Find minimal functions - algorithm

OK, here's the deal. I have a bunch of linear functions, a*x + b.
My goal is to answer the following question/query: What is the minimal function at x = q?
E.g.: If I have functions f(x) = 3*x + 2, g(x) = 5*x - 6 and h(x) = 2*x + 1, I will answer for e.g.:
for x = 4, function h
for x = 2, function g
for x = 1, function g
My idea goes like this:
Sort the functions by the coefficient of x, in decreasing order.
Sort the queries in increasing order
Get rid of the parallel functions, keep the ones with the smallest constant term (e.g.: if I have f(x) = 2*x + 4 and g(x) = 2*x + 2, f(x) will never be smaller than g(x), so I don't need f(x)).
Right now I am on the interval from -inf to some real number, call it w1 and I know that on this interval, the function with the highest linear coefficient is the smallest
Find w1 by finding the smallest x1 s.t. f(x1) = g(x1) where f is my current function and g iterates through all other functions with a smaller linear coefficient, w1 = x1
Repeat as long as my query is in the interval (-inf, w1): output the current function, then proceed to the next query.
If I still have queries that needed to be answered, let the current function be the one that intersects my actual current function at x = w1, and instead of -inf put w1, repeat the same steps.
However, my implementation or idea is not fast enough. Is there anything that I didn't notice that may speed up my program?
Thank you in advance.

could you not just solve for their intersections, and store the greatest function for each interval in the domain?
to elaborate, if you were to solve any pair of functions for x, then x represents the value where one of those two functions becomes greater than the other. There's going to be definable intervals where the minimal function is the same for all the values in the interval.
Here's a plot of your 3 example functions.
The intervals(with the corresponding minimal function) of this graph would be
(-∞, 7/3] => 5x - 6
(7/3, ∞] => 2x + 1
Now, at runtime, instead of "What is the minimal function at x = q" you simply do "What interval does q belong to".
And, if I'm not mistaken, if you have N linear functions, you would have at most N-1 intervals to store. And, there's specialized data structures that you can use to store and search intervals if you really have a lot of functions to analyze.

If I understood correctly, your solution is to do some pre-processing to all your functions so that the domain of x is split into ranges, and in every such a range you know what's the minimal function.
There're actually two phases: the "preparation" and the "querying" (where given a specific x you give the result).
What's your bottleneck?
Naturally for the "querying" phase to be fast you should organize your ranges in a kind of a sorted array, so that you can find the range enclosing the given x by a median search (or similar) in a logarithmic time. If this is what you did and still this isn't fast enough - consider code-level optimizations, because from the algorithmic point of view this seems to be the most optimal solution.
If your bottleneck is the "preparation" phase - here there're opportunities for optimizations. As I understand, you find intersections of all the pairs of your functions (after getting rid of parallel ones). And this is not really necessary.
Consider the following. First you sort all your functions by their coefficient (higher coefficients are at the beginning). Get rid of parallel functions. Next build the array of the ranges, while iterating through your functions.
Since the current function has the lowest coefficient (among those that have already been analyzed) - the current function will be the smallest one as x goes to infinity. So that its range should be from some x0 to infinity. Find that x0. Take the last range from the array (belonging to the previously-processed function), and find x0 - the intersection of that function with the current one. The former range shrinks up to x0. If that range becomes invalid (range start greater than x0) - means that that function is totally obscured. In such a case - remove that range, and repeat the procedure.
To make things more clear I'll write a pseudo-code:
rangeArr is an array of pairs F,X, whereas F is the function description, and X is the start of the function range. The end of the function range is considered the start of the next range, and the end of the last function range is +infinity.
for each F sorted by coefficient
double x0;
while (true)
if (rangeArr is empty)
x0 = -inf;
FPrev = rangeArr.back().F;
xPrev = rangeArr.back().X;
x0 = IntersectionOf(F, FPrev);
if (x0 > xPrev)
rangeArr.InsertRange(F, x0);


Benchmark for fast algorithms whose task is function minimization

Is there a set of test functions to measure the performance (in terms of speed, maybe trading off with accuracy) of a given algorithm whose task is to find a/the global minimum of a real-valued function over a given interval? Eventually: is this problem an open problem or does there exist a theoretical best algorithm for such a task?
