So, keep that in mind.

HapiJS Catbox: How to search a key using some value's fields as search criteria?

In my app when a user is authenticated, I store his session data (including his email) in the server cache, and I create a sessionId that I use as the key.
When a user is deleted from the database, I want to check if he was logged in, that is, if there is a session in the cache that comes from his account, so I can drop that entry from the server cache too.
The problem is that the sessionId is not part of the User model, so I have to lookup his entry from the cache using his email, get the associated key, and drop the entry. Is that possible ?
Thanks in advance.
Catbox is just a key/value store and it doesn't look like there is a way to iterate through cache items like you want and find a user by another property. You need to know the key. You can either make the key the users' email or store sessionId in the database in another table.
You might be doing more work than you have to for session management. Yar is a hapi plugin that provides session management for you. Invalidating a session is pretty simple as well.
When the user logs out use yar.reset() to clear out the session.
Hapi-auth-cookie is another plugin for cookie-based session management.
I finally created a pre that return all the sessionIds associated to the account to be deleted, so I can delete them normally with server.cache.drop(key, cb). Error handling removed for brevity.
function currentSessionIds(request, reply) {
const sessionIds = [];
User.findOne({ _id: }, (err, user) => {
const cacheDB =;
MongoClient.connect(`mongodb://host:port/${cacheDB}`, (err, db) => {
db.collection('sessions').find({ '': }, { _id: 1 }).toArray((err, sessions) => {
sessions.forEach(session => sessionIds.push(session._id));
But of course this solution is too tied to mongodb and the way catbox-mongodb strategy store the data. If they change it my function is down.

Parse Android: update ParseObject containing an array of ParseUsers throws UserCannotBeAlteredWithoutSessionError

im working on an Android App.
I have a custom class which has relations with TWO ParseUsers and other fields. As suggested by the docs, I used an array (with key "usersArray") to store the pointers for the two ParseUsers, because I want to be able to use "include" to include the users when i query my custom class. I can create a new object and save it successfully.
//My custom parse class:
CustomObject customObject = new CustomObject();
ArrayList<ParseUser> users = new ArrayList<ParseUser>();
customObject.put("usersArray", users);
//I also store other variable which i would like to update later
Also, i can query successfully with:
ParseQuery<CustomObject> query = CustomObject.getQuery();
query.whereEqualTo("usersArray", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());
query.whereEqualTo("usersArray", anotherUser);
query.findInBackground( .... );
My problem is when trying to UPDATE one of those CustomObject.
So after retrieving the CustomObject with the previous query, if I try to change the value of the "otherVariable" to true and save the object, I am getting a UserCannotBeAlteredWithoutSessionError or java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot save a ParseUser that is not authenticated exceptions.
CustomObject customObject = customObject.get(0); //From the query
customObject.put("otherVariable", true);
customObject.saveInBackground(); // EXCEPTION
I can see this is somehow related to the fact im trying to update an object which contains a pointer to a ParseUser. But im NOT modifying the user, i just want to update one of the fields of the CustomObject.
¿There is any way to solve this problem?
Maybe late but Parse users have ACL of public read and private write so you should do users.isAuthenticated() to check if its true or false.
If false then login with the user and retry. Note: you cannot edit info on two users at the same time without logging out and relogging in.
Another thing you can do is use Roles and define an admin role by using ACL which can write over all users.

How to Persist data using session variable in mvc3 razor view?

I am working in MVC3 Application with Razor. In my Account controller after validating the user, i am getting the user ClientID from Database. Here i want to persist ClientID in Session variable. which was using across the all controller and Razor view.
I have no idea as to what is the best way to implement this.OR How to persist data in the session variable. And how to use persisted data in the session variable in across the controller.
Thanks for your help..
I usually write a Session wrapper that allows me easy access to it in the future:
public class SessionData
const string ClientId_KEY = "ClientId";
public static int ClientId
get { return HttpContext.Current.Session[ClientId_KEY] != null ? (int)HttpContext.Current.Session[ClientId_KEY] : 0; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Session[ClientId_KEY] = value; }
After that you can access it from anywhere like this:
int clientId = SessionData.ClientId;
If you want you can use whole objects in Session like this.
Or you can set it like so: SessionData.ClientId = clientId;
If you are using ASP.NET Forms Authentication, the user name is already stored in a cookie. You can access it from the Controller via
It's possible to store the user ID as the user name. When you call something like
Give it the ID instead of a name. The ID can then be found using the method above and no extra session data is necessary. If you want to store something in the session, just call
Session["UserID"] = value;
From your controller.

MVC3 URL parameters - avoiding malicious attacks/security flaws

When navigating to a new webpage, is there a "Best Practice" for passing Ids around.
For example, a person registers to use a website, they get given an Id, this needs to be passed around the rest of the website/pages where it is used to retrieve relevant data from a database.
If the Id is passed in the url:, the user could change it to and potentially retireve a different user's details.
Putting this value in a hidden field and then POSTing wouldn't be great either as "view source" would display the value.
Many thanks
That's why you should always verify that this id belongs to the currently authenticated user. The currently authenticated user is stored in the forms authentication cookie and is something that the user cannot change because the value is encrypted. This cookie is emitted when the user logs in and you can access it everywhere where you have an instance to HttpContextBase (which is pretty much almost anywhere in the V and C parts of the MVC pattern).
For example, like this:
public ActionResult Foo(int id)
string currentUser = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
// TODO: go ahead and check in your backed that the id
// belongs to the currently connected user
Obviously writing those checks over and over again in all controller actions could quickly become boring, not to mention the DRYness of the approach. That's why it is recommended to write a custom Authorize attribute which will perform those checks before even entering into the controller action. Then you will decorate your controller actions with this custom attribute and you will know for sure that if the code has reached inside the action it means that the current user is the owner of the id passed as parameter. The way this id is passed as parameter doesn't really matter. Could be route data, query string, POST, whatever. The user can modify it as much as he likes. The important part is that you ensure that the value he entered is coherent with your domain authorization logic.
public class AuthorizeOwnerAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var authorized = base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
if (!authorized)
// the user is either not authenticated or not authorized
// no need to continue any further
return false;
// at this stage we know that the user is authenticated and
// authorized (in roles), so let's go ahead and see who this
// user is
string username = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
// now let's read the id. In this example I fetch it from
// the route data but you could adapt according to your needs
string id = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string;
// Now that we know the user and the id let's go ahead and
// check in our backend if the user is really the owner
// of this id:
return IsOwner(username, id);
private bool IsOwner(string username, string id)
// go ahead and hit the backend
throw new NotImplementedException();
and then:
public ActionResult Foo(int id)
