Testing: How to test that view contains desired data - view

Say a Chef can make Recipes, and Sous-Chefs can create Recipes that must be approved by a Head Chef.
You want to test that, when a Head Chef views her homepage, she sees Recipes that she herself created. You also want to test that she sees there are Recipes awaiting her approval.
I can think of two ways to do this:
Test that the view contains certain words, like "Your recipes" and "Recipes awaiting your approval"
Add unnecessary attributes to the html elements you're using so that you can check for an element with "id=recipe_1" or "data-for-the-sake-of-testing=1"
I very much dislike both of these approaches.
Why approach #1 sucks
Incredibly brittle tests. Every time you want to make minor updates to the copy, tests will break.
i18n? How will that work with this approach?
There are probably more reasons, but those two are pretty huge.
Why approach #2 sucks
How annoying to have superfluous markup just for the sake of testing! The user should not have an increased download size for the sake of tests.
What is a good approach to this? I'm interested to hear any alternatives at all, in whatever language you think in. I mostly think in Ruby, Test::Unit, Minitest, RSpec, and Cucumber (though my Cuke skills are stale), but if other languages/frameworks have this figured out, I'd love to see what they're doing, too.

Use a page paradigm.
Phrase the steps in as human a way as you can, at the level of capabilities (high level) wherever possible, and use specific examples. For instance, if I'm using Cucumber I might say:
Given the sous-chef has created a recipe for Frog Pie
When the chef looks for recipes to approve
Then the recipe for Frog Pie should be in the list.
Inside the code for these steps, instantiate or find the particular page you're looking for, where the page is an object that represents the capabilities of the page. That page can then have all the things that the user can do with the page - look for recipes, approve recipes, move to another page, etc.
This way, if you need to change the underlying code for the step, you only have to change it in one place, and all the changes for a particular page will be together. Because you've phrased the scenario in terms of capabilities you're delivering, it's unlikely that the scenario will need to change much (unless you discover that your business need different capabilities to the ones you're delivering).
This also works pretty well for window-based apps too, with each widget or module being a particular page.
It's also fine to have extra ids just for testing. Sometimes designers like to use them too.

I see at least two options:
Avoid testing business logic through the UI. Write a "service" or "use case controller" object that returns plain data structures. In other words, you build an API to your system. Your unit test accesses the system through the API. Your UI accesses the system through the same API, but then there should be almost no logic in the view. See http://www.confreaks.com/videos/759-rubymidwest2011-keynote-architecture-the-lost-years or http://www.cleancoders.com/codecast/clean-code-episode-7/show.
Use the "page object" pattern. Write an object that reads in the HTML code that your app produces, parses it, and makes interesting data available through getters. This will do wonders to make your test code clear. Your objection could be that you still have problem #2. In fact I don't think it's really a problem. If you use structural HTML markup, it should be fairly easy to extract the information you need. It will be much easier if you attach an ID to a key element of the page; in your example I would have a div with id="my-recipes" and another div with id="to-be-approved". That should be enough; anything else should be easy to find with xpath or css selectors. Why do you find this objectionable? These IDs will probably be useful for other purposes, such as attaching behaviour with unobtrusive JavaScript or attaching styles with a CSS stylesheet.

Live with #2, perhaps using brief comments (no i18n issues and not visble to the end user):
<!-- APPROVAL -->
The documentation of simpletest has a nice take on it:
Next chance you get, look at a circuit board, perhaps the motherboard
of the computer you are looking at right now. On most boards you will
find the odd empty hole, or solder joint with nothing attached or
perhaps a pin or socket that has no obvious function. Chances are that
some of these are for expansion and variations, but most of the
remainder will be for testing.
If a small amount of superfluous markup makes your product more testable and reliable then just live with it!

I personally try to do not test views at all. I mean generated markup, since those tests appearing to be much fragile.
Instead, I focus on "data-provider" side, in case of MVC web framework is Controller. As soon as controller is covered by unit tests that check what kind of data controller prepares, you are pretty much safe. The view you create is easy to test by just running the application and see that it looks OK.
Nethertheless, there some approaches of view testing. First one is based on "end-to-end" testing simulation with Selenium Driver. It runs the browsers and initialize requests to you application. Tests are checking the output HTML. Tests logon to "known" edition, it means tests know that current localization is EN, for instance.
You should basically combine the approaches, where it works use HTML markup values ("Recipies") otherwise use HTML elements id's or classes. I would not add any additional markup for the testing.
Another approach you can try is Approval Testing. I believe there is a Ruby driver for that - http://approvaltests.sourceforge.net/. With approvals you render the view and save the HTML as golden master. The test will fail in case of View had changed. It much more easier to implement than Selenium tests.


