Proving a perfect hash function over a fixed length input - algorithm

I have seen the answers on here stating to use gperf, however, I would prefer to roll my own based on the proof that I create for the domain of strings with a fixed length of <= 200 Based on the calculations I have from wolfram I get ~7.9 x 10^374 total permutations. Therefore my line of thinking is if I have a 2048 bit hash function (3.2 x 10^616) I should be able to handle the entire universe of strings that I need to process. My question is how can I prove that the hash implementation I end up producing will be perfect given the constraint of the universe of all strings of length 200 or less?

Strings with a length of 200 characters only have 200 * 8 = 1600 bits. If a 2048 bit hash is OK for your purpose, you could just use the string bits as a perfect hash. The identity hash function is perfect, as it maps each input to a distinct hash value (obviously, because there is no mapping).


What is the range of possible sha1hash results?

What is the lowest and highest possible returns from sha1? (with respect that sha1 results are actualy 5 32 bit values rather than 1 true 160 bit value)
To create a secure hash the output of the hash must be indistinguishable from random. Many pseudo random number generators and key derivation methods actually use a hash as final calculation.
So the "highest" result consists of all zero's, the lowest consists of all ones. That is, if you interpret the result to be an unsigned integer of course. The chances of exactly getting those values is almost zero of course, as SHA-1 results should be evenly distributed. But the change of a number starting with 8 ones is still 1/2^8 == 1/256, which is certainly not insignificant.
Note that the result of SHA-1 should be interpreted as a bit string. Most runtimes don't have a very useful bitstring representation and use an octet string (aka byte array) instead. I would consider it very annoying of a SHA-1 implementation would return shorts instead of bytes. You don't want to annoy the user with differences in little-endian and big-endian representations, and most other primitives do expect their input represented as bytes.

Looking for an one-way function with small input and long output

I'm looking for an algorithm, which is a one-way function, like Hash function. And the algorithm accept a small input(serveral bits, less than 512 bits), and map it to a long output(1K Byte or more). Do you know an algorithm or a function like this?
From the Shannon theorem you don't gain any security by having a cyphertext of a size bigger than your plain text, unless the key (or the procedure to create the cyphertext) is different for any input. Even in this case, you will need to assign only one key (or mechanism) for each input x otherwise you violate the definition of a function. So if you apply an encryption mechanism f: X (set of inputs) -> Y (set of outputs), then |Y| <= |X|.
All this to say that if your input is less than 512 bits, you gain nothing by producing a 1KB output. Now, I recommend you to use one of the functions listed on the one-way function wiki page
Keccak has variable length output, (although not evaluated for in SHA-3), it's "security claim is disentangled from the output length. There is a minimum output length..." and Skein hash function has a variable output of up to 16 exabytes
Whatever your reasons are, you can calculate hashes of the same small data using different algorithms, then concatenate those hashes. If the output is not large enough, calculate hashes of hashes and append them.
As pointed in other answers, this doesn't have much sense from security perspective.

Converting a unique seed string into a random, yet deterministic, float value in Ruby

