Create project without storyboard in Xcode 4.3 - xcode

If I want to Create project without storyboard in Xcode 4.3
and use only ARC feature from Xcode.
How can we create app without story board as we dont want Navigation controller,
in app and use addsubview as we use to code in earlier versions.
Does app coded in Xcode 4.3 can be deployed on iOS 4.0 ,iOS 4.3, or only works with iOS 5
Please let me know..

To my strong dismay, Apple removed the "Use Storyboards" checkbox in Xcode 5. Every project gets created with a dreaded UIStoryboard. I wrote a tool that converts Xcode 4's project templates to Xcode 5, so you can once again create projects with or without storyboards. You can find it here on GitHub:

When you create a new project there is an option to "Use Storyboards". Don't tick that.
Do tick the "Use Automatic Reference Counting" box.
Apps developed in Xcode 4.3 can target platforms below 5.0, it's up to you to ensure that you include / exclude the appropriate features.


Can't use safe areas in Xcode 9 after upgrading minimum deployment target to iOS 9

I have just changed my app from supporting iOS 8 and up to supporting iOS 9 and up. I believe I've done this properly, since when I now build my app, I'm getting warnings for everything in the app which was deprecated in iOS 9.
I am using Xcode 9, GM seed.
The problem is that I cannot enable the "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" toggle in any of my storyboards. When I do, I get a warning "Safe Area Layout Guide before iOS 9.0". Is there some additional setting that I need to update? A clean and build did not fix the problem.
Just deselect "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" option, which should fix this.
A screenshot below may point you the right direction.
Hope this image can help
When you changed the deployment target, did it automatically change the deployment target in your storyboard? (File inspector when opening the Storyboard)
Did you update the deployment target in both the Project and in (all) your target(s)?
I didn't try quitting Xcode and restarting it before posting to SO! Sorry! The answer is, quit Xcode and try again.
Simple fix.
In file inspector for the view, look for Builds For in Interface Builder Document and in there select iOS 9 and later.

xcode 6.x simulators are not showing up

I have a xcode 6.x project in which i made small changes. Now i want to submit it to app store.
But none of the simulators are showing up.
i was using xcode 6.4 but then i download xcode 6.2 and it still doesn't work. How do archive it and submit it to appstore?
I cannot use latest xcode because the project is in swift so will have to make alot of changes, it's a big project.
This issue can happen if the width of the Xcode window is too narrow. Try resizing the window wider, and they should re-appear.

How to I create a MainWindow.xib in Xcode 4.2 in an iOS application?

I am just starting out learning to build interfaces, but the book I am following is a little dated and it says that Xcode should create it for me with my new project, however it didn't. So now I need to link my buttons to my app delegate, but I can't because it isn't showing up when I right click on my buttons. And yes, I did define my methods and instance variables.
Xcode very much will create a MainWindow.xib if you choose Cocoa Application as the project type. Check to make sure you aren't either creating an iOS project or a command-line tool... both can be easy to accidentally select when you are just starting to learn.
(FYI, I just verified in Xcode 4.2.1 that a MainWindow.xib was created for me.)

Why can't I drag the Facebook SDK into a new project?

On The Github page, it states:
In Xcode, open the Facebook SDK by selecting File->Open... and selecting src/facebook-ios-sdk.xcodeproj.
With your own application project open in Xcode, drag and drop the "FBConnect" folder from the Facebook SDK project into your application's project.
I know this worked for me earlier this year, using Xcode 3.x and iOS 4.x, but now I'm doing a new project in Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 and it doesn't work anymore. I'm unable to drag the folder into my project. Any ideas? What should I do instead?
It's a better idea to just include all the necessary files directly into your project - so everything inside the src directory, excluding the .pch and .xcodeproj files.
Also, it sounds like you found a bug in Xcode 4.2, so it might be a good idea to submit a bug report to :)
This is a bug in XCode 4.2. Just file a report with Apple. I have filed one too. More the number of reports, chances are they'll get a fix out earlier.
For now, I just use a mac with an older version of XCode, add any SDKs I need to add and then open the project again with the new version. That works :)

iOS 3.x support in Xcode 4

Is it possible to write apps that support iOS 3.x versions using Xcode 4? If so, how? And does Apple have any official recommendations on app backwards-compatibility?
To get your app successfully run in iOS 3.x device, follow these steps (Xcode 4.2):
Click on your project name, select your Target and under "Build Settings"
a) Set "iOS development target" (under "Deployment") to 3.0
b). Add "armv6" to list of "Architectures" (under "Architectures").
c) Set "Other Linker Flags" (under "Linking") to "-weak-lSystem".
In your Info.plist file remove value of "armv7" from "Required device capabilities" (UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities).
In your code:
a). Do not use userInterfaceIdiom. If you need to know, what device is it (iPhone or iPad), see How does one get UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() to work with iPhone OS SDK < 3.2.
b) Do not use window.rootViewController. Instead use [window addSubview: self.mainViewController.view]; to add your main controller's view to window.
Click on your project name, select your Target and under "Build Phases" / "Link Binary With Libraries" set "UIKit.framework" to "Optional". Also set to optional any extra framework, which is not available in iOS 3. For example, if you're using iAd or Twitter frameworks they should be set to optional. Check availability of extra framework in your code before use.
When run on real device, compile app against last version of SDK. To do so, select second item from "Scheme" drop down (otherwise you'll get compile error related to your optional SDKs):
Yes, you can develop apps that support previous iOS versions with the current iOS SDK.
For official recommendations, see Apple's SDK Compatibility Guide.
The version of Xcode that you use isn't related to the version of iOS that your app can support. To choose the version of iOS that your app supports, simply change the iOS deployment target in your project settings. Then just be sure not to use any APIs from versions later than that.
to be sure, you can use Xcode 4 for targeting iOS 3.x as a deployment target, but you will not be able to simulate your program on a iOS 3.x SDK simulator. So you are pretty on your own (i.e., if you use any iOS 4.x-only feature, you will not find out it until you test on a physical device).
You need an older version of Xcode to debug against an older simulated SDK.
