Using sed to swap Windows location for Mac - bash

I am writing a bash script for an automator service that will take a Windows directory location and change it to Mac and open a finder window. It's working except for when it hits folders with spaces. I have put in to remove them but it won't work on anything with spaces still. I must have made some sort of syntax mistake.
sed -e 's:\\\\fmg_cifs1\\Dept_Shares:/Volumes/Dept_Shares:' -e 's: :\ :g' -e 's:\\:/:g' | pbcopy
cd $TAG; open .

This is almost certainly all you have to change:
cd "$TAG"
Quoting fixes everything!
Do you need to use pbcopy and pbpaste and a variable?
cd "$(sed -e 's:\\\\fmg_cifs1\\Dept_Shares:/Volumes/Dept_Shares:' -e 's: :\ :g' -e 's:\\:/:g')"
As Jonathan pointed out, some of the sed command is unnecessary. Of course, something needs to be fed to sed. This may be all you need:
cd "$(echo "$dir" | sed -e 's:\\\\fmg_cifs1\\Dept_Shares:/Volumes/Dept_Shares:')"


git keyword substitution under windows using gnutools (gnuwin32)

I just converted my SVN repository to git. For the management I use keyword-substitution.
Excerpt from the git config
smudge = "set author=`git log --pretty=format:%ae -1`; SET last_date=`git log --pretty=format:\"%ai\" -1`; SET version=`echo $lastdate | cut -d \" \" -f 1-2 | sed -e \"s/[ -:]/./g\"`; sed -e \"s/[$]Revision[$]/\\$Revision: $last_date \$/\" -e \"s/[$]Date[$]/\\$Date: $last_date \$/\" -e \"s/[$]Author[$]/\\$Author: $author \\$/\" "
clean = sed -r -e 's/([$]Revision|Date|Author)(:[^$]+ [$])/\\1$/'
This solution should in principle also run under Windows, since I also use gnuwin32. Tools are accessible in the system environment variable.
Unfortunately I always get an error message. As far as I could isolate it is because of the above code.
I just have no idea what the problem is.
You do not need gnuwin32.
Content filter driver would work from a regular CMD session, and would be executed with the git bash included with Git for Windows.
That means your smudge/clean scripts should be in bash.
set xx= is a BAT assignmemnt. xx=... is a bash assignment.
smudge = "author=$(git log --pretty=format:%ae -1); last_date=$(git log --pretty=format:\"%ai\" -1); version=$(echo $lastdate | cut -d \" \" -f 1-2 | sed -e \"s/[ -:]/./g\"); sed -e \"s/[$]Revision[$]/\\$Revision: $last_date \$/\" -e \"s/[$]Date[$]/\\$Date: $last_date \$/\" -e \"s/[$]Author[$]/\\$Author: $author \\$/\" "
clean = sed -r -e 's/([$]Revision|Date|Author)(:[^$]+ [$])/\\1$/'
In other words, remove the set.
However, the OP ozz confirms in the comments that SmartGit does not support content filter driver.
A simple git checkout or git switch does triggers it (successfully) in command-line though.