I'm having a hard time with this, conceptually.
Basically, I need to accept some arbitrary unique string, and be able to convert that to a normalized float value. What the output float value is doesn't really matter, so long as the same string input always results in the same normalized float output.
So this is a hashing algorithm right? I'm familiar with SHA1 or MD5, and this seems similar to password hashing where the result is the same for the correct password. But those methods output strings of characters, I believe. And what I'm not getting is how I would turn the result of a SHA1 or MD5 into a consistent float value.
# Goal
def string_to_float(seed_string)
# ...
string_to_float('abc-123') #=> 0.15789
string_to_float('abc-123') #=> 0.15789
string_to_float('def-456') #=> 0.57654
string_to_float('def-456') #=> 0.57654
So what kind of approach in Ruby can I take that would turn an arbitrary string into a random but consistent float value?
The key part that you want is a way of converting a SHA1 or MD5 hash output into a float that is both deterministic and 1-1. Here's a simple solution based on md5. This could be used as integers too.
require 'digest/md5'
class String
def float_hash
puts "example_string".float_hash # returns 1.3084281619666243e+38
This generates a hexadecimal hash, then converts it to an integer, then converts that to a float. Each step is deterministic.
Note: as pointed out by #emboss, this reduces collision resistance because a double is 8 bytes and the hash is 16 bytes. It shouldn't be a big deal though by the sounds of your application.
If security is no issue, what you are describing is in my opinion not a hash function. A hash function is a one-way function, meaning computing the hash is easy but reverting it is "hard" or, ideally, impossible.
Your requirements instead describe an injective function Given any x1, x2 in your domain X the following holds:
For all x1, x2 element of X, x1 != x2 => f(x1) != f(x2)
f(x) = x is such a function, f(x) = x² is not. In plain English: you want to have different results if your inputs are different, same results only if the inputs are the same. It is true that this also is true for secure hashes, but they additionally provide the one-way characteristics such as the property of not being able (easily) to find x if you are only given f(x), among others. As far as I understood, you don't need these security properties.
Trivially, such an injective mapping from String to Float would be given by simply interpreting the "String bytes" as "Float bytes" from now on, i.e. you interpret the bytes differently (think C:
unsigned char *bytes = "...";
double d = (double)bytes;
). But, there is as downside to this - the real trouble is that Float has a maximum precision, so you will run into an overflow situation if your strings are too long (Floats are internally represented as double values, that's 8 bytes on a 32 bit machine). So not enough space for almost any use case. Even MD5-ing your strings first doesn't solve the problem - MD5 output is already 16 bytes long.
So this could be a real problem, depending on your exact requirements. Although MD5 (or any other hash) will mess sufficiently with the input to make it as random as possible, you still cut the range of possible values from 16 bytes to effectively 8 bytes. (Note: Truncating random 16 byte output at 8 bytes is generally considered "secure" in terms of preserving the randomness. Elliptic Curve Cryptography does something similar. But as far as I know, nobody can really prove it, but neither could someone prove the contrary so far). So a collision is much more likely with your restricted Float range. By the birthday paradox, finding a collision takes sqrt(number of values in a finite range) tries. For MD5 this is 2^64, but for your scheme it's only 2^32. That's still very, very unlikely to produce a collision. It's probably something in the order of winning the lottery while at the same time being hit by a lightning. If you could live with this minimal possibility, go for it:
def string_to_float(str)'D')
If uniqueness is of absolute priority I would recommend to move from floats to integers. Ruby has built-in support for large integers that are not restricted by the internal constraints of a long value (that's what a Fixnum boils down to). So any arbitrary hash output could be represented as a large integer number.
Yes, you are describing a hashing algorithm. You could use a MD5 or SHA1 digest (since they just produce random bits) to generate a floating point number simply by using the String#unpack method with an argument of "G" (double-precision float, network byte order) from a digest:
require 'digest/sha1'
def string_to_float(str)
string_to_float("abc-123") # => -2.86011943713676e-154
string_to_float("def-456") # => -1.13232994606094e+214
string_to_float("abc-123") # => -2.86011943713676e-154 OK!
string_to_float("def-456") # => -1.13232994606094e+214 OK!
Note that if you want the resulting floats to be in a particular range then you'll need to do some massaging.
Also note that the unpacked number doesn't use all of the bits from the digest so you might want to combine into the number of bytes for a double floating point number (although you'll have to be careful not to decrease the entropy of the hash function, if you care about that sort of thing), e.g.:
def str2float(s)
d = Digest::SHA1.digest(s)
x, y = d[0..9], d[10..19]
# XOR the 1st (x) and 2nd (y) halves to use all bits.
(0..9).map {|i| x[i] ^ y[i]}.pack("c*").unpack("G")[0]

