governor limits with reports in SFDC - apex-code

We have a business requirement to show a cost summary for all our projects in a single table.
In order to tabulate these costs we have to query through all the client tasks, regions, job roles, pay rates, cost tables, deliverables, efforts, and hour records (client tasks are in the same table and tasks and regions are in the same table and deliverables, effort, and hours are stored as monthly totals).
Since I have to query all of this before I go for-looping through everything it hits a large number of scripting lines very quickly. Computationally it's like O(m * n * o * p) and some of our projects have all four variables that go up very quickly. My estimates for how to do this have ranged from 90 million lines of code to 600 billion.
Using batch apex we could break this up by task regions into 200 batches, but that would reduce the computational profile to (600 B / 200 ) = 3 billion lines of code (well above the salesforce limit.
We have been playing around with using informatica to do these massive calculations, but we have several problems including (1) our end users can not wait more than five or so minutes, but just transferring the data (90% of all records if all the projects got updated at once) would take 15 minutes over informatica or the web api (2) we have noticed these massive calculations need to happen in several places (changing a deliverable forecast value, creating an initial forecast, etc).
Is there a governor limit work around that will meet our requirements here (massive volume of data with response in 5 or so minutes? Is a good platform for us to use here?
This is the way I've been doing it for a similar calculation:

An ERD would help, but have you considered doing this in smaller pieces and with reports in salesforce instead of custom code?
By smaller pieces I mean, use roll-up summary fields to get some totals higher in your tree of objects.
Or use apex triggers so as hours are entered the cost * hours is calculated and placed onto the time record, and then rolled-up to the deliverables.
Basically get your values calculated at the time the data is entered instead of having to run your calculations every time.
Then you can simply run a report that says show me all my projects and their total cost or total time because those total costs/times are stored/calculated already.
Roll-up summaries only work with master-detail
Triggers work anytime, but you'll want to account for insert, update as well as delete and undelete! Aggregate Functions will be your friend assuming that the trigger context has fewer than 50,000 records to aggregate - which I'd hope it does b/c if there are more than 50,000 time entries for a single deliverable that's a BIG deliverable :)
Hope that helps a bit?


Approach to measuring end-to-end latency from a sales transaction to a stock level in a database

I have a system in which sales transactions are written to a Kafka topic in real time. One of the consumers of this data is an aggregator program which maintains a database of stock quantities for all locations, in real time; it will consume data from multiple other sources as well. For example, when a product is sold from a store, the aggregator will reduce the quantity of that product in that store by the quantity sold.
This aggregator's database will be presented via an API to allow applications to check stock availability (the inventory) in any store in real time.
(Note for context - yes, there is an ERP behind all this which does a lot more; the purpose of this inventory API is to consume data from multiple sources, including the ERP and the ERP's data feeds, and potentially other ERPs in future, to give a single global information source for this singular purpose).
What I want to do is to measure the end-to-end latency: how long it takes from a sales transaction being written to the topic, to being processed by the aggregator (not just read from the topic). This will give an indicator of how far behind real-time the inventory database is.
The sales transaction topic will probably be partitioned, so the transactions may not arrive in order.
So far I have thought of two methods.
Method 1 - measure latency via stock level changes
Here, the sales producer injects a special "measurement" sale each minute, for an invalid location like "SKU 0 in branch 0". The sale quantity would be based on the time of day, using a numerical sequence of some kind. A program would then poll the inventory API, or directly read the database, to check for changes in the level. When it changes, the magnitude of the change will indicate the time of the originating transaction. The difference between then and now gives us the latency.
Problem: If multiple transactions are queued and are then later all processed together, the change in inventory value will be the sum of the queued transactions, giving a false reading.
To solve this, the sequence of numbers would have to be chosen such that when they are added together, we can always determine which was the lowest number, giving us the oldest transaction and therefore the latency.
We could use powers of 2 for this, so the lowest bit set would indicate the earliest transaction time. Our sequence would have to reset every 30 or 60 minutes and we'd have to cope with wraparound and lots of edge cases.
Assuming we can solve the wraparound problem and that a maximum measurable latency of, say, 20 minutes is OK (after which we just say it's "too high"), then with this method, it does not matter whether transactions are processed out of sequence or split into partitions.
This method gives a "true" picture of the end-to-end latency, in that it's measuring the point at which the database has actually been updated.
Method 2 - measure latency via special timestamp record
Instead of injecting measurement sales records, we use a timestamp which the producer is adding to the raw data. This timestamp is just the time at which the producer transmitted this record.
The aggregator would maintain a measurement of the most recently seen timestamp. The difference between that and the current time would give the latency.
Problem: If transactions are not processed in order, the latency measurement will be unstable, because it relies on the timestamps arriving in sequence.
To solve this, the aggregator would not just output the last timestamp it saw, but instead would output the oldest timestamp it had seen in the past minute across all of its threads (assuming multiple threads potentially reading from multiple partitions). This would give a less "lumpy" view.
This method gives an approximate picture of the end-to-end latency, since it's measuring the point at which the aggregator receives the sales record, not the point at which the database has been updated.
The questions
Is one method more likely to get usable results than the other?
For method 1, is there a sequence of numbers which would be more efficient than powers of 2 in allowing us to work out the earliest value when multiple ones arrive at once, requiring fewer bits so that the time before sequence reset would be longer?
Would method 1 have the same problem of "lumpy" data as method 2, in the case of a large number of partitions or data arriving out of order?
Given that method 2 seems simpler, is the method of smoothing out the lumps in the measurement a plausible one?

