Menu Item in Joomla 2.5.8 - joomla

I was earlier using Joomla 2.5.7 and in menu I have option as Menu Item association in Menu manager. However when I update to 2.5.8, I don't see that option. Any idea how to do menu item association in Joomla 2.5.8?

To set the default language to Arabic, go to you Joomla backend. Then, on the top menu, go to Extensions >> Language Manager, then select the Arabic language and click default in the top right.
My above explanation is how it's always done using the default Joomla language manager. Here is the same method but with screenshots:
As for the Menu Item association, see if the information on this link helps:
It's for Joomla 1.7 but might also apply to you.
Hope this helps


Create a childpage in Joomla without showing it in a menu

I would like to create a page in Joomla without showing it in a menu.
That would be easy when the URL could be from the root, e.g.
I would just make a menu without module to show it and assign a menulink to that hidden menu.
However the url should be
So the page should be linked to another existing page as a childpage but without showing in the menu.
So far this seems not possible?
Am I overlooking a feature in Joomla which would allow me to simply deactivate visibility in the menu without preventing the page from being accessed from the internet?
Or perhaps is it possible to edit or override a core component to force Joomla to allow this behaviour?
Too much thinking in one direction...
The solution to do this is to edit the menu-item > linktype > css give it class "hide" (integrated bootstrap class) to just block visibility in the menu...
It's possible but a litle bit tricky. Try these steps :
Create a new two articles, name it as you wish (for example Article A and Article B )
Create a new menu group (from your administrator page go to : Menus > Menu Manager > Add new menu, name it as 'Hidden Menu'
Create a new Single Article menu item (under the 'Hidden Menu'), choose 'Article A' as as the article source and type 'parentpage' in the Menu Title field
Create a new Single Article menu item (under the 'Hidden Menu'), choose 'Article B' as the article source, choose 'parentpage' menu as the parent item and type 'hiddenpage' in the Menu Title field.
Now both of urls and should be accessible now
As others have mentioned you can find extensions to modify URLs or hide the menu items using CSS, but these can require quite a bit of work especially if this is a one-off or once in a while situation.
However, there is one way to do this with Joomla as-is and will work with any type of menu items, not just articles. These instructions assume you already have a 'hidden' menu setup.
In a hidden menu, create menu items (or move them if they already exist) for parentpage and hiddenpage.
Set parentpage as the 'Parent Item' option in the hiddenpage menu item. Basically, create the page/subpage structure you'd like to see in the URL.
On your visible menu, create a 'Menu item Alias' (under 'System Links') menu item. Set the 'Menu item' option to the parentpage (listed under the hidden menu).
Enjoy. Parentpage is a visible menu item. hiddenpage is available at
No this is not possible with Joomla.
There are several options for you to achieve the same result, I list them in order of ease.
Use joomla redirect component. Simply tell the user to surf to the url he wants, he will then find it in the administrator - components - redirect, where she can insert the non-sef url.
Tell them to use a different prefix: i.e. create a hidden menu where they will add the direct links;
Additionally, in order to remove the id from the url you can:
Install simplecustomrouter extension, it should do the job out of the box but some coding may be required on your part in order for it to work properly; extremely lightweight.
Go for a blasoned SEF extension such as sh440sef, this will add some overhead and may require a lot of work in configuration.
While editing the childmenu just set (under "Linktype") "Display in menu" to "no"... it's simple like that!
Here's a reference to the site
if link is broken just search for "edit menu linktype joomla 3" in future.
I'm glad I can return the many saved searchtime to y'all stackpeople. Go on Community!

Joomla! 3 menu drop-down behavior without showing new article possible?

