How to Persist data using session variable in mvc3 razor view? -

I am working in MVC3 Application with Razor. In my Account controller after validating the user, i am getting the user ClientID from Database. Here i want to persist ClientID in Session variable. which was using across the all controller and Razor view.
I have no idea as to what is the best way to implement this.OR How to persist data in the session variable. And how to use persisted data in the session variable in across the controller.
Thanks for your help..

I usually write a Session wrapper that allows me easy access to it in the future:
public class SessionData
const string ClientId_KEY = "ClientId";
public static int ClientId
get { return HttpContext.Current.Session[ClientId_KEY] != null ? (int)HttpContext.Current.Session[ClientId_KEY] : 0; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Session[ClientId_KEY] = value; }
After that you can access it from anywhere like this:
int clientId = SessionData.ClientId;
If you want you can use whole objects in Session like this.
Or you can set it like so: SessionData.ClientId = clientId;

If you are using ASP.NET Forms Authentication, the user name is already stored in a cookie. You can access it from the Controller via
It's possible to store the user ID as the user name. When you call something like
Give it the ID instead of a name. The ID can then be found using the method above and no extra session data is necessary. If you want to store something in the session, just call
Session["UserID"] = value;
From your controller.


Does Entity Framework need a Session HttpContext on CRUD?

I've watched some class about Entity Framework with MySql and Sql Server.
First the teacher uses the Entity from a database, where he creates the context DB and than he start the insert
using(sampleEntities ctx = new sampleEntities()){
client clt = new client(); = txtName.Text; = txtPhone.Text;
But other teacher does something different with DAL, BLL and UI usgin session and httpContext, he says Entity needs this Session to avoid "persistence conflict" since the first example is using the same "connection/session" for lots of users, so that is what he does:
public static sample01Entities Current
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SampleDbContext"] == null)
db = new sample01Entities();
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SampleDbContext"] = db;
return db;
and then in Dalcity
public void Add(cidade c)
The question is: is it safe to use the first example without jeopardize a website? Or should I use the session all the time for all the CRUD methods?
Storing the context in the session is a terrible idea.
Read the following answer about it:
Entity Framework Object Context in ASP.NET Session object?
The context should be either created by method or by request.
To answer to your question:
Yes it safe to use the first approach and for sure more recommended then storing the context in a session.

Something weird about express session store

If I store an object in session like this: = "Kelvin"; // user is an object pass by "mongoose" findOne's callback.
req.session.user = user;
console.log(; // Kelvin
and after that, I access "user" in other routes of express:
app.get("/somepath", function(req, resp) {
console.log(; // undefined
I want to know why is undefined besides the function I set it?
After looking into mongoose source code I can say that this is because how mongoose models and session works. When you call req.session.user = user then req.session.user points to the object but actually the data needs to be stored somewhere (like memory or Redis).
In order to do that Express calls JSON.stringify(sess) and string is stored in memory. Here's where mongoose enters. Models are constructed in such a way, that when you stringify them only attributes predefined in Schema are included. So when you set req.session.user = user Express stringifies user (you loose name attribute) and saves the data. When you call req.session.user in another route Express parses stringified data and you obtain object without name attribute.
Now how to fix this? There are several ways.
Add name attribute to the Schema;
Define new literal object for user:
var newuser = { id:, name : "Kelvin", pwd: user.pwd, etc. };
req.session.user = newuser;
Store name in another field: = "Kelvin"; (the best solution imho)
By the way: You shouldn't hold the user object in session. What if some other user like administrator makes changes to the user object? You won't see them at all. I advice holding only the id of the user in session and make custom middleware to load user from DB and store it in request object.

