Windows Azure and FileZilla FTP - macos

I get this problem, when trying to connect to Windows Azure hosted server from my Mac OSX Filezilla FTP Client:
220 Microsoft FTP Service530 User cannot log in
Error: Critical errorError: Could not connect to server
This only started happening as of October 29, 2013. Prior to that, I would get a "Critical error" every now and again, but was always easy to refresh and upload without haste.
I tried CyberDuck and it told me to contact service provider, but has anyone found a solution to this?
We use Windows Azure to host our site, and I run Mac OSX. Surely, this would have always been a problem before and not have just sprung up recently for this reason alone (Windows vs Mac) right?!

Please see: Servicedashboard Windows Azure at
30 Oct 2013 7:00 PM UTC
We are aware of an issue being reported regarding Windows Azure Web Sites FTP data access. We are responding to this issue with the highest level of priority. Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the impact. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.
Last update:
We are narrowing in on the issue with full engineering engagement. Web Site customers are advised to publish content using Web Deploy or Git which are fully functional. For details on using these methods, visit and search for "Websites with Webmatrix" or "Publishing with Git". We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers and will provide an update at 2pm UTC.

You can find more details on the issue and a possible workaround here


IIS 7.5 svchost.exe(ftpsvc) 100% cpu

I have a client with a server using IIS 7.5. They have an FTP service for their customers for use with their software package.
The server has been working flawlessly for years. Just over the last week the svchost.exe(ftpsvc) process is using 100% cpu. Until you reboot. Then it is good for a day or so and happens again.
The ftp site has anonymous connections disabled, and just basic passthrough authentication. When the server is at 100% I can remote into the server and see in IIS under FTP Current Sessions a few (10 maybe) of their customers hung in a RETR command. I am not sure if this is what is causing the issue or something else.
If anyone knows the best way to find the root cause of the problem I would appreciate any help you could give.
All windows updates have been installed.
Good afternoon Brian,
I experimented same behavior.
Can you check if you have KB4338818 installed?
It's seems to be the origin of this behavior.
I found this information here:
After uninstall this update (KB4338818) the problem is gone.

Visual Studio 2015 Community License update fails in Samba NT4 Domain due to proxy/firewall

First off, I read all other Questions, that relate to this, I did an extensive google search on this topic and could not get a working answer.
I installed the Community Version of Visual Studio 2015 in mid November and been using it since then. After finishing my project, I went back to pen and paper for new formulas and noe came back to implement all those neat things.
Now it says, that my trial license has expired and should be renewed. I already read, I should use my MicrosoftAccount to do that, and proceeded by doing that.
Now this happened
It says, I should check firewall and prxoy settings and I read about contactiong the administrator. So that, what I did, but he says, there is no proxy, no block by firewall or anything else.
When running VS as administrator (after entering my credentials) I can create new projects and debug existing ones, so no problem there. However I can not use the program as normal user.
I read somewhere here to try repair it via systemcontrol, but that did not work either.
Does anyone has a solution?
In addition: There is also no "Enter License Key here" field, so that is also not an option.
(several Days later)
Halleluja, I found the answer! After digging through some Microsoft Help-Forums, I came upon this Thread, that not only perfectly describes my problem, but also gives a solution. So dear visitor from the future, who googled the problem and came upen this Stackoverflow Question: Follow the link above!
So, after sniffing packets harder than a drug addict, trying to find a difference in TLS exchanges between my computer and VS licensing server when using a domain account and when a using local account, and noticing no difference, I recalled why I had pushed this hypothesis to the side: our network supports TLS 1.2 perfectly well, as I can connect to TLS 1.2-only remote hosts without any issue.
This means the issue lies elsewhere, and is caused by Visual Studio treating domain accounts and local accounts differently when trying to renew licensing information.
The good news is I've found why and how to fix it.
I recalled that earlier this year, when we upgraded our commercial department from Windows 7 to Windows 10, they all encountered issues while trying to configure their mail accounts on Microsoft Outlook: an unknown error 0x8004011c. If you search around for it you'll quickly find that this only happens when using domain accounts and not when using local accounts (sounds familiar, heh?). The fix to bypass this issue is to set a specific Windows cryptography-related registry key.
When digging a little deeper, you can find that this fix is related to KB 3000850 (which I sadly cannot link to due to my account not being verified) and is actually described in the "Known issues" section, as well as in Samba-related documentation ("Required Settings for Samba NT4 Domains").
In short: Windows 8.1+ clients (with KB3000850) joined to an NT-Style domain are not able to use Windows Credential Manager. This doesn't occur when not using a NT-Style domain. The fix seems to globally authorize using Windows Credential Manager whatever the domain context.
So, to wrap it up, if:
You have a NT-Style domain (such as when using a Samba domain controller)
You have Windows 8.1 or later
vYou encounter issues when renewing your Visual Studio license
Then, set the following registry key:
This solved the issue on our domain, for all machines and accounts tested.
As to why Visual Studio 2015 needs to use Windows Credential Manager and not Visual Studio 2013, someone from Microsoft will have to chime in there to explain because I have no clue.
You are using a very old Samba server that uses unsupported features. NT4 came out in 1995. Active Directory didn't exist back then. A lot has changed in the last 20 years, including strengthening security and gradually removing older, less secure features like LanMan and NT4 domains.
Instead of weakening security, you should follow the advice posted in the page you linked, Required Settings for Samba NT4 Domains:
Microsoft discontinued the official support for NT4 domains in their Windows operating systems. ... Anyway, consider migrating to a Samba Active Directory (AD) to avoid problems if a future update from Microsoft disables or removes the unsupported NT4 features.