Autofix order of selectors

We use SonarQube against our application. One of the SonarQube rules says:
Selectors of lower specificity should come before overriding selectors of higher specificity
The details are here. As my application has many violations, changing the order by hand isn't really feasible. I'm wondering if there's a way to use scss-lint, stylelint or something else in a "fix" mode that could change the order of the selectors. I looked but couldn't find anything in stylelint. Maybe it can't safely be done automatically, as changing the order could affect specificity and therefore change the application behaviour...
As I personal! know there is no Linter which provide that. (I am curious about it.) But just some thoughts about the need of following that 'rule':
Indeed: writing SASS/CSS the way Selectors with lower specifity comes first is a good practicse. The CSS structure becomes more readable and it is easier to build up your code structure as there is a clearer systematic in your head (and the code).
But just up from the mechanic CSS works there is REALLY NO NEED to do it this way. The code simply doesn't become safer doing so or less safe and the pages don't load slower not doing it. That is what the mechanic of specifity has been done for: as of the specifity not the order of the selectors counts and you are able to write your code in the order you need it. Only if the specifity is the same the order counts.
So, maybe this rule leads to 'better' code. But: NOT ALL RULES NEEDS TO BE FULLFILLED. Not all rules Google tries to establish with their best practice rules they offer in their browser, nor all rules other analysis tools provide needs to be followed.
And if not in this project as it needs resources to correct it ... it maybe could but has not be a target for next project ;-)

Why create nodes in their own method?

I see a lot of javafx code something like this:
private Button getButton(){
Button myButton = new Button("A button");
private HBox toolbar(){
Button file = new Button("File");
Button edit = new Button("Edit");
Button props = new Button("Properties");
HBox toolbarArea = new Hbox();
toolbarArea.getChildren().add(file, edit, props);
I'm interested in an explanation of why this is done (which I haven't found).
The small method approach works well for internet demo code
Rather than using small methods to define UI elements, the alternatives are:
A very long method unless the application is completely trivial.
FXML defined UI (usually preferred for non-trivial examples, but verbose and unnecessary for small demonstrations).
Separate enclosing objects and classes (sometimes overkill if only aggregation of existing controls is required).
Small methods decrease dependencies on pre-declared objects and program state. Usually the small methods are self-contained and any inputs to them are in their parameter list - it's easier to read and understand them without needing to understand a lot of contextual information and it is also easier to unit test the methods or apply the methods to a more functional programming style, reuse the methods in lambda calls, etc. The names of the small methods also make them self-documenting, so the code is more readable without adding additional comments.
So, in a lot of small, example JavaFX applications you see on the internet, you will find the approach of small methods to describe UI elements, though such an approach is not always the one you should use when you are building larger applications.
Using small methods for UI component definition is an example of an extract-till-you-drop method of programming. Of course, as you can see in the comments on the linked extraction blog, everything is debatable and opinionated, so use your best judgement, but when in doubt, I'd argue in favor or method extraction, not just in the UI definition code, but in your functional code as well.
A concrete example
Take a look at the discussion of JavaFX programming style in the comments on this blog. This is based on this original clock app sample, which does not use small methods, and an updated clock app sample, which is built around many small methods. Per's Lundholm's comment on the original code was this:
A typical sign of not doing it right is when you write comments. Don’t write comments in your code, write code that reads well without comments!
I read you code and I think it is virtually unreadable, with all respect. It is a long method sprinkled with constants that carries little or no meaning. If I am given such a code to change, be it fix a small bug only, I start to extract method ’til I drop. It is the fastest way of understanding code.
I suggest you review both sample code bases and decide which you would prefer to maintain. My guess is that you will decide the version with many small methods would be easier to read and maintain.
Use declarative FXML and CSS for larger applications
Also keep in mind, that for many larger applications, use of FXML and CSS is preferred over java code to define and style the UI elements - this is because a large part of defining a UI is often easier to maintain using a declarative syntax rather than a procedural or functional syntax, and FXML is declarative by it's nature (plus it is fully tooled via SceneBuilder and IDE FXML support). Study the SceneBuilder code base for an example of how to use FXML and CSS to define larger UIs.

