Building a gui app using wxPython (menubars) - user-interface

while creating a menubar and adding menu-items to it,my panel is showing blank...the menubar is not showing and am getting this message-
(python:4106): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
how do i resolve this problem???

I know I'm a bit late but...
Are you using Ubuntu 11/12? It's a bug in Ubuntu's GTK implementation from what I gathered
There are unofficial patches but they are for C++ Wx. I have the same problem as you and it is annoying
For myself, the menu bar shows itself but the signals aren't sent to the status bar when going over it with the mouse.
I removed the "global menu bar" from Unity using the link on the ticket. It fixed the problem

We kind of need a sample app: That will help us figure out the issue. However, menus are supposed to be children of the frame in almost all cases, so I suspect that is your problem. Attach it to the frame instead of the panel. See also or


missing alignment guides in xcode interface builder

I am new to programming on the Apple Mac. I have followed a programming guide supplied in the Mac Developer Library to program a basic GUI program called TrackMix. In this program you place a textbox, a vertical slider and a button control on the view window. Initially, on dragging the specific object, say the textbox, to the window, a set of alignment guides (dotted blue lines) would automatically appear on the canvas when the object is dragged over it. I dont know what has happened, but now those guides have disappeared when I execute the same action of dragging objects to the window. When the object being dragged is over the window a small green dot, with a plus sign in it, appears on the bottom of the object. I have carefully retraced my steps to be exactly the same as stated in the Developer Library, but still the problem persist. Have I, perhaps, involuntarily changed some Xcode settings or what? I am at the end of my wits! PS: I am using Xcode 7.
You have to toggle the menu item "Editor > Canvas > Snap To Guides" in Storyboard. I hope that helps
I am not sure whether this will be helpful, but I just had the same problem and the only thing which worked was re-installing Xcode (7.3) and trashing all of the Xcode preferences.
Good luck.

On MacOS with Qt5.3.1 QToolBar is black when attached

I have a QMainWindow Application that uses several QToolBars. My program works on Linux, Windows and MacOS, however on MacOs the QToolbar behaves a little bit funky. When attached to the MainWindow it is just black as shown here
When I detach it it is grey as you would expect it to be
Also when I maximize to program the toolbar creates artifacts like this
Do I need any MacOS specific things for the QToolBar?
I'm hitting this bug too. I think it is linked to using non-alien widgets inside the toolbar or app wide.
Are you using setAttribute(Qt::AA_NativeWindows);? If so, try removing it.
Would you happen to have a QGLWidget-based UI element in your application? If so, apparently this is a known issue.
I am experiencing the "double-vision" aspect of this on a Qt 5.7.0-based app.

Tooltips flicker on OSX

I'm creating a cross-platform GUI using JavaFX 2.0, and some of the controls that I use require tooltips to be displayed when the mouse hovers over them. I've got the tooltips displaying fine on my Windows 7 machine, but on OSX (10.7.3) the tooltips appear and then dissapear immediately, and the only way to get them to display again is to move the mouse off the control and then back on.
Is this a known issue with tooltips under OSX, or is there something special that needs to be done?
Many thanks,
Looks like a known issue RT-14798 "Mac: tooltips disappear right after they are displayed", which was fixed on January 26, 2012. Download the latest JavaFX OS-X early access release and, if you are still having an issue, reopen the bug. Signup is required to access the bug tracker, but anybody can signup and create or comment on bugs and issues.

How to fix Titanium's broken menu bar on mac osx

I started developing an desktop-app with Titanium Appcelerator for mac. Everything is fine except the broken menu bar. So I launch the app and get this weird looking menu bar, where every item is placed two times. I didn't create a menu, it's a default project.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
It's been a while since this was asked, but I want to contribute an answer so we can close this off:
This was fixed with Titanium Desktop 1.2.0. It was something we were doing wrong, and have since fixed.
You can read more here, if you are interested:

Xcode Developer Documentation Link Hover Jumps To Top

I don't know how I got into this state, but the Xcode documentation window has been exhibiting this strange behavior of "jumping to top" whenever I hover over a link in one of the doc files.
For example, I'll be scrolling down to, say, the methods of a Class Reference, and as soon as I hover over one of them, the doc window jumps right back to the top.
Has anyone else encountered this? If so, is there a fix for within Xcode?
Meanwhile, opening up the doc in a browser works around the problem.
Thanks for the replies everyone!
Meanwhile, I have just stumbled upon a workaround.
To preface, I have to clarify/correct two things for my particular case:
The problem only occurs when hovering over the links in the Tasks section.
The jump doesn't necessarily go to the top-of-page. Rather, it goes to wherever the original landing spot was when you opened the doc. (In URL parlance this is the fragment, e.g. #//apple_ref...).
On to the workaround:
In the Xcode doc viewer (and even in Safari), there should be a "Jump To..." drop-down in the "developer-documentation" window located to the right (and as a peer) of the "table of contents" expander when this problem occurs. You only need click on it once, dismiss it, and then the jumping problem goes away!
I've encountered it (only when viewing the docs in Safari, not the doc viewer itself), and I believe it's a known bug fixed in Xcode 3.2 (for Snow Leopard).
