Migrating to NativeScript 7 - nativescript

I'm migrating a typescript/angular based NativeScript project over to the latest version of NativeScript, and am running into an issue. Before, I was using the tns-platform-declarations plugin (https://preview.npmjs.com/package/tns-platform-declarations) so I could get intellisense (I'm using VS Code) for things like UITextView and other native calls. But when updating my project, this module is removed from package.json. And if I add it back in, it says my project is not compatible with 7.x.
Do I just need to wait until the plugin is updated, or is there another way to get intellisense going, but still use NS 7.x?

Extending on Matthew's answer. Make sure you are including in your tsconfig the references.d.ts file, the one that points to either tns-platform-declarations or #nativescript/types, depending on your NativeScript version.

When you migrate the project it will change your tns-platform-declaration to #nativescript/types


BaseApplicationCustomizer throws errors

So today I was updating one of our SPFX extensions to use the latest spfx framework (1.16) with node (16.13) and after finishing my updates I got the following inside my code:
I am not exactly sure why these are not coming in, I suspect the newest version of spfx moves these classes out of sp-application-base, but why? and where is the documentation for it? Because there is this link that is only 6 months old and explains to use this code for the top and bottom headers.
I was expecting this code to remain in sp-application-base, but it appears it isn't in that package.
How did you perform the upgrade? I highly recommend using the Microsoft 365 CLI to upgrade projects, as the developers of that app do thier best to cover every part of the project that needs to change. Learn more at https://pnp.github.io/cli-microsoft365/cmd/spfx/project/project-upgrade/
Here are the commands to run from the root of your project
npm install -g #pnp/cli-microsoft365
m365 spfx project upgrade --output text
This will give a list of npm commands and code update instructions to follow. See the above documentation for other options for output and use whatever works best for you.
It is still there. What version of #microsoft/sp-application-base is in your project? Should be 1.16.1 I believe. I will say that I am new to all of this as well, but I am using the latest framework and VS is not flagging any issues with these.

"Move" app bundle identifier to a new React Native project

I'm upgrading an old React Native app, from 0.59.1 to 0.68.0 (which is the last one). Useless to say that it's a huge pain to upgrade all of those dependencies and I'm thinking to create a new project (and move all JS files) instead of upgrading the current one.
But I have a problem: the app is currently in production and I want to make a new project which would result in an update for the old app. I think that the goal to do this is "move" the bundle ID from the previous project, but I really don't know how to do it.
Any ideas? I need tips for both iOS and Android.
Thanks in advance!
Already upgrading to 0.68? The stable version got out a few days ago and a lot of libraries (basically every library) are currently not stating in their docs where to add their dependencies etc. in 0.68 since a lot of stuff moved is added or removed... 0.68 is completely different from 0.67. I would consider to wait a bit with upgrading to 0.68 and upgrade to 0.67 for now. Also since 0.59 is a rather old version, I would take your first suggestion, create a completely new project running on 0.67, installing every package you have in your old project, regularly checking if the build succeeds and then just like you said copy your /src folder to the new project. And yes you need to change your package name to your old one. Heres a video on how to do it.

Laravel Update 4.1.24 to 4.2

im currently working on an update from laravel 4.1.24 to 5.6 The problem is i got nearly no experience with laravel. My question is now, how do i properly upgrade. Should i first upgrade to 4.2 and then to 5.0 and so on or would it be better to upgrade directly to 5.6 and how should i do this? I mean there are so many changes that i think i could miss something.
Also the project is just in a github repository, so it's hard to check if it's still working after an upgrade because i dont got the old modules. Or would it be enough to go on laravelshift. com and just upload it there to go from 4.1 to 4.2, 4.2 to 5.0 and so on.
Best regards!
The Laravel documentation contains a whole list of breaking changes that can help you to upgrade your application to a newer version. Laravel Shift is a service that checks and updates these changes in your project.
However, there is no way of being sure that your project will still work after these upgrades. Especially if you are using external modules its very risky.
If it is not required, I would not recommend upgrading from 4.1.x to 5.6 unless you have a lot of time on your hands. A solution could be to set up a completely new 5.6 project and add the project code file by file and test the implementations.
Start from here and follow instructions to upgrade it to 4.2. Then go through your packages and update their versions accordingly. When done use dropdown list in the top-right corner to select next version (5.0) and repeat it until you are at 5.6.
You definitely need to be able to run your code and test it somehow after each step because there will be problems. From 4.1 to 5.6 is a big leap and a lot of packages might have breaking changes etc. I only migrated as far as from 5.1 to 5.6 and it took me whole day to fix everything.
As for automated upgrade you can try it as well, but as I already mentioned you need to be able to test your work because all packages need to be updated as well.

Nativescript documentation for NS Core with Typescript

When building a NS application I usually use Nativescript Core + Typescript. In the latest version of the documentation, I noticed that this combination does not exist anymore.
I am not sure if this is related, but I also noticed that when I call tns run android/ios the Typescript files do not get transpiled automatically anymore when changes are made to the source code. I have to call tsc manually to generate the corresponding javascript files. This started happening after I upgraded to version 4.1+
Has Telerik switch direction and not encouraging NS Core + Typescript anymore? Do I have to choose between Angular + Typescript and Core + Javascript now?
Just curious in the direction we are heading.
I am still not sure about the documentation and the direction the NS is taking regarding the NS Core + Typescript combo, but with the help of tsonevn from the Telerik team I was able to get the automatic generation of JS files fixed.
It turns out that this was caused by the fact that the hooks folder was missing. Once I removed the node_modules and platform folders and ran tns run android everything started working again.
You can read more about it at: https://github.com/NativeScript/NativeScript/issues/5998

How to use webstorm 11 to debug meteor 1.2 application with ecmascript package

After recently updating my project to meteor 1.2 and including the new ecmascript package (to use ES2015 features), I realized that my server debug breakpoints will never run, no matter what I do.
After reading about different ES6 posts on meteor forums and jetbrains , I tried setting up file watchers to create sourcemaps, but:
meteor complains about the generated files(so you have to move them to special folders in order to keep going)
It still doesn't work :(
Setting up spy-js also didn't work (never tried before so maybe I did it wrong)
I could reproduce the problem with the basic TODOs application and debugging with default options.
It is fixed for now in EAP 11 builds.
Known issue, please follow WEB-18074 for updates. Unfortunately I can't offer any workarounds:(
