Kill a Process Started via a the Eclipse Remote Systems Feature - windows

I'm trying to make some use of Remote Systems in Eclipse. This is what I did:
Click to Window > Show View > Other... from the Eclipse menu bar.
The Show View dialog appears.
Select Remote Systems and press OK
The system opens the Remote Shell tab in your workspace.
Rich click on Local Shells and select Launch Shell.
Started a process in the shell --- normally I can terminate this with CTRL-C at the DOS prompt.
There is no way to kill this process int he Local Shell. If I terminate the shell the process keeps running. I can kill the process by restarting Eclipse but that defeats the purpose.
I can run a shell by configuring an external tool, but I was hoping to use this nifty Remote Systems feature if I could.
Anyone got a work around?

Here's a solution when working with a particular process type (like NodeJS or Mongo) on Windows (could be adapted to other OS).
You can kill the process with the command line:
taskkill /im node.exe /f
So, set this up as a Remote Systems User Action (both Folder and File) by right-clicking in Remote Systems view and selecting User Action > Work with User Actions. Then any time you need you can right-click in the Remote Systems view and select your User Action to kill the process. I found an Eclipse restart was necessary after setting it up.


C:\windows\SysWow64\CScript.exe window pop up

I created a macro in Excel and i am running it from a .vbs file. It's working fine on my laptop. I copied the same work on a new laptop and each time i am running the vbs file this window appears on the screen.
I have made some research and read that the situation i mentioned is happening when loading CheckNDISPort service on the startup. But i don't believe it's the reason because when i go to task manager and check in the startUp tab i don't find this service. Also when i restart my laptop i don't get this window, only when i am running my vbs file. I am sure there is any problem with my vbs file too because on the other laptops it's working fine.
Any suggestion please how to get ride of this pop up ? For now i am closing the window each time or ending the task from task manager but everytime i run it again so it pops up again.
Thank you very much.
Windows Scripting Host has two interpreter front-ends, wscript.exe and cscript.exe. cscript.exe is a console application and if cscript.exe is set as the default a console window will open every time you execute a script.
Run cmd.exe elevated as administrator and run wscript.exe //h:wscript.
Depending on the Windows version, you might also be able to right-click a .vbs file, select "Open with...", choose %windir%\system32\wscript.exe and check the "default" checkbox.

Disable cmd and PowerShell on Windows Server 2012 for clients

I'm using Windows Server 2012, and I want to disable the cmd and the PowerShell for the clients. I've searched in the Group Policies but i didn't find where I can do this. Please can somebody help me?
Disable access to powershell:
In the Group Policy window for those users, on the left-hand side, scroll down to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Don’t run specified Windows applications.
In the properties window that opens, click the “Enabled” option and then click the “Show” button.
In the “Show Contents” window add --> powershell.exe
User Cfg - Admin Templates - System - Prevent access to the command prompt
Prevents users from running the interactive command prompt, Cmd.exe. This setting also determines whether batch files (.cmd and .bat) can run on the computer.
If you enable this setting and the user tries to open a command window, the system displays a message explaining that a setting prevents the action.
Note: Do not prevent the computer from running batch files if the computer uses logon, logoff, startup, or shutdown batch file scripts, or for users that use Terminal Services.
I have no idea about powershell anything.

How to display the main window of a process in another Windows session?

When running a Scheduled Task under Windows to launched batch processes under a dedicated account, you could want to see output of theses processes.
These sub-processes could be either or both graphical or character based applications
As there are running in a different Windows Logon session, I cannot find way to display their output. There are like ghost processes
I would expect being able to use the show Window command from Process Explorer, but even via running Process Explorer under the dedicated account used to run the task (via runas), it is not working
Is there a way to do it ?
References :
I believe that once created, a window cannot be transferred to another window station. Also, I doubt it is possible to open windows in another session. For character-based applications you are better off writing the output to some file and examining that file. For graphical applications you are out of luck with task scheduler. You may want to write a simple VBS script that wakes up at a certain time and runs your graphical task(s) and run it upon user logon, e.g. along the lines of a script from this page:

How to run something after Windows logon is fully done?

I have a system service running on my Windows machine that can impersonate the currently logged on user and launch applications on their behalf (including UI apps).
It works fine when the user is already logged on into their interactive session, their Desktop is created, and so on.
The startup of the service is Automatic, so it is started automatically after each reboot. If it attempts to run some program (that needs UI access) immediately after the service is started, that program may fail - possibly because the autologon process is still in progress, the Desktop is not created yet, etc.
The question is: if the service starts "early", how can it wait for the interactive session to be fully initialized (apart from waiting some arbitrary time, which is not optimal)?
Or, can the service be started "late"? Is there a registry key, or a folder, or something else, that I can use to delay the service startup to the moment when the Shell is ready and it is safe to launch UI applications?
The easiest two ways to "execute some code when a user logs on" is to write a .bat file, and either:
1) Put the .bat file in the startup folder
<= Note: Windows 7/Vista has a new location for "Startup folder"
... or ...
2) Create a new Task that calls the .bat file at login
I option "2)" gives you finer control. It also allows the .bat file to "Run as Administrator" if needed.
If you'd like to make the .bat file pause briefly (e.g. to make sure things are completely initialized", you can add "ping -w" to your .bat file.
#rem Waits 5 seconds before continuing
ping -n 1 -w 5000 > nul

Visual Studio Command Window - Attach To Remote Process?

I was wondering if it is possible to use the command window commands to attach to a remote process? (It gets very annoying for remote debugging to roll through the dialog steps every time.)
I don't think there's any way to do what you want from the command line. But you should be able to eliminate at least some of the dialog steps.
For example, for C++, in the Project Properties find the Debugging Tab and change "Debugger to launch" to "Remote Windows Debugger". Now change Remote Command to the name of the process you want to attach to, change Remote Server Name to the relevant host name and change Attach to 'yes'. You can also set other properties as desired.
Press F5 (or Debug | Start) and you should end up attached to the process you identified on the remote server you identified.
