Shortcut Key to Navigate from Code-Behind to SourceView - visual-studio-2010

I am Looking for a Shortcut Key to navigating from Code-Behind file(a.cs) to HTML Source-View page(a.aspx)?
i couldn't find any direct possible way to handle this!

F7 -> Toggle between .ASPX and .ASPX.CS (Code Behind)
Shift + F7 -> Toggle between .ASPX's Design View and Source View
#JasonReis, you're right

Try Shift + F7
Usually using the shift + shortcut key does the opposite function in visual studio

F7 allows me to toggle between the .aspx and the .cs files.


I can't use 'click' to add short cut in android studio?

add shortcut
I use command + button Click nothing happened but every other keys work properly.
Go to the settings menu as described below
File ->
Settings... ->
From the appropriate menu/sub menu header, Pick the action you want to assign a shortcut to.
Right click to select either a keyboard or mouse shortcut.
Keyboard shortcut
Choose a key combination.
If the key combination is already in use you can either choose a second stroke or a modifier like CTRL, ALT or SHIFT etc.
Mouse shortcut
Choose a click or double click, scroll wheel up / down etc.
If the mouse short cut combination is already in use you can use a keyboard modifier like CTRL, ALT or SHIFT etc.

Visual Studio: Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump between code editor window and find results?

I can't seem to find the exact keyboard shortcut I'm looking for.
When I do a "Find in Files" (Ctrl + Shift + F), the keyboard navigation automatically jumps to the Find results, and I can navigate the results with the arrow keys; the code editor window updates itself as I do so, and pressing Enter pops me from the Find Results Window to the code editor Window.
Now, this is great for the initial search, but what if I want to bounce back and forth, say, if I need to make changes around a few different places in my find results?
Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump back from the code editor window to the find results?
I'm using MSVS 2013, if it matters.
If you have the General Development keyboard scheme, try: Alt + F6.
This is bound to the Window.NextPane which is where you just came from, so it should take you back.
Also, Alt + F7 is Window.NextToolWindowNav which pops up a nav selection which makes it easy to move around. This nav selection is the same one for Ctrl + Tab which, once open, can be navigated up, down, left and right via arrow keys.

Is there any shortcut for CodeBlocks to format the code?

Is there any shortcut for CodeBlocks to format the code?
I haven't find any tip in google.
I found only "format use AStyle", but it come up with right mouse button only...
probably not by default but you should be able to assign it there:
Settings -> Editor -> Keyboard shortcuts -> Plugins -> Source code formatter (AStyle)
My favourite = Ctrl + A then Ctrl + Shift + F.
You (these are the default settings I believe) can select a block of code and press the Tab key. This will indent the entire block.
So for indenting a whole file: Ctrl + A, then Tab.
In addition, you can use Shift + Tab on a selected block to "unindent"
You can move through the open tabs with Ctrl + Shift + Tab.
As for the best shortcuts:
I like Ctrl + D to duplicate a line and
Ctrl + L to copy it.
Anyway, you can set whatever shortkeys you like in the Editor menu (there you will also be able to find all shortkey currently set).

VS2012 keyboard shortcut for "expand selection to tag"?

Is there a keyboard shortcut / free extension in Visual Studio 2012 to extend the selection to the logical code block?
For example when editing HTML, I'd like to be able to put my cursor in an opening tag and select to the matching closing tag, including all elements nested inside.
Sublime Text 2 has an "Expand Selection to Tag" option (Ctrl + Shift + A) for this purpose.
Thanks to #JaredReisinger who pointed out that the "tag navigator" at the bottom of the HTML editor allows this kind of functionality, albeit with the mouse rather than the keyboard.

"Right Click" keyboard short cut for Visual Studio?

I'm trying to force myself to use as little mouse as possible and I can't find the answer to this simple short-cut anywhere! Here the the steps:
Open up Visual Studio. Open any C# file (or any code file I believe)
Point your mouse anywhere on the
Right Click
Is there a shortcut key for this so I don't have to move my hand to the mouse?
Taken from lytebyte, you've got two options:
Shift + F10
That nutty key on the bottom-right of a modern Windows keyboard, the Menu key
Depends on where/why you're right-clicking.
The context-menu key is on the right of the keyboard nowadays, usually between the Windows key and the Control key on the right of your spacebar. That will open the context menu wherever the current focus is (usually in the text editor).
If you're using the right mouse button just to open the refactoring tools, you can use Ctrl + . (control period) to pop open the "smart tag" on any identifier. That'll get you the "generate method stub" menu item and the like.
To open a new file without keyboard you can use
CTRL + SHIFT + N (Using Resharper)
To show up the right click menu for any part of your code. Point to the part that you want and use
Normally, I like using
CTRL + SHIFT + G (Resharper again)
for getting the Navigation menu (Usage, Base, Implementation, etc)
Even better if you want to go to any Method/class/intenal/or a field, use CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N (Again using Resharper), this will bring you a list of all that match your criteria to choose from.
Does your keyboard have the extra 'Windows' keys, ie. the Windows logo (Start key) and the one on the right-hand side of the spacebar that looks like a menu? Cause that button on the right-hand side is the 'Context menu key'.
See the key between the right-hand side 'Windows' key and the Ctrl key?
Windows Keyboard layout
If your keyboard is less than 10 years old you should have these keys, unless you have an IBM laptop or a Mac.!
Assuming you just want a key you can press to right click, most\many keyboards have a key between alt and ctrl that right clicks.
