How to design a system in which we can query top results in last n hours - algorithm

I was asked this question in an interview. The details were that assume we are getting millions of events. Each event has a timestamp and other details. The systems design requires ability to enable end user to query most frequent records in last 10 minutes or 9 hours or may be 3 months.
Event can be seen as following
event_type: {CRUD + Search}
event_info: xxx
timestamp : ts...

The easiest way to to figure out this is to look at how other stream processing or map reduce libraries do this (and I have feeling your interviewers have seen these libraries). Its basically real time map reduce (you can lookup how that works as well).
I will outline two techniques for event processing. In reality most companies need to do both.
New school Stream processing (real time)
Lets assume for now they don't want the actual events but the more likely case of aggregates (I think that was the intent of your question)
An example stream processing project is pipelinedb (they have how it works on the bottom of their home page).
Events go into use a queue/ring buffer
A worker process reads those events in batches and rolls them up into partial buckets or window.
Finally there is combiner or reducer which takes the micro batches and actually does the updating. An example would be event counts. Because we are using a queue from above events come in ordered and depending on the queue we might be able to have multiple consumers that do the combing operation.
So if you want minute counts you would do rollups per minute and only store the sum of the events for that minute. This turns out to be fairly small space wise so you can store this in memory.
If you wanted those counts for month or day or even year you would just add up all the minute count buckets.
Now there is of course a major problem with this technique. You need to know what aggregates and pivots you would like to collect a priori.
But you get extremely fast look up of results.
Old school data warehousing (partitioning) and Map Reduce (batch processed)
Now lets assume they do want the actual events for a certain time period. This is expensive because if you store all the events in one place the lookup and retrieval is difficult. But if you use the fact that time is hierarchal you can store the events in a tree of tuples.
Reasons you would want the actual events is because you are doing adhoc querying and are willing to wait for the queries to perform.
You need some sort of queue for the stream of events.
A worker reads the queue and partitions the events based on time. For example you would have a partition for a certain day. This is akin to sharding. Many storage systems have support for this (e.g postgres partitions).
When you want a certain number of events over a period you union the partitions.
The partitioning is essentially hierarchal (minutes < hours < days etc) which means you can do tree like operations on them.
There are certain ways to store such events which is called time series data such that the partitioning index is automatic and fast. These are called TSDBs of which you can google for more info.
An example TSDB product would be influxdb.
Now going back to the fact that time (or at least how humans represent it) is organized tree like we can we can preform parallelization operations. This because a tree is DAG (directed acyclic graph). With a DAG you can do some analysis and basically recursively operate on the branches (also known as fork/join).
An example generic parallel storage product would citusdb.
Now of course this method has a massive draw back. It is expensive! Even if you make it fast by increasing the number of nodes you will have to pay for those nodes (distributed shards). An in theory the performance should scale linearly but in practice this does not happen (I will save you the details).

I think you will need to persist the data to the disk as
the query duration is super vague, and data might be loss due to some unforeseen circumstances like process killed, machine failure etc.
you can't keep all the events in memory due to memory
constraints(millions of events)
I would suggest using mysql as the data store with taking timestamp as one of the index key. But two events might have same timestamp. So make a composite index key with auto-increment id + timestamp.
Advantages of Mysql:
Super-reliable with replication
Support all kinds of CRUD operations and queries
On each query you can basically get the range of the timestamps as per your need.
First count the no. of events satisfying the query.
select count(*) from `events` where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y.
If too many events satisfy the query, query them in batches.
select * from 'events' where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y limit 1000 offset 0;
select * from 'events' where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y limit 1000 offset 1000;
and so on.. till offset <= count of events matching the first query.


What is the actual use of partitions in clickhouse?

