What is the range of possible sha1hash results? - algorithm

What is the lowest and highest possible returns from sha1? (with respect that sha1 results are actualy 5 32 bit values rather than 1 true 160 bit value)

To create a secure hash the output of the hash must be indistinguishable from random. Many pseudo random number generators and key derivation methods actually use a hash as final calculation.
So the "highest" result consists of all zero's, the lowest consists of all ones. That is, if you interpret the result to be an unsigned integer of course. The chances of exactly getting those values is almost zero of course, as SHA-1 results should be evenly distributed. But the change of a number starting with 8 ones is still 1/2^8 == 1/256, which is certainly not insignificant.
Note that the result of SHA-1 should be interpreted as a bit string. Most runtimes don't have a very useful bitstring representation and use an octet string (aka byte array) instead. I would consider it very annoying of a SHA-1 implementation would return shorts instead of bytes. You don't want to annoy the user with differences in little-endian and big-endian representations, and most other primitives do expect their input represented as bytes.


Bitmasking--when to use hex vs binary

I'm working on a problem out of Cracking The Coding Interview which requires that I swap odd and even bits in an integer with as few instructions as possible (e.g bit 0 and 1 are swapped, bits 2 and 3 are swapped, etc.)
The author's solution revolves around using a mask to grab, in one number, the odd bits, and in another num the even bits, and then shifting them off by 1.
I get her solution, but I don't understand how she grabbed the even/odd bits. She creates two bit masks --both in hex -- for a 32 bit integer. The two are: 0xaaaaaaaa and 0x55555555. I understand she's essentially creating the equivalent of 1010101010... for a 32 bit integer in hexadecimal and then ANDing it with the original num to grab the even/odd bits respectively.
What I don't understand is why she used hex? Why not just code in 10101010101010101010101010101010? Did she use hex to reduce verbosity? And when should you use one over the other?
It's to reduce verbosity. Binary 10101010101010101010101010101010, hexadecimal 0xaaaaaaaa, and decimal 2863311530 all represent exactly the same value; they just use different bases to do so. The only reason to use one or another is for perceived readability.
Most people would clearly not want to use decimal here; it looks like an arbitrary value.
The binary is clear: alternating 1s and 0s, but with so many, it's not obvious that this is a 32-bit value, or that there isn't an adjacent pair of 1s or 0s hiding in the middle somewhere.
The hexadecimal version takes advantage of chunking. Assuming you recognize that 0x0a == 0b1010, you can mentally picture the 8 groups of 1010 in the assumed value.
Another possibility would be octal 25252525252, since... well, maybe not. You can see that something is alternating, but unless you use octal a lot, it's not clear what that alternating pattern in binary is.

hashing mechanism to hash an input (0 to 2^32 - 1) to a fixed possibly 12 character hash

I'm looking for a way to implement a hashing mechanism to hash an input (0 to 2^32 - 1) to a fixed possibly 12 character hash.
I have a transaction table, where the primary key is auto increment (max size is 2^32) and I have to show an invoice no to the client which has to be of decent characters length (I'm thinking 12) and so since the client shouldn't get id as 0000-0000-0001, I was thinking hashing is the best way to go.
The main requirement (that I can think of) is that many to one mapping should never take place, and should not be slow.
Would it be okay if I use a common hashing mechanism and then drop the extra characters. (md5 for example in php generates 32 character string)?
The way I understand, there is no need to be secure cryptographically, and so I can generate a custom hash if possible.
Similar links:
1) Symmetric Bijective Algorithm for Integers
2) Pseudo-random-looking one-to-one int32->int32 function
Using md5 and chopping off most of it is not a good idea, because there is no guarantee that you would get a unique cache. Besides, you have much easier alternatives available to you, because you have a lot more bits than you need.
Values in the range [0..232] need 32 bit (duh!). You have 12 printable characters, which give you 72 bits if you stay within Base-64 encoding range of characters. You don't even need that many characters - you can use three bits per character for the initial eight characters, and two bits per character for the last four digits. This way your 12 characters would stay in the range ['0'..'7'], and the last four would be in the range ['0'..'3']. Of course you are not bound to numeric digits - you could use letters for some groups of digits, to give it a more "randomized" appearance.
the id is auto increment, and I don't think that I should give invoice numbers as 000...001 and so on.
Start with least significant bits when you generate these representations, then proceed to least significant, or make an arbitrary (but fixed) map of which bits go to what digit in the 12-character representation. This way the IDs would not look sequential, but would remain fully reversible.