Algorithms: random unique string

I need to generate string that meets the following requirements:
it should be a unique string;
string length should be 8 characters;
it should contain 2 digits;
all symbols (non-digital characters) should be upper case.
I will store them in a data base after generation (they will be assigned to other entities).
My intention is to do something like this:
Generate 2 random values from 0 to 9—they will be used for digits in the string;
generate 6 random values from 0 to 25 and add them to 64—they will be used as 6 symbols;
concatenate everything into one string;
check if the string already exists in the data base; if not—repeat.
My concern with regard to that algorithm is that it doesn't guarantee a result in finite time (if there are already A LOT of values in the data base).
Question: could you please give advice on how to improve this algorithm to be more deterministic?
it should be unique string;
string length should be 8 characters;
it should contains 2 digits;
all symbols (non-digital characters) - should be upper case.
requirements #2 and #3 are exact (exactly 8 chars, exactly 2 digits) and not a minimum
the "symbols" in requirement #4 are the 26 capital letters A through Z
you would like an evenly-distributed random string
Then your proposed method has two issues. One is that the letters A - Z are ASCII 65 - 90, not 64 - 89. The other is that it doesn't distribute the numbers evenly within the possible string space. That can be remedied by doing the following:
Generate two different integers between 0 and 7, and sort them.
Generate 2 random numbers from 0 to 9.
Generate 6 random letters from A to Z.
Use the two different integers in step #1 as positions, and put the 2 numbers in those positions.
Put the 6 random letters in the remaining positions.
There are 28 possibilities for the two different integers ((8*8 - 8 duplicates) / 2 orderings), 266 possibilities for the letters, and 100 possibilities for the numbers, the total # of valid combinations being Ncomb = 864964172800 = 8.64 x 1011.
edit: If you want to avoid the database for storage, but still guarantee both uniqueness of strings and have them be cryptographically secure, your best bet is a cryptographically random bijection from a counter between 0 and Nmax <= Ncomb to a subset of the space of possible output strings. (Bijection meaning there is a one-to-one correspondence between the output string and the input counter.)
This is possible with Feistel networks, which are commonly used in hash functions and symmetric cryptography (including AES). You'd probably want to choose Nmax = 239 which is the largest power of 2 <= Ncomb, and use a 39-bit Feistel network, using a constant key you keep secret. You then plug in your counter to the Feistel network, and out comes another 39-bit number X, which you then transform into the corresponding string as follows:
Repeat the following step 6 times:
Take X mod 26, generate a capital letter, and set X = X / 26.
Take X mod 100 to generate your two digits, and set X = X / 100.
X will now be between 0 and 17 inclusive (239 / 266 / 100 = 17.796...). Map this number to two unique digit positions (probably easiest using a lookup table, since we're only talking 28 possibilities. If you had more, use Floyd's algorithm for generating a unique permutation, and use the variable-base technique of mod + integer divide instead of generating a random number).
Follow the random approach above, but use the numbers generated by this algorithm instead.
Alternatively, use 40-bit numbers, and if the output of your Feistel network is > Ncomb, then increment the counter and try again. This covers the entire string space at the cost of rejecting invalid numbers and having to re-execute the algorithm. (But you don't need a database to do this.)
But this isn't something to get into unless you know what you're doing.
Are these user passwords? If so, there are a couple of things you need to take into account:
You must avoid 0/O and I/1, which can easily be mistaken for each other.
You must avoid too many consecutive letters, which might spell out a rude word.
As far as 2 is concerned, you can avoid the problem by using LLNLLNLL as your pattern (L = letter, N = number).
If you need 1 million passwords out of a pool of 2.5 billion, you will certainly get clashes in your database, so you have to deal with them gracefully. But a simple retry is enough, if your random number generator is robust.
I don't see anything in your requirements that states that the string needs to be random. You could just do something like the following pseudocode:
for letters in ( 'AAAAAA' .. 'ZZZZZZ' ) {
for numbers in ( 00 .. 99 ) {
string = letters + numbers
This will create unique strings eight characters long, with two digits and six upper-case letters.
If you need randomly-generated strings, then you need to keep some kind of record of which strings have been previously generated, so you're going to have to hit a DB (or keep them all in memory, or write them to a textfile) and check against that list.
I think you're safe well into your tens of thousands of such ID's, and even after that you're most likely alright.
Now if you want some determinism, you can always force a password after a certain number of failures. Say after 50 failures, you select a password at random and increment a part of it by 1 until you get a free one.
I'm willing to bet money though that you'll never see the extra functionality kick in during your life time :)
Do it the other way around: generate one big random number that you will split up to obtain the individual characters:
long bigrandom = ...;
int firstDigit = bigRandom % 10;
int secondDigit = ( bigrandom / 10 ) % 10;
and so on.
Then you only store the random number in your database and not the string. Since there's a one-to-one relationship between the string and the number, this doesn't really make a difference.
However, when you try to insert a new value, and it's already in the databse, you can easily find the smallest unallocated number graeter than the originally generated number, and use that instead of the one you generated.
What you gain from this method is that you're guaranteed to find an available code relatively quickly, even when most codes are already allocated.
For one thing, your list of requirements doesn't state that string has to be necessary random, so you might consider something like database index.
If 'random' is a requirement, you can do a few improvements.
Store string as a number in database. Not sure how much this improves perfromance.
Do not store used strings at all. You can employ 'index' approach above, but convert integer number to a string in a seemingly random fashion (e.g., employing bit shift). Without much research, nobody will notice pattern.
E.g., if we have sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, ... and use cyclic binary shift right by 1 bit, it'll be turned into 4, 1, 5, 2, ... (assuming we have 3 bits only)
It doesn't have to be a shift too, it can be a permutation or any other 'randomization'.
The problem with your approach is clearly that while you have few records, you are very unlikely to get collisions but as your number of records grows the chance will increase until it becomes more likely than not that you'll get a collision. Eventually you will be hitting multiple collisions before you get a 'valid' result. Every time will require a table scan to determine if the code is valid, and the whole thing turns into a mess.
The simplest solution is to precalculate your codes.
Start with the first code 00AAAA, and increment to generate 00AAAB, 00AAAC ... 99ZZZZ. Insert them into a table in random order. When you need a new code, retrieve to top record unused record from the table (then mark it as used). It's not a huge table, as pointed out above - only a few million records.
You don't need to calculate any random numbers and generate strings for each user (already done)
You don't need to check whether anything has already been used, just get the next available
No chance of getting multiple collisions before finding something usable.
If you ever need more 'codes', just generate some more 'random' strings and append them to the table.