EDIT: there are no restrictions on the function, other that it should be bounded.
With no restrictions on the function except boundedness, it does not seem possible to always find its global minimum, let alone in reasonable time.
Consider the family of real-valued functions defined on [0..1]:
f (x0) = y0
f (x) = 0 for all other x in [0..1]
For any fixed x0 in [0..1] and y0 < 0, the minimum is at x0.
Still, any algorithm with no prior knowledge of x0 will have a hard time finding it.
Take a function that is 0 in every point where you evaluate f (x), and c for an unknown c > 0 for every point where you don't evaluate f (x). If you want it continuous, then if x is between a and b, where a and b are the neighbouring points where you evaluated f (a) and f (b), then f goes linear from f (a) = 0 to f ((a + b)/2) = c and back linear to f (b) = 0.
Clearly every time you evaluate f (x), you get a zero. Since you never evaluate anything else, your algorithm cannot conclude that the global maximum is anything but zero - which is wrong.

Data structure to support a particular query on a set of 2D points

I have a set of 2D points, and I want to be able to make the following query with arguments x_min and n: what are the n points with largest y which have x > x_min?
To rephrase in Ruby:
class PointsThing
def initialize(points)
#points = points
def query(x_min, n) { |point| point.x > x_min }.sort_by { |point| point.y }.take(n)
Ideally, my class would also support an insert and delete operation.
I can't think of a data structure for this which would enable the query to run in less than O(|#points|) time. Does anyone know one?
Sort the points by x descending. For each point in order, insert it into a purely functional red-black tree ordered by y descending. Keep all of the intermediate trees in an array.
To look up a particular x_min, use binary search to find the intermediate tree where exactly the points with x > x_min have been inserted. Traverse this tree to find the first n points.
The preprocessing cost is O(p log p) in time and space, where p is the number of points. The query time is O(log p + n), where n is the number of points to be returned in the query.
If your data are not sorted, then you have no choice but to check every point since you cannot know if there exists another point for which y is greater than that of all other points and for which x > x_min. In short: you can't know if another point should be included if you don't check them all.
In that case, I would assume that it would be impossible to check in sublinear time as you ask for, since you have to check them all. Best case for searching all would be linear.
If your data are sorted, then your best case will be constant time (all n points are those with the greatest y), and worst case would be linear (all n points are those with least y). Average case would be closer to constant I think if your x and x_min are both roughly random within a specific range.
If you want this to scale (that is, you could have large values of n), you will want to keep your resultant set sorted as well since you will need to check new potential points against it and to drop the lowest value when you insert (if size > n). Using a tree, this can be log time.
So, to do the entire thing, worst case is for unsorted points, in which case you're looking at nlog(n) time. Sorted points is better, in which case you're looking at average case of log(n) time (again, assuming roughly randomly distributed values for x and x_min), which yes is sub-linear.
In case it isn't at first obvious why sorted points will have have constant time to search through, I will go over that here quickly.
If the n points with the greatest y values all had x > x_min (the best case) then you are just grabbing what you need off the top, so that case is obvious.
For the average case, assuming roughly randomly distributed x and x_min, the odds that x > x_min are basically half. For any two random numbers a and b, a > b is just as likely to be true as b > a. This is the same thing with x and x_min; x > x_min is equally as likely to be true as x_min > x, meaning 0.5 probability. This means that, for your points, on average every second point checked will meet your x > x_min requirement, so on average you will check 2n points to find the n highest points that meet your criteria. So the best case was c time, average is 2c which is still constant.
Note, however, that for values of n approaching the size of the set this hides the fact that you are going through the entire set, essentially bringing it right back up to linear time. So my assertion that it is constant time does not hold true if you assume random values of n within the range of the size of your set.
If this is not a purely academic question and is prompted by some actual need, then it depends on the situation.
I just realized that my constant-time assertions were assuming a data structure where you have direct access to the highest value and can go sequentially to lower values. If the data structure that those are provided to you in does not fit that description, then obviously that will not be the case.
Some precomputation would help in this case.
First partition the set of points taking x_min as pivot element.