How to write a Bash script to edit many text files using the same commands? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Run script on multiple files
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm very new to bash. I have ten text files that I want to edit with the same line of code.
sed -i -e 's/.\{6\}/&\n/g' -e 's/edit/edit2/g' | tr -d "\n" | sed 's/edit2/edit/g'| grep -o "here.*there" | sed -r '/^.{,100}$/d'
< files 1-10
I know I could use sed -f <file1 >file1 but that only works with sed commands and it only works one file at a time?
Do I have to run a loop?
There's some great existing answers on the Unix stack exchange that help deal with your problem. Specifically, from this post, they use a loop to recursively loop through all the files in a particular directory, as follows:
( shopt -s globstar dotglob;
for file in **; do
if [[ -f $file ]] && [[ -w $file ]]; then
sed -i -- 's/foo/bar/g' "$file"
Note the line, shopt -s globstar dotglob;, which allows us to use globbing patterns in the for loop. We also enclose the code in brackets, to prevent the shopt -s globstar dotglob; line option from becoming a global setting.
If you would like to apply this example to your file, you can just place your files in the current directory, and the code would probably look something like this:
( shopt -s globstar dotglob;
for file in **; do
if [[ -f $file ]] && [[ -w $file ]]; then
sed -i -e 's/.\{6\}/&\n/g' -e 's/edit/edit2/g' | tr -d "\n" | sed 's/edit2/edit/g' | grep -o "here.*there" | sed -r '/^.{,100}$/d' "$file"
Note that we have placed a "$file" variable beside each of the seds that you used in your code, this replaces the name of the file for each command.
There is another example given in the code that allows you to pick which files to run on, rather than all the files in a directory, which you can also re-purpose for your code, as given here:
( shopt -s globstar dotglob
sed -i -- 's/foo/bar/g' **baz*
sed -i -- 's/foo/bar/g' **.baz
To answer your question of doing a loop on each line, you will need to put a loop for each line inside your for loop, like so:
while read line ; do
: sed -i -e 's/.\{6\}/&\n/g' -e 's/edit/edit2/g' | tr -d "\n" | sed 's/edit2/edit/g' | grep -o "here.*there" | sed -r '/^.{,100}$/d' "$line”
Although the for loop can be useful for dealing with files in recursive directories, I would recommend against also using another loop to grab lines, since it muddies your code, and it’s possible there is a better way to do it without parsing line by line.
The linked question is a fairly complete guide to many of the cases you may come across, and is also worth a read if you want to learn more.
Hope that helps!
You could use a for loop.
You could use the tool parallel.
Create a set of test files using a for-loop
mkdir -p /tmp/so58333536
cd /tmp/so58333536
for i in 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt 4.txt 5.txt;do echo "The answer is 41" > $i;done
cat /tmp/so58333536/*
Now correct your mistake using parallel [1].
mkdir /tmp/
ls /tmp/so58333536/* |parallel "sed 's/41/42/' {} > /tmp/{/}"
cat /tmp/*
{}:: refers to the current file
{/}:: refers to name of the current file (path is removed)
Reads: List all files in so58333536 and apply the following sed command to each file and write the output to
[1] Another option is to use sed -i for in-place editing.
Be very carefull with this!! Mistakes can cause serious damages!
# !! Do not use -i option regularly !!
ls /tmp/so58333536/* |parallel "sed -i 's/41/42/'"

.bash_profile command arguments

I was looking for a redhat Tree command workaround and keep finding this specifically
alias lst='ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e '"'"'s/:$//'"'"' -e '"'"'s/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g'"'"' -e '"'"'s/^/ /'"'"' -e '"'"'s/-/|/'"'"
I'm trying to add files to the output tree and I have no idea what any of this is saying, could someone tell me what this command is saying and how to add to it?

How to Copy and Rename multiple files using shell

I want to copy only 20180721 files from Outgoing to Incoming folder. I also want to remove the first numbers from the file name and want to rename from -1 to -3. I want to keep my commands to minimum so I am using pax command below.
Output expected:
I have tried this command and it's doing most of the work apart from removing the number coming in front of the file name. Can anyone help?
Command used:
pax -rw -pe -s/-1/-3/ ./*20180721*.jar ../Incoming/
Try this simple script using just parameter expansion:
for file in *20180721*.jar; do
cp -- "$file" "/path/to/destination/${new%-*}-3.jar"
You can try this
In general
for i in `ls files-to-copy-*`; do
cp $i `echo $i | sed "s/rename-from/rename-to/g"`;
In your case
for i in `ls *_MOM*`; do
cp $i `echo $i | sed "s/_MOM/MOM/g" | sed "s/-1/-3/g"`;
pax only applies the first successful substitution even if the -s option is specified more than once. You can pipe the output to a second pax instance, though.
pax -w -s ':^[^_]*_::p' *20180721*.jar | (builtin cd ../Incoming; pax -r -s ':1[.]jar$:3.jar:p')

sed on Mac behaves weird with -i option [duplicate]

