[Selenium]Arbitrary error with Firefox Binary - firefox

I'm running some automated Selenium tests on my Debian server, every hour.
But, randomly, I have this error :
Failed to connect to binary
FirefoxBinary(/usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox-bin) on port 7071;
I run Selenium with a jar file, and I'm using Xvfb as my server is headless.
DISPLAY=:7 java -jar /selenium/SeleniumTest.jar
I wasn't able to tell why it happens (about 2 times each 5 runs).
Does someone have an idea of what is going on ?
Selenium : Selenium Java 2.21.0
Firefox : Mozilla Iceweasel 3.5.16
Debian : 6.0.4


Unknown option: -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver when running selenium server standalone on Mac

I was trying to manually run selenium server standalone on MAC and then run my tests with intern-runner in Chrome browser. As I've been advised on intern User Guide:
"To use ChromeDriver and IEDriver with a Selenium server, the driver executable must either be placed somewhere in the environment PATH, or their locations must be given explicitly to the Selenium server using the -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver (ChromeDriver) and -Dwebdriver.ie.driver (IEDriver) flags upon starting the Selenium server."
I started the Selenium server and put path to chrome driver on my machine, but got error:
"Unknown option: -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver"
any idea on why seleinum unable to recognize the options?
Is there any other solution on how to run chrome webdriver/IE webDriver from command line with selenium standalone server?
Where the driver executable could be placed in the environment PATH on MAC?
I was able to run chrome driver separately with out any issues using:
./node_modules/.bin/chromedriver --port=4444 --url-base=wd/hub
For selenium3 you need to use Dwebdriver.chrome.driver option first.
java -Dwebdrive.chrome.driver=path_to_chrome_driver -jar selenium_server_file
To avoid any path issues better download both files in the same directory and run from there.
java -Dwebdrive.chrome.driver=chromedriver -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar
Also have Chrome browser installed.
Is drive instead of driver

Nightwatch starts selenium and then hangs indefinitely

I'm running a simple nightwatch test on a Windows 10.1 machine. The tests starts up selenium server (e.g., selenium server... started - PID: 12784), but it never gets to the test code. I can use a browser to get to the localhost server page that is spawned from the "node nightwatch.js -t test.js" command, so I know the server is working properly. I've also tried running nightwatch with different browsers, e.g., -e chrome, firefox, IE, and phantomjs, and none of them work. Putting --verbose on the command doesn't provide any more console spew, so not sure how to debug this. I'm running with selenium-server-standalone v2.53.0.
Any suggestions?
Solved my own problem. Turns out the problem was with incompatible versions of node, nightwatch, and python. I figured it out by creating a totally separate clone of my repository and reinstalling all the node/nightwatch/selenium dependencies. Would be nice if there was a debug feature that could be enabled to indicate more details about where a node or nightwatch application is during application startup. I learned of node-inspector, so I'll check it out as a possible debug tool.

selenium UI automation through Teamcity build agent

We are running selenium UI automation through Teamcity build Agent but it couldnt launch firefox and the error is below:
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host localhost.localdomain on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: cannot open display: :0.0
Error: cannot open display: :0.0
Before trying with Teamcity build agent , we have executed the selenium cases manually (by running the ant script) in the build agent VM and it could launch firefox and executed the cases successfully.
so, we don't see any problem of compatibilty between firefox and selenium jar version.
It seems like your configuration misses a virtual display.
You need a virtual display if you want to run selenium with a browser such as Firefox, IE, ..., without any display. You could use Xvfb for that, or headless browser such as phantomJS.
There are a lot of articles about that, like this one
Or you could export your display to a monitoring environment, if you want selenium tests to be displayed while they run.

Headless testing display error

I am running a set of selenium tests using a Maven and Jenkins with Testng. I had them working fine headlessly up until a week ago. Jenkins sits on the server accessible with port 8080. The tests also run fine through eclipse.
Software Versions
I have read lots about Firefox being incomparable with selenium so here is a list of software and versions that I am using.
Firefox: 39
Maven: 3.3.3
Java: 1.7.0_79
Selenium: 2.46 & 2.47(currently 2.47)
Jenkins: 1.622
Xvnc: 1.3.9
ubuntu 14
After I run the tests and the fail I check the console through Jenkins. The error I am getting makes me think it's a problem with Xvnc and firefox but I can't pin point it. I get a NotConnectedException. The firefox console error has changed a few times here is a list of different errors the console has shown me.
Error: cannot open display: :87
firefox: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :46.
firefox: Fatal IO error 2 (No such file or directory) on X server :78.
I've been on bugzilla but cant find a conclusive answer to the problem.
I've also looked around SO but found no fixes.
From what I have gathered it is something to do with Xvnc, Could running
sudo apt-get update
make changes to how Xvnc operates? I have updated the packages some time last week but our testers didn't check Jenkins properly when adding new tests and as such I've wasted and entire day trying to pin point when and what the problem is.
What would cause Jenkins to return errors like this, how can I fix them and how can I prevent something doing this again?
The display variable seems to be the issue, upon typing the command
There is no response just an empty line.
running the command
export DISPLAY=:0.10
no gives the result
when I echo $DISPLAY
I think the DISPLAY varibale is not functioning as expected and hence firefox is unable to connect to it. To know more about the $DISPLAY refer this link https://askubuntu.com/questions/432255/what-is-display-environment-variable
Try to run this command on the slave node where the job runs, this should give you the required setting for the tests to connect and run.
nohup /usr/bin/Xvfb :2 –screen 0 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Selenium Grid Demo Test cases fail

I am using selenium grid for automated testing. I have followed the official documents to install the grid. But after running the run-demo-in-parallel, the test casses fail with the following error in the target folder.
Parameter #1 Parameter #2 Parameter #3 Parameter #4
localhost 4444 *firefox http://images.google.com
**Could not contact Selenium Server; have you started it on 'localhost:4444'** ?
Read more at http://seleniumhq.org/projects/remote-control/not-started.html Connection refused: connect
at com.thoughtworks.selenium.grid.tools.ThreadSafeSeleniumSessionStorage.startSeleniumSession(ThreadSafeSeleniumSessionStorage.java:26)at com.thoughtworks.selenium.grid.demo.WebTestForASingleBrowser.domme(WebTestForASingleBrowser.java:51)
Can you please tell me what the issue can be ?
I am using a windows7 machine.
With java jdk and jre 1.6. Selenium version 1.0.8 . Selenium stand alone server -2.5.0.
Is there any more information i can give ?
open up taskmanager and see if there is a process with the name java.exe or javaw.exe running if that is not the case then your Sel Grid has not yet been started. Please open (double click) the selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar file then again statup taskmanager and make sure your grid is up and running and then try.
if the process is nt started It might be the case that your grid is not able to start to some reason I would suggest opening up a command prompt window and run the following command:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -role hub
Note: You need to be in the directory where the jar file is for the above command to work else cmd will throw an error saying file not found
Please let me know if you need more help.