Can I identify a hash algorithm based on the initial key and output hash?

If I have both the initial key and the hash that was created, is there any way to determine what hashing algorithm was used?
For example:
Key: higher
Hash: df072c8afcf2385b8d34aab3362020d0
Algorithm: ?
By looking at the length, you can decide which algorithms to try. MD5 and MD2 produce 16-byte digests. SHA-1 produces 20 bytes of output. Etc. Then perform each hash on the input and see if it matches the output. If so, that's your algorithm.
Of course, if more than the "key" was hashed, you'll need to know that too. And depending on the application, hashes are often applied iteratively. That is, the output of the hash is hashed again, and that output is hashed… often thousands of times. So if you know in advance how many iterations were performed, that can help too.
There's nothing besides the length in the output of a cryptographic hash that would help narrow down the algorithm that produced it.
Well, given that there are a finite number of popular hash algorithms, maybe what you propose is not so ridiculous.
But suppose I asked you this:
If I have an input and an output, can
I determine the function?
Generally speaking, no, you cannot determine the inner-workings of any function simply from knowing one input and one output, without any additional information.
// very, very basic illustration
if (unknownFunction(2) == 4) {
// what does unknownFunction do?
// return x + 2?
// or return x * 2?
// or return Math.Pow(x, 2)?
// or return Math.Pow(x, 3) - 4?
// etc.
The hash seems to contain only hexadecimal characters (each character represents 4bits)
Total count is 32 characters -> this is a 128-bits length hash.
Standard hashing algorithms that comply with these specs are: haval, md2, md4, md5 and ripemd128.
Highest probability is that MD5 was used.
md5("higher") != df072c8afcf2385b8d34aab3362020d0
Highest probability is that some salt was used.
Highest probability still remains MD5.
Didn't match any of the common hashing algorithms:
Perhaps a salt was added prior to hashing...
Not other than trying out a bunch that you know and seeing if any match.