I've successfully used the following sed command to search/replace text in Linux:
sed -i 's/old_link/new_link/g' *
However, when I try it on my Mac OS X, I get:
"command c expects \ followed by text"
I thought my Mac runs a normal BASH shell. What's up?
According to #High Performance, this is due to Mac sed being of a different (BSD) flavor, so my question would therefore be how do I replicate this command in BSD sed?
Here is an actual example that causes this:
sed -i 's/hello/gbye/g' *
If you use the -i option you need to provide an extension for your backups.
If you have:
The command (note the lack of space between -i and '' and the -e to make it work on new versions of Mac and on GNU):
sed -i'.original' -e 's/old_link/new_link/g' *
Create 2 backup files like:
There is no portable way to avoid making backup files because it is impossible to find a mix of sed commands that works on all cases:
sed -i -e ... - does not work on OS X as it creates -e backups
sed -i'' -e ... - does not work on OS X 10.6 but works on 10.9+
sed -i '' -e ... - not working on GNU
Note Given that there isn't a sed command working on all platforms, you can try to use another command to achieve the same result.
E.g., perl -i -pe's/old_link/new_link/g' *
I believe on OS X when you use -i an extension for the backup files is required. Try:
sed -i .bak 's/hello/gbye/g' *
Using GNU sed the extension is optional.
This works with both GNU and BSD versions of sed:
sed -i'' -e 's/old_link/new_link/g' *
or with backup:
sed -i'.bak' -e 's/old_link/new_link/g' *
Note missing space after -i option! (Necessary for GNU sed)
Had the same problem in Mac and solved it with brew:
brew install gnu-sed
and use as
you can set as well set sed as alias to gsed (if you want):
alias sed=gsed
Or, you can install the GNU version of sed in your Mac, called gsed, and use it using the standard Linux syntax.
For that, install gsed using ports (if you don't have it, get it at by running sudo port install gsed. Then, you can run sed -i 's/old_link/new_link/g' *
Your Mac does indeed run a BASH shell, but this is more a question of which implementation of sed you are dealing with. On a Mac sed comes from BSD and is subtly different from the sed you might find on a typical Linux box. I suggest you man sed.
Insead of calling sed with sed, I do ./bin/sed
And this is the wrapper script in my ~/project/bin/sed
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
exec "gsed" "$#"
exec "sed" "$#"
Don't forget to chmod 755 the wrapper script.
Sinetris' answer is right, but I use this with find command to be more specific about what files I want to change. In general this should work (tested on osx /bin/bash):
find . -name "*.smth" -exec sed -i '' 's/text1/text2/g' {} \;
In general when using sed without find in complex projects is less efficient.
I've created a function to handle sed difference between MacOS (tested on MacOS 10.12) and other OS:
# $(replace_in_file pattern file)
function replace_in_file() {
if [ "$OS" = 'Darwin' ]; then
# for MacOS
sed -i '' -e "$1" "$2"
# for Linux and Windows
sed -i'' -e "$1" "$2"
$(replace_in_file 's,MASTER_HOST.*,MASTER_HOST='"$MASTER_IP"',' "./mysql/.env")
, is a delimeter
's,MASTER_HOST.*,MASTER_HOST='"$MASTER_IP"',' is pattern
"./mysql/.env" is path to file
As the other answers indicate, there is not a way to use sed portably across OS X and Linux without making backup files. So, I instead used this Ruby one-liner to do so:
ruby -pi -e "sub(/ $/, '')" ./config/locales/*.yml
In my case, I needed to call it from a rake task (i.e., inside a Ruby script), so I used this additional level of quoting:
sh %q{ruby -pi -e "sub(/ $/, '')" ./config/locales/*.yml}
Here's how to apply environment variables to template file (no backup need).
1. Create template with {{FOO}} for later replace.
echo "Hello {{FOO}}" > foo.conf.tmpl
2. Replace {{FOO}} with FOO variable and output to new foo.conf file
FOO="world" && sed -e "s/{{FOO}}/$FOO/g" foo.conf.tmpl > foo.conf
Working both macOS 10.12.4 and Ubuntu 14.04.5
Here is an option in bash scripts:
function detect_os {
# Detect the OS name
case "$(uname -s)" in
echo "Unsupported host OS. Must be Linux or Mac OS X." >&2
exit 1
if [ "${GO_OS}" == "darwin" ]; then
sed -i '' -e ...
sed -i -e ...
sed -ie 's/old_link/new_link/g' *
Works on both BSD & Linux with gnu sed