Then for set of points lying on right side of x_min build a max_heap based on y co-ordinates.
Now run your query as: Perform n extract_max operations on the built max_heap.
The running time of your query would be log X + log (X-1) + ..... log (X-(n-1))
log X: For the first extract max operation.
log X-1: For the second extract max operation and so on.
X: Size of original Max heap.
Even in the worst case when your n << X , The time taken would be O(n log X).
Let P be the set of points.
Let top_y ( n, x_min) describe the query to collect the n points from P with the largest y-coordinates among those with x-coordinate greater than or equal to `x_min' .
Let x_0 be the minimum of x coordinates in your point set. Partition the x axis to the right of x_0 into a set of left-hand closed, right-hand open intervals I_i by the set of x coordinates of the point set P such that min(I_i) is the i-th but smallest x coordinate from P. Define the coordinate rank r(x) of x as the index of the interval x is an element of or 0 if x < x_0.
Note that r(x) can be computed in O(log #({I_i})) using a binary search tree.
Simple Solution
Sort your point set by decreasing y-coordinates and save this array A in time O(#P log #P) and space O(#P).
Process each query top_y ( n, x_min ) by traversing this array in order, skipping over items A_i: A_i.x < x_0, counting all other entries until the counter reaches n or you are at the end of A. This processing takes O(n) time and O(1) space.
Note that this may already be sufficient: Queries top_y ( n_0, a_0 ); a_0 < min { p.x | p \in P }, n_0 = c * #P, c = const require step 1 anyway and for n << #P and 'infrequent' queries any further optimizations weren't worth the effort.
Consider the sequences s_i,s_(i+1)of points with x-coordinates greater than or equal tomin(I_i), min(I_(i+1)), ordered by decreasing y-coordinate.s_(i+1)is a strict subsequence ofs_i`.
If p_1 \in s_(i+1) and p_2.x >= p_1.x then p_2 \in s_(i+1).
Refined Solution
A refined data structure allows for O(n) + O(log #P) query processing time.
Annotate the array A from the simple solution with a 'successor dispatch' for precisely those elements A_i with A_(i+1).x < A_i.x; This dispatch data would consist of an array disp:[r(A_(i+1).x) + 1 .. r(A_i.x)] of A-indexes of the next element in A whose x-coordinate ranks at least as high as the index into disp. The given dispatch indices suffice for processing the query, since ...
... disp[j] = disp[r(A_(i+1).x) + 1] for each j <= r(A_(i+1).x).
... for any x_min with r(x_min) > r(A_i.x), the algorithm wouldn't be here
The proper index to access disp is r(x_min) which remains constant throughout a query and thus takes O(log #P) to compute once per query while the index selection itself is O(1) at each A element.
disp can be precomputed. No two disp entries across all disp arrays are identical (Proof skipped, but it's easy [;-)] to see given the construction). Therefore the construction of disp arrays can be performed stack-based in a single sweep through the point set sorted in A. As there are #P entries, the disp structure takes O(#P) space and O(#P) time to construct, being dominated by space and time requirements for y-sorting. So in a certain sense, this structure comes for free.
Time requirements for query top_y(n,x_min)
Computing r(x_min): O(log #P);
Passage through A: O(n);

Place "sum" and "multiply" operators between the elements of a given list of integers so that the expression results in a specified value

I was given a tricky question.
A = [a1,a2,] (list of positive integers with length "n")
r (positive integer)
Find a list of { *, + } operators
O = [o1,o2,...on-1]
so that if we placed those operators between the elements of "A", the resulting expression would evaluate to "r". Only one solution is required.
So for example if
A = [1,2,3,4]
r = 14
O = [*, +, *]
I've implemented a simple recursive solution with some optimisation, but of course it's exponential O(2^n) time, so for an input with length 40, it works for ages.
I wanted to ask if any of you know a sub-exponential solution for this?
Elements of A are between 0-10000,
r can be arbitrarily big
Let A and B be positive integers. Then A + B ≤ A × B + 1.
This little fact can be used to construct a very efficient algorithm.
