Difference between Web Deployment Projects (.wdproj) and MSDeploy - visual-studio-2010

What is the difference between Web Deployment Projects (.wdproj) and new
Is it prefer to use MSDeploy instead of Web Deployment Projects?
Is this add-in created only for backward compatibility with already created Visual Studio 2005/2008 projects, or it's a product, which will be evolving?

Web Deployment Projects and Web Deploy (aka MSDeploy) are not mutually exclusive; you can use a WDP to create a Web Deploy deployment package. Web Deploy is an IIS tool that can be used by Visual Studio or MSBuild. In Visual Studio 2010 the Web Publishing Pipeline is implemented using MSBuild so that it can work the same way from the IDE (the one-click publish feature) or by invoking MSBuild targets from the command line. See this MSDN page:
If you're using VS 2010 or later and you are using web application projects rather than web site projects, you don't need Web Deployment Projects unless you want to build a precompile/merge step into deployment. If you're using web site projects, you still need to use Web Deployment Projects.
WDP's days are numbered, it will not be evolving.


Deploy ASP.NET Core to IIS on TeamCity

I would like to setup automatic builds for my vNext project and deploy to IIS. In Visual Studio, we use the publish option, but is a way to do this from the command line and integrate with TeamCity.

How to create web deployment package in Visual Studio 2013

I am now using the Visual Studio 2013, where I want to create a web deployment installer for project like I am doing in Visual Studio 2008.
But I am not getting any option inside Setup and Deployment. Can anybody please guide me how to create the installer package for web application? I have publish folder ready with me. Can I create any installer from VS2008 using this Publish folder?
Visual Studio no longer includes a setup installer out of the box. This was removed in VS2012; the guidance instead is to use a 3rd party option like WiX or InstallShield.
Another option, if you don't need to use an MSI based installer, is to use Web Deploy. A web project in VS can create a deployment package, which can then be published to any number of websites at any time. It can also be customized by configuring parameters and setting their values at deploy time (link). Web Deploy packages can support deploying your web content, IIS settings, and database.
VS2013 will support it again. It will be released in the next update patch of the VS2013.

Minimum CI slave requirements to build MVC TFS solution

What are the minimum requirements for pulling and building a TFS hosted Visual Studio 2012 MVC solution on a clean Windows 2012 Server VM?
I'm setting up a continuous integration slave and I want to install as few tools as possible to get set of projects out of Team Foundation Server source control and building.
My working assumption is that I'll need Team Explorer to get the files from the TFS server, and Visual Studio Express 2012 (Web) to actually build the solution.
The CI slave will NOT use Team Foundation Build, rather it will be part of a Jenkins grid. I know they have a plugin for TFS, but I don't know if it can be used in lieu of Team Explorer.
Running of unit tests will follow but the framework to be used has not be decided yet.
The solution has existing NuGet package dependencies and those are not checked in.
Team Explorer Everywhere
Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4

Visual Studio 2012 Express MVC 3 deployment

I have developed a a MVC 3 application in Visual Studio 2012 express and I'm trying to create a web deployment package following the documentation in this link:
I have a couple of issues.
1. I cannot select deploy check box in the configuration manager, it is greyed out
2. The zip file is not being created
Is this a limitation of the version of visual studio or am I going about deploying this type of project wrong. Due to the nature of the application the web deployment package is the best deployment option.

Web Deployment build tool for Visual Studio 2010

We have a SOAP server written in C++. In Visual Studio 2005 we used the "Web Deployment" build tool to deploy the DLL to the local IIS server (XP in my case).
After upgrading to Visual Studio 2010 I see that the VCWebDeploymentTool is no longer supported. What are my options now? Is there is command line tool I can use in a post build step to deploy a DLL locally?
I'm not looking for a web deployment "project". I'm looking for a web deployment build step. Purely for deploying to the local IIS on my build machine.
In case anyone else is looking for the answer, I figured out you can still use the VC 2005 web deployment tool with VC 2010. The tool is called vcdeploy.exe, and can be found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin. Just copy this file to a directory that's in your PATH.
In VC 2005, the Web Deployment build tool is basically just a UI for vcdeploy. In VC 2010 I set up a custom build step to run vcdeploy.exe and now my .dll is deployed to the local IIS as it always was.
EDIT: Also note the vcdeploy source code is part of the ATL Server Library available here: http://atlserver.codeplex.com.
