C:\windows\SysWow64\CScript.exe window pop up - windows

I created a macro in Excel and i am running it from a .vbs file. It's working fine on my laptop. I copied the same work on a new laptop and each time i am running the vbs file this window appears on the screen.
I have made some research and read that the situation i mentioned is happening when loading CheckNDISPort service on the startup. But i don't believe it's the reason because when i go to task manager and check in the startUp tab i don't find this service. Also when i restart my laptop i don't get this window, only when i am running my vbs file. I am sure there is any problem with my vbs file too because on the other laptops it's working fine.
Any suggestion please how to get ride of this pop up ? For now i am closing the window each time or ending the task from task manager but everytime i run it again so it pops up again.
Thank you very much.

Windows Scripting Host has two interpreter front-ends, wscript.exe and cscript.exe. cscript.exe is a console application and if cscript.exe is set as the default a console window will open every time you execute a script.
Run cmd.exe elevated as administrator and run wscript.exe //h:wscript.
Depending on the Windows version, you might also be able to right-click a .vbs file, select "Open with...", choose %windir%\system32\wscript.exe and check the "default" checkbox.


Run PowerShell script in window on machine

I am trying to have a PowerShell script run after a machine restart. I want the script to run on restart, not login. Additionally, I want the script to run in a window. I found many questions that are almost identical to mine but don't include having the script running in a window. I've tried including -noexit. I have tried to use task scheduler and while it says that my script is running, no window appears. What do I need to do to make it run in a window?
I do not want to change global keys making all scripts run in a window and I do not want to write anything in my script that prompts the user to close the window.

How to use AutoHotKey to launch Visual Studio 2015 when it requires interaction with the UAC prompt in Windows 10

I have VS2015 set up so that it always runs as administrator (a la something like this https://superuser.com/a/468056/48346).
Now I want to create an AHK script to launch Visual Studio and run a few UI / Keyboard commands to get it ready for me - I want this script to run at login but that's a later problem.
The Null solution is obviously to turn UAC off, but I don't want to do that.
So far I'm stuck on the way the UAC prompt always grabs the whole screen and I can't use AHK to click the "yes" button or send any keyboard commands to press enter or something like that. I guess this is the whole point of the UAC prompt, not to allow anything to do it for me.
Is there no way to open VS without the UAC prompt showing? I'd need to open a specific solution file, so if it's possible from the command line, the solution file would need to be included in the command so that it opens.
So far I've tried the AHK command RunAs, but I couldn't get that to work - my personal user is a domain user that's a member of the admin group on my local machine. I tried creating a specific runner account with admin privileges and use the RunAs command with that, but that didn't work. I get an access is denied when I run this AHK code:
RunAs, runner, password, LocalComputer-Name
Run, %comspec% /k "start c:\Users\myacc\Documents\path\solution.sln"
The runner account is in the Administrators group on my local machine, which has full access to the folder where the solution file is stored including the file itself - so I don't understand why access is denied.
Is this not possible?
Ps. I'd ask this question on the AHK forum, but registering there seems to not send any confirmation email at all (no, it's not in my spam folder), so I can't post it there.
The answer is to schedule a task that runs with the highest privileges to run the script at logon. The problem I was really having was to construct and debug the script - running a task each time was cumbersome. So to debug the script, just right-click the script and select "Run as administrator". Then the UAC prompt will pop up before the script starts running but not during the script. Then when the script is ready, just schedule a task to run at logon and check the "Run with highest privileges" option for the task. Then you can try the task by right-clicking the newly created task and selecting run, then you will see it run without the UAC prompt.
My final version of the script just opens the solution file using Run, no RunAs required - the scheduled task is set to run as my user, with the highest privileges.
Run, %comspec% /c "start c:\Users\myacc\path\solution.sln"

How to Launch a Metro App from Microsoft Access VBA on Windows 10 Computer

I have a situation in which I wanted to utilize the camera app in Windows 10 from my Microsoft Access program. Normally I could just send a command to execute the program's executable, but with the metro app there is no straightforward executable.
The basic code I use is this:
Shell """" & PthToExe & """", vbNormalFocus
PthToExe is the path name for the executable.
I looked around a decent bit, but was unable to find any simple solutions and ended up coming up with my own. My solution is to make a shortcut link to the camera application and then to launch the link.
In order to make a shortcut link in Windows 10, you can click on the start button, go to "All Apps", find the app you want (in my case "Camera"), and then click and drag it to the desktop.
Now that you have a shortcut, you can launch the shortcut from a command line. (So my shortcut doesn't clutter up my desktop, I dragged it off my desktop and into a folder on the "C" drive.)
Type the path into a command prompt like this and hit enter to test launching your app: C:\GJ\Camera.lnk
So that solves the problem if you wanted to launch from a command line. For some reason, though, Access would not accept that command. The way I got around it was I put the command in a batch file (Edit: Alternatively, see HansUp's comment). To do that, you just need to open notepad, type in the same thing you typed in the command prompt, save the note pad document, and then rename the document to have a .bat extension.
You can then execute the .bat file from Microsoft Access as follows:
Shell "C:\GJ\OpenCamera.bat", vbMinimizedNoFocus
Note that normally, I use vbNormalFocus when running the shell command, but in this case, it is desirable not to see the little command prompt open before the actual program opens.

How can I pop up the system property window in windows7

I want to open the system property window to change environment variable in Windows7. I know how to open that window, and used to use that window sometimes before, but today I opened the window as usual, It does not appear. How can I open it?
You should check why that command stopped to work in your environment, meanwhile try with this (from command line or from Run):
rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
Also check this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc144191%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

Explorer not starting after logon script ran

I set a batch script to run at logon using GPO that runs an exe. The exe runs, but Explorer doesn't start until after I stop the exe
For example, say this is my batch file:
This will open notepad on a black background; no task bar, no desktop. When I close notepad, the task bar and desktop icons come up. If I change the batch file to this:
at logon, notepad opens up and the task bar and desktop icons appear.
I've checked GPO settings to make sure logon scripts are being run asynchronously so I'm not sure what's going on. Can anyone help me with this?
For clarification, I'm not trying to run notepad at startup, I'm trying to run a synchronization program that doesn't have a UI so when I start it using the batch script, I just get a black screen because I guess the logon process is waiting for the exe to 'finish' or close to start explorer.
start "" notepad.exe
You can place a window-title between the " if you like.