why all the sudden computed columns started to slow down the performance?

Users were able to run reports before 10 am. After that same reports became very slow, sometimes users just didn't have patience to wait. After some troubleshooting I fount the column that was causing the delay. It was computed column that uses function in order to bring the result.
Approximately at the same time I got another complain about slow running report, that was always working fine. After some troubleshooting I found the columns that was causing a delay:
where (Amount - PTD) <> 0
And again, the Amount column is computed column.
So my questions are:
why all of the sudden computed columns that was always part of the reports started to slow down the performance significantly? Even when nobody using database.
What could really happen approx after 10 am?
And what is the disadvantage if I make those columns persisted?
Thank you
You don't provide a lot of detail here - so I can only answer in generalities.
So, in general - database performance tends to be determined by bottlenecks. A query might run fine on a table with 1 records, 10 records, 1000 records, 100000 records - and then at 100001 records, it suddenly gets slow. This is because you've exceeded some boundary in the system - for instance, the data doesn't fit in memory anymore.
It's really hard to identify those bottlenecks, and even harder to predict - but keep an eye on perfmon, and see what your CPU, disk i/o and memory stats are doing.
Computed columns are unlikely to be a problem in their own right - but using them in a "where" statement (especially with another calculation) is likely to be slow if you don't have an index on that column. In your example, you might create another computed column for (Amount - PTD) and create an index on that column too.

Vacuuming and Analyse : Drastic change in query cost

I have a Postgres 9.6 installation and I am running into this weird case where - if I run a same query having multiple joins after 10 to 15 mins, there is increase in the value of query cost in the order of few hundreds and its keep on increasing.
I do understand what vacuuming and analyse does, but I am worried about the query cost which starts increases within few minutes of performing vacuum and analyse. I am afraid this might lead do future performance bottlenecks.
PS: I have two table out of which one is heavily written (about 5 million records ) and other is heavily updated (70 K records with postGIS this table mostly have updates on lat lon & geom column)
Does this means I should have auto vacuum run every few hours?
Make Autovaccum aggressive; but if you think autovaccum is using up resources(by looking at cpu ]and IO usage) you could tweak-- autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay and autovacuum_vacuum_threshold paramters at table level

