In OAuth2 flow, can we delegate authentication to Windows SSO - windows

We have an in-house OAuth2 server used by our applications. Now we want to use Windows SSO for our applications but without them to change anything: they'll still reach our OAuth2 server for an access token and the authentication part will be delegated to Kerberos (which Windows use, if I understood properly).
Is there a way to do that?

That is a standard setup and should just require configuration changes in the Authorization Server (AS) - with zero code changes in applications.
Most commonly:
The AS might be hosted in the cloud
It will redirect browsers to an on premise Identity Provider (IDP)
The IDP can connect to Active Directory
You may also need a fallback option for when users are not joined to the work domain. See this Curity guide for an example and some infrastructure factors to think about.
If the AS is in house it may even be able to make a direct Kerberos connection via an LDAP data source, though the preferred architecture is a separate IDP.
Of course you need an AS that supports the ability to make this type of connection, so would need to check the vendor docs.
Kerberos has always been the simplest protocol conceptually but the deepest to understand - here is a bit of a summary:
Your apps will make a standard OpenID Connect authorization redirect to the AS
The AS may then present an authentication selection screen to the user, unless there is only a single option
Alternatively an app can send the acr_values query parameter to say which authentication method to use
The AS will then redirect the browser to the next stage of processing, that uses a 'Windows SSO authenticator'
The redirect to the Windows SSO authenticator does not have to use OpenID Connect - it could be any vendor specific HTTP request
The browser will send an encrypted Kerberos ticket automatically by connecting to AD - a prerequisite for this to work might be that the domain in the URL is in the Local Intranet zone on end user computers
The Windows SSO authenticator will need to be able to decrypt this credential, which typically requires a Service Principal Name to be configured
Once the Kerberos ticket is decrypted, the authenticator will make an LDAP connection to an Active Directory data source via its standard LDAP endpoints, to verify the received ticket


Does Powershell's -UseDefaultCredentials use Kerberos?

In Azure DevOps services, when you connect an agent to the server, you have different types of ways to authenticate to the server. You can see here for example, about connecting a Linux agent, that you have these 4 types:
Alternate (Basic authentication)
Negotiate - Connect as a user other than the signed-in user via a scheme such as Kerberos or NTLM.
Integrated - Not supported in Linux
The integrated type is mentioned in the page about connecting a Windows agent as "Windows default credentials"
Bare with me please.
In my organization, we have a Active Directory domain with a Single-Sign-On, I suppose it uses Kerberos as the authentication protocol. Sometimes I use Powershell scripts to access the API of our internal Azure DevOps Server, and I use the -UseDefaultCredentials flag so the user won't have to enter username and password - it will just authenticate based on the logged-in user.
That got me thinking that the -UseDefaultCredentials flag is using Kerberos to authenticate.
But from the above, it seems that Integrated is using "Default credentials", which is something else than "Negotiate" which uses Kerberos.
Can someone help me understand this?
The UseDefaultCredentials flag tells the underlying system to try and use the caller's SSO credentials, which in most cases is the credential used to log into the system interactively or otherwise.
Strictly speaking it does not indicate which protocol to use. What it's actually saying is "dear system internals: please figure it out for me". The way this works is by selecting the negotiate protocol, which as it's name suggests negotiates the use of specific authentication protocols based on the client credentials as well as information from the server. This is called the SPNEGO protocol. It is transparent to the caller.
SPNEGO is fairly simple in nature. The client has a list of known authentication protocols (Kerberos, NTLM, etc.) and will send that list to the server saying 'pick one please'. The server can select any of them and respond telling them what to use, and the client then goes and uses it. Fin.
SPNEGO is also relatively smart because it can reasonably predict what it thinks the server will accept and will attempt to optimistically provide a token up front using the first protocol in the list. So if it thinks it needs Kerberos it'll go and get a Kerberos ticket up front and send it first. The server might think that's fine, or it might fail and return a response saying
"no, I really need NTLM", and so the client tries again with NTLM.

REST - HTTPS is secure - why go for OAuth?

My app uses REST calls to fetch data from the server. To make the server calls secure, I googled and found out that OAuth is the best way to secure REST web services. But also it says that OAuth should be used with HTTPS.
If we are using HTTPS (which is a secure was to transmit data), why do we require to implement OAuth? Shouldn't HTTPS suffice?
A typical REST API needs the following capabilities:
Server Authentication - so the client requestor can verify the server. This is why browsers show a lock and display certificate information in the browser window.
Client Authentication - so the server can authenticate and identify the user to grant and limit access as appropriate.
Encryption - to protect the data from eavesdroppers.
While some simple APIs may not require client authentication, it provides two benefits that many REST APIs need:
Personalized and private data: if the user has an account on the system and needs privileges to their account, but not others, client authentication is necessary
Rate limits: even if there is no private data, services may want to differentially limit and/or charge for requests and a mechanism is needed to identify the user to limit and/or charge for access.
A typical REST API can support both Server Authentication and Encryption with HTTPS / TLS using a server TLS certificate.
HTTPS can support client authentication using a TLS client certificate, however, this is not commonly done. Some APIs such as the Visa API do this which is described here:
OAuth is much more common for client-authentication. OAuth further supports both 2-legged and 3-legged modes, the latter of which allows a separate service to perform the authentication. This is what enables login services such as those provided by Google and Facebook, so a site, such as Stack Overflow can delegate authentication to Google and then once the user's identity is verified, allow the user access permitted resources.
While Grokify's answer clarify some information, I like to mention a missing fact.
OAuth is based on tokens (ex:- Access token, refresh token). Think these tokens as username/password equivalent. So if these token get stolen, they can be used to call your API to obtain data. Or can be used for malicious activity till they expires. As you have figured out, TLS (HTTPS) protect data in transit. So when tokens transmit over such secure channel, you avoid tokens getting stolen. This is why TLS is a must for OAuth. OAuth get leverage of TLS to improve its security aspects.