Let's define a graph. The graph nodes correspond to operations lists, for example, [+, ×, +, +, ×]. There is an edge from graph node X to graph node Y if the Y can be obtained by changing a single + to a × in X. The graph has a source at the node corresponding to [+, +, ..., +].
Now perform a breadth-first search from the source node, constructing the graph as you go. When expanding a node [+, ×, +, +, ×], for example, you (optionally construct then) connect to the nodes [×, ×, +, +, ×], [+, ×, ×, +, ×], and [+, ×, +, ×, ×]. Do not expand to a node if the result of evaluating it is greater than r + k(O), where k(O) is the number of +'s in the operation list O. This is because of the "+ 1" in the fact at the beginning of the answer - consider the case of a = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], r = 1.
This approach uses O(n 2n) time and O(2n) space (where both are potentially very-loose worst case bounds). This is still an exponential algorithm, however I think you will find it performs very reasonably for non-sinister inputs. (I suspect this problem is NP-complete, which is why I am happy with this "non-sinister inputs" escape clause.)
Here's an O(rn^2)-time, O(rn)-space DP approach. If r << 2^n then this will have better worst-case behaviour than exponential-time branch-and-bound approaches, though even then the latter may still be faster on many instances. This is pseudo-polynomial time, because it takes time proportional to the value of part of its input (r), not its size (which would be log2(r)). Specifically it needs rn bits of memory, so it should give answers in a few seconds for up to around rn < 1,000,000,000 and n < 1000 (e.g. n = 100, r = 10,000,000).
The key observation is that any formula involving all n numbers has a final term that consists of some number i of factors, where 1 <= i <= n. That is, any formula must be in one of the following n cases:
(a formula on the first n-1 terms) + a[n]
(a formula on the first n-2 terms) + a[n-1] * a[n]
(a formula on the first n-3 terms) + a[n-2] * a[n-1] * a[n]
a[1] * a[2] * ... * a[n]
Let's call the "prefix" of a[] consisting of the first i numbers P[i]. If we record, for each 0 <= i <= n-1, the complete set of values <= r that can be reached by some formula on P[i], then based on the above, we can quite easily compute the complete set of values <= r that can be reached by P[n]. Specifically, let X[i][j] be a true or false value that indicates whether the prefix P[i] can achieve the value j. (X[][] could be stored as an array of n size-(r+1) bitmaps.) Then what we want to do is compute X[n][r], which will be true if r can be reached by some formula on a[], and false otherwise. (X[n][r] isn't quite the full answer yet, but it can be used to get the answer.)
X[1][a[1]] = true. X[1][j] = false for all other j. For any 2 <= i <= n and 0 <= j <= r, we can compute X[i][j] using
X[i][j] = X[i - 1][j - a[i]] ||
X[i - 2][j - a[i-1]*a[i]] ||
X[i - 3][j - a[i-2]*a[i-1]*a[i]] ||
... ||
X[1][j - a[2]*a[3]*...*a[i]] ||
(a[1]*a[2]*...*a[i] == j)
Note that the last line is an equality test that compares the product of all i numbers in P[i] to j, and returns true or false. There are i <= n "terms" (rows) in the expression for X[i][j], each of which can be computed in constant time (note in particular that the multiplications can be built up in constant time per row), so computing a single value X[i][j] can be done in O(n) time. To find X[n][r], we need to calculate X[i][j] for every 1 <= i <= n and every 0 <= j <= r, so there is O(rn^2) overall work to do. (Strictly speaking we may not need to compute all of these table entries if we use memoization instead of a bottom-up approach, but many inputs will require us to compute a large fraction of them anyway, so it's likely that the latter is faster by a small constant factor. Also a memoization approach requires keeping an "already processed" flag for each DP cell -- which doubles the memory usage when each cell is just 1 bit!)
Reconstructing a solution
If X[n][r] is true, then the problem has a solution (satisfying formula), and we can reconstruct one in O(n^2) time by tracing back through the DP table, starting from X[n][r], at each location looking for any term that enabled the current location to assume the value "true" -- that is, any true term. (We could do this reconstruction step faster by storing more than a single bit per (i, j) combination -- but since r is allowed to be "arbitrarily big", and this faster reconstruction won't improve the overall time complexity, it probably makes more sense to go with the approach that uses the fewest bits per DP table entry.) All satisfying solutions can be reconstructed this way, by backtracking through all true terms instead of just picking any one -- but there may be an exponential number of them.
