I am creating a sample project (a Hello, World!) with libevent.
(Just for note: This question has got nothing to do with libevent but with Visual Studio. :-))
I compiled the library separately outside but under Visual Studio environment.
Wanted to test with a sample code and I started with creating a new project in VS2010.
I selected Visual C++ --> General --> Empty Project.
When I selected the project properties to add the 'additional include directories' I do not find
C/C++ node where it is usually added.
This is how it looks:
However, when I select Visual C++ --> Win32 --> Win32 Console Application I will be able to see the C/C++ node and add the additional include directories.
I read this post and understood I can add the required directories in VC++ Directories --> Include Directories. But yet it's not so very advisable to change the default setting.
Is there any other way I can add additional include directories without selecting the C++ --> Win32 --> Win32 Console Application project? Just want to know.
You need to have at least one .cpp file added to the project to be able to see the C/C++ settings. Otherwise, being an empty project, VS does not know what language you are using
You have to have a C++ project. It doesn't need to be a console application; you could also create a static library (.lib) or dynamic library (.dll).
Trying to set up libtins on windows. Im relatively new to Visual studio and most of the documentation on the matter was for older versions. I was able to get the include files set up with the project but linking the .lib's was problematic and i cant seem to configure it properly. The properties menu seems pretty convoluted as im used to doing most things compiler related configurations from a command line.
In the Solution Explorer, right click on the project, select Properties. Expand to Configuration Properties > Linker > Input. Add the .lib file to Additional Dependencies. Do this for both the Release and Debug configuration.
If the static library in question is in fact the output of another visual studio project, you can just add that project to your solution file, and then add a reference to that project, and let VS2017 figure out where the lib files are located, and that the linker needs them.
Solution '...' (2 projects)
Lib Consuming Project
References(Lib Producing Project)
Lib Producing Project
hint for creating static libraries from visual studio
for Lib Producing Project, go to Properties
Properties->Configuration Properties->General
and set Configuration Type to static lib (for both debug and release)
for foreign static libs, the accepted answer is AFAIK the proper way to do it.
I am trying to use the gloox library (C++) to create a Windows XMPP application. It seems simple enough, except I don't know how to import gloox into Visual Studio 2010 so I can include it in my application project.
I've looked at the instructions provided in the read-me (shown below), but when I try to compile the library, I get this error:
Cannot open source file: 'src\tlsgnutlsserver.cpp': No such file or directory
Instructions provided in the read-me file:
Building gloox on MSVC++
use the included project file or create your own
adjust include + library paths if necessary
to receive any debug output you should use the LogSink facilities (this is not win32-specific)
Does anyone have experience using Gloox with VS10? If yes, can you please help me out? Thanks!
I assume you're using the official 1.0 tarball? I had the same problem (missing source file) and had to acquire the source from SVN instead. I used the 1.0 branch.
I encountered a few other build problems, namely
the release build configuration was set to build an Application (.exe) instead of Dynamic library (.dll) (Project->Properties->General->Configuration Type)
I needed to add DLL_EXPORT to the preprocessor definitions (Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++ ->Properties->Preprocessor)
src\atomicrefcount.cpp needed to be added to the project's source files. (Project->Add Existing Item)
This worked for me in express editions of both VC++ 2010 and VC++ 2008.
Hopefully it helps you as well.
I want to develop gpu computing algorithms using CUDA. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition. After I install all the computing tools and SDK with samples, I see under project types "NVIDIA->CUDA->CUDA 4.0 Runtime" choice to start a CUDA project.
The problem is that I can't include source files located at ProgramData/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.0/Common/inc to work with samples, use header files under GL directory etc. I'm trying to include them using "Additional Include Directories". I'm adding the full path, but it doesn't work. Visual Studio doesn't see those files.
How can I use these files? What should I type in to get these files?
I compiled cutil project under common directory, it solved some error problems while trying to compile samples but it made no use for the issue I stated above.
These are the steps I took to install CUDA into VS2010.
Create a normal project of your choice. (e.g. win32)
Right click the project and choose Build Customizations. If you have installed the tools and SDK correctly you should see a CUDA 4.0 target. (If your project becomes corrupt you may also have to replace the existing ExtensionSetting import in your .vcxproj file)
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\BuildCustomizations\CUDA 4.0.props"/>
Your include path should already be setup, if it is not then add $(CUDA_INC_PATH) to your VC++ include directory.
Add cudart.lib to your Linker additional libraries ensuring that $(CudaToolkitLibDir) is added to the paths.
Create a file and give it the .cu file extension. Right click the file, go to properties and select the Item Type as "Cuda C/C++".