DataStage 11.3 Assembly Editor flash popup

Our organisation is in the process of upgrading from DataStage 9.1 to 11.3.
Problem: The DataStage 11.3 Assembly Editor fails to display, and falls over with an error.
Backend OS:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
Linux 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 12 16:05:43 EST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Client OS:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (ok, it’s bootcamp Windows running on a Mac). Flash player 16 ActiveX (latest version).
We raised a ticket with IBM and they said it was a flash player problem and we should install the debugger version of flash to get a trace file. After completing the trace, we managed to capture the following error:
RSL Error 1 of 3 (can also be 2 or 3 of 3, in no particular order)
Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https:/// /ibm/iis/ds/xmlpack3/XMLPackLibrary.swf
Note: There are three swf (flash player) files in that server location. The RSL error #2032 error could occur on any one of the following:
One important factor in this upgrade is that we have installed the backend of DataStage in the Amazon AWS cloud, and have installed the client tools on our local network. So this should not be factor, given that the client tools access the back via HTTP or HTTPS. Our DevOps guys have said that the domain that is giving us problems is probably our local windows domain (and the security within it). We don’t believe that having the backend on an AWS host is the cause of the problem. We have tried to eliminate the AWS cloud (and our local Group Policies) out of the equation, by creating a Windows 2008 server in the AWS cloud on a Bastion Host, with local administrator access. We had a lot of problems with Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. We had to force it to turn off by hacking the registry. Once we could get past the IE problems, we managed to replicate the exact 2032 error on the 2008 server as my Windows 7 machine on the LAN.
The only way we can get the Assembly Editor to work is to log in as the local Administrator user on the 2008 server. No other user works, even if they have full Administrator rights and nothing else. We’ve tried everything on this and relaxed all security measures that we can think of. Something appears to be blocking the flash player plugin that is launched from DataStage via a custom Internet Explorer session.
One test that IBM recommended is to access the swf files directly in the browser by substituting the URL :
This test works OK, which means that Flash Player is installed and functioning. What is interesting is that the URL prompts for a username and password. That leads me to think that the problem exists in the handshake of credentials between the flash player and the backend and/or what directories the flash player can write to.
Has anybody found a resolution to this problem? Currently our upgrade to 11.3 is at a standstill until we get an answer.
We found a solution to our own problem. There is a setting in Internet Explorer that if turned on, can block the download of the SWF files to the local machine. This can be found in the Security section of the Advanced tab in the Internet options:
Do not save encrypted pages to disk
This setting must be turned off. We had turned it on because it was recommended by SalesForce. If turned on, the SWF files will not be saved and therefore will not execute. The result is an RSL #2032 stream error.
This fixed the problem immediately. Now we just need to apply the setting to our Group Policies for the domain.
I hope this helps other DataStage users. This one had us confused for days!