There are two ways that calculation of an individual X[i][j] value can be sped up. First, because all the terms are combined with ||, we can stop as soon as the result becomes true, since no later term can make it false again. Second, if there is no zero anywhere to the left of i, we can stop as soon as the product of the final numbers becomes larger than r, since there's no way for that product to be decreased again.
When there are no zeroes in a[], that second optimisation is likely to be very important in practice: it has the potential to make the inner loop much smaller than the full i-1 iterations. In fact if a[] contains no zeroes, and its average value is v, then after k terms have been computed for a particular X[i][j] value the product will be around v^k -- so on average, the number of inner loop iterations (terms) needed drops from n to log_v(r) = log(r)/log(v). That might be much smaller than n, in which case the average time complexity for this model drops to O(rn*log(r)/log(v)).
[EDIT: We actually can save multiplications with the following optimisation :)]
8/32/64 X[i][j]s at a time: X[i][j] is independent of X[i][k] for k != j, so if we are using bitsets to store these values, we can calculate 8, 32 or 64 of them (or maybe more, with SSE2 etc.) in parallel using simple bitwise OR operations. That is, we can calculate the first term of X[i][j], X[i][j+1], ..., X[i][j+31] in parallel, OR them into the results, then calculate their second terms in parallel and OR them in, etc. We still need to perform the same number of subtractions this way, but the products are all the same, so we can reduce the number of multiplications by a factor of 8/32/64 -- as well as, of course, the number of memory accesses. OTOH, this makes the first optimisation from the previous paragraph harder to accomplish -- you have to wait until an entire block of 8/32/64 bits have become true before you can stop iterating.
Zeroes: Zeroes in a[] may allow us to stop early. Specifically, if we have just computed X[i][r] for some i < n and found it to be true, and there is a zero anywhere to the right of position i in a[], then we can stop: we already have a formula on the first i numbers that evaluates to r, and we can use that zero to "kill off" all numbers to the right of position i by creating one big product term that includes all of them.
Ones: An interesting property of any a[] entry containing the value 1 is that it can be moved to any other position in a[] without affecting whether or not there is a solution. This is because every satisfying formula either has a * on at least one side of this 1, in which case it multiplies some other term and has no effect there, and would likewise have no effect anywhere else; or it has a + on both sides (imagine extra + signs before the first position and after the last), in which case it might as well be added in anywhere.
So, we can safely shunt all 1 values to the end of a[] before doing anything else. The point of doing this is that now we don't have to evaluate these rows of X[][] at all, because they only influence the outcome in a very simple way. Suppose there are m < n ones in a[], which we have moved to the end. Then after computing the m+1 values X[n-m][r-m], X[n-m][r-m+1], X[n-m][r-m+2], ..., X[n-m][r], we already know what X[n][r] must be: if any of them are true, then X[n][r] must be true, otherwise (if they are all false) it must be false. This is because the final m ones can add anywhere from 0 up to m to a formula on the first n-m values. (But if a[] consists entirely of 1s, then at least 1 must be "added" -- they can't all multiply some other term.)
Here is another approach that might be helpful. It is sometimes known as a "meet-in-the-middle" algorithm and runs in O(n * 2^(n/2)). The basic idea is this. Suppose n = 40 and you know that the middle slot is a +. Then, you can brute force all N := 2^20 possibilities for each side. Let A be a length N array storing the possible values of the left side, and similarly let B be a length N array storing the values for the right side.
Then, after sorting A and B, it is not hard to efficiently check for whether any two of them sum to r (e.g. for each value in A, do a binary search on B, or you can even do it in linear time if both arrays are sorted). This part takes O(N * log N) = O(n * 2^(n/2)) time.
Now, this was all assuming the middle slot is a +. If not, then it has to be a *, and you can combine the middle two elements into one (their product), reducing the problem to n = 39. Then you try the same thing, and so on. If you analyze it carefully, you should get O(n * 2^(n/2)) as the asymptotic complexity, since actually the largest term dominates.