How to design a system in which we can query top results in last n hours

I was asked this question in an interview. The details were that assume we are getting millions of events. Each event has a timestamp and other details. The systems design requires ability to enable end user to query most frequent records in last 10 minutes or 9 hours or may be 3 months.
Event can be seen as following
event_type: {CRUD + Search}
event_info: xxx
timestamp : ts...
The easiest way to to figure out this is to look at how other stream processing or map reduce libraries do this (and I have feeling your interviewers have seen these libraries). Its basically real time map reduce (you can lookup how that works as well).
I will outline two techniques for event processing. In reality most companies need to do both.
New school Stream processing (real time)
Lets assume for now they don't want the actual events but the more likely case of aggregates (I think that was the intent of your question)
An example stream processing project is pipelinedb (they have how it works on the bottom of their home page).
Events go into use a queue/ring buffer
A worker process reads those events in batches and rolls them up into partial buckets or window.
Finally there is combiner or reducer which takes the micro batches and actually does the updating. An example would be event counts. Because we are using a queue from above events come in ordered and depending on the queue we might be able to have multiple consumers that do the combing operation.
So if you want minute counts you would do rollups per minute and only store the sum of the events for that minute. This turns out to be fairly small space wise so you can store this in memory.
If you wanted those counts for month or day or even year you would just add up all the minute count buckets.
Now there is of course a major problem with this technique. You need to know what aggregates and pivots you would like to collect a priori.
But you get extremely fast look up of results.
Old school data warehousing (partitioning) and Map Reduce (batch processed)
Now lets assume they do want the actual events for a certain time period. This is expensive because if you store all the events in one place the lookup and retrieval is difficult. But if you use the fact that time is hierarchal you can store the events in a tree of tuples.
Reasons you would want the actual events is because you are doing adhoc querying and are willing to wait for the queries to perform.
You need some sort of queue for the stream of events.
A worker reads the queue and partitions the events based on time. For example you would have a partition for a certain day. This is akin to sharding. Many storage systems have support for this (e.g postgres partitions).
When you want a certain number of events over a period you union the partitions.
The partitioning is essentially hierarchal (minutes < hours < days etc) which means you can do tree like operations on them.
There are certain ways to store such events which is called time series data such that the partitioning index is automatic and fast. These are called TSDBs of which you can google for more info.
An example TSDB product would be influxdb.
Now going back to the fact that time (or at least how humans represent it) is organized tree like we can we can preform parallelization operations. This because a tree is DAG (directed acyclic graph). With a DAG you can do some analysis and basically recursively operate on the branches (also known as fork/join).
An example generic parallel storage product would citusdb.
Now of course this method has a massive draw back. It is expensive! Even if you make it fast by increasing the number of nodes you will have to pay for those nodes (distributed shards). An in theory the performance should scale linearly but in practice this does not happen (I will save you the details).
I think you will need to persist the data to the disk as
the query duration is super vague, and data might be loss due to some unforeseen circumstances like process killed, machine failure etc.
you can't keep all the events in memory due to memory
constraints(millions of events)
I would suggest using mysql as the data store with taking timestamp as one of the index key. But two events might have same timestamp. So make a composite index key with auto-increment id + timestamp.
Advantages of Mysql:
Super-reliable with replication
Support all kinds of CRUD operations and queries
On each query you can basically get the range of the timestamps as per your need.
First count the no. of events satisfying the query.
select count(*) from `events` where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y.
If too many events satisfy the query, query them in batches.
select * from 'events' where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y limit 1000 offset 0;
select * from 'events' where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y limit 1000 offset 1000;
and so on.. till offset <= count of events matching the first query.

Performance issues when pushing data at a constant rate to Elasticsearch on multiple indexes at the same time

