How to make a working Copy of Joomla 1.5 - joomla

I am running Joomla 1.5
I duplicated the entire Joomla directory from the command line via "cp"
I duplicated the entire MySQL database form within phpMyAdmin
When I run the dup'd site I don't get my selected template, I get the out-of-the-box default template. So I went into Template Manager and made my template the default.
Next the menus are whacky.
So before I proceed to set everything manually, one-by-one, if there something I am missing here as to why when I make an exact copy of everything the new Joomla site does not look exactly like the current one?
Thanks for helping me.

It should work. I assume you followed Copying a Joomla website? Make sure you follow that exactly.
But I strongly recommend using Akeeba backup instead. I use it for all my sites and it just works. It is a free extension that does it all for you. Might take some initial setup but after that you are set.


Install Modx on FTP Server

I am pretty new to cms and hope you can help me. I'd like to install modx on a ftp server. My problem is my predecessor created a website with joomla. Now I want to create a completely new website out of the old one (just content, layout and design will be new), but with modx. I know how to built it, but i do not understand how to install modx and building the new website without crashing the existing.
Can someone give me a little step by step (if possible as simple as you can, cause i'm really not so familiar to the topic) on where to install (some kind of subdirectory?!); and what i have to adjust in modx so while developing the old website can be used without some kind of crossing (or if possible, to install modx localy on a flashdrive and upload the website somehow when finished?).
And how, if the website is finished, to delete the old one (deinstall joomla,...) and get the new one to the root directory.
Ps. Sorry for my English, isn't the best... I am a German :)
Thanks :))
I you have access to the server management or some kind of control panel, I would suggest create a new subdomain, such as and install MODx there. I would also suggest using a separate database, evenou though that is not crucial as you can use the default modx_ prefix to easily tell one set of tables from the old joomla ones.
Once you are happy with the new site, either transfer it:
or just change the DNS of your server to point the main domain to the new subdirectory. That would depend on your hosting prvider.

New articles don´t work in Joomla 3.3.3 anymore

New articles don´t work anymore after Joomla 3.3.3 update. Every new article I try to do it fails to open it.
For example this article:
But I noticed that non-seo friendly site works fine:
Same things happens every new article I try to make.
I have tried different template. Try to fix articles dates. I haven´t done any changes but installing the new update of Joomla. If somebody has any ideas I will be grateful.
Please start flowing these steps:
Delete your Joomla Cache
Delete your Browser Cache
Clear session table of your database (via phpmyadmin)
Check that .htaccess exist in your ftp root directory and if not rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess
Try to switch to the default joomla template and see if it works, if yes there is something wrong in your template.
Good Luck!

How to overcome template installation problems in Joomla 1.5?

I'm trying to deploy a Joomla 1.5 site developed locally. I'm not using the latest version because some extensions that I need are for 1.5 only.
After migrating the database and contents a lot of issues appeared - most of them I believe have to do with Joom!Fish.
Therefore I decided to install a fresh copy of Joomla 1.5 on the targeted server (Yahoo Small Business host), install the template and rebuild the contents.
The problem has to do with the second step: installing the template. I install it using the Extension Manager (without any errors), it shows up in Extension Manager -> Templates, but it doesn't show up in the Template Manager (therefore it can't be enabled). I get the exact same disappointing result when manually FTP-ing the template files. The "jos_templates_menu" table didn't had an entry corresponding to my template; manually adding it didn't had any positive result. I believe that templatedetails.xml is correct.
I've tested other templates (free online ones). Most of them show up in Template Manager.
Odd is the fact that if I try to install my template on a freshly installed Joomla 1.5 site (on localhost), everything is OK.
Can anybody please share some thoughts (from experience or not) with respect to this particular issue? Thanks.
I've had the same issue many times in the past, and can say with near certainty that it roots back to your templatedetails.xml file. Make sure that the names that are being used all match exactly (usually case-sensitive) because Joomla starts by looking at the subfolders found in the Templates folder, and proceeding from there with the templatedetails.xml file that it finds in each.

Make a copy of a Joomla site to a new folder on the same database?

I need to make a copy of my Joomla site into a new directory on the same domain Because I need to migrate from version 1.5.9 to 2.5.25. (there's no upgrade from 1.5.9 to 1.7)
But when I copy into just another folder, do I then need to change the prefix of the database and tables in the database after copying? And how do I do so? Will there be any conflicts?
If you are cloning the website to another folder you will need to make a copy of the database and edit the configuration.php to point to the new DB otherwise you will have two sites using the same database - which is not good.
I'm puzzled as to why you would do this though, would it not be better to create a Joomla 2.5.3 website in a subfolder and then us SP Upgrade to port the data? Or maybe install JUpgrade into your 1.5 Joomla and have it create the 2.5.3 in a subfolder for you.
Either way you should update to 1.5.25 before doing anything (you can do this automatically using the free Akeeba AdminTools extension).
Take a look at this:
However I agree with the comment above: It's not a good idea.

No style after migrating Joomla to localhost

I'm a total newbie with Joomla.
I'm the new man in charge of a website and they want a full redesign.
I have already downloaded everything by ftp into my WampServer and exported the BD.
I changed the configuration.php to point my new BD.
I could access the web but I got lots of Deprecated Errors so I turned off the display_errors in the php.ini
Now I can finally see te content of the web but with no templates and no style.
Any idea what's happening?
(I'm not sure what version of Joomla it was working with.)
Well, the first thing I would do is wipe out what you have moved. Then go download and install Akeeba backup. Take a full site backup, then use that to install on localhost. Doing this will make your life a lot easier when it comes to moving the site easily. If the site has issues after moving it this way, then you can pretty much bet it's a server configuration issue and not a Joomla issue.
Next thing you need to do is determine what version of Joomla you have. The 1.5.x series should have the version in the admin in the top right. The 1.6/1.7/2.5 series will have it in the admin in the footer. You can probably check the source on the front end and it will tell you in the meta generator tag. Unless you are on 2.5.2, then you will want to start planning for a migration to the newest version. 1.5 reaches end of life next month and 1.6/1.7 are no longer supported.