You need to do some bookkeeping to actually recover the +'s and *'s, which I have left out to simplify the explanation.

Efficient way to take determinant of an n! x n! matrix in Maple

I have a large matrix, n! x n!, for which I need to take the determinant. For each permutation of n, I associate
a vector of length 2n (this is easy computationally)
a polynomial of in 2n variables (a product of linear factors computed recursively on n)
The matrix is the evaluation matrix for the polynomials at the vectors (thought of as points). So the sigma,tau entry of the matrix (indexed by permutations) is the polynomial for sigma evaluated at the vector for tau.
Example: For n=3, if the ith polynomial is (x1 - 4)(x3 - 5)(x4 - 4)(x6 - 1) and the jth point is (2,2,1,3,5,2), then the (i,j)th entry of the matrix will be (2 - 4)(1 - 5)(3 - 4)(2 - 1) = -8. Here n=3, so the points are in R^(3!) = R^6 and the polynomials have 3!=6 variables.
My goal is to determine whether or not the matrix is nonsingular.
My approach right now is this:
the function point takes a permutation and outputs a vector
the function poly takes a permutation and outputs a polynomial
the function nextPerm gives the next permutation in lexicographic order
The abridged pseudocode version of my code is this:
B := [];
P := [];
w := [1,2,...,n];
while w <> NULL do
B := B append poly(w);
P := P append point(w);
w := nextPerm(w);
M := Matrix(n!, (i,j) -> eval(B[i],P[j]));
det := LinearAlgebra[Determinant]( M );
if det = 0 then return false;
else return true; fi;
I'm working in Maple using the built in function LinearAlgebra[Determinant], but everything else is a custom built function that uses low level Maple functions (e.g. seq, convert and cat).
My problem is that this takes too long, meaning I can go up to n=7 with patience, but getting n=8 takes days. Ideally, I want to be able to get to n=10.
Does anyone have an idea for how I could improve the time? I'm open to working in a different language, e.g. Matlab or C, but would prefer to find a way to speed this up within Maple.
I realize this might be hard to answer without all the gory details, but the code for each function, e.g. point and poly, is already optimized, so the real question here is if there is a faster way to take a determinant by building the matrix on the fly, or something like that.
UPDATE: Here are two ideas that I've toyed with that don't work:
I can store the polynomials (since they take a while to compute, I don't want to redo that if I can help it) into a vector of length n!, and compute the points on the fly, and plug these values into the permutation formula for the determinant:
The problem here is that this is O(N!) in the size of the matrix, so for my case this will be O((n!)!). When n=10, (n!)! = 3,628,800! which is way to big to even consider doing.
Compute the determinant using the LU decomposition. Luckily, the main diagonal of my matrix is nonzero, so this is feasible. Since this is O(N^3) in the size of the matrix, that becomes O((n!)^3) which is much closer to doable. The problem, though, is that it requires me to store the whole matrix, which puts serious strain on memory, nevermind the run time. So this doesn't work either, at least not without a bit more cleverness. Any ideas?
It isn't clear to me if your problem is space or time. Obviously the two trade back and forth. If you only wish to know if the determinant is positive or not, then you definitely should go with LU decomposition. The reason is that if A = LU with L lower triangular and U upper triangular, then
det(A) = det(L) det(U) = l_11 * ... * l_nn * u_11 * ... * u_nn
so you only need to determine if any of the main diagonal entries of L or U is 0.
To simplify further, use Doolittle's algorithm, where l_ii = 1. If at any point the algorithm breaks down, the matrix is singular so you can stop. Here's the gist:
for k := 1, 2, ..., n do {
for j := k, k+1, ..., n do {
u_kj := a_kj - sum_{s=1...k-1} l_ks u_sj;
for i = k+1, k+2, ..., n do {
l_ik := (a_ik - sum_{s=1...k-1} l_is u_sk)/u_kk;
The key is that you can compute the ith row of U and the ith column of L at the same time, and you only need to know the previous row/column to move forward. This way you parallel process as much as you can and store as little as you need. Since you can compute the entries a_ij as needed, this requires you to store two vectors of length n while generating two more vectors of length n (rows of U, columns of L). The algorithm takes n^2 time. You might be able to find a few more tricks, but that depends on your space/time trade off.
