Make Notepad ++ highlight matching if/fi tags - bash

Notepad++ is generally great about highlighting matching tags. However, in shell scripts, it doesn't highlight if/fi (or case/esac). Is there any way to make it do that?

I'm using the Je sui Charlie edition, it's a bit older, but under the language tab I see no language profile for bash shell. You might need to make your own syntax highlighting profile using the
Language -> Define your language...
menu option. It's not very hard -- I've made custom profiles for Gcode, Gerber files, and others.
There's a great kickstarter for this task here.


Maintain VBS colors for HTA in Notepad++

I've got an HTA that uses a VBS script.
When I save the file as .hta though all the format coloring for my VBS script turns white.
Does anyone know a way to make it so NPP will recognize both languages and format the style coloring accordingly? It's nuts that the bulk of my script has no color formatting simply because it's wrapped in something else.
As a .HTA can contain more than one script language (even at the same time) and Notepad++'s syntax highlighting seems to be triggered by extension only (no special syntax switching markup; evidence), I would tend to associate .HTA with HTML and move all code to external files (src attribute of the script tag).
What I wouldn't do (to much work for little gain and risk of failure), is to experiment with combining the Style Configuration for HTML and VBS (Javascript/JScript, Perl, ...) into a new Style and associate that with .HTA.
My prefered editor - Komodo (since 5.2) - allows to specify the 'language' for individual files; so I can switch syntax highlighting for mixed language sources on the fly.
Settings -> Style configurator -> Language:VB/VBS -> User Ext.: hta
The accepted answer misses some great options (I'm not sure if either or both were available with the same capabilities in 2014)...
Both the free text editor NotePad3 and the lifetime subscription IDE VBSEdit properly syntax highlight HTML, VBScript, and JScript in a single HTA file.

Intellisense in notepad++

It is possible configure notepad++ to the Intellisense show options about firefox os api?
e.g. To can see all methods
var battery = navigation.battery;
I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but Notepad++ (current releases) have a form of this known as AutoComplete - go to Settings > Preferences > Auto-completion and tick the enable auto-completion for each input* button.
As for the Firefox OS API specifically, I don't know if that works. But I know you can achieve the intellisense effect with languages themselves, anyway.
Keep in mind the differences between "Function Completion" and "Word completion" inside auto-complete: Function Completion uses external cues to tell you exactly what you're trying to write in, as it autocompletes functions from an API.
Word completion meanwhile may be more helpful in your case; If Firefox OS API can't be worked into NPP, you can at least auto-complete functions that you've already written into your script, as Word completion scans your document and suggests words that already exist; It's sort of useful as a text expansion engine.
I hope I've been of help; Best of luck to you.

Intellij Idea's Completion Style for Bash

Is there any smarter bash completion than the normal one. I'm imagining having something like the auto completion feature of Intellij Idea. For example is there is a folder named anExampleFolder, if I type aEF or even aef and then press tab it completes it or somehow open a drop down menu.
fzf ("fuzzy finder for your shell") may be what you're looking for. For your example of cd-ing to anExampleFolder, you have 3 options using fzf:
Launch fzf with recursive list of child directories. Enter fuzzy search term aEF, select match with arrow keys, accept.
Same as above but using a key binding instead of shell function
Using the experimental auto-completion integration
Note that in all cases the arrow keys may not be necessary, if the fuzzy-search finds what you're looking for as the first match. And it can be used for lots of other stuff besides cd; the GitHub README has plenty of other examples and bindings.
As sylvanaar said - Bash plugin for Intellij should be enough.
zsh has such intelligent autocompletion mechanisms as plugins.
In combination with oh-my-zsh and the plugin fasd you should achieve even more than what IntelliJ offers.

syntax highlighting in pydb

Is there a way to enable syntax highlighting in pydb command shell (standalone or inside ipython)?
pydb has been superceded by trepan or trepan3k and this has both syntax highlighting for light and dark backgrounds, tab completion and can be used inside ipython.
About the name change, when Polish-speaking people tell your name is unpronounceable, it's time to change the name.
People say winpdb is way faster. Switched to it instead.