Forward SPNEGO Credentials to Secure Cluster

I have a cluster secured by Kerberos, and have a REST API that needs to interact with the cluster on behalf of the user. I have used Spring Security with SPNEGO to authenticate the user, but when I try to use the Hadoop SDK, it fails for various reasons based on what I try.
When I try to use the SDK directly after the user logs in, it gives me SIMPLE authentication is not enabled.
I have noticed the session's Authenticator is UserNamePasswordAuthenticationToken which does not make sense, since I'm authenticating against the Kerberos realm with the credentials from the user.
I am trying to use this project out of the box with my own service account and keytab:
For what it's worth, you can leverage Apache Knox ( to consume the Hadoop REST APIs in a secured cluster. Knox will take care of the SPNEGO negotiation with the various components for you. You could use the HTTP header based pre-auth SSO provider to propagate the identity of your enduser to Knox.
You will need to ensure that only trusted clients can call your service if you are using that provider however.
Alternatively, you can authenticate to Knox against LDAP with username/password with the default Shiro provider.
One of the great benefits of using Knox this way is that your service never needs to know anything about whether the cluster is kerberized. Knox abstracts that from you.
First of all, Spring Sec Kerberos Extension is a terrible piece of code. I have evaluated it once and abstained from using it. You need the credential of the client authenticating to your cluster. You have basically two options here:
If you are on Tomcat, you can try the JEE pre-auth wrapper from Spring Security along with my Tomcat SPNEGO AD Authenticator from trunk. If will receive the delegated credential from the client which will enable you to perform your task, assuming that your server account is trusted for delegation.
If the above is not an option, resort to S4U2Proxy/S4U2Self with Java 8 and obtain a Kerberos ticket on behalf of the user principal and perform then your REST API call.
As soon as you have the GSSCredential the flow is the same.
Disclaimer: I have no idea about Hadoop but the GSS-API process is always the same.

Shibboleth Identity Server using External Shibboleth Identity Server for Authentication

I am designing a service to handle authentication across a number of hosted platforms. This service will need to be able to manage a number of different protocol for the users: LDAP, Shibboleth, no doubt others.
I was hoping to use the Shibboleth protocol internally and run the service as a Shibboleth IdP where depending on user category, nature of the protected resource, etc. the hard work of the authentication is passed on to the native LDAP, Shibboleth, or other server where the user already has an account.
It seems as though this should be possible, but I have not gotten sufficient clarity from the Shibboleth documentation to work out whether it is, let alone how to do it.
Is this possible? How do I do it? Useful documentation very much appreciated.
Shibboleth is not a protocol; it is the name of the software stak that uses the SAML protocol.
Shibboleth can authenticate users from LDAP, AD (and database via a JAAS plugin).
Documentation on hooking up Shibboleth to use LDAP for authentication and attribute retrieval is at:

Only allow access to my REST APIs from my own application?

We have a Windows app hosting a WebBrowser control that hits our REST APIs. We like to restrict access to the APIs to be only coming from withing the Windows app itself (for example, the APIs cannot be accessed in a browser, etc).
How can we accomplish that? what is the most secure way without having to expose any kind of credential (for example, if we use HTTP Basic auth, the username and password can be seen by reverse engineering the app itself)?
Thanks a bunch!
EDIT: We plan to distribute the application freely so we have no control over where the connection will be made from.
Restrict the REST interface to only accept connections from (home) and then connect from your rest-consuming application only with http://localhost or in the URLs (if you use the external IP or DNS name of your machine it'll be treated as a remote connection and denied access).
You can do this with web server settings, or within the code of your REST APIs
I had a similar situation during a project where we distributed an iPhone app that also connected to a REST api that my team developed.
For security we used somewhat of a three-legged scenario. The app was required to authenticate using the user's credentials against a standalone service responsible only for authenticating and generating access tokens. Once the app received a valid access token, subsequent requests to the api required sending this token in the Authorization header.
You could do something similar. If you come up with a credential scheme to authenticate your app as valid API consumers you could use basic auth over HTTPS to obtain tokens, and then only by using those tokens could a consumer gain access to the rest of the API.