Not sure if I've followed your problem; is it (or does it reduce to) the following?
You have two vectors of n numbers, call them x and c, then the matrix element is product over k of (x_k+c_k), with each row/column corresponding to distinct orderings of x and c?
If so, then I believe the matrix will be singular whenever there are repeated values in either x or c, since the matrix will then have repeated rows/columns. Try a bunch of Monte Carlo's on a smaller n with distinct values of x and c to see if that case is in general non-singular - it's quite likely if that's true for 6, it'll be true for 10.
As far as brute-force goes, your method:
Is a non-starter
Will work much more quickly (should be a few seconds for n=7), though instead of LU you might want to try SVD, which will do a much better job of letting you know how well behaved your matrix is.

Finding even numbers in an array without using feedback

I saw this post: Finding even numbers in an array and I was thinking about how you could do it without feedback. Here's what I mean.
Given an array of length n containing at most e even numbers and a
function isEven that returns true if the input is even and false
otherwise, write a function that prints all the even numbers in the
array using the fewest number of calls to isEven.
The answer on the post was to use a binary search, which is neat since it doesn't mean the array has to be in order. The number of times you have to check if a number is even is e log n instead if n because you do a binary search (log n) to find one even number each time (e times).
But that idea means that you divide the array in half, test for evenness, then decide which half to keep based on the result.
My question is whether or not you can beat n calls on a fixed testing scheme where you check all the numbers you want for evenness without knowing the outcome, and then figure out where the even numbers are after you've done all the tests based on the results. So I guess it's no-feedback or blind or some term like that.
I was thinking about this for a while and couldn't come up with anything. The binary search idea doesn't work at all with this constraint, but maybe something else does? Even getting down to n/2 calls instead of n (yes, I know they are the same big-O) would be good.
The technical term for "no-feedback or blind" is "non-adaptive". O(e log n) calls still suffice, but the algorithm is rather more involved.
Instead of testing the evenness of products, we're going to test the evenness of sums. Let E ≠ F be distinct subsets of {1, …, n}. If we have one array x1, …, xn with even numbers at positions E and another array y1, …, yn with even numbers at positions F, how many subsets J of {1, …, n} satisfy
(∑i in J xi) mod 2 ≠ (∑i in J yi) mod 2?
The answer is 2n-1. Let i be an index such that xi mod 2 ≠ yi mod 2. Let S be a subset of {1, …, i - 1, i + 1, … n}. Either J = S is a solution or J = S union {i} is a solution, but not both.
For every possible outcome E, we need to make calls that eliminate every other possible outcome F. Suppose we make 2e log n calls at random. For each pair E ≠ F, the probability that we still cannot distinguish E from F is (2n-1/2n)2e log n = n-2e, because there are 2n possible calls and only 2n-1 fail to distinguish. There are at most ne + 1 choices of E and thus at most (ne + 1)ne/2 pairs. By a union bound, the probability that there exists some indistinguishable pair is at most n-2e(ne + 1)ne/2 < 1 (assuming we're looking at an interesting case where e ≥ 1 and n ≥ 2), so there exists a sequence of 2e log n calls that does the job.
Note that, while I've used randomness to show that a good sequence of calls exists, the resulting algorithm is deterministic (and, of course, non-adaptive, because we chose that sequence without knowledge of the outcomes).
You can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to do this. I'm going to change your notation a bit.
Suppose you have N numbers of which at most E are even. Choose a sequence of distinct prime powers q1,q2,...,qk such that their product is at least N^E, i.e.
qi = pi^ei
where pi is prime and ei > 0 is an integer and
q1 * q2 * ... * qk >= N^E
Now make a bunch of 0-1 matrices. Let Mi be the qi x N matrix where the entry in row r and column c has a 1 if c = r mod qi and a 0 otherwise. For example, if qi = 3^2, then row 2 has ones in columns 2, 11, 20, ... 2 + 9j and 0 elsewhere.