It says partitions make it easier to drop or move data so that there is hit only on limited data. In various blogs it is suggested to use month as a partitioning key (toYYYYMM(date)). In many places it is also suggested to not have more than a couple of partitions. I am using clickhouse as a database to store time series data which do not undergo frequent deletions. What would be the advisable partitioning key for timeseries data of high volume? Does there have to be one if I do not want to perform deletes frequently?
In production I noticed that startup was very slow and I was suspecting that having too many partitions is the culprit. So I decided to test it out by inserting time-series data fresh into a table (which created >2300 partitions for ~20Bil rows) by selecting data from another table (so that it doesn't have an opportunity to optimize the table). Immediately I dropped the original table and tried a restart. It finished fast in about 10s. This is in complete opposite to what I observed in production with 800GB+ of data (with many databases and tables as opposed to my test node which had only one table).
Edit: As it was pointed out, I mixed up parts and partitions. Regarding startup time of clickhouse being affected, I'd better post another question.
This is a pretty common question, and for disclosure, I work at ClickHouse.
Partitions are particularly useful when you have timeseries data, as you noted. When determining the number of partitions, we often recommend a few guidelines:
The use of partitioning should be determined by a couple of questions as to why you're using them:
are you generally going to query only a single partition? For example, if your queries are often for results within a one day or one month period, it could make sense to partition at that period duration
are you wanting to "tier" or set a TTL on your data such that once the partition reaches an age of X (e.g., 91 days old, 7 months old), you want to do something special with it? (e.g., TTL to lower cost tier storage, backup and delete from ClickHouse, etc.)
We often recommend to keep the number of partitions less than around 100. Up to 1000 partitions can work, but it is suboptimal and will have some performance impact at the filesystem and index/memory sizes, which can impact startup time insert/query time
Given these guidelines, hoping that helps with your question. It is probably most common to partition at the day or month, but since ClickHouse can manage large tables quite easily, might want to move towards fewer partitions if possible - partitioning by month probably most common.
I didn't fully understand your test results so please feel free to expand. 2300 partitions sounds like too many but might work, just with some performance implications. Reducing your number of partitions (and therefore increasing the partition size) seems like a good recommendation.

Apache Spark: How to detect data skew using Spark web UI

Data skew is something that hapen offen, that should be detected and treated correctly, I'm able to detect data skew in specific table using a groupby/count query in the joining key, however I have multiple joins in my application and doing that for each join can take time.
So is it possible to detect data skew directlly in the spark web ui which will saves me time ?
Data skew mean that you will have partitions that are significantly bigger than some other partitions.
For me, I usually check 2 things, In the stage tab, sort by decreasing duration, then click on tasks that are slow:
1- Check Summary Metrics which is one of the most important parts of the Spark UI. It gives you information about how your data is distributed among your partitions.
So to detect skew you can compare duration in Median and in Max columns, ideally the 2 values should be the same, when the difference between the two is bigger than defiantly there's a data skew, for example in the below picture:
Which means some tasks in that stage are taking too much time (31min) compared to other that takes only 1.1 minutes because of partitions size imbalance, the Min duration is also low which indicates that some partitions are nearly empty.
2- In the bottom of the stage You can find all tasks related to that stage, sort them by decreasing duration, then by Increasing duration, make sure that min duration and max duration are close if not than there are skewed in the you partitions, like in the picture below:

Approach to measuring end-to-end latency from a sales transaction to a stock level in a database

I have a system in which sales transactions are written to a Kafka topic in real time. One of the consumers of this data is an aggregator program which maintains a database of stock quantities for all locations, in real time; it will consume data from multiple other sources as well. For example, when a product is sold from a store, the aggregator will reduce the quantity of that product in that store by the quantity sold.
This aggregator's database will be presented via an API to allow applications to check stock availability (the inventory) in any store in real time.
(Note for context - yes, there is an ERP behind all this which does a lot more; the purpose of this inventory API is to consume data from multiple sources, including the ERP and the ERP's data feeds, and potentially other ERPs in future, to give a single global information source for this singular purpose).
What I want to do is to measure the end-to-end latency: how long it takes from a sales transaction being written to the topic, to being processed by the aggregator (not just read from the topic). This will give an indicator of how far behind real-time the inventory database is.
The sales transaction topic will probably be partitioned, so the transactions may not arrive in order.
So far I have thought of two methods.
Method 1 - measure latency via stock level changes
Here, the sales producer injects a special "measurement" sale each minute, for an invalid location like "SKU 0 in branch 0". The sale quantity would be based on the time of day, using a numerical sequence of some kind. A program would then poll the inventory API, or directly read the database, to check for changes in the level. When it changes, the magnitude of the change will indicate the time of the originating transaction. The difference between then and now gives us the latency.
Problem: If multiple transactions are queued and are then later all processed together, the change in inventory value will be the sum of the queued transactions, giving a false reading.
To solve this, the sequence of numbers would have to be chosen such that when they are added together, we can always determine which was the lowest number, giving us the oldest transaction and therefore the latency.
We could use powers of 2 for this, so the lowest bit set would indicate the earliest transaction time. Our sequence would have to reset every 30 or 60 minutes and we'd have to cope with wraparound and lots of edge cases.
Assuming we can solve the wraparound problem and that a maximum measurable latency of, say, 20 minutes is OK (after which we just say it's "too high"), then with this method, it does not matter whether transactions are processed out of sequence or split into partitions.
This method gives a "true" picture of the end-to-end latency, in that it's measuring the point at which the database has actually been updated.
Method 2 - measure latency via special timestamp record
Instead of injecting measurement sales records, we use a timestamp which the producer is adding to the raw data. This timestamp is just the time at which the producer transmitted this record.
The aggregator would maintain a measurement of the most recently seen timestamp. The difference between that and the current time would give the latency.
Problem: If transactions are not processed in order, the latency measurement will be unstable, because it relies on the timestamps arriving in sequence.
To solve this, the aggregator would not just output the last timestamp it saw, but instead would output the oldest timestamp it had seen in the past minute across all of its threads (assuming multiple threads potentially reading from multiple partitions). This would give a less "lumpy" view.
This method gives an approximate picture of the end-to-end latency, since it's measuring the point at which the aggregator receives the sales record, not the point at which the database has been updated.
The questions
Is one method more likely to get usable results than the other?
For method 1, is there a sequence of numbers which would be more efficient than powers of 2 in allowing us to work out the earliest value when multiple ones arrive at once, requiring fewer bits so that the time before sequence reset would be longer?
Would method 1 have the same problem of "lumpy" data as method 2, in the case of a large number of partitions or data arriving out of order?
Given that method 2 seems simpler, is the method of smoothing out the lumps in the measurement a plausible one?

