How to capture a beacon frame from WLAN in windows? - windows

I am using native Wifi api on Windows to programmatically do a few tasks with WLANs. However, my problem is it exposes limited set of functions. I would like to access certain fields of a beacon frame that provides Access Point load, airtime and so on. Which are the tools that can be used to do this?
Thanks in advance!

I would take a look at winpcap. It is able to capture 802.11 frames. However, it is probable in windows that the chipset driver does not allow setting the WLAN to monitor mode. If this is the case then winpcap might not be able to get the necessary information about beacon frames.
There is also a commercial offering, airpcap, which seems to come bundled with drivers and hardware that allows to do full-scale wifi monitoring in windows.

There is one way to capture WiFi packets under Windows with Wireshark. You have to install Acrylic WiFi software
Acrylic WiFi is a WiFi sniffer for windows that installs an NDIS driver that captures wlan packets in monitor mode and also adds support to wireshark and Cain & Abel to capture WiFi packets.
Once Acrylic is installed you have to start Acrylic, wireshark or Cain as Administrator and select your NDIS WiFi interface.

In Windows Vista or later you can use Npcap that "support raw 802.11 traffic". Npcap is an update of WinPcap using NDIS 6 Light-Weight Filter (LWF).


how to capture 802.11 packets in Windows 10 using Wireshark?

I'm investigating why in my Wireshark, I can't get any WLAN packets such as WPS, WPA and so on. Actually, any of the wlan filters, in order to filter by SSID or MAC, works. In Wireshark, in the WiFi interface, if I go to details, I see that the 802.11 WLAN option is disabled so there is no 802.11 WLAN traffic captures.
However, by investigating my PC drivers, apparently there is one driver that does it. This is the Intel (R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 which is the driver used in my WiFi interface.
I thought in the wireshark options, the 802.11 WLAN traffic should appear too, but it doesn't! I saw some people who also have the Driver Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter but I'm not sure if I can install it because my PC may not have the Broadcom chip.
Is there anyone using Windows 10 that can get 802.11 packets? Thank you!
Yes, it's possible. Probably the easiest and cheapest way is to uninstall WinPcap and install Npcap. There are other ways too though, such as by purchasing an AirPcap adapter from Riverbed.
Refer to the Windows section of the Wireshark CaptureSetup/WLAN wiki page for more information.

Spying on a USB connection on Windows?

I have an Arduino application talking over USB to an application on Windows 8 using the MAVLINK protocol. The connection appears as COM3.
Is there a Windows application that can spy on this connection and display the traffic going in both directions? Raw bytes are fine, I don't need the protocol decoded.
You could log serial port activity using Portmon. (Edit: You need to first connect to the local computer via the Computer menu, and you must start capture on the port before a program opens it.)
You may not want to log USB traffic. Such a log would include a lot of extra information relating to the USB to serial adapter which is providing COM3. Portmon would only give you the bytes transferred over COM3, and the Mavlink protocol is entirely contained within that data stream. If you're sure you want to log all USB traffic to and from that device, then I recommend SnoopyPro. In Windows 7, you need to run it as administrator.
If you can use Windows XP in your environment, USB sniff should work for you. If you need something more powerful (and are willing to pay a fee for it) then USBLyzer might be a viable option.
The answer is SnoopyPro, and you can download it at:
SnoopyPro Sourceforge
This tool allows you to get USB information and also USB communication data. I used it in the past to know how a USB device worked in order to do its driver on Linux. I used this tool as a sniffer.
Basically, SnoopyPro allows you to intercept, display, record and analyze the USB protocol and all transferred data between any USB device connected to your PC and applications. It can be successfully used in application development, USB device driver or hardware development and offers the powerful platform for effective coding, testing and optimization.

Does winpcap/libpcap allow me to send raw wireless packets?

I've been using winpcap to send raw packets over a wired connection for a while now. I'm building my own protocol (nothing special, just getting the hang of it) but now I want to extend it to wireless connections too. Does winpcap allow me to send raw packets over a wireless adapter?
I'm using VC++ on windows xp and windows 7. On my windows 7 machine it seems to work, but on my xp machine winpcap can't even open my adapter to send/receive packets. I tried to launch wireshark on my xp machine to see if the packets sent from my other machine arrived, but I wireshark couldn't open my wireless adapter either. Then rebooted into ubuntu and tried again. This time the wireshark did work, but the packets didn't show up.
Is there anything I should know about winpcap's limitations regarding wireless transmission? And if there are limitations is there an alternative that can let me send raw packets over wireless network on windows?
If "raw" means "raw 802.11 packets", then libpcap might allow it, but WinPcap, not so much. See my answer to another question. If you can put the adapter into monitor mode on Linux, *BSD, or OS X, you might be able to send raw 802.11 packets. On Windows, however, not only is putting it into monitor mode going to take a significant amount of work (probably including new kernel-mode code!), once you've put it into monitor mode, it might be impossible to send any packets.
If "raw" just means "raw IP packets", then raw IP sockets should work as well - or not well - as on Ethernet.

Debugging Windows Phone 7 device traffic with Fiddler

I followed all the steps from the article but when I try to hit the server from my windows phone it says there is a dns error.
Article for reference.
How do I know my windows phone is using my local LAN WIFI as opposed to ATT cellular?
Personally, I use Netmon 2.3 for network traffic information from WP7. Fiddler didn't support WP7 up until recently and Netmon/Wireshark did, so I just stick with those.
Using Netmon 2.3, while your device is connected to Zune/WPConnect, you'd be able to see all WP7 device transport on the ZuneComm process. Netmon isn't as user-friendly as Fiddler, but it's fairly darn specific and easy.
You could turn on flight mode and then turn wifi back on.
Or you could take the sim out.
Either of those ways will ensure you're not using the cellular network.
I used the IP address instead of dns and it worked.

How to sniff a USB port under Windows?

From time to time, I need to dump USB traffic under Windows, mostly to support hardware under Linux, so my primary goal is to produce dump files for protocol analysis.
For USB traffic, it seems that SniffUsb is the clear winner... It works under Windows XP (but not later) and has a much nicer GUI than earlier versions. It produces huge dump files, but everything is there.
However, my device is in fact a USB serial device, so I turned to Portmon which can sniff serial port traffic without the USB overhead.
After five years waiting, now it's possible to sniff usb packets on windows
See for a quick tour. It works pretty well
Since people don't seem to realize it, Wireshark does monitor USB traffic and has a parser for it; but the catch is it only works under Linux. Wireshark on Windows will not do this.
It may be possible to plug the USB device you want to monitor, along with a Linux machine (with Wireshark running) and your Windows machine and just use the USB device under Windows.
Problem with the above? I don't know how the Linux machine or the Windows machine will detect each other.
Busdog, an open source project hosted on github, has worked well for me. It has a driver it installs to allow it to monitor USB communications. The config window allows you to reinstall or remove the device at any time.
You can select the USB device you want from an enumerated list. A nice feature is to have it automatically trace a new device that is plugged in:
Data communications to and from an SWR analyzer I was reverse engineering were captured flawlessly:
USBSnoop works too - and is free.
Or, you could buy a USB to Ethernet converter and use whatever network sniffer you prefer to see the data.
Personally, I'd use QEMU or KVM and instrument their USB passthrough code, and then use libusb to prototype the replacement driver in user space (this latter bit I've done before; writing USB device drivers in Python is fun!).
Microsoft Message Analyzer was able to capture USB traffic, with Device and Log File parser from MS: link
Update: as mentioned by #facetus, MS Message Analyzer has been retired on November 25 2019.
