How to link a static library in Visual C++ 2017? - visual-studio

Trying to set up libtins on windows. Im relatively new to Visual studio and most of the documentation on the matter was for older versions. I was able to get the include files set up with the project but linking the .lib's was problematic and i cant seem to configure it properly. The properties menu seems pretty convoluted as im used to doing most things compiler related configurations from a command line.

In the Solution Explorer, right click on the project, select Properties. Expand to Configuration Properties > Linker > Input. Add the .lib file to Additional Dependencies. Do this for both the Release and Debug configuration.

If the static library in question is in fact the output of another visual studio project, you can just add that project to your solution file, and then add a reference to that project, and let VS2017 figure out where the lib files are located, and that the linker needs them.
Solution '...' (2 projects)
Lib Consuming Project
References(Lib Producing Project)
Lib Producing Project
hint for creating static libraries from visual studio
for Lib Producing Project, go to Properties
Properties->Configuration Properties->General
and set Configuration Type to static lib (for both debug and release)
for foreign static libs, the accepted answer is AFAIK the proper way to do it.


I need to create a sample video to visualize how HaarCascade works on OpenCV (code do not works)

How are you?
I am trying to create a video like this:
or like this:
I am trying to getting this code working:
I am using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10.
I have added correctly the include directory and the library directory.
I created it as a console application.
I added the #include "stdafx.h" at the start of the main file.
This are the errors that Microsoft Visual Studio show to me:
Can you help me solve this?
There is anything that I should know for making this work correctly?
Thank you to everyone,
Those errors are as has been noted indeed linker errors. If the compiler does not complain that means you have you include paths set up correctly, so you have won half the battle.
For linker errors you can try these things:
Make sure your *.lib files are built for the same target you're building your own project for.
If you use NuGet then you can look in the /packages folder of your project. Browse down to /packages/[package name]/build/native/lib/[architecture]/. There you will find folders like v120 or v140. For Visual Studio 2017 they need to be v141. If they are missing then you can tell VS to target the older platform (project properties -> general -> platform toolset)
If you've built the libraries yourself then maybe you did that similarly targeting a different platform? Try building the OpenCV library again and make sure the target is set to v141 (or whatever you want to use).
Make sure the linker can find your libraries. If you're using NuGet this step isn't necessary but if you built the library yourself or if you downloaded a prebuilt one then go into project settings and:
Go to VC++ directories -> Library Directories, edit that value and make sure the folder that contains the *.lib files is in there.
Go to Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies, edit it and put in all the *.lib files. Just their names, not full paths. In your case you'd just put opencv_world331d.lib there.
Be aware that any of the above settings need to be done for each configuration. Usually there is a x86 and x64 architecture combined with debug or release configuration. If you switch any of these you'd have to check the above steps again. This is a bit of a hassle so you're better off defining a property sheet once which you can then reuse every time you do a OpenCV project. There was a tutorial for this in OpenCV 2.4's documentation, and some people have made premade ones.

How to combine two dependent projects in Visual Studio

I have a solution which has two projects. One is a static link library project, and another is a console project for demo. Now I want to create a MFC project to replace the console project, what should I do to configure the MFC project.
the MFC project need to use some classes in the .lib project.
I have set MFC project as start project and depend on the .lib project.
My platform is win7 + vs2015.
Actually, the solution is EasyPR, you can get it here EasyPR.
Thanks for any help.
Setting the dependency to the static library is one step.
To compile the code you may need headers for the compiler. So the MFC projects may need settings for the compiler to define additional include paths.
You still need to configure the linker to use and find the library. To reference the library you may use a pragma comment lib. In the linker settings you may add an additional path for the libraries.
Or you may simply drag the lib into the solution explorer. The build mechanism will know how to treat a lib and will include it into the build process. The later will only work if you have 1 lib for release and debug.
If you have different libs for release and debug a advise you to use different names. You may adjust the project settings of the MFC program for debug and release differently.

Visual Studio not able to run ".lib" file?

