Google Checkout Per Item Flat Rate and By Weight In Same cart - google-checkout

Im am setting up some Google Add to Cart buttons and am having trouble calculating proper shipping. My entire store has items that have product-weight classes to calculate the shipping. The shipping table is retrieved from Merchant Center.
I have one item that needs to have flat rate shipping, so it has a product-shipping-first and product-shipping class. When this item is in the cart with any other products the flat rate shipping overrides the entire cart and the customer is only charged the flat rate shipping.
I want the cart to calculate like PayPay does by default. It calculates all the by weight products, then adds the flat rate on top of that total.

Please note that submited shipping instructions in the posted shopping cart will take precedence over the Merchant Center, thus settings in the Merchant Center are ignored.
In your case, using the product-shipping class will create a "shipping-methods" tag in the shopping cart XML, thus overriding the Merchant Center shipping instructions. Try to find a way to use one or the other.
Some shipping troubleshooting hints here:


Volusion Soft Add To Cart - Show cart Total instead of Subtotal

In the Volusion shopping carts "soft add to cart" feature, which is turned on in product options with "Enable Add To Cart Popup", the popup shows the "Subtotal" of products currently in the cart.
The issue is this Subtotal does not include quantity discounts and therefore shows customers a higher price than the actual Subtotal after discounts are applied.
For that reason, we would like to display the cart Total, which includes any quantity discounts applied.
The problem is, I cannot find a place where this can be done in the HTML we have access to and if I were to find it, I'm not sure of the proper Volusion syntax to use to call up the Total instead of the Subtotal.
I had a different issue, but the same problem (soft add to cart did not display the proper info).
In my case, we allow engraving on our products, for an additional charge, and when selected this option was not displayed in the popup cart. As a result, customers were not sure if they chose it or not.
My solution was to add a Shopping Cart block to the page, as part of the template, using jQuery.
If you call http://yourUrl/AjaxCart.asp you'll see the discount info you need in the JSON data, as well as the line items in the order.

Magento: conditional free shipping

I am trying to set conditional free shipping in our store.
The conditions are:
- if the cart subtotal is over $80, and
- there are no products from category A and subcategory A-a (Category is Hats, sub category is Akubra)
Here's how it looks:
Image 1: [][1]
Image 2: [][2]
(Sorry I didn't have enough reputation to post images.)
Anyway, I cannot get this to trigger.
If I add the exclude items to the basket (i.e. if I have one of those hats in the basket), then my flat rate shipping is still 0. If I remove products to get under the $80, I still see a $0 for flat rate shipping.
My Aus Post shipping still appears with non-zero values.
I have Magento's free shipping function turned off altogether.
I would appreciate any advice in getting this working!
just mention your category id inside the action because condition workout cart basis and action work with item level basis.

Magento - edit custom priced configurable product in cart

i got a problem with a magento extension(currently for 1.8.1):
I have products in my cart.
Therefore I can choose a gift and add it for free into the cart (via observer the priced is set to 0)
BUT here the problem: if the gift is a configurable product i want to set the options. After editing the product the price is set to the original-price again.
How can i keep the gift-price?
Several ways to accomplish this, but the probably easiest (and cleanest) is via a custom total model.
Here is a description, somewhat dated but should be enough to get you started.
Just make sure your total model is calculated after the subtotal model so your quote item price adjustment sticks.
You will also want to pay attention to whether or not you want your total model to be calculated before or after the tax total model.
How do I get quote totals before saving payment method?

Magento: Fixed Amount Discount For Whole Cart For Percentage?

It says on the Magento website that the 'fixed amount discount for whole cart' applies a percentage discount to the whole cart.
This is not the case. For instance, if I type in 10, the whole cart value will be reduced by £10/$10.
Is there any way to apply discount percentage to the whole cart?
I know I can apply a percentage discount to each unit in the basket, but I want to be able to provide a coupon code to reduce the entire cart by x%, not the pre-VAT product prices.
I'm using
I think it will be useful to provide an example of what I'm trying to achieve. So, I want to be able to provide people with a coupon code for 15% off the total cart price, after all other discounts have been applied.
For instance, there is currently an offer for 3 items for £22. I want to then reduce the total cart price by 15%, to £18.70.
Any help would be a godsend! Thanks in advance!
Check if "Stop Further Rules Processing" is set to "No".
If it set to "Yes", then rule applies only to the price of the first item in cart
This can be done by using simple steps. Just create a coupon at the admin panel by going to Promotions/Catalog Price Rules. Here click "Add New Rule" and give all the conditions and details. In the left side u can see option "Actions"...
Here you can apply the rule as discount by percentage of fixed value and u can give there ur discount value of 15%. If u dont know of creating coupons in magento, go through this link

Magento sale watermark

Due to being a new to Magento world, I have limited understating of its coding pattern.
I have created a cart price rule which works fine. However now I want to show the sale watermark image on product listing page making product on sale more prominent for customers. This sale watermark must not be displayed when sale period is over.
My approach is as below
Modify the cart price rule form to let admin to upload corresponding sale water mark. Then update list.php to determine the rule and then add sale water mark image to product list.As cart price rule specify the sale dates, I am assuming after due date rule would become inactive and image would not get displayed.
However before i start coding for it, I am wondering if someone has easier approach.
This extention will probably save you alot of time.
I have bought from them many times and they are great.
AheadWorks On sale Extention (affiliate link)
if products are on sale it means you are using special price??
if yes than you can use special price and follow these simple method to achieve what you want
