Access local website via router - xampp

a few months ago I've made it using Wamp Server
but now I'm trying to go inside of the local website via router to xampp and wamp server.
wamp ruinning on port 80
xampp on port 81
my local ip is
so I've tried to go into and
From here it works, but from another computer (connected in the same network) cannot find it.
I've set wamp online and in both wamp and xampp set 'allow from all' so what it doens't work?
Also, I'm trying to do it because I want to test something on Node.js
(I know i can do t using 2 tabs or browsers)
When i start node.js server it may run at it would be acessible by ?
Thanks for reading and sorry for bad english.

I am guessing you are using Windows 7? Do you have a firewall enabled? If so follow the steps in the link below to open ports 80 and 81 by setting custom inbound rules.


Portforwarding does not work for wampserver localhost using packetriot and ngrok

I am using Wampserver (windows) for a project development in WordPress, while developing it I need to show the progress to the client frequently. So I found Packetriot and Ngrok tools which can create a tunnel on localhost and make it accessible to anyone over the internet.
After configuring the tunnels on both the software when I try to access it from the provided public URL, I can see the localhost home page of wampserver successfully, but when I try to open the project website (virtual host), it does not open it. It shows 'This site can't be reached".
However i have checked lot of forums and videos on setting up the server using these tools, but unfortunately it is not working out for me to access other pages on the website other than the localhost home page.
I have also configured the port forwarding on my router admin page and have also allowed the port in firewall settings.
Note: I have tried it using different ports ( 80 and 8081 ), but it did not work.

remote connect to xampp website(v3.2.2)

I try to connect to my computer xampp website from other computer.
I got my IV4 IP, it works from local but not work from other computer.
my xampp version is v3.2.2
seems like there's no version available right now.
how can I set for it?
thanks for looking.
on the LAN line, most routers allow any connections between peers, but I think you're trying to connect from outside that WiFi/router, yes?
If so, you need to get the public IP of the host computer running xampp (Google 'what is my ip'), then you'll need to port forward your local ip (192.168.1. something) and the port of xampp by going into your router settings. Port forwarding basically tells your router that outside connections should be allowed if they're using that IP and port. You'll then use the public IP and port in your browser from any device to see the website.

Can't access my localhost via internet

forward port 80 TCP/UDP on router (OPENED)
port 80 TCP/UDP on firewall (OPENED)
httpd.conf - httpd-xampp.conf (EDITED)
But when I try visiting by my ip I get nothing on browser,
its working on LAN and WLAN not on internet
What I should to do?
there better way to make PC as webserver?
which is best OS for server?
Some ISPs won't allow port 80 to be connected to from outside your home network as an attempt to block people from hosting a website from their home network. Try setting your server to listen on a different port (85 is generally not in use) and you should be able to connect to it.
As for your other question, in my opinion, Ubuntu (or any flavor of Linux) is a good OS for a web server. Ubuntu is free and easy to use and there are plenty of resources online if you have any problems.

wamp server only running local

Ive been searching around the internet and I cannot not find the answer to why wampserver is only running on localhost. I have pressed Put Online and I still do not know why it is only running offline. Not sure if it is my wampserver setup or my router blocking me, so any help would be great.
To access your server from the internet you need to do a number of things not specifically related to WAMPServer.
First you need to port forward your router, this allows un-solicited traffic on port 80 throught the NAT router firewall protection, into your network where normally for security reasons it is not allowed in. This opens the port and makes sure that all traffic on port 80 of yor router is directed to the PC running WAMPServer i.e. Apache. So you will need to make sure that the PC running Apache has a STATIC ip address and is not being allowctae an IP by the routers DHCP server.
This site can be very helpful with learning how to do that
Once that is done you may also need to configure your software firewall running on the PC that has Apache on it to allow traffic on port 80 into the PC. Although you may have allowed this already when you first ran Wampserver after it was installed.
When you use the WAMPManagers Put Online and Put Offline that changes the Apache config (httpd.conf) and should change
# onlineoffline tag - don't remove
Require local
which tells apache to only allow connections from the PC running Apache
# onlineoffline tag - don't remove
Require all granted
which tells Apache that it is allowed to action connections from any ip address in the world
1) Check you firewall setting 80 port enable
2) Check anti virus Blocking
3) c:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\httpd.conf
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from none
Allow from all

WAMP not working on Windows 7 Enterprise

I am using WAMP on Windows 7 Enterprise. It was working fine initially, even though the icon remained red in the tray. My PC remains on 24x7 but yesterday I restarted it due to a pending windows update. And now, WAMP no longer works i.e. I cannot access anything under localhost. The browser (chrome) returns a webpage unavailable error.
I do not have Skype installed. I did try and test, and it said that Port 80 is used by some other application. As I do not have admin rights, I reconfigured the httpd.conf file for Apache to port 81, but even that did not help.
I also ran a netstat -ao using CMD, but I could not find anything running on Port 80.
Any ideas as to what can be done to solve this? Thanks.
I had the same issue in my windows 7 home basic.
Maybe you could solve by this:
1)Your port 80 is mostly blocked by Microsoft iis server. so if iis is using port 80 than apache wont be able to use the port.
2) So, change the listening port of apache. apache has a file name httpd.conf.Open the file in a text editor and there will be port 80 already written, change the port to 8080 (mostly people use 8080).
3)So now your Apache runs on different port.
4) Restart apache services or restart your wamp server.
5)now Open your local host by, localhost:8080
6)you will see your localhost page.
Hope it solved your problem.
