Continuous websocket traffic with SignalR - websocket

I've been using SignalR successfully for some time using serverSentEvents transport. I've just installed my application on Windows Server 2012 RC and now when I connect SignalR is using websockets (as you'd expect).
It appears to work OK except there is a continuous stream of websocket traffic between server and browser - about once a second it's sending about 90 bytes.
From the debugger window in Chrome, it looks like it's sending a connection upgrade request each time.
I am successfully receiving messages sent by the server, but I seem to be worse off than when using long polling.
The browser is Chrome version 19.0.1084.52.
Any idea why this is happening?

This was down to my own stupidity - but I thought I'd answer in case anyone else has the same problem.
I had built the solution SignalR.Hosting.AspNet instead of SignalR.Hosting.AspNet45
So the method AcceptWebSocketRequest was throwing a NotSupportedException; because the client websocket upgrade failed, it just tried again about a second later.
I guess the client could show an error or something in this case to aid debugging.


Making request using WebSockets in sails but not receiving response from the server

I'm starting with Websockets and I have a problem.
I have a sails.js application that uses sockets to update the client side.
On the client side it makes an API call using socket.get("/api/v1/actor...") to bring all the items of the database. When I see what the WebSocket's traffic on the Chrome console:
As you can see, the connection has been established and the API call has been correctly done through the socket.
The problem is, there is no answer from the server, not even an error.
If I make the same API call using ajax, I get response, but it doesn't work using WebSockets.
Any idea what might be producing this behavior?
EDIT: I add here the code here that processes the request and this one here that sends the request, but the problem is that it never execute this code. I think we we are closer to the find the cause, since we think it has to do with a network problem. We figured there is an F5 reverse-proxy which is not properly set up to handle websockets
The answer didn't make any sense now that I've seen the code that's why I've edited it. I only answered because I could't comment on your question and ask you for the code.
Your calling code seems correct and the server side of things the process of response should be handled automatically by the framework, you only need to return some JSON in the controller method.
I instantiated a copy of the server (just changed the adapters to run it locally) and the server replied to the web socket requests (although I only tested the route '/index').
Normally when the problems are caused by a reverse proxy the socket simply refuses to connect and you can't even send data to server. Does the property "socket.socket.connected" returns true?
The best way to test is to write a small node application with client and test it in the same machine that the application server is running, then you can exclude network problems.

SignalR - Always downgraded to server sent events in Chrome/Firefox

I have an API application and a web application (for simplicity on the same server -- I'll do the CORS stuff later).
Windows Server 2012 with IIS 8.5
Websockets installed through "Programs and features"
Firewall turned off
The api is using owin + signalr and has the proper initialization (trimmed it down to find the error):
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
GlobalHost.Configuration.TransportConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
private static HttpConfiguration CreateConfiguration()
HttpConfiguration configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
return configuration;
Everything seems to work perfectly except connection to the actual websockets. Every time the client tries to establish a connection, there is a timeout and it fails over to SSE (or forever frame/long polling in IE). I increased the timeout to 25 seconds and the same symptoms are occurring.
On the client, I consistently get this error with logging turned on:
SignalR: Connecting to websocket endpoint 'ws://[myurl]'.
SignalR: Websocket opened.
SignalR: **webSockets timed out when trying to connect.**
SignalR: Closing the Websocket.
SignalR: Attempting to connect to SSE endpoint 'http://[myurl]'.
SignalR: EventSource connected.
SignalR: serverSentEvents transport selected. Initiating start request.
SignalR: The start request succeeded. Transitioning to the connected state.
I have tried following the guides provided by the signalR team and I cannot see what I am missing.
Thanks for any help!
I downloaded a sample and ran it as-is on the server.
Same situation, so this is likely a server configuration setting that I missed along the way. I still have not found what I missed.
You need to enable WebSockets for the website in Server Manager.
Try establishing a SignalR connection from your Windows Server machine itself. This might have something to do with the network. Perhaps there's a proxy or something in between the client and server that doesn't properly support WebSockets.
If you are inside of a network with a "corporate" firewall, it can screw up the websockets handshake.
But, you can prevent this interference if you access your server over SSL. I've seen this first hand be the cause and solution multiple times for websockets problems in corporate environments.
It may be something with your IIS settings. I saw these on
-IIS must be running in integrated mode; classic mode is not supported. Message delays of up to 30 seconds may be experienced if IIS is run in classic mode using the Server-Sent Events transport.
-The hosting application must be running in full trust mode.
Also, it mentioned something about .NET 4.5 being the target framework. Hope this helped.

gevent-socketio - Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 401

I am working on a pyramid realtime app that would benefit from utilizing websockets. I found that the gevent-socketio library would probably be best for my purposes.
When testing locally on my PC, the websocket transport is used and runs just fine. However, when testing on a server, the handshake fails reporting a 401 response. It then falls back to a long polling transport, which works, but I would really benefit from the speed of websocket.
This makes me believe that there is some kind of authorization issue happening since I am not connecting to the local machine anymore, but I am at a complete loss as to where to look for help.
Now the issue was narrowed down to the fact that we were using mod_proxy, a lighttpd module, to instance the server for development and production. Is there any work around for proxying or do we have to a abandon the idea of server instancing? Ideally we would like to have some way of authorizing users to access our development server, which is how we had it set up with mod_proxy.

Browser not sending any data (no errors)

So I have a faye server and a rails web application. It all worked fine till recently. Now the browser is not sending anythin to the server. There a no error not on the server not even in browser (I can create an instance of Faye.Client just fine). But when I do publish the server gets nothing. It doesn't even get anythin on the meta channel, like connect or subscribe. The thing is that if I send something with curl the server shows the message (cause I'm logging it).
I can't pin point the problem. :/
Make sure the code to send messages is being reached. Make sure your client is still valid. Test an earlier code version etc. Just a few ideas.
Solved the problem. The url to which faye was connecting was not OK, but faye failed silently because the url responded. :/

haproxy and not fully working

I have tried every conceivable haproxy configuration posted in blogs and stackoverflow, but I still cannot get haproxy and to work 100% of the time. In the majority of browsers that "support" web sockets it fails and falls back on long polling after missed heart beats. The browser appears to make the initial connection (nodejs debugging), but I cannot get the clients to receive the connection response. Is anyone else having similar problems? Below are the software version numbers and a couple of the configs I have tried.
haproxy 1.4.18
node 0.6.5 0.8.7
Haproxy configurations (I have tried many more and numerous options):
HAProxy + WebSocket Disconnection (minus ssl stuff)
Web sockets working in:
Safari 5 (Windows)
Chrome 11 (Linux)
Websockets cannot be reverse proxy'd because the 8 bytes of data the client must send after the headers is not advertised in a Content-Length header, so the intermediates won't forward that data until the handshake completes. And since the handshake needs those 8 bytes to complete, the handshake never completes and deadlocks, This is not the only source. Many more sources verify that they cannot be reverse proxy'd.
