SSO Between Websphere Portal and Moodle - websphere

We have a vendor portal that is public and a Moodle site that is also public. They are both setup to use the same Active Directory.
Is there a way to configure sso between them?

I've looked into this issue before, and all that I've found is about keeping the user credential in the global Portal session and posting them to the server Moodle login form.
It seems that Moodle does not support LTPA, since this is a proprietary IBM protocol designed for Websphere and Domino. Also the LTPA token do not include the actual password, so Moodle would have to trust Websphere when it says that a particular user has been authenticated at a certain time (timestamp).
May be some one else might have more input on the subject...


In OAuth2 flow, can we delegate authentication to Windows SSO

We have an in-house OAuth2 server used by our applications. Now we want to use Windows SSO for our applications but without them to change anything: they'll still reach our OAuth2 server for an access token and the authentication part will be delegated to Kerberos (which Windows use, if I understood properly).
Is there a way to do that?
That is a standard setup and should just require configuration changes in the Authorization Server (AS) - with zero code changes in applications.
Most commonly:
The AS might be hosted in the cloud
It will redirect browsers to an on premise Identity Provider (IDP)
The IDP can connect to Active Directory
You may also need a fallback option for when users are not joined to the work domain. See this Curity guide for an example and some infrastructure factors to think about.
If the AS is in house it may even be able to make a direct Kerberos connection via an LDAP data source, though the preferred architecture is a separate IDP.
Of course you need an AS that supports the ability to make this type of connection, so would need to check the vendor docs.
Kerberos has always been the simplest protocol conceptually but the deepest to understand - here is a bit of a summary:
Your apps will make a standard OpenID Connect authorization redirect to the AS
The AS may then present an authentication selection screen to the user, unless there is only a single option
Alternatively an app can send the acr_values query parameter to say which authentication method to use
The AS will then redirect the browser to the next stage of processing, that uses a 'Windows SSO authenticator'
The redirect to the Windows SSO authenticator does not have to use OpenID Connect - it could be any vendor specific HTTP request
The browser will send an encrypted Kerberos ticket automatically by connecting to AD - a prerequisite for this to work might be that the domain in the URL is in the Local Intranet zone on end user computers
The Windows SSO authenticator will need to be able to decrypt this credential, which typically requires a Service Principal Name to be configured
Once the Kerberos ticket is decrypted, the authenticator will make an LDAP connection to an Active Directory data source via its standard LDAP endpoints, to verify the received ticket

Delegation Error for Kerberos for Specific Windows Workstation

I am having an workstation specific Kerberos issue and hope anyone here would have additional recommendation.
Our application has an application server and web server and we have kerberos configured on both application layer and web layer.
And for certain users, when we provide the Kerberos link and they are not able to authorize in. And we found out the issue is workstation specific. And on the same problematic workstation, the user could access application server via Kerberos authentication.
And on the web logic we see the following error:
[SpnegoFilter.doFilter] Although user authentication to xxx was successful, Integrated Authentication could not extract the user's credentials because it appears delegation was either not configured or disallowed
I am looking for any of Windows setting could potential lead to this issue? We check that our domain is trusted on both working and nonworking machines on the browser level and GPO settings are the same.
What you're describing is unconstrained delegation, which is the act of a user handing the remote server their TGT so the server can impersonate the user without restriction.
Windows deems this as incredibly dangerous (it is) and is moving towards disabling it outright when certain security services are enabled on the client. Specifically Credential Guard. It will also block it for users that are members of the Protected Users security group, though the fact that it's affecting specific workstations leans towards Credential Guard.
If it is the above issues the correct solution is to switch to constrained delegation.

Auto sign on with Windows Authentication

I am to be having a lot of problems, misinformation and confusion when attempting to find out the plausibility and viability of attempting this.
The requirement is for a remote client, accessing our website to be auto signed in with their Active Directory User account.
We have the option to setup a WCF service (or something similar) on their remote server for authentication purposes. Which from my little understanding is how this problem will be tackled.
So, my question after a little background is this.
CAN this be done, and HOW can it be done?
Instead of hosting a WCF service on their domain, I would look into installing ADFS on their domain.
You can change your website to accept security tokens from ADFS using the WS-Federation protocol. You can use classes from the System.IdentityModel namespace for that. An example of how to implement this in ASP.NET can be found here.
An alternative would be to use Azure Active Directory as your identity provider and have your client sync accounts to their AAD directory (or federate between AAD and ADFS). An example can be found here.

Websphere multiple authentication provider

I am looking for some information about using multiple authentication provider with WebSphere Liberty at the same time. Requirement is to have AD (LDAP) auth as main authentication and for users not allowed to be listed in AD have a simple database for authentication.
Thanks for any hints.
You can implement a custom user registry to meet these requirements:!/was_beta_liberty/
If you're looking for the solution of security domains provided in WAS Classic (the full profile), please open an RFE and be sure to vote for it!

Single Sign-On between 2 different platforms but on the same domain

I'm in the process of rearranging our web-based systems, so that users will be able to log on to our systems through a Sharepoint front-end. Our single sign-on server is an Oracle SSO server that authenticates against the same domain as the sharepoint server does, but these two are currently 2 separate logins.
What I'm looking for is to configure this scenario:
A user logs in to the Sharepoint site, authenticating agains Active Directory through the TMG. This gives the user access to the sharepoint site, and this is all standard OOTB functionality. Then the user should be able to navigate into our other systems without a re-login (because the SSO configured for external authentication with the same AD, and therefore uses the same userbase).
So basically the users currently have to login twice with the same domain\user + password. I would like the SSO server to be able to read the cookie that was established in the first login, and use that instead of presenting the SSO login screen all over again.
Is it possible to share such a cookie between 2 different platforms on the same domain?
I have implemented a kerberos "Zero-sign-on" approach for the Oracle SSO server, but this only works as long as the user comes from a computer inside our domain. When the user logs on from the outside world (www) he will be prompted to login to sharepoint first, and then to the Oracle SSO.
I basically need the Oracle SSO Cookie to somehow read the Sharepoint Cookie that was established. Does this make sense?