Azure toolkit for windows phone publish issue

I um using Windows Azure toolkit for Windows Phone from codeplex. After creating a Windows Phone Cloud Application from a template, I started it on localhost and it run succesfully. Then i followed instructions on Codeplex on how to deploy on Azure, and published it also succesfully - I got an url to the website, but after typing the url in browser the website didn't load, and after a while there was a timeout. I tried both production and staging deployment. Can't resolve why this happens - did anyone faced familiar problem?
The publish completed successfully however this application is not running properly on Windows Azure.
As you are using Web Role type WP7 Phone application look for all the steps suggested in the link below:
Webrole is not starting and always busy
Also if you still could not find the root cause open a Windows Azure support ticket and you will get some help to find the root cause.
You may want to look at:
Remoting into the VM is a great way to see what is going on. Does it come up if you want for a while (maybe 30 minutes)?

ASP.NET MVC Web Application with SQL Azure (To Do List Tutorial) -- error when deploying to production

I'm working on the following tutorial in the Windows Azure website:
(also: go to, click on the "Develop" heading, click on ".Net" under languages, under "Create Your First Application" -- click on ASP.NET MVC Web Application with SQL Azure)
I can run the application in the Windows Azure emulation environment on my development machine. If I change the connection strings to the production database, the app works in the local development environment.
However, when I deploy the application to Azure, I get an error message: "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." This appears within a rendered page, so I think the request is getting to ASP.NET.
I believe the problem I'm having is with allowing the production app on Azure to connect to the SQL Azure database.
I believe it is a firewall issue, but haven't been able to determine what the IP range needs to be. (I previously thought the problem would be with me running VS 2010 in a 32 bit environment, with Windows Azure as a 64 bit environment, but we deployed the sample app from a 64 bit environment and had the same issue). For additional details, here's my previous posting on MSDN to a previous inquiry on the same issue:
Thanks for any assistance you can provide. I really want this sample app to work!
Update: Got the tutorial to work on a different computer and fresh 64 bit configuration, pointing to a different data center.
I got my hands on a new laptop with 64bit Windows 7 Home Premium , and installed Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, all of the most recent Azure and MVC SDKs. Seems like what I thought was a firewall issue, could have possibly been issues with database connectivity at the North Central data center. (I'm speculating, and will still need to test my original configuration against the South Central data center to see if this is actually the case. But, the North Central data center was not an available choice for hosting a SQL Azure database (3 month subscription), and here's a link to a discussion of this on another thread:
As mentioned above, the checkbox "Allow other Windows Azure services to access this server" needs to be checked, and both the service and the database need to be located in the same Windows Azure data center.
As #veblock suggest, you may try switching off the custom errors to see the actual error.
Meanwhile, the "IP range" that you seek for enabling firewall rule for your role is just a checkbox away:
You just need to check that "Allow other Windows Azure services to access this server" checkbox. The entry "Microsoft Services" with IP range of " -" will be automatically added. This is an internal entry and Microsoft keeps track of their own IP ranges, so that any Windows Azure data center will be able to access this SQL Azure Server.
But, yes, you can also check the real error message, by either Remote Desktopping to the instance, or by disabling the custom errors. There is a small chance that the ASP.NET MVC is also not fully installed in the Azure Instance. The easiest way to eliminate this problem would be by right clicking on the web application project and select "Add deployable dependencies", then chose ASP.NET MVC.
Thank you for your help. I have also hit this issues and spent several hours to debug what was going on since everything worked as expected in the Emulator, but won't work in production. After I have moved my hosted service and the database server to be in the same region, the problem went away.
In the original sample, it was also noted that it was important to ensure both are in the same region, but it mentioned due to performance reasons only, but for me it won't work at all.
IMPORTANT: Pick the same region that you choose earlier when deploying your application. This will give you the best performance.
