Intellij Idea's Completion Style for Bash - bash

Is there any smarter bash completion than the normal one. I'm imagining having something like the auto completion feature of Intellij Idea. For example is there is a folder named anExampleFolder, if I type aEF or even aef and then press tab it completes it or somehow open a drop down menu.

fzf ("fuzzy finder for your shell") may be what you're looking for. For your example of cd-ing to anExampleFolder, you have 3 options using fzf:
Launch fzf with recursive list of child directories. Enter fuzzy search term aEF, select match with arrow keys, accept.
Same as above but using a key binding instead of shell function
Using the experimental auto-completion integration
Note that in all cases the arrow keys may not be necessary, if the fuzzy-search finds what you're looking for as the first match. And it can be used for lots of other stuff besides cd; the GitHub README has plenty of other examples and bindings.

As sylvanaar said - Bash plugin for Intellij should be enough.

zsh has such intelligent autocompletion mechanisms as plugins.
In combination with oh-my-zsh and the plugin fasd you should achieve even more than what IntelliJ offers.


Make Notepad ++ highlight matching if/fi tags

Notepad++ is generally great about highlighting matching tags. However, in shell scripts, it doesn't highlight if/fi (or case/esac). Is there any way to make it do that?
I'm using the Je sui Charlie edition, it's a bit older, but under the language tab I see no language profile for bash shell. You might need to make your own syntax highlighting profile using the
Language -> Define your language...
menu option. It's not very hard -- I've made custom profiles for Gcode, Gerber files, and others.
There's a great kickstarter for this task here.

is it possible to map Vim key bindings for windows, just like vimium for chrome

is it possible to map Vim key bindings for windows? just like vimium for chrome. I don't like the mouse sometimes.
using vimium, I can press 'f' to generate 'names' for the link, and just press the name to open the link, it's awesome!
This is an AutoHotKey script that implements some of the vim functions in all applications.
Also LabelControl provides some label support, like vimium, but it's not always that useful.
you can use hunt-n-peck .
you should download binaries from continous integration artifacts.
this is the hunt-n-peck binaries zip link HuntAndPeck taken from repository's continuous integration artifacts.
I don't know about any existing tool, but macro tools like AutoHotkey allow to implement that. For a purely modal solution like in Vim, you'd need to save the mode state (and probably also indicate it somehow), which is difficult. Creating vim like functionality with autohotkey ahk outlines a solution (for navigation) that relies on another simultaneously pressed key instead.
To answer the stated question: Yes, and there exists several, but they have limitations. The best way that I know of is using AutoHotkey, which can be used to add several of Vim's features.
Due to how Vim commands work, it is only partially possible, as implemented in several forms. For several examples you can search for e.g. "autohotkey vim".

Using windows shortcuts in vim

I was wondering if there was a way to use windows shortcuts in vim (in particular those used to select lines (with shift, alt, ctrl) ?
Maybe an option to set in the .vimrc ?
You can enable this via the following command in your ~/.vimrc:
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
See :help mswin.vim for a detailed explanation.
Alternatively, copy that script into ~/.vim/plugin/mswin.vim. This allows you to gradually comment out or tweak certain mappings. The downside of this plugin is that many Windows shortcuts conflict with Vim commands, so you're losing some features, and the completely different structure may prevent you from learning and using Vim effectively. Having started with a Windows background myself, this is how I proceeded. Now, I only use a few of those Windows mappings in Vim, and have customized several remaining ones so that they provide a true added value.

How to change default Terminal in Source Tree on windows

I am working on Windows 7 with Source Tree. Because I don't like the default cmd.exe I want to change it to Console2 such that Source Tree will open Command2 instead of Cmd as terminal.
It appears you can't do it, at least in any obvious way. There are a couple of solutions/workarounds that you can use here:
Pick a different favorite terminal. ConEmu is a wrapper for CMD.exe that will act as your default terminal if you tell it to [I thought Console2 could do this as well]. Also - forgive the editorial - ConEmu is way, way, better than Console2.
You can add a custom action in the menu. From the global options go to Custom Actions tab and add an action to Open in Terminal using the console you want. This isn't quite as cool as just hitting the terminal icon, but you can easily accomplish the same outcome.
Unfortunately, these are the best there are for now.
Note: Based upon the link that #sendmoreinfo posted, waiting for Atlassian to add this by default may be better way to go for your purposes. Only problem with that may be is that according to some the newest updates to Source tree are terrible, so I haven't updated as of yet.
Note 2: Though this won't do what you want, there is an Option in the settings under the Git Tab that allows you to Set Git Bash as default prompt. That may or may not get you closer to where you want to be.
You may add Windows Terminal as Custom Action. You may run custom action in context of selected file. Define a new custom action as shown below.

Intellisense in notepad++

It is possible configure notepad++ to the Intellisense show options about firefox os api?
e.g. To can see all methods
var battery = navigation.battery;
I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but Notepad++ (current releases) have a form of this known as AutoComplete - go to Settings > Preferences > Auto-completion and tick the enable auto-completion for each input* button.
As for the Firefox OS API specifically, I don't know if that works. But I know you can achieve the intellisense effect with languages themselves, anyway.
Keep in mind the differences between "Function Completion" and "Word completion" inside auto-complete: Function Completion uses external cues to tell you exactly what you're trying to write in, as it autocompletes functions from an API.
Word completion meanwhile may be more helpful in your case; If Firefox OS API can't be worked into NPP, you can at least auto-complete functions that you've already written into your script, as Word completion scans your document and suggests words that already exist; It's sort of useful as a text expansion engine.
I hope I've been of help; Best of luck to you.
