set focus on textbox on a button click in mvc3 -

I have made a form in MVC and have included tabs. So I want to redirect to a text on a button lcik which is not in the default tab. So how can I do that

Write some jquery:


Corrupted data in Ace Editor when using browser 'back' button in single page app

I'm using Ace Editor in a Rails app with TurboLinks. The editor is initialized each time a page is loaded (including when a page is loaded via the browser 'back' button):
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () {
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
When clicking a link to another page in the application, and then clicking the browser 'back' button, the editor field is corrupted. For example, if the data in the editor is:
The data (displayed in the textarea of the editor) after going to another page an coming back becomes:
How to prevent this from happening in my application?
My workaround was the following (executed at each turbolinks:load event, including when user uses 'back' button):
remove the previous editor div (exists only when using 'back' button), with something like $('#editor').remove()
load the content from a hidden div that is never edited
add a new div for the editor, with the content to edit (something like $('#foo').after(${content})
initialize the editor with ace.edit("editor");

How to use the CKEditor in an custom ASPX page?

I would like to use the CKEditor on a SharePoint 2010 Custom Application Page (.aspx).
Is this possible?
Is there an example?
I have no special requirement on a sample. I would like to see only how to place an ASPX Textbox (Multiline) on an aspx page, place the CKEditor on the page and and activate the CKEditor on the field.
Yes, this is possible. You have to create a plugin with a custom button in it and the open on click a new window (the .aspx page). In this page you have to find the CKEditor instance, and you are then able to write back HTML to the editor.

Kendo Button single click

Is there a Single Click button feature in Kendo Button widget like shown below in the example link (I know its WebControl for webforms app). I am looking for similar kind of functionality in Kendo MVC Wrapper/Core. Can someone please share the configuration settings either in Kendo MVC Wrapper or Kendo Core.
Example of Single Click in Telerik RadButton
You can easily achieve that functionality using jQuery, like this:
$("#myButton").one("click", function() {
'Code to run when the button is clicked.
You can read more about it here.

Want to replace "<p> </p>" with "<p></p>" on new paragraph button click in telerik rad editor

When we use New paragraph button in telerik rad editor it puts "<p> </p>".
Just Want to replace "<p> </p>" with "<p></p>" on new paragraph button click in telerik rad editor.
The entity inside the paragraph tags is added on purpose. If you remove it the browser won't be able to render the new line.
What I also noticed when testing the requested behavior is that IE automatically fills the contents of the empty tags with even when the content filters of the editor are disabled:
I was able to reproduce this behavior in other WYSIWYG editors as well as in an editable iframe, which means that this is a browser behavior.

Need to disable the button present in the bottom of jqGrid dynamically

Currently, I am working on mvc2 project which has a view containing three dropdown controls. I am also using jqGrid for displaying the data in the application. The jQGrid is displayed with buttons called Add,Edit,Search in the footer section. I need to disable and enable the Search button dynamically. If the user selects any item from dropdown1 and dropdown2 then I need to disable the Search button and in case the user selects any item from dropdown3 then I need to enable the Search button.
I am new to jQGrid implementation. Can anyone help me with some sample code to handle the above functionality.
Thanks & Regards,
Santosh Kumar Patro
I would recommend you to read the answer and another one. The answers shows how one can hide/show or enable/disable buttons from the navigator bar. You can use onSelectRow or beforeSelectRow callback to disable/enable/hide/show the navigator buttons dynamically.
