No style after migrating Joomla to localhost - joomla

I'm a total newbie with Joomla.
I'm the new man in charge of a website and they want a full redesign.
I have already downloaded everything by ftp into my WampServer and exported the BD.
I changed the configuration.php to point my new BD.
I could access the web but I got lots of Deprecated Errors so I turned off the display_errors in the php.ini
Now I can finally see te content of the web but with no templates and no style.
Any idea what's happening?
(I'm not sure what version of Joomla it was working with.)

Well, the first thing I would do is wipe out what you have moved. Then go download and install Akeeba backup. Take a full site backup, then use that to install on localhost. Doing this will make your life a lot easier when it comes to moving the site easily. If the site has issues after moving it this way, then you can pretty much bet it's a server configuration issue and not a Joomla issue.
Next thing you need to do is determine what version of Joomla you have. The 1.5.x series should have the version in the admin in the top right. The 1.6/1.7/2.5 series will have it in the admin in the footer. You can probably check the source on the front end and it will tell you in the meta generator tag. Unless you are on 2.5.2, then you will want to start planning for a migration to the newest version. 1.5 reaches end of life next month and 1.6/1.7 are no longer supported.


Can sites built with Rapidweaver be worked on without Rapidweaver?

A friend has asked me to do some work on his existing site which was built in Rapidweaver. I'm on Windows, so is there another way I can access and edit his site?
The Rapidweaver project file is meant to be edited only in Rapidweaver, really. As far as I know, the only way around would be to use an HTML editor to modify the pages that are already in the server. However, I would not reccomend you to do it unless you are not going back to Rapidweaver anymore. Because changing the files in the server does not update your local Rapidweaver files. So, you could end up editing something in the server, then getting back to Rapidweaver and upload a "new" version that would not be completely up to date (the previous changes in the server version would be overriden by the older rapidweaver project).
For that kind of work, a CMS (Content Management System) is a more flexible way to work. Nowadays, one of the most common is Wordpress. It will require an inicial setup but after it is working it can be updated from anywhere via web browser, or even from an app in your iPhone. But it is not a Rapidweaver based sollution.
There are a couple CMS related plugins or stacks (Dropkick CMS, Armadillo, Easy CMS, Total CMS...) for Rapidweaver that could also be useful in this context. Once again, first you would need to buy a licence and to setup the website using one of those plugins or stacks. Only then you would be able to edit on the go.

Install Modx on FTP Server

I am pretty new to cms and hope you can help me. I'd like to install modx on a ftp server. My problem is my predecessor created a website with joomla. Now I want to create a completely new website out of the old one (just content, layout and design will be new), but with modx. I know how to built it, but i do not understand how to install modx and building the new website without crashing the existing.
Can someone give me a little step by step (if possible as simple as you can, cause i'm really not so familiar to the topic) on where to install (some kind of subdirectory?!); and what i have to adjust in modx so while developing the old website can be used without some kind of crossing (or if possible, to install modx localy on a flashdrive and upload the website somehow when finished?).
And how, if the website is finished, to delete the old one (deinstall joomla,...) and get the new one to the root directory.
Ps. Sorry for my English, isn't the best... I am a German :)
Thanks :))
I you have access to the server management or some kind of control panel, I would suggest create a new subdomain, such as and install MODx there. I would also suggest using a separate database, evenou though that is not crucial as you can use the default modx_ prefix to easily tell one set of tables from the old joomla ones.
Once you are happy with the new site, either transfer it:
or just change the DNS of your server to point the main domain to the new subdirectory. That would depend on your hosting prvider.

Feared: Blank frontPage yet accessible backend in joomla 1.5.22

I am no expert in Joomla... :)
On my local station using XAMMP, my Joomla 1.5.22 site is running fine but when I upload it to our server online, my problem began, when I visit the frontpage it pulled out nothing but I can still access its backend. I tried to search all over the net, I did some suggested fix but still failed :(
Look for error log in the root folder of your Joomla install, that will give you a hint on why this is happenning.
Also, instead of copying the files and database manually use Akeeba Backup extension for backing up complete site (all files and database) in a single archive. Then use Akeeba Kickstart script for restoring. Akeeba Kickstart will automatically change all configurations needed to run your site on the new server. The extension and the script are free and the process is very simple, look for Youtube videos that show the backup / restore process step by step.
Good luck.
I just get my site back, I just learned that a depreciated module caused the problem, because our server has been upgraded, so I just disabled all my modules on site then single by single I enable it again and find the module that caused the problem, which I did, I'm now replacing that depreciated module with new extension so that the site will be working back.
-- Update --
Now my site is back, I just found out that GD library is not installed on PHP, that's why it shows blank page in the first place, PHEW!

how to update my own joomla 1.5 components?

how to update my own joomla 1.5 components?
i have 2 components i made with my team, that we use on our web site. (on joomla 1.5..... we didn't upgrade for the moment)
we often make updates to fix bugs, to add new featers etc...
to put update on production server , we use FTp, and we change the files that have to be changed........ needless to say, how bad it is.....
i am looking for joomla component, plugin .... to make me able to make updates on my components/template , faster and safer (i imagine, a Zip file containing what have to be changed, and a rollback function, that allow to restore a version if there is problems)
All i found is components that allow to update the joomla core (to 2.5 for exemple).
any idea?
You could use Akeeba Live Update. It's basically a 1 click update system that downloads the update zip you upload to the FTP or other host, then unzips it, updating the extension. The first time you try it out, it might be a bit hard to get used to and will probably take a little trial and error, however its the best and I think only out there at the moment. The likes of Kunena also use this system.

Magento 1.3.4 --> 1.5.1 upgrade. Dev site to upgrade live site?

So, we had the hosting service set up a dev site with the intentions to then upgrade our live site once that was done. After a ton of back and forth the hosting service bailed on us, and we're left with an updated dev site and not much of a clue on how to update the live site.
While I'm not asking for a foolproof way of updating the live site, I do need something that won't impact sales by being down....or something that won't be a problem to roll back on in case there's issues.
any guidance / tutorials would be a big help. when I set up our original site we weren't live yet, so I could grind away without losing $$$. That's not the case now.
There are two things that happen for upgrades: new functionality from the updated / additional files themselves, and database upgrades which are triggered by each module's version.
Above all, it may be advisable to find a freelancer or shop with a good Magento track record and experience in 1.3 to >= 1.4 upgrades. They should be able to set you up for the clearest upgrade path moving forward. That said, here's a procedure:
Backup database and filesystem.
Perhaps, make another backup.
Create your own dev environment from this backup: install files, duplicate database, change the db settings in app/etc/local.xml. You likely will need only to change the base_url settings in the core_config_data table: SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE %base_url).
Check the big core files: Diff your app/code/core/, js/, lib/* files with a known-good copy of the or 1.3.3 (there is no 1.3.4) - check Mage::getVersion(). Any changes will need to be accounted for. And slap whoever changed them :-)
Once you've verified that you have a healthy core / fixed your core, you are ready to test the upgrade. Simply copy the files from 1.5.1 over.
Make sure that you have set a substantial timeout if you have lots of orders.
If you have issues with this upgrade, you may opt to step through versions. Particularly, you can go from to to to At the very least, this might help you spot where along the upgrade sequence things are going to pot.
Also, you will need to fix your templates. Between 1.3 and 1.4 Magento implemented a base design package and default theme; other themes should build from this. You'll almost certainly need to merge your changes from your layout templates (under template/page/; 1column.phtml, etc.).