Google datastore - index a date created field without having a hotspot

I am using Google Datastore and will need to query it to retrieve some entities. These entities will need to be sorted by newest to oldest. My first thought was to have a date_created property which contains a timestamp. I would then index this field and sort on this field. The problem with this approach is it will cause hotspots in the database (
Do not index properties with monotonically increasing values (such as a NOW() timestamp). Maintaining such an index could lead to hotspots that impact Cloud Datastore latency for applications with high read and write rates.
Obviously sorting data on dates is properly the most common sorting performed on a database. If I can't index timestamps, is there another way I can accomplish being able to sort my queires from newest to oldest without hotspots?
As you note, indexing monotonically changed values doesn't scale and can lead to hotspots. Whether you are potentially impacted by this depends on your particular usage.
As a general rule, the hotspotting point of this pattern is 500 writes per second. If you know you're definitely going to stay under that you probably don't need to worry.
If you do need higher than 500 writes per second, but have a upper limit in mind, you could attempt a sharded approach. Basically, if you upper on writes per second is x, then n = ceiling(x/500), where n is the number of shards. When you write your timestamp, prepend random(1, n) at the start. This creates n random key ranges that each can perform up to 500 writes per second. When you query your data, you'll need to issue n queries and do some client side merging of the result streams.

Doing analytical queries on large dynamic sets of data

I have a requirement where I have large sets of incoming data into a system I own.
A single unit of data in this set has a set of immutable attributes + state attached to it. The state is dynamic and can change at any time.
The requirements are as follows -
Large sets of data can experience state changes. Updates need to be fast.
I should be able to aggregate data pivoted on various attributes.
Ideally - there should be a way to correlate individual data units to an aggregated results i.e. I want to drill down into the specific transactions that produced a certain aggregation.
(I am aware of the race conditions here, like the state of a data unit changing after an aggregation is performed ; but this is expected).
All aggregations are time based - i.e. sum of x on pivot y over a day, 2 days, week, month etc.
I am evaluating different technologies to meet these use cases, and would like to hear your suggestions. I have taken a look at Hive/Pig which fit the analytics/aggregation use case. However, I am concerned about the large bursts of updates that can come into the system at any time. I am not sure how this performs on HDFS files when compared to an indexed database (sql or nosql).
You'll probably arrive at the optimal solution only by stress testing actual scenarios in your environment, but here are some suggestions. First, if write speed is a bottleneck, it might make sense to write the changing state to an append-only store, separate from the immutable data, then join the data again for queries. Append-only writing (e.g., like log files) will be faster than updating existing records, primarily because it minimizes disk seeks. This strategy can also help with the problem of data changing underneath you during queries. You can query against a "snapshot" in time. For example, HBase keeps several timestamped updates to a record. (The number is configurable.)
This is a special case of the persistence strategy called Multiversion Concurrency Control - MVCC. Based on your description, MVCC is probably the most important underlying strategy for you to perform queries for a moment in time and get consistent state information returned, even while updates are happening simultaneously.
Of course, doing joins over split data like this will slow down query performance. So, if query performance is more important, then consider writing whole records where the immutable data is repeated along with the changing state. That will consume more space, as a tradeoff.
You might consider looking at Flexviews. It supports creating incrementally refreshable materialized views for MySQL. A materialized view is like a snapshot of a query that is updated periodically with the data which has changed. You can use materialized views to summarize on multiple attributes in different summary tables and keep these views transactionally consistent with each other. You can find some slides describing the functionality on
There is also Shard-Query which can be used in combination with InnoDB and MySQL partitioning, as well as supporting spreading data over many machines. This will satisfy both high update rates and will provide query parallelism for fast aggregation.
Of course, you can combine the two together.
