Joomla v1.5 plugin sys.ini language file - joomla

Is it possible to use sys.ini language file for Joomla v1.5 plugin? I want to use it during plugin install. Because default language ini file is not accessible during installation process. So install manager outputs only language key constants like PLG_MY_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION. I haven't found any hint about it in Joomla v1.5 developer manuals. So I guess sys.ini files work only with components?
Your help would be appreciated.

Joomla 1.5 does not read .sys.ini language files. Only Joomla 1.6 and above do.
If you turn on the debug tool (Site>>Global Congiguration>>System) then it will show you if the language file is being loaded.
A few other things to check:
The description in the XML matches the one in the language file.
Each line at the beginning of the language file for the description area starts with a hash tag # rather than ;
The XML points to the language file in the correct location.
If you have checked all of these then please post some code for the .XML and .INI files.


New Language Files

I am user of Joomla 2.5 cms and I try to built a double-language site.
Yesterday I installed this one module to my site
but this don't support 2 languages, only one.
The help I need is some information on how I can add new files for this module with new labels of course at my excisting language packages.
if it doesn't support 2 languages, you have some problems
anyway you can ask your developer to help you.
or you can check the source and change the needed words to your desire language, then you can change the module name and install it separately
it is important to see if you have the right to change that extension.
and you can write your own of course :)

What is the difference between the Joomla component language files "sys.ini" and "ini"?

While creating a component, I saw two language files in Joomla's component directory structure: .ini and sys.ini. What is the difference?
While #Lodder is essentially correct the sys.ini files actually have 3 roles.
It provides the translation strings for the installation/updating process as well as the de-installation process.
From 1.6+ it replaces the old for component menu items.
It is used by various Joomla managers to display the translated name of your extension.
You can find that in the section on sys.ini in the Joomla Docs article on Adapting a Joomla 1.5 Extension
You can also find out more in the article International Enhancements for Version 1.6 which also has a section on The new sys.ini
The .sys.ini file is used to translate the description of the extension upon installaion, where as the .ini file is used to translate the remaining strings and the description when viewing your extension in the Joomla backend.

Inno Setup message list somewhere?

Is there an official list of Inno Setup messages like "WinVersionTooLowError" somewhere? I need to change the "This will install AppName on your computer" but don't know how. Thanks!
The default language file should have a complete list, you can view the online CVS version here.
The translation download page contains this note:
Starting with version 5.1.0, the Inno Setup compiler will accept a
translation even if it's missing messages (it will use the default
English messages to replace them) or contains unknown messages.
so you should be able to create a custom English language file that only changes a couple of strings if that is what you want, but it is also possible to override the strings without using language files.
You might also want to take a look at Inno Setup Easy Translator

sphinx and languages other than English

I found in
support for several languages that can be used in Sphinx but I did not find the instructions on how to install it: which files should be downloaded and installed in which directories?
Any hint would be appreciated.
I found out already. These files are already present in my installation. In order to use a foreign language it should be specified in file through the variable language.
-- Tsf

Author in wiki, generate PDF documents, CHM files or embedded help

Anyone know of a wiki or wiki plugin that generates a PDF file or CHM file that spans the entire wiki?
I would like to have control of the table of contents.
I would like the internal and external links to work.
Ideally allow for tweaking the output template, but that is not a deal-breaker.
I want to generate content using WIKI syntax and mindset (lots of cross-links etc), but ship the content in PDF, CHM or an embedded application form. Something friendlier than installing the wiki software on the enduser machine...
XWiki does this out of the box.
The MediaWiki PDF Export extension allows you to select a group of PDF pages. I've not installed it yet, so unsure if it's easy to use that feature to select all the pages.
Confluence lets you choose pages when you export to PDF a space
But you can't customise a lot the PDF
You can customise it slightly through a theme (based on velocity)
Sphinx ( is a fairly nice tool for generating HTML (or CHM) and PDF documentation, with wiki-like syntax. It is not a wiki; you can't edit through the web and generating HTML requires a build process. Still, it is pretty nice, with cross-references, fairly simple markup, and (in the HTML output) a search engine implemented in JavaScript with no server-side dependencies beyond static file hosting. Sphinx was developed for the new version of the Python documentation and is pretty themable; for example, the GeoServer project (which I work on, excuse the shameless plug) is using Sphinx with a custom theme for the new version of their user and developer manuals.
JIRA ( is your geeky wet dream in terms of control; it exports to PDF (amongst other) and you can have complete control of pages, TOC and other aspects, although expect some complexity to set it up.
Microsoft has an HtmlHelp Authoring tool that can create chm files from html files.
If you need the help files both on the web and within deployed applications, generating the help from the same files used on the web could be a great solution. If the help site was created using (ie database driven) it might be worth using basic styles and creating a tool to generate html files by reading in the served out pages?
Have a look at:
I guess one could also additionally then create a PDF from the Html pages?
