Paypal donations with summary in Joomla - joomla

I'm working on a joomla site for a charity event. The event has 5 causes to donate for each with its own page. I have created paypal donation buttons for each of the five causes using this site: That all works fine but I need to accomplish two more things. 1) How do I display a summary of the donations for each cause on its respective page and 2) How do I display a total donations received across all 5 causes on the home page?
I am currently going into the paypal account and updating these values manually every night. I know there has to be a better way. I think I have to do something with IPN but I can't find any good documentation. I'm not a php programmer so I need some hand holding but I can get through it with some help.
I have searched high and low for a Joomla extension to do this but I just can't seem to find anything that fits my situation. Any help would be appreciated.

I don't think you'll be able to pull this off without some PHP programming and a good integration with Joomla.
As a general overview you will have to:
activate and configure IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) in PayPal
for your buttons configure the notify_url (the URL where PayPal should send the IPN)
on the Joomla site you will have to process those notifications and save into a database the transaction information that you get
finally - on each of your pages you will have to do a database look up and compute the totals that you require.
I have used Jumi (Joomla extension) to implement something similar to what you need, but it does require a lot of PHP programming to do it like this.


How do I create/edit/configure multiple PayPal Standard Payment Buttons?

I have created an ecommerce store, and I'm using PayPal "Add to Cart" Buttons with what they call 'hosted' buttons (PayPal stores the buttons on their servers) for each of my products.
For reference on how they work (and why I use them):
You create a button(product) inside your PayPal Dashboard and you define the quantity available (most of them are 1 in my case)
You copy the HTML code into your website (or just copy the link)
The user buys the product (and the quantity falls -1)
The reason I use this setup is because my website is static, and PayPal provides the Quanity (SKU) Management - so no one can buy a product that no longer exists - even if he can access the button/link.
My Problem
The PayPal GUI dashboard for creating buttons is very time-consuming, I would like to have the ability to edit/create etc. buttons in bulk.
I had search and search for a solution online but have found nothing.
Possible Solution
The only thing I've recently gave some thought was the PayPal Button Manager API and the Ruby SDK in particular, but even if I've studied programming and I'm really eager to keep learning more, I don't know yet what to do in order to make the API calls.
I can't understand from their documentation and I have found zero tutorials online for such a thing.
Failed Solution
As I was familiar with WordPress I tried installing a plugin called PayPal Button Manager but it hasn't the ability to edit in bulk, which is what I'm trying to do.
All in all, I want to:
Create, Edit, Delete, Update in bulk PayPal Hosted Add to Cart Buttons
If using the Ruby API, I would much prefer doing so in a local environment
I'm using Jekyll for my static site, so I'm having Ruby installed and have read multiple times that it's an 'easy' to learn language. But if you can think of something else, I'm open.
If you have Wordpress, then you have a local database, and might end up much happier with a solution that stores quantities locally in that database, such as the WooCommerce plugin, with the following additional plugin for payment:
Your proposed solution of using PayPal Standard Buttons with the legacy PayPal Button Manager API .. is extremely unconventional in contrast, and would be considered a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" hack by most.

Is there a better way to work with the success page (success.phtml) in Magento?

I'm attempting to do a number of things with the success page (order confirmation page) in Magento but I am faced with the nuisance of having to create a test order every time I wish to see a change because hitting refresh redirects you. The style changes are easy as I can fresh only the CSS if necessary but some of the conversion analytics (e.g. Google) and other items I'm trying to include on the final page aren't as straight forward. Is there a better way? Thanks in advance.
Magento clears session information for a customer after they place their order as it assumes most users will leave the site after that. It’s more of a user-experience feature than it is a security feature. That being the way it is, when you hit refresh on the order confirmation page, your information will disappear and Magento will generally tell you “you have no items in your cart.”
You can disable this for the purpose of development by going to app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php and commenting out the line that says:
Should be line 240. Change it to //$session->clear(); and Magento will instead allow the session to expire naturally according to how long session life is set to for that specific instance. Now you can style success.phtml or see what conversion information is being sent to various service providers (PepperJam, Google, Proclivity, etc..) without having to create more than 1 test order.
You could use Selenium, Firefox Add-on to record a macro for placing an order. This should avoid the repetitive process of placing an order.
You can also use this bookmarklet to auto-populate the fields on the checkout page.