howto struct a code? e.g. at the top all variables, then all methods and last all event handlers

i'm currently working on a big projekt and i loose many time searching the right thing in the code. i need to get e.g. a method which makes someting special. so i scroll the whole code.
are there any common and effective methods to struct a file of code? e.g.
1. all global variables
2. constructor etc.
3. all methods
4. all event handlers
do you know common methods to do this??
It's more usual to break large projects into several source files, with logically related functionality. This helps with speeding up compilation and reducing coupling in your design as well as helping you navigate the code.
An example might be to have separate files for
UI functionality
helper classes (such as geometric/maths stuff)
file I/O
core functionality that connects the rest together
Design is a large topic, the book Code Complete by Steve McConnell might be a good starting point for you.
You shouldnt use global variables :)
Try spreading things out over different classes and files. Maks sure each class has only one purpose, instead of 1 class that manages a whole lot of different tasks.
That sounds like a sensible enough structure to me, what would really benefit you though is learning to use the tools you have available — whatever editor you're using it will have a search function, you can use that to quickly find what you're looking for.
Some editors will also include bookmarks too, and most offer a way to move back and forward through recent positions in the file.
Seen this sort of things started, never seen it kept on under the pressure to turn out code though.
Basically my rule of thumb is, if I feel the need to do this, break the code file up.

Using TDD: "top down" vs. "bottom up"

Since I'm a TDD newbie, I'm currently developing a tiny C# console application in order to practice (because practice makes perfect, right?). I started by making a simple sketchup of how the application could be organized (class-wise) and started developing all domain classes that I could identify, one by one (test first, of course).
In the end, the classes have to be integrated together in order to make the application runnable, i.e. placing necessary code in the Main method which calls the necessary logic. However, I don't see how I can do this last integration step in a "test first" manner.
I suppose I wouldn't be having these issues had I used a "top down" approach. The question is: how would I do that? Should I have started by testing the Main() method?
If anyone could give me some pointers, it will be much appreciated.
"Top-down" is already used in computing to describe an analysis technique. I suggest using the term "outside-in" instead.
Outside-in is a term from BDD, in which we recognise that there are often multiple user interfaces to a system. Users can be other systems as well as people. A BDD approach is similar to a TDD approach; it might help you so I will describe it briefly.
In BDD we start with a scenario - usually a simple example of a user using the system. Conversations around the scenarios help us work out what the system should really do. We write a user interface, and we can automate the scenarios against that user interface if we want.
When we write the user interface, we keep it as thin as possible. The user interface will use another class - a controller, viewmodel, etc. - for which we can define an API.
At this stage, the API will be either an empty class or a (programme) interface. Now we can write examples of how the user interface might use this controller, and show how the controller delivers value.
The examples also show the scope of the controller's responsibility, and how it delegates its responsibilities to other classes like repositories, services, etc. We can express that delegation using mocks. We then write that class to make the examples (unit tests) work. We write just enough examples to make our system-level scenarios pass.
I find it's common to rework mocked examples as the interfaces of the mocks are only guessed at first, then emerge more fully as the class is written. That will help us to define the next layer of interfaces or APIs, for which we describe more examples, and so on until no more mocks are needed and the first scenario passes.
As we describe more scenarios, we create different behaviour in the classes and we can refactor to remove duplication where different scenarios and user interfaces require similar behaviour.
By doing this in an outside-in fashion we get as much information as to what the APIs should be as possible, and rework those APIs as quickly as we can. This fits with the principles of Real Options (never commit early unless you know why). We don't create anything we don't use, and the APIs themselves are designed for usability - rather than for ease of writing. The code tends to be written in a more natural style using domain language more than programming language, making it more readable. Since code is read about 10x more than it's written, this also helps make it maintainable.
For that reason, I'd use an outside-in approach, rather than the intelligent guesswork of bottom-up. My experience is that it results in simpler, more strongly decoupled, more readable and more maintainable code.
If you moved stuff out of main(), could you not test that function?
It makes sense to do that, since you might want to run with different cmd-args and you'd want to test those.
You can test your console application as well. I found it quite hard, look at this example:
public void ValidateConsoleOutput()
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
ConsoleUser cu = new ConsoleUser();
string expected = string.Format("Ploeh{0}", Environment.NewLine);
Assert.AreEqual<string>(expected, sw.ToString());
You can look at the full post here.
"bottom up" can save you a lot of work cos you already have low-level classes (tested) and you can use them in higher level tests. in opposite case you'd have to write a lot of (probably complicated) mockups. also "top down" often doesn't work as it's supposed: you think out some nice high-level model, test and implement it, and then moving down you realize that some of your assumptions were wrong (it's quite typical situation even for experienced programmers). of course patterns help here but it's not silver bullet too.
to have complete test coverage, you'll need to test your Main in any case. I'm not sure it's worth the effort in all cases. Just move all logic from Main to separate function (as Marcus Lindblom proposed), test it and let Main to just pass command-line arguments to your function.
console output is a simplest possible testing ability, and if you use TDD it can be used just to output the final result w/o any diagnosis and debug messages. so make your top-level function to return solid result, test it and just output it in Main
I recommend "top down" (I call that high level testing). I wrote about that:
So yes, you should test your console output directly. Sure, initially it's a pain to setup a test so that it's easy to test console output directly, but if you create appropriate helper code, your next "high level" tests will be much easier to write. By doing that, you empower yourself to unlimited re-factoring potential. With "bottom up", your initial class relationship is very rigid because changing the relationship means changing the tests (lots of work and dangerous).
There was an interesting piece in MSDN magazine of December, which describes "how the BDD cycle wraps the traditional Test-Driven Development (TDD) cycle with feature-level tests that drive unit-level implementation". The details may be too technology specific, but the ideas and process outline sound relevant to your question.
The main should be very simple in the end. I don't know how it looks like in c#, but in c++ it should look something like this :
#include "something"
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
return TaskClass::Run( argc, argv );
Pass already created objects to the constructors of classes, but in unit tests pass mock objects.
For more info about TDD, take a look at these screencasts. They explain how to do agile development, but it also talks how to do TDD, with examples in c#.

