VS2012 keyboard shortcut for "expand selection to tag"? - visual-studio

Is there a keyboard shortcut / free extension in Visual Studio 2012 to extend the selection to the logical code block?
For example when editing HTML, I'd like to be able to put my cursor in an opening tag and select to the matching closing tag, including all elements nested inside.
Sublime Text 2 has an "Expand Selection to Tag" option (Ctrl + Shift + A) for this purpose.

Thanks to #JaredReisinger who pointed out that the "tag navigator" at the bottom of the HTML editor allows this kind of functionality, albeit with the mouse rather than the keyboard.


How to move a block of code to the left in text editors / ide

I use Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio 2013, I'd like to know if it's possible and how one would be able to highlight a block of code and move or drag it to the left. This would be the opposite of highlighting a few lines of code and hitting the tab button to shift them to the right. Is it a shortcut, a macro, a simple general thing?
In Sublime Text, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl] to move lines or blocks of text to the right, and Ctrl[ to move to the left.
In windows/linux, the shortcut is Ctrl+[or]
In Mac, the shortcut is Command+[or]

Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio for faster coding

Visual Studio autocompletes brackets and tags and then shifts the cursor inside a bracket/tag upon creation.
I usually have to hit END then ENTER to continue past the tag, it would be really useful to 'jump' over the closing tag/bracket and possibly to the next line.
Is there a fundamental keyboard shortcut I'm missing here in order to accomplish this?
Can't find this in the MSDN VS Keyboard Shortcut manual either.
The keyboard shortcut you are looking for is Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
Pressing this will take you to the next line instead of inserting an enter, allowing you to move the cursor outside of the tag.

Is there a way to do multiline editing a-la Visual Studio in Sublime?

Visual Studio allows selecting a vertical piece of text, and then editing it. One has to hold Shift + Alt and move the cursor up-down left-right to make the selection.
I know there is Ctrl + D multi-cursor thing in Sublime, but it's not quite the same.
So is there a way to do the multi-line editing a-la Visual Studio in Sublime?
Move cursor where you want, hold ctrl + shift press ↓ a few times.
Press tab, then ← twice, type "Hello World,",
Press esc to leave multi-line mode.
You also can perform "square selection" using your mouse middle button.
Answer: Standard way: Ctrl + Alt + Cursor (which flips the screen orientation on my laptop). The way that works: Keyboard Column Selection for Sublime Text 2 on Windows

Block selecting text or selecting multiple text at once

Does Visual Studio (any version) offer the ability to select text in either a block or select several snippets at once, to either change or delete? To be clear I'm referring to the actual text-editor interface.
you can certainly do block selection by hold down the Alt key while doing a selection
Go to opening or closing brace and press Ctrl+Shift+].

Keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio code editor Members and Types combos

I wonder what is the keyboard shortcut for these two combo boxs and specially the right part which list all the members of current class and is very handy for navigating a large class.
I tried to figure it out myself but I do not know the exact names to search for it.
That whole thing is called "Navigation bar" (Window.MovetoNavigationBar) and can be activated by default by pressing Ctrl + F2. There doesn't seem to be a shortcut for the right side of the navigation bar, so pressing the short cut key always takes you to the combo box on the left side. You can use Tab to jump between the combo boxes.
The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + F2 which takes you to the left-hand combo. If you hover over each one in turn (at least in VS2k8) it shows you a tooltip which identifies the two combos as "Types" and "Members", respectively.
Pressing Tab will take you to the right-hand combo and Ctrl + ↓ will expand the combo for you.
Alternative Resharper approach #1
"Go to file member" which is "Alt+\" .
go to link for advanced features
Alternative Resharper approach #2
"Go to Next/Previous Member" with Alt+Down or Alt+Up
this one is very handy and my favorite :
