iPhone application development training using PC's [duplicate] - xcode

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Closed 10 years ago.
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iPhone development on Windows
We would like to conduct iPhone application development training for students. However, it is very expensive to have a mac machine for all. We would like to setup a virtual environment on the PC to install and run mac OS so that development tools like XCode can run and basics of iPhone application development can be taught. We will we will invest in a couple of macs, iPhones and iPads so that students who want to try out their exercises on the real machine and deploy to real devices.
I have heard that this kind of a development setup is possible, but am not sure how and so would like to know if anyone has setup such an environment, how to do about doing it.

This is not possible unless you build a so called "Hackintosh" (installing OSX on a non-mac computer) with this for example But I doubt that's a solution for an official "organization", and if you want the apps to be deployed to the app store, you must have a mac

i Don't know about the basic xcode on PC, but for your submission to appsotre, you need MAC OSX, if you don't have a mac machine or mac book, try installing mac osx using VMWare, but your CPU should have a suport of Intel Virtualization technology which almost all new CPU has especially core series.

It's quite easy. Buy OS X Lion (which will run in a virtual machine) using family licenses (5 machines per copy), install VirtualBox (it's free) and away you go.
That would be the least expensive route for sandbox learning on a budget.


Can I code Delphi apps in Windows and test them later n Mac OS X?

After several years away from Delphi (2006) I'm thinking about returning, to try cross platform Windows-OS X development. I have an old Mac Mini, dual booting Win10 and OS X. Everything I've found discussing cross platform Delphi involves configurations with the two OS's running simultaneously, either two machines or one machine+one virtual machine. (With 4G of RAM I don't think I have the memory for the latter option.)
I'm wondering if I could develop in Win10 (without MacOS running), compile, push to source control, etc. and then later pull the files to test in MacOS (without Win10 running)?
You could build OSX applications on Windows without OSX connection with Delphi XE2-XE6.
Since Delphi XE7 OSX SDK and connection profile is needed for building the OSX applications.
Building or deploying OSX app doesn't work without active connection profile to OSX computer

To install Xcode in Windows XP

I would like to know if I can install Xcode with Windows XP.If possible please provide the document link also.Thank you very much for any help in advance...
It's certainly possible.
There are two routes;
Install OSx86 (aka iATKOS / Kalyway) on a second partition/disk and dual boot.
Run Mac OS X Server under VMWare.
The first route requires modifying (or using a pre-modified) image of Leopard that can be installed on a regular PC. This is not as hard as you would think, although your success/effort ratio will depend upon how closely the hardware in your PC matches that in Mac hardware - e.g. if you're running a Core 2 Duo on an Intel Motherboard, with a NVidia graphics card you are laughing. If you're running an AMD machine or something without SSE3 it gets a little more involved.
If you purchase (or already own) a version of Leopard then this is a gray area since the Leopard EULA states you may only run it on an "Apple Labeled" machine. As many point out if you stick an Apple sticker on your PC you're probably covered.
The second option is the more costly. The EULA for the workstation version of Leopard prevents it from being run under emulation and as a result there's no support in VMWare for this. Leopard server however CAN be run under emulation and can be used for desktop purposes. Leopard server and VMWare are expensive however.
If you're interested in option 1) I would suggest starting at Insanelymac and reading the OSx86 sections.
I do think you should consider whether the time you will invest is going to be worth the money you will save though. It was for me because I enjoy tinkering with this type of stuff and I started during the early iPhone betas, months before their App Store became available.
Alternatively you could pickup a low-spec Mac Mini from eBay. You don't need much horse power to run the SDK and you can always sell it on later if you decide to stop development or buy a better Mac.
No. You can not install XCode on a Windows machine. You need MacOS to run XCode.
Although you can install VMWare Server on your windows machine and then install MacOS on that virtual server and can install the XCode on that MacOS server.
But to install MacOS(VMWare server) and start working on it. your hardware must support virtualization.
To install VMWare following links might be useful.
Or there is always Google.
YOu can check if your CPU supports virtualization here.
Since Xcode is an software of Mac OS so its not possible to run Xcode without Mac OS. And for Mac OS you can dual boot your computer with a Mac OS or simply you can just use VMWare to install Mac OS in your laptop or PC. Just the necessary requirement for installing Mac OS through Dual boot or through VMWare is that you need really high configuration in your laptop or PC, Like atleast you require 5th Generation core processor with atleast 4 cores also you require more than 4GB RAM for better functioning of Mac OS. Mac OS can be installed with 2nd generation processors, Dual core, and 2 GB RAM but it will take too much time. Which is not worth installing Mac OS in your laptop or PC. And even after installing you won't be able to use Xcode efficiently with such a low configuration. So it is recommended to have 5th Generation processor with 4 core and atleast 4GB RAM.
If you have this configuration than you need some files and software to install Mac OS in your Laptop.
For installation through VMWare you can prefer to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wodqGvug6e0
And I have the required file for the same as in video but not uploaded to the internet.

