Azure toolkit for windows phone publish issue - windows-phone-7

I um using Windows Azure toolkit for Windows Phone from codeplex. After creating a Windows Phone Cloud Application from a template, I started it on localhost and it run succesfully. Then i followed instructions on Codeplex on how to deploy on Azure, and published it also succesfully - I got an url to the website, but after typing the url in browser the website didn't load, and after a while there was a timeout. I tried both production and staging deployment. Can't resolve why this happens - did anyone faced familiar problem?
The publish completed successfully however this application is not running properly on Windows Azure.

As you are using Web Role type WP7 Phone application look for all the steps suggested in the link below:
Webrole is not starting and always busy
Also if you still could not find the root cause open a Windows Azure support ticket and you will get some help to find the root cause.

You may want to look at:
Remoting into the VM is a great way to see what is going on. Does it come up if you want for a while (maybe 30 minutes)?


Windows Azure and FileZilla FTP

I get this problem, when trying to connect to Windows Azure hosted server from my Mac OSX Filezilla FTP Client:
220 Microsoft FTP Service530 User cannot log in
Error: Critical errorError: Could not connect to server
This only started happening as of October 29, 2013. Prior to that, I would get a "Critical error" every now and again, but was always easy to refresh and upload without haste.
I tried CyberDuck and it told me to contact service provider, but has anyone found a solution to this?
We use Windows Azure to host our site, and I run Mac OSX. Surely, this would have always been a problem before and not have just sprung up recently for this reason alone (Windows vs Mac) right?!
Please see: Servicedashboard Windows Azure at
30 Oct 2013 7:00 PM UTC
We are aware of an issue being reported regarding Windows Azure Web Sites FTP data access. We are responding to this issue with the highest level of priority. Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the impact. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.
Last update:
We are narrowing in on the issue with full engineering engagement. Web Site customers are advised to publish content using Web Deploy or Git which are fully functional. For details on using these methods, visit and search for "Websites with Webmatrix" or "Publishing with Git". We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers and will provide an update at 2pm UTC.
You can find more details on the issue and a possible workaround here

The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file

I suddenly cannot start IIS anymore on my Windows 2008 R2 server. The depending "Windows Actication Service" does not start.
In the Event Viewer I can see the following message:
"The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file"
I've checked all IIS config files for typo's, none can be found.
I've tried to remove the IIS role from the server, which results in an error.
I'm totally desperate here. I've looked on Google for several hours, but none of the suggestions I've found helped.
Something has messed up permissions and the user account under which WAS runs does not have permission to create its working files. Probably you installed a service pack or similar.
Rebuild the box and apply all service packs to Windows before you install WAS, and then let it update itself and then install your own stuff.
Rebuilding boxes is no fun and takes far too long. Learn to use virtualisation and undo disks.
If you have another working server, you can import IIS configuration from there via Shared Configuration. I was able to resolve this error by doing so.

ASP.NET MVC Web Application with SQL Azure (To Do List Tutorial) -- error when deploying to production

I'm working on the following tutorial in the Windows Azure website:
(also: go to, click on the "Develop" heading, click on ".Net" under languages, under "Create Your First Application" -- click on ASP.NET MVC Web Application with SQL Azure)
I can run the application in the Windows Azure emulation environment on my development machine. If I change the connection strings to the production database, the app works in the local development environment.
However, when I deploy the application to Azure, I get an error message: "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." This appears within a rendered page, so I think the request is getting to ASP.NET.
I believe the problem I'm having is with allowing the production app on Azure to connect to the SQL Azure database.
I believe it is a firewall issue, but haven't been able to determine what the IP range needs to be. (I previously thought the problem would be with me running VS 2010 in a 32 bit environment, with Windows Azure as a 64 bit environment, but we deployed the sample app from a 64 bit environment and had the same issue). For additional details, here's my previous posting on MSDN to a previous inquiry on the same issue:
Thanks for any assistance you can provide. I really want this sample app to work!
Update: Got the tutorial to work on a different computer and fresh 64 bit configuration, pointing to a different data center.
I got my hands on a new laptop with 64bit Windows 7 Home Premium , and installed Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, all of the most recent Azure and MVC SDKs. Seems like what I thought was a firewall issue, could have possibly been issues with database connectivity at the North Central data center. (I'm speculating, and will still need to test my original configuration against the South Central data center to see if this is actually the case. But, the North Central data center was not an available choice for hosting a SQL Azure database (3 month subscription), and here's a link to a discussion of this on another thread:
As mentioned above, the checkbox "Allow other Windows Azure services to access this server" needs to be checked, and both the service and the database need to be located in the same Windows Azure data center.
As #veblock suggest, you may try switching off the custom errors to see the actual error.
Meanwhile, the "IP range" that you seek for enabling firewall rule for your role is just a checkbox away:
You just need to check that "Allow other Windows Azure services to access this server" checkbox. The entry "Microsoft Services" with IP range of " -" will be automatically added. This is an internal entry and Microsoft keeps track of their own IP ranges, so that any Windows Azure data center will be able to access this SQL Azure Server.
But, yes, you can also check the real error message, by either Remote Desktopping to the instance, or by disabling the custom errors. There is a small chance that the ASP.NET MVC is also not fully installed in the Azure Instance. The easiest way to eliminate this problem would be by right clicking on the web application project and select "Add deployable dependencies", then chose ASP.NET MVC.
Thank you for your help. I have also hit this issues and spent several hours to debug what was going on since everything worked as expected in the Emulator, but won't work in production. After I have moved my hosted service and the database server to be in the same region, the problem went away.
In the original sample, it was also noted that it was important to ensure both are in the same region, but it mentioned due to performance reasons only, but for me it won't work at all.
IMPORTANT: Pick the same region that you choose earlier when deploying your application. This will give you the best performance.

IIS7 website deployment stopping file sharing?

I have several windows shares hosted on a PC running Win7x64. This machine is also hosting a basic website via IIS7. Whenever I deploy a new copy of the website to IIS any WinXP users connected to the shares on that machine get disconected.
After some period of time (20mins or so) the shares all start working again.
This only seems to affect WinXP clients, with them recieving this error message described here:
The resolution provided by Microsoft works, but it means that everything I deploy a new copy of the website all of my users have to go through this hassle.
Any IIS experts out there know what is happening, or how to resolve this?

"No endpoint listening" when starting an Azure web role under Compute Emulator

I have two cloud solutions (.ccproj files). Each has a single distinct web role. One project runs under Compute Emulator without any problems but when I try to run another one (the first one not running) Visual Studio will package it and then display
Windows Azure Tools: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/dfagent/2/host that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Windows Azure Tools: The Windows Azure compute emulator is not running or responding. Stopping the debugging session.
I'm using SDK version 1.4
I Googled for a while but couldn't find anything that could help me. Force starting the Compute Emulator (csrun /devfabric:start) doesn't seem to help.
How do I resolve this problem?
Although an old question, I got this issue recently and the reason for it was that - while the service or website in azure would have been removed or stopped and you try to publish to it. If this happens, check the publish profile to see that you are pointing to the correct service/site including the storage acc etc and correct them. Hope it helps someone.
