statistics module in joomla1.5 is needed - joomla

I need a module to display visit statistics in details of today,yesterday,week,month and total that could be displayed as a popup window on mouse over event. My joomla version is 1.5 . is there any to do it?
thank you.

We've got several dozen Joomla1.5 sites on our servers, and the most comprehensive stats we've found similar to what you're asking is at j4age or Joomla Extensions. It's saved the day on any number of customer conference calls. I can't speak to how popups might work, as we've integrated it with all of our other statistics, but the data is there, and is in a good format for use with something like mootools or jQuery for popups of the data.


Popup banner on a page to announce when other people are looking at the same page

New customers of company X must be investigated to find out if they are legitimate. A web page lists all the customers that have not yet been investigated, each one hotlinked to a page with details about that customer. It often happens that two investigators visit the details page for the same new customer at the same time and investigate the same customer independently. This is a waste of time.
Several investigators have suggested that a dynamic HTML banner could pop up on the customer detail page whenever two or more investigators are looking at the same detail page. If investigator X is looking at a certain page, and then investigator Y navigates to the same page, Y would see a banner at the top of the page warning them that X was already looking at this page, and a similar banner would pop up on X's page to warn them that Y had started looking at it. This seems like a reasonable idea. (The ZenDesk ticket management system uses a similar popup to help prevent two customer service agents from trying to service the same ticket at the same time.)
Before I go and implement a lot of stuff, is there anything that does something like that that I could use right out of the can? Or is there anything that handles just the front-end parts of this, to which I could attach a homegrown backend?
Since I didn't receive an answer, I went ahead with plan B, which was to go ahead and implement "a lot of stuff". This is now available at under a free license.
The stuff I implemented consists of three components:
A backend database API for storing information about which users looked at which pages and when
A middle API server that can answer queries about who is looking at each page
A JavaScript thingy for the web page that sends of an AJAX request to the API server and then pops up a banner if the response indicates that someone else is looking at the same page
The backend uses Perl's DBIx::Class library. The API server is designed as a plugin component for Perl's Catalyst framework. The front-end uses jQuery. All three of these components are more or less independent, and any of them could be replaced with something else, so it is my hope that people will be able to use some of this even if they can't use the whole thing.
The package is called 2banner. The source code, with detailed installation and usage instructions, is available for free distribution under the BSD three-clause license, courtesy of my employer, ZipRecruiter.
Share and enjoy.

Paypal donations with summary in Joomla

I'm working on a joomla site for a charity event. The event has 5 causes to donate for each with its own page. I have created paypal donation buttons for each of the five causes using this site: That all works fine but I need to accomplish two more things. 1) How do I display a summary of the donations for each cause on its respective page and 2) How do I display a total donations received across all 5 causes on the home page?
I am currently going into the paypal account and updating these values manually every night. I know there has to be a better way. I think I have to do something with IPN but I can't find any good documentation. I'm not a php programmer so I need some hand holding but I can get through it with some help.
I have searched high and low for a Joomla extension to do this but I just can't seem to find anything that fits my situation. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't think you'll be able to pull this off without some PHP programming and a good integration with Joomla.
As a general overview you will have to:
activate and configure IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) in PayPal
for your buttons configure the notify_url (the URL where PayPal should send the IPN)
on the Joomla site you will have to process those notifications and save into a database the transaction information that you get
finally - on each of your pages you will have to do a database look up and compute the totals that you require.
I have used Jumi (Joomla extension) to implement something similar to what you need, but it does require a lot of PHP programming to do it like this.

Doodle-like extension for Joomla

I'm helping a friend with his website. To schedule meetings and events they currently use a doodle. We've tried integrating this in their website via an iFrame. This works but in IE10 it gives a cookie warning and overall it doesn't look as good as it could.
We could simply have it open in a new page, but it would be nicer if we could integratie a doodle-like calendar in the website.
Are there any scheduling-extentions? There are many calenders, but we didn't find any that mimiced Doodle's options. We only have 2 requirements: 1) schedule events and 2) everyone (if possible even without having to register themselves) must be able to sign into an event so it's clear who's attending.
There is a lot of good extensions that may fit your needs, I can recommend redEVENT
, here is a demo

Online Shop with Ajax support to filter products

I've searched the internet and couldn't find a free (or not very expensive) solution that offers the following behavior: I would like to set up an online shop where the user can click checkboxes to refine the selection of products, like on
As it's not going to be a huge shop, I plan to use Wordpress together with the Shopp Plugin. What I now need is that extra Ajax part to refresh the product list based on the selection the user makes.
Does anyone know a plugin that has this behavior built-in? Or can someone point me to a tutorial or similar? I'm pretty new to Ajax but familiar with jQuery.
not sure if you found something, but I can confirm that Shopp does have filtering - they call it 'Faceted Menus' but that as far as I can see (just tested it) it's not Ajax and reloads the page.

How do I Extend Blogengine.Net to collect statistics of visitors?

I love BlogEngine. But from what I can se it does not collect the standard information about the visitors I would like to see (referrer, browser-type and so on).
When I log in as Admin I have a menu item named "Referrer". I can choose a weekday and then I'll be presented with 1 or 2 rows with
" 4 hits, " 6 hits" and so on, But that's not what I want to se, I want to se where my visitors come from, country, IP if possible, how many visitors and so on.
If someone of you are familiar with Blogengine.Net and can point me in the right direction to where I would put my own log-code or if you know any visitor-statistic-extension that can do it for me, I would be really happy to know. I prefer an extension, because if I make changes myself to BlogEngine it may break later updates I install.
Blogengine.Net is a blog software made in .Net found here:
And yes, I prefer to take this question here rather then in the Blogengine.Net forum, you know why. ;)
(Anyone, feel free to edit my (bad) english in this post and after that delete this sentence)
This isn't an extension, but it's what I use to collect all my data and it should be upgrade safe.
When you log into the Blogengine.NET admin screens you can go to "Settings> Custome Code > Tracking Script", here you can put your logging script. Google Analytics provides all the referrer, browser type, etc stuff you were wanting. And what's nice is you can then create additional accounts for other sites if you choose.
I use both Google Analytics and StatCounter to track visitor stats. I find that each one provides useful information that the other doesn't. And they're both free to a certain extent.
I place their javascript code int the site.master file of my custom BE.Net skin.
For Google Analytics I go a step further and pass the username of authenticated users as a custom variable. That way I can match users names up with the stats. To do this you can use the _setVar javascript method on the GA pageTracker like so:
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-129049-25");
var userDefinedValue = '<%= System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser() != null ? System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser().UserName : "" %>';
Anyone noticed that we miss all the hits coming from RSS readers? Syndication.axd does not run the analytics javascripts. So we miss the vast majority of viewers from the statistics. And we happily analyze that is just not impotant - ad-hoc visitors.
For the vast majority of cases, Google Analytics does just fine. It all depends on how much data you want. For example, if you want to keep note of IP addresses and resolve them to get domain names, and also highlight all visits to your blog from, say, your coworkers at the company where you work, you'd have to write some custom code yourself. However, it's all fairly primitive - these sorts of things are easily achievable using ASP.NET.
I set up gathering statistics on IIS web site of my BlogEngine instance and then analyze the logs using WebLog Expert -
It is more reliable than google analytics, since I see really ALL requests that are coming to my IIS, no matter if this is a request to axd or to some static content. And, once I've found out that google was fooling me in the number of visits. After that I trust my IIS statistics much more than google.
There is a Widget which can be use to display Visits and Online Users Statistics.
You can find it from following links:
but to see the instructions go to the second link.