Is there a Firefox add-on to use vim to edit textboxes?

or "How do I answer questions on SO in Firefox using gVim inside the textboxes?"
It's All Text!
From the extension page:
At the bottom right corner of any edit
box, a little edit button will appear.
Click it. If this is the first time
you've used "It's All Text!" then you
will be asked to set your preferences,
most importantly the editor.
The web page will pop up in your
selected editor. When you save it,
it'll refresh in the web page. Wait
for the magic yellow glow that means
that the radiation has taken effect!
Vimperator makes Firefox act very much like VIM:
Vimperator is a free browser add-on for Firefox, which makes it look and behave like the Vim text editor. It has similar key bindings, and you could call it a modal web browser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in.
Once you have the cursor in a text box, hit Ctrl-I to open in your editor, which defaults to gvim.
The current answers don't work anymore now that Mozilla removed XUL in favour of WebExtensions. With recent firefox versions, there are the following options (sorted in descending order by the current popularity on
GhostText provides instant synchronization between editor and textbox via editor-specific plugins. The project is on github and the vim extension is written in Tcl.
withExEditor is cross-platform but requires a native application written in node.js. In addition to editing text fields it also allows viewing the source of the page, MathML, SVG and the current selection. The project on github and the native node.js application
Textern requires a (currently) Linux-only native application written in Python. Synchronizes the content of the text field while you type in the editor. The extension and the native app can be found on github
Tridactyl is probably what you're looking for nowadays.
It's the spiritual successor to the likes of Pentadactyl and Vimperator, which are not available for the current version of Firefox.
If you want something more like It's All Text, where the editing area appears right on top of the browser text area rather than launching an editor window, and you're willing to use Neovim, check out firenvim.
It's All Text! will let you use whatever editor you want. To use vim with it, you'll need a small shell script to open it in a terminal:
exec xterm -e /usr/bin/vim "$#"
If you have GVim, you won't need the shell, script, obviously.
ViewSourceWith is another addon worth lookng at. It supports more than just edit boxes and text. For example, you can configure it to open images in the GIMP.
Another feature that I find useful is that it can pop-up a dialog box that shows all the js and css scripts used on the page. You can then choose to view/edit file in your preferred editor.
For answering questions on SO, you may also want to get the Vim Markdown Syntax file
The "It's all Text" extension, perhaps?
If you use vimperator and have the markdown syntax file installed, a useful line for your .vimperatorrc is:
au LocationChange .* :set editor="gvim -f"
au LocationChange stackoverflow\.com :set editor="gvim -f -c 'set ft=mkd'"
This will tell vim to do syntax highlighting for markdown when you are on, but not when you are any other site. There are similar hacks for wikipedia/mediawiki etc. Enjoy :)
One way to do this is to use the vimperator extension - of course, that does a lot more than what you're looking for.
At the time of writing it is experimental, but the jV extension looks good. To quote from the page:
This extension makes all html textareas into a very stripped-down version of Vi[m]. It's modal, supports infinite undo, has register support, search, visual mode, and various movement and editing commands.
When using Vimperator in Windows (I am using Vista) you may need to double-escape the path to gvim.exe to use it as the external editor. Single escaping did not work for me as Vimperator unescapes it twice. Eg:
:set editor="C:\\\\Program\\ Files\\ (x86)\\\\Vim\\\\vim72\\\\gvim.exe" -f
Then while in a text box you use Ctrl+I and it will open gvim for editing. When you save and exit it will update the text box.
There is an experimental way to directly embed the real vim in firefox using embedded editor - though it requires mozplugger and will only work on Linux.
Try out the wasavi extension. You might want to check out the all versions page to make sure you try out the latest version. (Copy of this answer.)
You can also use the ViewSourceWith addon to achieve the same. Just right-click on any text input and you can edit it using Vim.
As said by others,
as a Vi/(g)Vim user you'll probably want to look at the Vimperator addon, which also provides the what you ask:
inside a textbox, hit <C-i> to launch the external editor.
(can be defined in _vimperatorrc: set editor=gvim -f )
A hint for Mac users: if you want to use "It's all text" with vim, the easiest way is to use . Point "It's all text" to the mvim script that's provided along with the .app (you can place this script anywhere, I choose /usr/bin/ so that I can load mvim from the command line)
Pterosaur is a Firefox plugin that allows you to use Vim in all input fields. It uses an actual Vim process in the background so it has all the functionality you expect, including reading your .vimrc configuration and your plugins.
With Firefox-57 on Linux, I installed textern, and found it to be a suitable replacement for ViewSourceWith for editing text boxes.
