New Language Files - joomla

I am user of Joomla 2.5 cms and I try to built a double-language site.
Yesterday I installed this one module to my site
but this don't support 2 languages, only one.
The help I need is some information on how I can add new files for this module with new labels of course at my excisting language packages.

if it doesn't support 2 languages, you have some problems
anyway you can ask your developer to help you.
or you can check the source and change the needed words to your desire language, then you can change the module name and install it separately
it is important to see if you have the right to change that extension.
and you can write your own of course :)


Creating profile page for users in Joomla

I have been developing websites for some years. I know PHP. but I have never worked with a CMS before. I've been told to create a website with Joomla where there's a homepage and also new users may sign up and then they can have a profile page where they can upload their profile picture and write their résumé.
This is easy for me to implement this system if I start coding it by myself. but how can I do this in Joomla? is there a plug-in which I need? could someone please give me some resources?
No need to re-invent the wheel - there are tons of ready-built components at the Extensions Directory. Last I checked Community Builder and JomSocial were the most popular, but they might be overkill for your need, so it's worth having a look at the other choices there. If you're new to Joomla, you're probably interested in a Component, which is essentially a "sub-application" that installs under Joomla. They usually include Modules that can be displayed on the site, as well as Plugins that work with the core Joomla logic to perform specialized functions for the installed component.
There are many plugins, but the simple functionality of user profiles is implemented in Joomla. This question might help you.

Where place my custom files magento if i want developed design files for custom extension

Where place my custom files in magento if i want develop extension in design/frontend/base/default or design/frontend/default/default. I think be logic place it to design/frontend/default/default, but i am find opinion about that good practice place it to design/frontend/base/default
It depends on what Magento versions will you support.
If you plan to make your extension work on Magento 1.3 and lower than you should put your design files in default/default.
If your extension is for versions 1.4+ then place them in base/default.
You can see other tips and tricks that might help you when building an extension in here

Joomla 2.5 Add Option Groups to Article

I'm playing with Joomla 2.5.9 (The latest 2.X download). Do you know how you can add additional menu's to the "Article Manager: Edit Article" page? (This is in the Administration)
Their API gives me some hint on several things but I am don't know what this right "Slide Down Option Area" is called in the Administration.
In the right area there are things such as:
Publishing options
Article Options
Configure Edit Screen
Images and Links
I want to know where to start to add my own, or where they are already built in the system so I can base mine off it -- Is this a plugin, module, or something else? :)
As i say don't change any of the core file in Joomla. If you want to add any functionality into the article manager you can make your own plugin to add functionality in it. For doing this see this link :
Creating a content plugin
I hope this is what you looking for.Good luck.
There are some extensions that allow you to do that.
I recommend (although somewhat buggy and a code mess) this one:
It does exactly what you want.
Or, you could make your own as Toretto suggests, there are some tutorials on creating a plugin for extra items in the article form, but the already-made-extension route seems to make more sence.
I've been using FieldsAttach for this sort of thing, for a few years, the code is often a little messy, that is true, but the the concepts are clean and eloquent. Brian Teeman explains it well from an integrator point of view in his talk at but in some ways it is even more compelling from a developer's perspective.
However, after watching Marco Ding's Joomla Day UK 2016 talk on I think DPFields may be a better choice. The architecture is perhaps more rugged and neater, but also because it may well end up being a core extension in Joomla in the near future. More info on DPFields is at , and .

Can I install a Joomla Component from another component

Does the Joomla framework provide functionality to programmers to install an extension from another extension? I mean a full joomla extension and not an extension to a component (such as a plugin for a particular component).
The purpose is to create an update tool that checks versions and updates extensions. It would be particularly handy for managing multiple websites.
A similar extension is the Admin Tools component from Akeeba. It can check for updates, and do the updates on Joomla. It's not GPL so I probably am not allowed to enhance their component with the desired functionality and then use it commercially, but that's for later concern.
Any suggestions or thought directions? =]
To my knowledge I don't think they provide the functionality, however you should be free to download files with fopen/curl and copy them all over the place as you want. Joomla also doesn't check if where you copy files is actually within a specific component space.
On GPL and commercial, there is no link between commercial and GPL - you just have to distribute the source code whenever you distribute, even if you charge for it or the access. This means everyone down the chain is free to pass your code on for free.

comments in joomla

i'm new to joomla and i wanna know how can i install modules(or whatever they call)..i downloaded Jcomments from Joomlatune and i donno how to install or configure it..the documentation is also not good plus the screenshots are in a different language..
can someone help me in installing that module?
also, how can i enable comments for an article?
You're having problems because you didn't understand Joomla's terminology to extensions.
Extensions are divided in:
Check official documentation to learn each concept.
So, when you have an extension, to install it you just go to your Joomla's menu in administration, and select install like it is in the picture below.
Then, select your zip file which contains your extension.
Go to
In one of the menus is a component manager.
