is there rating control, windows phone 7 [closed] - visual-studio-2010

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is there a rating control in windows phone? something like the controls existing in silver-light toolkit, i know there isn't one in the silverlight or i have to customize a control myself?
I am using windows phone 7.1, C#, Visual Studio 2010

No there is not inside the silverlight toolkit, you have to customize the control, Please Check the following question, same as your idea and have what you need Listbox with more than one Control

Silverlight Toolkit for WP7 currently does not have RatingControl . You could check the third party controls like Telerik etc. which provides the RatingControl .
Below is an article that can help you get started with the Telerik RadRatingControl.
Telerik RadRatingControl in Windows Phone


What tool can I use to test .NET App Performance on a WinCE device? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I search some tools for testing .net cf 2.0 app which deployed on WinCe device.
I want something like jetbrains dot trace performance. I've try use visual studio profiler but they show only stats about descriptors and memory and process ugage. I want look what function, run, how many time they work, what work toolong. But all this info I didn't see in VS profiler.
Try using EQATEC profiler. This profiler works great on our compact framework apps.

reactiveui samples [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm really amazed with reactive extensions library created by Microsoft and the MVVM framework 'reactiveui' build on top of it. I would love to use it in my project, but I cannot find any examples of using it in standard applications. I've seen Paul's (creator) blog posts, but what I need is not samples of codes, but sample application.
I want to build windows phone7/ windows 8 application with Reactive-UI, but I would like to know how to exactly use it in the there (not dry 3lines of usage example).
Please let me know if you know any open source examples, where Reactive-UI has been used.
You can check this GitHub repo
In the ReactiveUI.Sample.WP7 folder you can find the Sample application.

Windows 7 mobile app development [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it the right time to start a long duration project for windows 7 mobile ? as silverlight and flash are dying away ... and HTML 5 which would be the future platform ... or should i wait for some more time for windows 7 to extend support HTML 5 ?
Windows Phone 7 HTML 5 support is not yet good enough. So if you want to create a application for WP7 then you would need to use Silverlight.
The HTML 5 support will be better in WP8 but it's not yet sure when it will be released and how good the support will be.

Pivot or Panorama for my WP7 books app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have to build a library Windows Phone 7 app to list books by author, editor, period.
I've not clear if it's better to use Panorama or Pivot control: i've seen that both would be good so i don't really understand the best component to use.
Can anyone help me?
A panorama control is great for showing a summary or a few top items you want to display in your app in a visually pleasing manner, but isn't suitable for showing large quantities of data.
A pivot is good for switching between categories such those you mention (author, editor, period). However you will have to ensure that you don't end up trying to show so much information in your pivot pages at once that your performance starts to suffer.
Another control you probably want to look at for this kind of app is the LongListSelector from the Silverlight Toolkit (link here). This control is similar to the one used on the People Hub of the phone.

Windows Phone 7 Development Books to Suggest ! [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Which books would you suggest about Windows Phone 7 Development ?
How about this one? (I'm assuming you are meaning Windows Phone 7 Series?)
A list of current and upcoming books for Windows Phone 7 development has been compiled here for reference.
Recommended books for learning to program Windows Phone Apps?