We are experiencing some performance issues or anomalies on a elasticsearch specifically on a system we are currently building.
The requirements:
We need to capture data for multiple of our customers, who will query and report on them on a near real time basis. All the documents received are the same format with the same properties and are in a flat structure (all fields are of primary type and no nested objects). We want to keep each customer’s information separate from each other.
Frequency of data received and queried:
We receive data for each customer at a fluctuating rate of 200 to 700 documents per second – with the peak being in the middle of the day.
Queries will be mostly aggregations over around 12 million documents per customer – histogram/percentiles to show patterns over time and the occasional raw document retrieval to find out what happened a particular point in time. We are aiming to serve 50 to 100 customer at varying rates of documents inserted – the smallest one could be 20 docs/sec to the largest one peaking at 1000 docs/sec for some minutes.
How are we storing the data:
Each customer has one index per day. For example, if we have 5 customers, there will be a total of 35 indexes for the whole week. The reason we break it per day is because it is mostly the latest two that get queried with occasionally the remaining others. We also do it that way so we can delete older indexes independently of customers (some may want to keep 7 days, some 14 days’ worth of data)
How we are inserting:
We are sending data in batches of 10 to 2000 – every second. One document is around 900bytes raw.
AWS C3-Large – 3 nodes
All indexes are created with 10 shards with 2 replica for the test purposes
Both Elasticsearch 1.3.2 and 1.4.1
What we have noticed:
If I push data to one index only, Response time starts at 80 to 100ms for each batch inserted when the rate of insert is around 100 documents per second. I ramp it up and I can reach 1600 before the rate of insert goes to close to 1sec per batch and when I increase it to close to 1700, it will hit a wall at some point because of concurrent insertions and the time will spiral to 4 or 5 seconds. Saying that, if I reduce the rate of inserts, Elasticsearch recovers nicely. CPU usage increases as rate increases.
If I push to 2 indexes concurrently, I can reach a total of 1100 and CPU goes up to 93% around 900 documents per second.
If I push to 3 indexes concurrently, I can reach a total of 150 and CPU goes up to 95 to 97%. I tried it many times. The interesting thing is that response time is around 109ms at the time. I can increase the load to 900 and response time will still be around 400 to 600 but CPU stays up.
Looking at our requirements and findings above, is the design convenient for what’s asked? Are there any tests that I can do to find out more? Is there any setting that I need to check (and change)?
I've been hosting thousands of Elasticsearch clusters on AWS over at for the last few years, and have had many a capacity planning conversation that sound like this.
First off, it sounds to me like you have a pretty good cluster design and test rig going here. My first intuition here is that you are legitimately approaching the limits of your c3.large instances, and will want to bump up to a c3.xlarge (or bigger) fairly soon.
An index per tenant per day could be reasonable, if you have relatively few tenants. You may consider an index per day for all tenants, using filters to focus your searches on specific tenants. And unless there are obvious cost savings to discarding old data, then filters should suffice to enforce data retention windows as well.
The primary benefit of segmenting your indices per tenant would be to move your tenants between different Elasticsearch clusters. This could help if you have some tenants with wildly larger usage than others. Or to reduce the potential for Elasticsearch's cluster state management to be a single point of failure for all tenants.
A few other things to keep in mind that may help explain the performance variance you're seeing.
Most importantly here, indexing is incredibly CPU bottlenecked. This makes sense, because Elasticsearch and Lucene are fundamentally just really fancy string parsers, and you're sending piles of strings. (Piles are a legitimate unit of measurement here, right?) Your primary bottleneck is going to be the number and speed of your CPU cores.
In order to take the best advantage of your CPU resources while indexing, you should consider the number of primary shards you're using. I'd recommend starting with three primary shards to distribute the CPU load evenly across the three nodes in your cluster.
For production, you'll almost certainly end up on larger servers. The goal is for your total CPU load for your peak indexing requirements ends up under 50%, so you have some additional overhead for processing your searches. Aggregations are also fairly CPU hungry. The extra performance overhead is also helpful for gracefully handling any other unforeseen circumstances.
You mention pushing to multiple indices concurrently. I would avoid concurrency when bulk updating into Elasticsearch, in favor of batch updating with the Bulk API. You can bulk load documents for multiple indices with the cluster-level /_bulk endpoint. Let Elasticsearch manage the concurrency internally without adding to the overhead of parsing more HTTP connections.
That's just a quick introduction to the subject of performance benchmarking. The Elasticsearch docs have a good article on Hardware which may also help you plan your cluster size.
