Inserting in a child table - oracle

The design of my database has a table named person and tables employee and student are specializations of the table person the relationship between tables is total and has an overlapping restriction.
The problem is that I want to insert a student or employee and that the parent table (person) is updated automatically but the DBMS says violated a referential integrity constraint
I am using oracle can someone help me?

If I understood you correctly you have one table per type (TPT) and an employee can never be a student and also the other way around.
I assume that your problem is that the constraint is checked immediately instead of using deferred checking. That means the constraints are checked when your transaction is finished - which gives you the possibility to insert an employee/student and let your trigger do its work and after that do the commit.
Information about deferred constraints:
Oracle documentation
More information


ER diagram Relationship among tables

My question is related to the ER-diagram I designed using Oracle SQL developer. I designed this ER-diagram but I don't know how to read the relationships between these tables.
I have created this ER diagram:
ER Diagram
As it can be seen that these relations don't look like those normal one to many or many to one relations. Can anyone please help me how to read the relation between SYS.GENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNTS and SYS.INVOICE_LINE_ITEMS? Thanks in advance
The relationship is described by the foreign key:
ALTER TABLE invoice_line_items
ADD CONSTRAINT line_item_fk_accounts
FOREIGN KEY (account_number)
REFERENCES general_ledger_accounts(account_number);
Defines a foreign key with the name line_item_fk_accounts on the column account_number which references the account_number of the general_ledger_accounts.
Assuming that it is notNULL then this is a many-to-one relationship such that each row of invoice_line_items has a relationship to exactly one row in the general_ledger_accounts and there can be many invoice_line_items for each general_ledger_accounts.
Similarly, line_items_fk_invoices is a many-to-one constraint with many invoice_line_items each referencing one row of the invoices table.
Aside: NEVER modify the system schemas. If you do you risk making the database unusable and invalidating any support contract that you have with Oracle. Instead, you should create a user and then work in that schema.

What is the purpose of #Update's OnConflictStrategy in Room?

I understand why setting an OnConflictStrategy for an #Insert annotation makes sense -- if the client is inserting a record that already exists, the database configuration needs to know how to reconcile that situation.
But I don't understand what it means to set an OnConflictStrategy on an #Update annotation. Isn't the idea of #Update to necessarily expect a row in the database that already exists, and then update it? Is that considered a "conflict"?
It is rather about constraints, not about records that already exists.
For example, let's imagine table A which has foreign key that connects this table records with records from another table B.
If we will update foreign key value in table A with the value which does not exist in table B then we will violate constraint because in such case there are will be records in table A which does not relate to any records from table B.

how to create foreign key at runtime using Triggers and/or procedures in Oracle environment

I have two tables named as patient and pharmacy. Each patient is uniquely associated with one pharmacy. I want to create the foreign key constraint at run-time between these tables.
Create table patient
(patient_Id varchar2(5) primary key,
patient_name varchar2(20));
Create table pharmacy
(pharmacy_Id varchar2(5) primary key,
pharmacy_name varchar2(20);
Create table patient_pharmacy_mapper
(patient_Id varchar2(5) references patient(patient_Id),
pharmacy_Id varchar2(5) references pharmacy(pharmacy_Id));
Instead of writing the "references" at design time, Can I create/delete these foreign key constraints at run-time (when any DML statement fires)?
I know little about creating a trigger where we have to call a procedure with the "Alter table statement".
DDL statements automatically commit the transaction. As you are not allowed to commit (or rollback) in a trigger, you can not run DDL statements in a trigger (neither with static SQL nor with dynamic SQL)
The whole idea does not make sense. The only sane way to do this, is to create the FK constraints when creating the tables. You gain no security from delaying this, absolutely none.
Let me just add another vote to the others about this being a Very Bad Idea (tm). FK relationships enforce fundamental business rules. They are part of the design, to be implemented when at the same time tables are created. Any time (and I emphasize ANY time) you find yourself wanting to execute DDL at run time, you need to step back, get a cup of coffee, and reconsider.
Like the other statements I also say it is a very bad idea.
Consider, you can enable/disable constraints or you can set them deferred: SET CONSTRAINT[S]
Perhaps this is a solution for you problem.

Oracle Index - full table scan/lock

Found this here:
In general, consider creating an index on a column in any of the following situations:
A referential integrity constraint exists on the indexed column or
columns. The index is a means to avoid a full table lock that would
otherwise be required if you update the parent table primary key,
merge into the parent table, or delete from the parent table.
I don't understand why a full table lock would occurr in such situation. I would've thought that if I tried to delete/update the primary key in the parent table that a full table scan would be performed on the child table.
Where does the lock come from?
Have a look at this Tom Kyte blog entry. In it, he refers to the Oracle documentation, where this explanation is offered:
Prevents a full table lock on the child table. Instead, the database acquires a row lock on the index.
Removes the need for a full table scan of the child table. As an illustration, assume that a user removes the record for department 10 from the departments table. If employees.department_id is not indexed, then the database must scan employees to see if any employees exist in department 10.
In the first scenario, if the column is not indexed, the entire table must be locked because Oracle does not know which rows must be updated in the child table. With an index, Oracle can identify the rows in question and just lock them. Without the full table lock, it would be possible to modify the parent and have another session modify the child to something that violated the constraint.

Oracle - Deleting row from child table locks parent table

We have deadlock issue in Oracle 11.2g. One potential reason why deadlock occurs is deleting from child table locks parent table. I searched from oracle documentations, and did't find any specification this kind of lock. Any explanation or reference of documentation would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code.
CREATE TABLE table_child (b NUMBER, a NUMBER,PRIMARY KEY (b), CONSTRAINT fk_relation FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES table_parent(a));
INSERT INTO table_parent VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO table_parent VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (1,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (2,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (3,1);
INSERT INTO table_child VALUES (4,1);
Then delete 1 record from child table.
DELETE FROM table_child WHERE b=4;
When we look V$LOCK table before executing commit. There is two new lock that 'table_child' and 'table_parent' in type of 'TM'.
Here is the query to look V$LOCK table.
The question is why 'table_parent' has been locked?
For maintaining constraints that 'span multiple rows', which is the case for a foreign key, there are moments when one (ie. the DBMS) needs to serialize transactions. The moments at which serialization is required depend one-on-one on the type of changes that a transaction performs on the involved tables. Theoretically (in a DBMS that offers snapshot isolation, which is what Oracle does), only if the type of change is such that it could potentially violate the multi-row constraint, would the DBMS need to automatically serialize transactions (for instance by acquiring various types of locks).
Now in the case of a foreign key, one needs to ask oneself: when can a foreign key be violated? There are four scenarios.
a parent row is deleted: will violate FK if child-rows still exist.
a parent row's key is updated: will violate FK if child-rows till 'point to' old value of key.
a child row is inserted: will violate FK if row points-to non-existent parent-row.
a child row's fk-column value is updated: will violate FK if new column value points to non-existent parent-row.
All other types of transactions on the (2) tables involved can never violate the FK. So in your case, a child row is deleted, no serialization should be necessary. However Oracle probably has some 'implementation specific' reason, which forces it to do acquire some kind of lock.
I've seen a different scenario where Oracle performs this kind of "unnecessary" locking too: you can find it here
Add an index on the table_child(a) column -- you always index foreign key columns for just this reason.
An answer to this is explained with examples here