Gui with customizable listbox for Ruby

I need to write a GUI app in Ruby that supports easily changing the text color for items in a listbox (ownerdraw) on Linux.
What GUI framework is recommended?
Nobody knows shoes
It's by _why, so it's zany, but very usable.
Sorry for the super late answer, but in case anyone's wondering:
If you're using JRuby, I think Monkeybars should work for this. I'm 100% sure, first-hand, that it works for general list box manipulation, but what I'm not 100% sure about is whether it has complete functionality. Also not 100% on how perfectly it would work with Ownerdraw listboxes; I used typical Java-defined-netbeans-built boxes for simplicity's sake.
I didn't however, allow users to select multiple of the lines from the list (i.e. ctrl or shift + click). I remember that was working in some ways, but was giving me some trouble as far as passing functions. If I recall correctly, the biggest issue I was having with this, actually, was deciding how I wanted to manage requests to reorder the list while they had many things selected (E.G. if they clicked the shift-down or shift-up buttons while holding many elements). But other than that I think it worked fine.
From what I've seen using both, it's a bit more complicated to set up than shoes, but I found it to be very rewarding (at least as far as a simple school assignment was concerned, where I was required to have a GUI, but wanted to start learning Ruby, so I opted for a Java Swing front end to JRuby).
I certainly wouldn't be the best source for help setting it up and getting all your functions to work, and unfortunately there is minimal information about Monkeybars floating around, especially with regards to specialized "how do I do X?" kinds of questions, but there are boards available (links below) with very friendly and helpful posters. Much like here :)
*looks like the Kenai page has been abandoned and moved to the above google group and github
They also force a MVC architecture - so if you're going to use Monkeybars, you need to design your program to be compatible with this style. I never really saw this as a big deal, but I'm sure some people would dread being told how to structure their code.
So it's important to consider whether those are deal breakers before going through the trouble of installing the Monkeybars tools on your computer, but if you can deal with the few issues associated with it, Monkeybars can be a fantastic tool for building (and perhaps more importantly - manipulating) GUI around a JRuby project.
EDIT: here's some very basic example code using Moneybars:
define_signal :add_element, :add_element
def add_element(model, transfer)
where "trackList" was simply what the list was called on the Java end of the code (so "trackList.getModel()" would return the listbox model holding the list [for this project I needed 7 distinct lists to share a listbox, and to be switched between via drop-down list; if you only wanted one list to use the listbox you could just call it by name and remove the ".getModel()" part]. "addable" was the name of the well-fomatted element/string that I wanted to add to the list, and "model" (lower case) was the 'model' class used to conform to MVC architecture.
Sorry about the ugly signal part at the top, I had heavy deadlines and not enough time to play around with the variable names to use them better. It worked, and that was what mattered at the time (unfortunately). I'm reasonably sure the first one was the name of the signal (sent from the 'control' class) and the second one was probably a reference to the definition immediately following it. Sorry about my ignorance here, but it just made life easier to leave it as was (i.e. as was explained in the Monkeybars example code).
But there you have it, a function for adding elements to a GUI listbox using JRuby and Swing. It automatically redraws the screen when these signals are sent, so that's taken care of too. Right after that def is called you would see the changes. Modifying other aspects of the listbox were just as simple. Hope that helps anyone :)
The best way to go is visualruby:
The code would look something like this:
#view = VR::ListView.new(:name => String, :address => String)
#view.ren_background(:name => "red")
#view.add_row(:name => "Hank", :address => "123 main")
That would make the background red for the name column. The #view variable would be used to populate a spot in the gui form.