MonoTouch on OS X VM within Windows?

We're getting into iOS development with MonoTouch. All of our machines are Mac Pros with Windows 7 installed via BootCamp. I'm not crazy about rebooting into OS X just to access the MonoTouch IDE. I'm wondering if it's legal and possible to install OS X on a VM within Windows (if I'm already on Apple hardware, it should be ok, right?). Any other issues with Apple's SDK in a VM (I heard they do some hardware checking of some sort). Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
You can't really run OSX on a VM under windows without going the hacking route. The only way to properly virtualize OSX is to run OSX Server under OSX itself, which is not what you want.
The best option for you is to do what I do: run OSX on your Mac, then use something like VMWare or Parallels to run the Windows you have on your BootCamp as a VM. Works beautifully.
Yup, Eduardo is right, running OSX under non-apple hardware is considered illegal according to apple's license. Moreover, you may run into some issues when creating your developer's account or sumbitting apps.
However, if you still want go the hack way, you can refer to osx86project or just search google for "how to create a hackintosh".

Does MonoTouch work on a virtualized Mac OS?

Is it possible to install it on VirtualBox or other virtualization solution? If yes, how fast it works?
I don't see any problem running MonoTouch frameworks/IDEs in a virtualized Mac.
I can expect a lot of problems transferring across the USB cable the compiled applications to a real iPhone/iPad to test it. iTunes and XCode tend to be very picky about the configurations.
Buying a cheapest Mac might be easier and less costly if you consider the time you might waste, but your mileage may vary.
The evaluation version of MonoTouch will run, but the SDK tools used on the production version wont.
We were able to develop and deploy apps to real devices under VMWare Player and WMWare workstation. The problem we have is MonoTouch activations. It would activate and randomly need reactivation. It would work for a while then it would fail to activate.
Each time it failed we would need to contact support and reset the key so we could continue working. They do not support virtualized hardware and do not plan to fix the activation issue.
In the end we purchased real hardware.
Via VMWare Workstation I have it running quite nicely. Installing apps to iOS devices is fine, but creating a network for softdebug to find the iphone (or vice versa) is the only problem I've seen.
I'm trying to figure that out right now - I'll try and update this thread with the solution.

Can I use an Mac Mini Snow Leopard Server as a development machine for multiple people?

We are a Microsoft shop with C++ experience looking to get into some iPhone/iPad development.
Before we make a large investment in individual development machines, we would like to test our abilities with a modest investment.
Can we use one Mac Mini Snow Leopard Server as a development machine for 2-3 concurrent users? We would want them to remote from their PCs into the Mac Mini server and develop remotely.
Is this possible?
It sounds like you're about to break Joel's "Don't torture your developers" rule.
Skimping on hardware is a good way to waste expensive developer time, which will lead to unhappy developers and failed projects.
Since a Mac with a Windows license can be turned into a Windows development machine, you could buy Macs instead of generic Windows PCs as your existing development hardware hits its replacement dates, and have the flexibility to do either Windows or Mac development.
I think it's worth re-evaluating this initiative as to whether there's enough commitment behind it to make it succeed.
Not out of the box. Mac OS X server is not designed for multiple concurrent desktop access users like a Windows Terminal Server. Edit Here is a product that will do that. http://www.aquaconnect.net/
The Mac Mini is not any major power house either. Emulating the iPhone would not be feasible either since (at last I knew) all Mac Mini's were dual core.
That is a very interesting question which I do not know the answer to, but I will still be cheeky and post a reply. The cheapest Mac Mini is $599 and Mac OS X Server costs $499 so it might be worth just buying two Mac Minis for an additional cost of $100.
I do hope someone here has experience of a similar setup to what you have in mind.
A Mac Mini isn't enough oomph to do that; it's basically a low-end laptop, after all. You could do it with aquaconnect and an XServe, but it might be cheaper just to buy some KVMs and a few Mac Minis and give the developers one each.