MVC3 URL parameters - avoiding malicious attacks/security flaws

When navigating to a new webpage, is there a "Best Practice" for passing Ids around.
For example, a person registers to use a website, they get given an Id, this needs to be passed around the rest of the website/pages where it is used to retrieve relevant data from a database.
If the Id is passed in the url:, the user could change it to and potentially retireve a different user's details.
Putting this value in a hidden field and then POSTing wouldn't be great either as "view source" would display the value.
Many thanks
That's why you should always verify that this id belongs to the currently authenticated user. The currently authenticated user is stored in the forms authentication cookie and is something that the user cannot change because the value is encrypted. This cookie is emitted when the user logs in and you can access it everywhere where you have an instance to HttpContextBase (which is pretty much almost anywhere in the V and C parts of the MVC pattern).
For example, like this:
public ActionResult Foo(int id)
string currentUser = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
// TODO: go ahead and check in your backed that the id
// belongs to the currently connected user
Obviously writing those checks over and over again in all controller actions could quickly become boring, not to mention the DRYness of the approach. That's why it is recommended to write a custom Authorize attribute which will perform those checks before even entering into the controller action. Then you will decorate your controller actions with this custom attribute and you will know for sure that if the code has reached inside the action it means that the current user is the owner of the id passed as parameter. The way this id is passed as parameter doesn't really matter. Could be route data, query string, POST, whatever. The user can modify it as much as he likes. The important part is that you ensure that the value he entered is coherent with your domain authorization logic.
public class AuthorizeOwnerAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var authorized = base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
if (!authorized)
// the user is either not authenticated or not authorized
// no need to continue any further
return false;
// at this stage we know that the user is authenticated and
// authorized (in roles), so let's go ahead and see who this
// user is
string username = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
// now let's read the id. In this example I fetch it from
// the route data but you could adapt according to your needs
string id = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string;
// Now that we know the user and the id let's go ahead and
// check in our backend if the user is really the owner
// of this id:
return IsOwner(username, id);
private bool IsOwner(string username, string id)
// go ahead and hit the backend
throw new NotImplementedException();
and then:
public ActionResult Foo(int id)

How to pass value from one action to another action having different views in mvc3

Hi I am developing an application in MVC3.
and i am stuck at one place.
I have 2 fields in my view which are not a part of my class.
i am just using them to populate the dropdown
The 2 fields are State and District.
But i want to show the selected value of the two fields in another View.
I tried it using ViewBag but this doesnot work and gives me Null.
this is inside Create get method:
int stateid = Convert.ToInt32(formcollection["ProvincialState.ProvincialStateID"]);
int districtid = Convert.ToInt32(formcollection["District.DistrictID"]);
ProvincialState state = new AddressService().FetchStateByStateId(stateid);
District district = new AddressService().FetchDistrictByDistrictId(districtid);
ViewBag.State = state.ProvincialStateName;
ViewBag.District = district.DistrictName;
and this is inside Details View:
string data1 = ViewBag.State;
string data2 = ViewBag.District;
ViewBag.State = data1;
ViewBag.District = data2;
I cannot use post method of Create coz i need to show this data only on another view.
or if is their any method thru which i can show the data in the same view.
ViewBag is like ViewData. In order to have information between pages you should store that info in session. You can do that in 2 ways:
Use a session variable like:
this.Session["SessionVariable"] = value;
Or use the this.TempData object:
this.TempData["SessionVariable"] = value;
The difference between this two is that the TempData object will be deleted from the session when it is read.
TempData is just a wrapper of the session.
You can send this fields to your action in addition to model, and then store it in session for example:
public class SomeController: Controller
public ActionResult DoSomething(MyModel model, int state, int district)
// validating model...
// ...
Session["state"] = state;
Session["district"] = district;
// some other logic...

Receive data in MVC controller from webrole

I understood how to communicate between Web, Worker role and the flow in MVC architecture.
My question is, after I query the data from a table in web role, how can the controller in MVC get this data to diplay in the view?
I tried using a global static variable in webrole, where the data gets populated, but when I access the static variable from the controller, it only returned 'null'. Why am I getting a null?
ok, in case you use the storage client, the implementation would be like:
Create your Model:
public class MyEntity : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.TableServiceEntity
public MyEntity()
PartitionKey = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MMddyyyy");
RowKey = string.Format("{0:10}_{1}",
DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks - DateTime.Now.Ticks, Guid.NewGuid());
// Define the properties.
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
2. Define your context class:
public class MyDataContext : TableServiceContext
public MyDataContext(string baseAddress,
StorageCredentials credentials)
: base(baseAddress, credentials)
{ }
public IQueryable GetMyEntity
return this.CreateQuery("MyTableName");
Implement your controller action method:
public ActionResult Index()
var context = new MyDataContext(storageAccount.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, storageAccount.Credentials);
var results = from g in context.GetMyEntity
where g.PartitionKey ==
select g;
return View(results.FirstOrDefault());
this is reference code only, which is very ugly and will hardly work as it is, but it still provides an example of how you can query the table storage in your MVC project.
are we talking about an application whose MVC part is hosted in a worker role and which gets data from a web role which is querying the table storage? Or are we talking about a ASP.NET MVC application here which is hosted in a web role?
static variables is not a good idea at all because of concurrency issues.
in case of scenario 1, how do you communicate with a web role? via web service call directly?
you cold simply call the service from your controller or delegate the call to another layer and then put this data in your model which is then displayed by the corresponding view.
have you tried debugging this application locally using the [azure local dev env][1]
[1]: ? or do you use the real azure infrastructure? Are you sure you are getting the data from your query? maybe the query is wrong? have you observed any exceptions?
we need more information here to be able to help you
