I'm trying to use some of the Allegro addon libraries.
For instance:
#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
But MSVS10 is telling me the things I'm referencing are undefined. I got the standard
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
to work just fine, and now I'm guessing I need to be adding more runtime dependencies for the addons as well. But I have no idea how to do that, nor could I find a guide/list to say what values need to be added to which value fields in the properties.
From http://alleg.sourceforge.net/a5docs/refman/primitives.html#al_draw_filled_polygon:
Since: 5.1.0
The pre-built binaries are from the 5.0 "stable" series. The 5.1 series is "development" which means things can change from version to version. Some features may make it into the 5.0 series, while most will not be around until the next stable series (5.2).
So short version is, if you want those features now, you'll need to build 5.1 yourself.
I have a utility service x which is in maven repo and is used by some of my other services. We normally update the minor version of the service x when we make small changes and we are currently on version 1.0.15.
No I am making another change and I was thinking whether I should update version to 1.0.16 or I should update the version like 1.1.0.
If anyone can provide an explanation on how this should be done in general, that would I am sure help other developers as well as me. Please let me know if you need further information.
Different projects follow different standards on this, so follow what the repository has done to date.
A well-regarded standard for this is called Semantic Versioning (https://semver.org/). If you are starting a new project or there isn't a standard already in place, I would recommend using this.
Semantic Versions are in the format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
If you have fixed a bug: increase the patch version
If you have introduced new functionality in a non-breaking way: increase the minor version (and reset patch to 0)
If you have introduced breaking changes: increase the major version (and reset the patch and minor version to 0).
If you are unsure whether your change is a breaking change or not - consider your package (or API) from its consumers' perspectives. If their code has to change as a result of your change then it's a breaking change.
I'm migrating a typescript/angular based NativeScript project over to the latest version of NativeScript, and am running into an issue. Before, I was using the tns-platform-declarations plugin (https://preview.npmjs.com/package/tns-platform-declarations) so I could get intellisense (I'm using VS Code) for things like UITextView and other native calls. But when updating my project, this module is removed from package.json. And if I add it back in, it says my project is not compatible with 7.x.
Do I just need to wait until the plugin is updated, or is there another way to get intellisense going, but still use NS 7.x?
Extending on Matthew's answer. Make sure you are including in your tsconfig the references.d.ts file, the one that points to either tns-platform-declarations or #nativescript/types, depending on your NativeScript version.
When you migrate the project it will change your tns-platform-declaration to #nativescript/types
I have a problem with my phonegap-based project, and I'm suspecting I'm running a different version than I think. the config.xml file I'm using states it's 2.0.0, while I thought it's 2.9.
Is there a way to actually check the phonegap version in xcode, and not relay on a comment in a single file?
Thank you!
you can use device object's cordova(device.cordova) property to get the version of phonegap.
Below link provides more information for same.
I thought I would add to #user1279357's answer, which demonstrates how to acquire the version of Cordova from the JavaScript side. However, on the Objective-C side, if you add #import <Cordova/CDVAvailability.h> you can call the constant: CORDOVA_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED.
This constant is an int that will provide you with the version of Cordova you are using. The value is in the form of: 20000 = 2.0, 20800 = 2.8 e.t.c.
If you need to do checks against this value, there are other constants defined in this file for each of the versions, e.g. __CORDOVA_2_0_0 = 2.0.
Look here to see the source file for CDVAvailability.h.
Look in your cordova.js file at the top in the comments.
If you're using a really old version of cordova, it will be in the listed in the filename like "Cordova2.7.js"
I already searched on the net a way to update the SQLITE3 version of Xcode, but I didn't found any working way. It is a way to do it?
If you want to use your own version of sqlite3, perhaps because you want to use newer features only provided by a later version, then probably the best thing to do would be to create an Xcode static library project to build sqlite3 and then include that library with your app (statically linked). This will avoid using the system version.
This should be fairly trivial, given the number of source files that make-up sqlite3.
You could probably make a dynamic library version, but that's slightly more complicated, though certainly possible.
I am trying to find a nice solution working on two different compass projects. One is based off Compass using Blueprint (older version), and the other is based on susy grid (newer version).
Currently, I have to reinstall the right version for the watch process.
Is it possible to run compile with a specified version? It would be great if it is also possible to run a watch process with a specified version.
Running it as
compass _0.10.5_ compile
will do what you want. (Where you put in the desired version in place of 0.10.5, obviously.)
The tool you're looking for is probally rvm which allows you to have different versions of ruby/gems installed and easily switch between them.
Perhaps there's a simpler way.
If you can use something like Codekit or Livereload, those tools allow you to used embedded sass libraries or define your own.
That you could use the builtin libraries for one project and your custom ones for other projects.
RVM suggested above also works i believe but never tried myself.