statistics module in joomla1.5 is needed

I need a module to display visit statistics in details of today,yesterday,week,month and total that could be displayed as a popup window on mouse over event. My joomla version is 1.5 . is there any to do it?
thank you.
We've got several dozen Joomla1.5 sites on our servers, and the most comprehensive stats we've found similar to what you're asking is at j4age or Joomla Extensions. It's saved the day on any number of customer conference calls. I can't speak to how popups might work, as we've integrated it with all of our other statistics, but the data is there, and is in a good format for use with something like mootools or jQuery for popups of the data.

Google Analytics ecommerce only tracking Paypal

I'm having an issue with Google Analytics ecommerce tracking. I've found numerous posts about this, but none of the fixes seem to apply. We're on Magento, so all the GA code should be built in. We also installed the Fooman GA+ module, but that didn't help this issue. The tracking code IS showing up on the success page when viewing the page source, but it doesn't look items listed. If I view the list of transactions in GA, it seems that they are all the Paypal transactions but credit card or money order transactions aren't coming through. We use Website Payments Pro for our Credit Card transactions, so ultimately it's all going through Paypal anyhow.
I did some digging around in the code and it seems that the "_getOrdersTrackingCode" function in Ga.php is where the problem lies. I added some logging...
$orderIds = $this->getOrderIds();
...and found that the majority of the time, $orderIds is empty. Sometimes it isn't and that is when the tracking code works.
What's going on here? Anyone know?
I have fixed the problem. We use a 3rd party extension for checkout and it needed to be updated for compatibility. The dispatcher of the *checkout_onepage_controller_success_action* event needs to send an array of the order ids as well. This wasn't necessary in I updated the extension and it's working great now! I hope this helps anyone else with a similar issue.
Please note that this is an ORDER COMPLETE / SUCCESS event. You can't see the rendered code until you've completed a (test) transaction. On the order confirmation page, hit view source. In your <script /> tag's you'll see some new push code if all goes well.
Yes, Brian, your code definitely lead us in the right direction. We ended up turning the PayPal checkout to test mode = yes, debug mode = yes. We're on 1.4.2. and this worked fine. Respond to this if you need help. If I'm alive, I will try to get back to you.

Magento & Google Checkout & Track Conversions

I'm running an online store on Magento. I have Google Checkout as a Payment method. The problem is if someone pays using it they don't always return to the site so it throws my Google Analytics conversion rates off. Is there a way to pass this information to analytics when the people don't return to the site after the transaction?
Magento has built-in support for sending data about Google Checkout process to Google Analytics. Implementation of this functionality is done according to
You should see all the data (e.g. pages visited) and conversions from GC normally. The customer is not required to return to your shop.
Step1: no GC conversions in GA
Allow up to 24h delay before the conversion data will appear in GA.
Step 2: After 24h you still don't see GC conversions in GA
Make sure you've enabled Google Analytics in Magento and setup it properly, because GC module in Magento sends data to GA only if it's activated and working fine.
Step 3: If steps 1-2 are done, everything works and GA is activated, but GC conversions still not visible in GA
Make sure that your design theme includes all necessary GC & GA code as made in base/default scheme. You can temporarily enable default/modern theme to check that original core Magento code works fine and then check the differences between your design theme and Magento core theme
Step 4: you've done steps 1-2-3, but no conversions are present in GA
Hire a Magento professional to find the source of a problem. In such a case this problem cannot be solved remotely.
The only data that comes back from Paypal after the customer has paid would be the IPN callback that notifies Magento of the payment. If you wanted to hook into this, you would need to find a direct URL to notify GA of the conversion and to periodically monitor the database for IPN notifications so that you could invoke that URL.