How to uniquely represent 99,999 bits as a byte, word, or double word

I have 99,999 bit flags that I need to represent uniquely with 32 bits or less. Any of the bits can be set and I need to know if the set bits differ from a comparable set of bits. I am considering using CRC to store a unique value hash but I am not sure if collisions will be a problem. Ideally, less than 500 of these bits will be set at any given time, but they will not be know ahead of time.
Is there suitable hash or other algorithm to uniquely represent these bits?
Without some other information about those bit flags to identify that certain combinations are impossible, this cannot be done. If all combinations are possible, then you will need to use 99,999 bits to store your 99,999 bit flags.
Based on the background information that this is to reduce network usage and the expectation is that only about 500 of the bits are set, there are techniques that can be used, but none are a simple hash, and none are efficient enough to store in 32 bits. I would start by looking at Arithmetic Coding. This uses a probability distribution of the characters that you want to send (0.5% 1, 99.5% 0) to compress data. By my computations, you can "expect" a compression of about 22 times. But, for signals that are considered rare, you will pay the price by needing to transmit a signal larger than your starting 99,999 bits.

What is the SHA-256 hash of a single "1" bit?

The definition of SHA-256 appears to be such that the input consisting of a single "1" bit has a well-defined hash value, distinct from that of the "01" byte (since the padding is done based on input's length in bits).
However, due to endianness issues and the fact that no implementations that I can find support feeding in single bits, I can't quite figure out what this correct value is.
So, what is the correct hash of the 1-bit long input consisting of the bit "1"? (not the 8-bit long byte[] { 1 } input).
OK, according to my own implementation:
1-bit string "1":
B9DEBF7D 52F36E64 68A54817 C1FA0711 66C3A63D 384850E1 575B42F7 02DC5AA1
1-bit string "0":
BD4F9E98 BEB68C6E AD3243B1 B4C7FED7 5FA4FEAA B1F84795 CBD8A986 76A2A375
I have tested this implementation on several standard multiples-of-8-bits inputs, including the 0-bit string, and the results were correct.
(of course the point of this question was to validate the above outputs in the first place, so use with care...)
Not sure if I understand your question correctly.
SHA-256 operates with block sizes of 64 bytes (=512bits). This means smaller inputs must be padded first. The result of the padding looks like this:
For Bit 1: 1100000000000...00000000001
For Bits 01: 0110000000000...00000000010
As this results are distinct, the results of the following compression functions will be too. And therefore the hash values are. The standard document explains the padding quite descriptive: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-2/fips180-2.pdf
There is C code available in section 8 of RFC 4634 to compute the hash of data that is not necessarily a multiple of 8 bits. See the methods whose names are SHA*FinalBits(...).

Are fragments of hashes collision-resistent?

If you only use the first 4 bytes of an MD5 hash, would that mean theoretically only 1 in 255^4 chance of collision? That is, are hashes designed such that you only have to use a small portion of the returned hash (say the hash is of a file of some size)?
Remember that, even without considering a smart attacker deliberately trying to cause collisions, you need to start worrying about accidental collisions once the number of objects you're hashing get comparable to the square root of the hash space... just a few tens of thousands of objects for a 32-bit hash key. This comes from the so-called birthday paradox.
It is 256, not 255.
Assuming that MD5 is a secure hash function (it turns out it is not secure, but, for the sake of the discussion, let's suppose that it is secure), then it should behave like a random oracle, a mythical object which outputs uniformly random values, under the sole constraint that it "remembers" its previous outputs and returns the same value again, given the same input.
Truncating the output of a random oracle yields another random oracle. Thus, if you keep 32 bits, then the probability of a collision with two distinct input messages is 1 in 2^32 (i.e. 1 in 256^4).
Now there is a thing known as the birthday paradox which says that, with about 2^16 distinct inputs, there are good chances that two of the 2^16 corresponding outputs collide.
MD5 has been shown to be insecure for some purposes -- in particular anything which is related to collisions. The current default recommendation is SHA-2 (a family of four functions, with output sizes 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits, respectively). A new (american) standard is currently being defined, through an open competition, under the code name SHA-3. This is a long process; the new function shall be chosen by mid-2012. Some of the remaining candidates (currently 14, out of an initial 51) are substantially faster than SHA-2, some approaching MD5 in performance, while being considerably more secure. But this is a bit new, so right now you shall use SHA-2 by default.
Assume we have a pre-determined message1. hash1 = md5(message1)
Now choose a message2 randomly, and set hash2 = md5(message2).
In theory there is a 1/255^4 chance that the first four characters of hash2 match the first four of pre-determined hash1.
It is also supposed to be very hard for an attacker that knows message1 to come up with a different message2 that has the same hash. This is called second pre-image resistance. However, even with the full MD5, there are better than theoretical pre-image attacks.
MD5 is completely broken for collisions. This means it is quite feasible for an attacker (in a few hours) to come up with two messages with the same hash (let alone the same first four bytes). The attacker gets to choose both messages, but this can still cause major damage. See for instance the poisoned message example.
If you're generating unique identifiers, you might want to use a UUID instead. These are designed to minimize the change of collisions so that in practice they should never occur.
If you're worried about filenames being too long, which is a peculiar thing to be concerned about when most operating systems support names as long as 255 characters, you can always split the filename into a path and filename component. This has the advantage of splitting up the files into different directories:
Depends on the purpose of the hash.
Hash functions for use in hash tables tend to have more "randomness" in the lower bits (which are used to find the array index) than in the higher bits. Checksum and cryptographic hash functions are more evenly distributed.