Now stack these matrices vertically to get a Q x N matrix M, where Q = q1 + q2 + ... + qk. The rows of M tell you which numbers to multiply together (the nonzero positions). This gives a total of Q products that you need to test for evenness. Call each row a "trial", and say that a "trial involves j" if the jth column of that row is nonempty. The theorem you need is the following:
THEOREM: The number in position j is even if and only if all trials involving j are even.
So you do a total of Q trials and then look at the results. If you choose the prime powers intelligently, then Q should be significantly smaller than N. There are asymptotic results that show you can always get Q on the order of
(2E log N)^2 / 2log(2E log N)
This theorem is actually a corollary of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. The only place that I've seen this used is in Combinatorial Group Testing. Apparently the problem originally arose when testing soldiers coming back from WWII for syphilis.
The problem you are facing is a form of group testing, type of a problem with the objective of reducing the cost of identifying certain elements of a set (up to d elements of a set of N elements).
As you've already stated, there are two basic principles via which the testing may be carried out:
Non-adaptive Group Testing, where all the tests to be performed are decided a priori.
Adaptive Group Testing, where we perform several tests, basing each test on the outcome of previous tests. Obviously, adaptive testing has a potential to reduce the cost, compared to non-adaptive testing.
Theoretical bounds for both principles have been studied, and are available in this Wiki article, or this paper.
For adaptive testing, the upper bound is O(d*log(N)) (as already described in this answer).
For non-adaptive testing, it can be shown that the upper bound is O(d*d/log(d)*log(N)), which is obviously larger than the upper bound for adaptive testing by a factor of d/log(d).
This upper bound for non-adaptive testing comes from an algorithm which uses disjunct matrices: matrices of dimension T x N ("number of tests" x "number of elements"), where each item can be either true (if an element was included in a test), or false (if it wasn't), with a property that any subset of d columns must differ from all other columns by at least a single row (test inclusion). This allows linear time of decoding (there are also "d-separable" matrices where fewer test are needed, but the time complexity for their decoding is exponential and not computationaly feasible).
My question is whether or not you can beat n calls on a fixed testing scheme [...]
For such a scheme and a sufficiently large value of N, a disjunct matrix can be constructed which would have less than K * [d*d/log(d)*log(N)] rows. So, for large values of N, yes, you can beat it.
The underlying question (challenge) is kind of silly. If the binary search answer is acceptable (where it sums sub arrays and sends them to IsEven) then I can think of a way to do it with E or less calls to IsEven (assuming the numbers are integers of course).
JavaScript to demonstrate
// sort the array by only the first bit of the number
A.sort(function(x,y) { return (x & 1) - (y & 1); });
// all of the evens will be at the beginning
for(var i=0; i < E && i < A.length; i++) {
Not exactly a solution, but just few thoughts.
It is easy to see that if a solution exists for array length n that takes less than n tests, then for any array length m > n it is easy to see that there is always a solution with less than m tests. So, if you have a solution for n = 2 or 3 or 4, then the problem is solved.
You can split the array into pairs of numbers and for each pair: if the sum is odd, then exactly one of them is even, otherwise if one of the numbers is even, then both of them are even. This way for each pair it takes either one or two tests. Best case:n/2 tests, worse case:n tests, if even and odd numbers are chosen with equal probability, then: 3n/4 tests.
My hunch is there is no solution with less than n tests. Not sure how to prove it.
UPDATE: The second solution can be extended in the following way.
Check if the sum of two numbers is even. If odd, then exactly one of them is even. Otherwise label the set as "homogeneous set of size 2". Take two "homogenous set"s of same size n. Pick one number from each set and check if their sum is even. If it is even, combine these two sets to a "homogeneous set of size 2n". Otherwise, it implies that one of those sets purely consists of even numbers and the other one purely odd numbers.
Best case:n/2 tests. Average case: 3*n/2. Worst case is still n. Worst case exists only when all the numbers are even or all the numbers are odd.
If we can add and multiply array elements, then we can compute every Boolean function (up to complementation) on the low-order bits. Simulate a circuit that encodes the positions of the even numbers as a number from 0 to nC0 + nC1 + ... + nCe - 1 represented in binary and use calls to isEven to read off the bits.
Number of calls used: within 1 of the information-theoretic optimum.
See also fully homomorphic encryption.