I am trying to build a project from the following Source Code (it accompanies a book I am currently reading). Unfortunately, visual studio can not run a library with the name "cyclone_d.lib". I believe this is because visual studio simply can not locate the file. I have spent several hours trying to fix this problem by changing the settings in the linker and project, for example adding Additional Directories, but I have not been able to get any results.
Please let me know how I can fix this problem and compile the code.
Thank You!
Your link to source points only to some Unix-style source files but no VS project files. So I can only guess and give general help.
A VS solution contains one or more projects. Each project has a build target, in most cases a EXE, DLL, or static library LIB. When you have a solution that includes an project with an EXE build target set the option "Set as StartUp Project" at that project in the solution tree.
If you don't have an EXE change your project setup to create a Win32 executable instead a library. For this task the most simple approach is creating a new project (Win32 Console Application or Win32 Project) and add all the source files.

How can i build project in visual studio 2012 on both way(dll and lib) together

I managed to set up build project in dll mode and in library mode but not together:
for build in dll:
project->properties->Configuration Type: Dynamic Library (.dll)
project->properties->Target Extension: .dll
for build in library:
project->properties->Configuration Type: Static library (.lib)
project->properties->Target Extension: .lib
it is possible to build both of them together?
Yes, you can have single project that can be used for .dll and .lib.
Steps to be followed:
Visual Studio will provide you Debug and Release solution
configurations. Create custom configurations for lib and dll (i.e.
lib-release, dll-release).
For each configuration set different project type and set export
symbols. i.e. for lib-release define LIB_CONFIG and don't set it for
In code file use LIB_CONFIG with #IFDEF to include/exclude project
type specific code. IF some part of code is lib specific the add it
in #ifdef LIB_CONFIG...#endif, and if it is dll specific add it in
#ifndef LIB_CONFIG...#endif.
Compile project after changing Active solution configuration. i.e.
change to lib-release, if you want to have .lib file.
I hope this will help you. Please let me know your feedback.
During creation of new project in Visual Studio, make sure you check on "Export Symbols"
No. You must have two projects in your solution (using the same source files). Don't forget to have different names for your 2 .lib files.
EDIT: use some trick to not include a DllMain function in your static lib (either some #ifdef, or a separate file not added to the static project)

Best practices organizing a Visual Studio solution

I need some help regarding Visual Studio solution and project organization.
I have a solution with several projects. All of them are written in C# and are compiled as libraries to be used by the GUI. Some of these libraries have also dependencies with others. For example, TestExecutive needs LoggingFramework, Communications needs LoggingFramework too.
Which is the best way of organizing? I'm thinking on a folder assemblies to hold libraries' binaries in one place. Something like:
|-- TestExecutive
|-- LoggingFramework
|-- assemblies
There is also another problem. One of the projects uses a native C dll. Where do I have to place this library? With the librarie's assembly or with the final executable?
Ok, now suppose I have the WinForms program running. I have source code and binaries mixed. Which features do I need to generate something I can distribute? I mean, with all the libraries and configuration files, but without source code. I have done this before with Nullsoft installer, but I don't know if visual studio can help you doing that.
A few things here:
When one project depends on another, you can set up that dependency in Visual Studio. Right click on a project and select Project Dependencies...
For other .NET assemblies that are NOT part of your solution (3rd party tools, etc.) I do exactly what you showed here -- I have a separate folder parallel to the projects. Then I set up the assembly reference in each of the projects with "Copy Local" set to true and it works fine.
For native C dlls, it's a little different. There is no direct reference to them in the references section of the solution explorer. The compiler isn't going to look at the dll to check your p/invoke references or anything like that. You just need to make sure the dll is part of the deployment on your top level web or winforms project. It's a content file just like a css file or image or something. Just add it as a file in the project and make sure the "Build Action" is set to Content so Visual studio knows to just copy the file as part of the deployment
I set my solution folders up a bit differently than you. At the top level I have the following folders:
The build folder has build scripts (NAnt, MSBuild, etc). Any 3rd party assemblies (or anything I'm not building in the solution) get put into the lib folder, in an appropriate sub-folder. For example, I'll have log4net, NUnit, RhinoMocks folders in the lib folder, each containing the files needed for that dependency. The src folder has the solution and all project files.
I like this structure because it clearly delineates between the project code and the other stuff that is required by the project. Also, I usually set up some custom build tasks to copy the resulting assemblies for my project into either a \deploy or \lib\ folder. This way you don't have to hunt in the \src\\bin\\ folder to get a built assembly or the whole project; however this seems a bit beyond the scope of your question.
Btw... I didn't come up with this structure on my own, I think I started off using Tree Surgeon and evolved my process from there.