Once sthis i complete you should be able to compile Cuda in VS2010. I may have forgetten some steps, you may need to fiddle abit, I will edit this post if I recall tomorrow.
I am trying to use CMake for compiling CUDA based application on Windows (Visual Studio 2005). Here is an example stripped down CMake file:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (HELLO)
#Support for CUDA Integration
SET(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-arch;sm_13")
message("CUDA is not installed on this system.")
There are a few issues I wish to understand with this.
When I open the solution file (Hello.sln), I don't see any custom build rule setup for the project (Right click on Project -> Custom build rules)
I do see a "Hello_generated_hello.cu.obj" added to my project in Visual Studio. What is this file and why is it added to the project?
By default CUDA Runtime API section doesn't come in Project properties.
If I enable an appropriate custom build rule (NvCudaRuntimeApi.rules), I can now see CUDA runtime API section. If I now go to GPU subsection, I see the GPU architecture still set to be sm_10.
Even if I use CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES() Macro to add some directories for CUDA compilation, I won't see these settings in Project Properties -> CUDA Runtime API -> General -> Additional Include Directories.
I wish to know if FindCUDA() package is very able to properly configure VS 2005 project for CUDA based compilation. May be I need to specify additional options to properly configure the project. I would certainly wish to know that. I wish to make sure that whatever options I have specified through CMakeLists file, I should be able to review them easily in my generated VS 2005 project.
What is appropriate way to configure this?
CMake does not support custom build rules (like the CUDA runtime API .rules file), and therefore you cannot edit the CUDA property sheets that the .rules files provide if you use CMake to configure your project. However you can set any CUDA settings directly in the CMakeLists.txt that generates the project, and rebuilding your project will detect these changes and regenerate and reload the project files automatically.
The additional benefit of FindCUDA (besides being cross-platform) is proper dependency analysis so that you never end up with stale builds like you normally do when using CUDA .cu files in Visual Studio (with or without .rules files).
You can find an examples of using CMake with CUDA in the CUDPP project in the following files:
Top-level CMakeLists for the whole library and sample apps:
Project-specific CMakeLists file for a library: http://code.google.com/p/cudpp/source/browse/trunk/src/cudpp/CMakeLists.txt
Project-specific CMakeLists file for an executable: http://code.google.com/p/cudpp/source/browse/trunk/apps/simpleCUDPP/CMakeLists.txt
Hope that helps.
i would like to use OpenGl in Visual Studio 2010. Following Problem: "error LNK1104: Data "GIU32.lib OpenGL32.lib freeglut.lib glut32.lib" could not be oppend"
I read many Tutorials but they don´t help me :-(.
The lib data sets are in "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0a\lib".
The header data sets are in "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0a\Include\gl"
The dll data sets are in "C:\Windows\SysWOW64"
I Use Windows 7 Professional 64Bit.
I put "GIU32.lib OpenGL32.lib freeglut.lib glut32.lib" on Project > Properties > Linker > Input.
This is what you need to do.
Obtain GLUT for Windows (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) from Nate Robins’ web page. I put it on my C drive. The current documentation for GLUT tells you to go into the glut project folder and build the glut.dsw Visual Studio project. This is a little misleading since there is no glut.dsw file and all the dll, lib etc files you need are already there! So don’t worry about doing this, just download it.
Create a Visual Studio Project such as a new Console Application. For Windows XP: paste the glut32.dll file into: C:\Windows\System32. For Windows 7: place the glut32.dll inside the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder instead.
In the Project properties, select C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories and add the location of the glut.h header file. This might be C:\glut-3.7.6-bin\
In the Project properties, select Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories and add the location of the glut libraries eg C:\glut-3.7.6-bin\
In the Project properties, select Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies and add “glut32.lib”.
It should then compile. For a more detailed explanation, plus advice for installing the latest Windows Drivers from the Intel site, see this blog post.
Your error message lists all missing files in the same error.
That means you didn't set your dependencies correctly, because the linker searched for the file "GIU32.lib OpenGL32.lib freeglut.lib glut32.lib", which doesn't exist, of course.
The file names have to be separated by ";" in the Additional Dependencies section (under Linker > Input).
Or, if you use the edit menu by choosing it from the drop-down selection, each dependency has to be in a new line.
So you have to write "GIU32.lib;OpenGL32.lib;freeglut.lib;glut32.lib".
If error persists, you just put the libs in wrong place. Try to define additional lib path in project properties (sorry, I don't have VS 2010 around to show you exact location).
The DLLs need to be in BOTH system32 and syswow64
See here:
Has a HOWTO including a screenshot of the linker options you need to set.