Content by section in joomla - joomla

I have installed Joomla! 2.5.4 on my localserver. In the jommla 1.5 there is option in admin panel for "content section" and "content by section". In jommla 2.5.4 there is no option like that. I have searched on net about this they says "content by section" is removed. I want to show content according to section in joomla2.5.4 similar to joomla 1.5. how can i do that.

In Joomla 1.5 there was a two-tier system of Section -> Category. This has been replaced since 1.6 with an infinitely nestable category system. So now you can arrange your content like: Category -> Sub-Category -> Sub-Sub-Category .... etc. It's much more flexible.


there is no "images & links" tab in joomla 3.4 back-end

I updated my Joomla website from 1.5.26 to 2.5 and then to 3.4, now when I try to write new article or edit previous articles there is no "images & links" tab.
Try this;
Go to your back end and under article options > editing layout, make sure you have images and links enabled for back-end. Could be as simple as this?
Img below

How do I change the text "There are no articles in this category" in Joomla 3?

I am looking to customize the wording that displays when there are no articles in a category for a category blog. Right now, Joomla displays "There are no articles in this category. If subcategories display on this page, they may contain articles."
I know how to turn this message off, but I can't seem to find where I can edit the text, or override it. I've searched through all the Joomla files (Find phrase in Dreamweaver in all files) and nothing came up.
Thanks for your help.
You should utilize the Joomla Language Manager under Extension Manager in the Joomla Administrator. Just select Language Override, click New, and search for your phrase.
Here is the Joomla docs for this:
This will ensure that when Joomla core is updated you don't loose the change. Otherwise you would need to hack the Joomla core files which is a very bad idea.

Joomla! & VirtueMart - show product category instead of shop front?

I have a Joomla! 1.5.15 and VirtueMart 1.1.4 installation from a client project and I need to change something I'm not sure how to.
I have one of my menu links pointing to the shop (menu item type: VirtueMart) but it directs me to a front page (to be precise, it renders the content in themes/default/templates/common/categoryChildlist.tpl.php).
What I want is for this link to make one of my product categories show.
I've tried several methods (without any luck so far):
Using header() doesn't work (I know, it's a pretty shameful trick, but I had to try it).
Changing the menu item type doesn't work (you can't modify the link itself).
Modifying any of the browser_ files doesn't work either (at least, doesn't look like it).
I'm a bit out of ideas... any hint?
It's been a while since I used VM 1.1.x, but isn't there a Category menu item available in the menu manager? (by the way you are way out of date I think 1.1 got to version 1.1.9 before it reached EOL).
I would also strongly recommend updating your Joomla! installation to at least 1.5.26 with the additional hotfix that was released recently (Joomla 1.5.x is also EOL).

Finetuning Joomla 3.1 Column Layout

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to fix the layout on a Joomla 3.1 installation. I have 3 featured articles. Depending on how I sort them, the 1st spans the entire width of the page like I want. The next 2 are positioned side-by-side which I do not want.
Background: This is and upgrade from 1.5.x to 3.1 using jUpgrade. I have using several different templates including all the default ones, Gantry & Wright with no luck. I've attached screenshots of the layout I'm trying to copy and what's currently being output. So far I have tried adjusting the template layout settings as well as the core Blog/Featured Layout as suggested. I've seen and understand how to fix this issues in Joomla 1.5 but no concrete answers for 3.1 that have worked.
Here is a link to what I want:
Here is a link to what I'm getting:
In your menu item edit view for "Category Blog" menu type, got to the advanced options tab and select "blog layout options" and set your columns to "1".

Menu Item in Joomla 2.5.8

I was earlier using Joomla 2.5.7 and in menu I have option as Menu Item association in Menu manager. However when I update to 2.5.8, I don't see that option. Any idea how to do menu item association in Joomla 2.5.8?
To set the default language to Arabic, go to you Joomla backend. Then, on the top menu, go to Extensions >> Language Manager, then select the Arabic language and click default in the top right.
My above explanation is how it's always done using the default Joomla language manager. Here is the same method but with screenshots:
As for the Menu Item association, see if the information on this link helps:
It's for Joomla 1.7 but might also apply to you.
Hope this helps
