Set batch break points in .NET Visual Studio? - visual-studio-2010

I got a new demo project I want to study today. I want to hit debug and follow the process and see the sequence of the function calls and follow its logic. I actually had this idea in my mind for quite a few times already.
I wonder when I get a new project, if it is possible to batch process break points at each function of each class? I am not talking about hitting F11 line by line, I want the break points to be at the header of each of the functions, so I can quickly scheme through each functions.


Getting a detailed callstack log

Is this possible in Visual Studio to generate a text list of the methods that are being called, and possibly execution time [of returned methods]? I know about a lot of approaches to profile an application, but I think that having a clear - even if long - callstack would be helpful in improving launch performances.
Here's a code project article about this
It basically boils down to using the GetThreadContext() to capture the context of the current thread and then using StackWalk64() to walk the stack. Alternatively you can also use CaptureStackBackTrace().
These functions will only get you the list of addresses that make the stack. To get the names of the functions and line numbers you'll need to use functions from dbghelp.dll like

Is it possible to see a step by step execution of the code you are writing?

I am currently developing software for the web using visual studios and in the future I will be writing other thing using C# (among other languages). My question, is there a way to see the step by step execution of the code you wrote, outlining all the changes and procedures.
as an example, can i somehow see something that reads: "the function was executed with parameter value of 5. the value of y changed from 4 to 8. the string 'wording' now contains 20 characters. the function ABC executed for a second time with parameter 47." well you get the gist of it. I want to "read" my code after it executes. I feel like this would be the best debugger. Which brings me to my underlying goal of better debugging. So if you have any other 'techniques' for debugging, they would come a long way for a newbie.
Runtime Flow can show all executed functions with parameters, though configuring it for web projects is complicated.
You can look and learn how to use a debugger for instance the gdb debugger that allows you to step thru the instructions one at a time, and there is even reverse debugging now where you can step backwards thru the program ad execute the program backwards. Look at what gdb can do, and it will tell you what is possible.

Modifying code during a debugging session.

Does anyone know of a Debugger or Programming Language that allows you to set a break point, and then modify the code and then execute the newly modified code.
This is even more useful if the Debugger also had the ability for reverse debugging. So you could step though the buggy code, stack backwards, fix the code, and then step though it again to see if you fixed the bug. Now that's sexy, is anyone doing this?
I believe the Hot Code Replace in eclipse is what you meant in the problem:
The idea is that you can start a debugging session on a given runtime
workbench and change a Java file in your development workbench, and
the debugger will replace the code in the receiving VM while it is
running. No restart is required, hence the reference to "hot".
But there are limitations:
HCR only works when the class signature does not change; you cannot
remove or add fields to existing classes, for instance. However, HCR
can be used to change the body of a method.
The totalview debugger provides the concept of Evaluation Point which allows user to "fix his code on the fly" or to "patch it" or to examine what if scenario without having to recompile.
Basically, user plants an Evaluation Point at some line and writes a piece of C/C++ or Fortran code he wants to execute instead. Could be a simple printf, goto, a set of if-then-else tests, some for loops etc... This is really powerful and time-sparing.
As for reverse-debugging, it's a highly desirable feature, but I'm not sure it already exists.
The link is for VS 2005 but applies to 2008 and 2010 as well.
Edit, 2015: Read chapters 1 and 2 of my MSc thesis, Combining reverse debugging and live programming towards visual thinking in computer programming, it answers the question in detail.
The Python debugger, Pdb, allows you to run arbitrary code while paused (like at a breakpoint). For example, let's say you are debugging and have paused at the following line in your program, where the variable hasn't been declared in the program itself :
print (x)
so that moving forward (i.e., running that line) would result in :
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
You can define that variable in the debugger, and have the program continue executing with it :
(Pdb) 'x' in locals()
(Pdb) x = 1
(Pdb) 'x' in locals()
If you meant that the change should not be provided at the debugger console, but that you want to change the original code in some editor, then have the debugger automatically update the state of the live program in some way, so that the executing program reflects that change, that is called "live programming". (Not to be confused with "live coding" which is live performance of coding -- see TOPLAP -- though there is some confusion.) There has been an interest in research into live programming (and live coding) in the last 2 or 3 years. It is a very difficult problem to solve, and there are many different approaches. You can watch Bret Victor's talk, Inventing on Principle, for some examples of that. Note that those are prototypes only, to illustrate the idea. Hot-swapping of code so that the tree is drawn differently in the next loop of some draw() function, or so that the game character responds differently next time, (or so that the music or visuals are changed during a live coding session), is not that difficult, some languages and systems cater for that explicitly. However, the state of the program is not necessarily then a true reflection of the code (as also in the Pdb example above) -- if e.g. the game character could access an area based on some ability like jumping, and the code is then swapped out, he might never be able to access that area in the game any longer should the game be played from the start. To solve change propagation for general programming is difficult -- you can see that his search example re-runs the code from the start each time a change is made.
True reverse execution is also a tricky problem. There are a number of commercial projects, but almost all of them only record trace data to browse it afterwards, called omniscient debugging (but they are often called reverse-, back-in-time, bidirectional- or time-travel-debuggers, also a lot of confusion). In terms of free and open-source projects, the GNU debugger, gdb, has two modes, one is process record and replay which also only records the program for browsing it afterwards, the other is true reverse debugging which allows you to reverse in a live program. It is extremely slow, as it undoes single machine instruction at a time. The extended python debugger prototype, epdb, also allows for true reversing in a live program, and is much faster as it uses a snapshot/checkpoint and replay mechanism. Here is the thesis and here is the program and the code.

vb6 tracking where a function was called from

I recently inherited a VB6 project. It is pretty involved and my issue is that many different functions call this centralized function. Meaning when I do a find I get a ton of different locations in the project that make this call. Is there a way to see in debug mode what function called the function I have a break point on?
For example:
funcA calls funcZ
funcB calls funcZ
funcC calls funcZ
it goes on and on...
If I put a break point on funcZ is there anyway in VB6 that I can see what function called funcZ (A,B or C in my example)?
Just wondering...
Yes. Hit Ctrl+L to see the call stack.
A nice free tool (every VB6 IDE should have it) that amongst its many cool features is one that shows all calling procedures for any sub or function.
What you seem to be asking about is a stack trace. Memory fails how easy/hard this is so a quick google search brought up this question. Combine that with some output to the immediate window, and you should be good.
Edit: Wim's answer is much better.

How to track the .net framework methods in "Call Tree" when profiling in Visual Studio

I'm using profiler in Visual Studio 2008 like this, but when I profiling these codes I can only find the methods written by myself in "Call Tree" view. How can I track the inner/private methods defined in .NET Framework?
I do have to ask what is your purpose. Are you trying to find and remove performance problems? If so, any fixes you make can only be in your code. A simple way to find them is to run the program under the IDE and, while it is being slow, pause it and record the call stack. Do this several times. If there is any line of code that appears on multiple samples, those samples are occurring within work being requested by it, so if you can find a way to avoid doing that line of code, you will save a large fraction of time. The call tree may show such a line, but to see how much time it saves, you have to sum over all the branches in the tree where it occurs. You don't have that problem if you just sample the stack.
Here's a more complete explanation.
Here's a blow-by-blow example.
There are some myths re. performance tuning.