The Joomla! 3 administrative console in my installed version (Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable) plus at least a Joomla! demo web site showcase menus that don't switch to an article if you press them, but present only the drop-down menu at first. The rendered article (i.e. the content below the menu) only changes once a menu-item is selected/clicked.
For instance, visit The content below the menu reads "Joomla! is a free, open source content management system ..." Now if you press e.g. "Joomla!" inside the menu, a drop-down list appears, but the cited text does not change yet. Only if you press a particular menu item it changes (currently e.g. to "Joomla! 2.5.16 Released ...").
I would like to accomplish the same behavior in a Joomla! 3-powered web site but haven't yet been able to do so. On my site (sorry, not yet available to the public) clicking a menu of this kind brings up the article, and so far I have found no way to prevent that. I'm referring to articles because my menus are of type "Single Article". I've looked at other menu item types too but they did not seem to offer a solution either.
So can the behavior the demo site's menus be accomplished (without installing further extensions), and if so how? After all, the demos are surely hosted on Jooma! servers :) Perhaps this is a matter of choosing an appropriate template? But then, the solution does not seem obvious and googling reveals different opinions as to whether this is/was possible at all.
UPDATE The following is a depiction of what I get when changing the menu item type for "Open Source" from "Articles | Single Article" to "System Links | Text Separator": it now looks odd and no longer seems to function as a menu (no drop-down effect). In the HTML source the CSS classes assigned to the three menu items are "item-x current active", "item-y divider parent", and "item-z parent" respectively. (Why isn't "Open Source" marked active?)
UPDATE I am using the protostar template (marked as Default for Site under Extensions | Type Manager).
Create the top-level menus as System - Separator; this means they have no link attached, but only serve the purpose of organizing (sub)menu links.
Then when you click them, based on the setup of your menu module, they will show the sub-items. Beware, the most common behaviour is not to wait until clicked, but simply show the submenu items when hovered (when you bring the mouse over them). But the event they respond to depends on the module (mod_menu), its template override, and other scripts your template may load.
If you're using mod_menu, in the module list it will be listed as Menu; if you were using another menu module, I guess you would remember installing it :-)
I am not a protostar / twitter bootstrap fan so I can't help you much on it, but dropdown menus are definitely supported, I just tried putting the menu in the position navigation, with
"Menu Class Suffix" = " nav-pills nav-dropdown"
and it worked correctly with dropdowns on hover. As per having dropdowns on click instead of hover, look at this guide

Joomla Admin Menu disappering

I have a Joomla 3.1 application, and recently, when I click on any submenu of the back-end
top menu, the root menu of that submenu disappears.
Why? How can I solve it?
Is there any plugin or extension installed by you which works on Menus?
Or you have did any customization in Joomla Core files?
Find out those and Revert them or if any plugin then un-publish that.

Joomla not showing menu

I have downloaded this template to my joomla 2.5.6 and I'm trying to create a horizontal menu. I have created menu and module that should be displaying that menu. I have set position to user3 (as I've read that is the default position for horizontal menu), but nothing showed up.
The only positions I can see my menu on are "search" and "top-panel".
Can anybody please guide me how to find what may cause the problem?
EDIT: I have renamed the menu to "menu1" and so did with "menu type" and it has showed up. Why? Where's any logic?
Thank you !
Make sure you have set on which pages to activate the menu:
You can find these settings in the module manager > your menu
check the positions using ?tp=1 at the end of your url
log in to your joomla backend.
go to article manager and create an article..
go to menu manager and create a new menu, select your article which will me mostly a single article if you have created others then choose others, such as featured article or others,
then on the same page on required setting choose the article you have created.
save and close..
now go to
module manager,
go to the menu or content menu or horizontal menu,
down below there will be menu assignment,
choose the menu and show to it all pages..
hope this will help you..
Anil Bikram Thapa

Joomla 1.5->2.5 menus missing

I upgraded my website from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5.4, however, the menus seem to have disappeared. I was using a 1.5-only template previously, but the jUpgrade process has defaulted to pre-installed templates which is fine - but no menus! I've tried installing a few random other templates but all have the same issue.
FWIW most of the menu links are broken but I fixed a couple just to check, but no joy. The migrated site is still in its subpath which is I assume why components themselves aren't working.
As best I can tell, I followed the instructions in the Wiki on the Joomla site.
Any ideas? Thanks. - original site - migrated site
The most likely cause is that the menus were displayed in module positions specific to the template you were using in Joomla! 1.5 and that your Joomla! 2.5 template doesn't have matching positions. Alternatively the migration process didn't update the menu module positions properly and it's looking for the positions in a specific template.
Open Extensions->Module Manager then from the Filter options select Type->Menu to see just a list of menu modules. Check the positions they're assigned to by opening the menu module and selecting a position by actually clicking on the "Select Position" button and clicking on the right position in the currently used template.
To help make the choice easy you can filter down the options by selecting your current template from the pop-up menu in the top right of the "Select Position" lightbox that opened when you clicked "Select Position".
jUpgrade does not transfer the menu items from 1.5 to 2.5 properly. Those have to be recreated.
