Installing windows gadget fails - windows

At least I finished developing a new windows gadget.
I zipped it and removed the ".zip", so that it's a valid ".gadget"-file now.
When I execute this file the install-dialog pops up, i click "install" but nothing happens.. Any suggestions? When i copy the extracted (not zipped) Windows gadget into "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets", I can use it successfully, but the way I descriped before isn't possible..

Sounds like you may have zipped up one folder too many.
If you zipped up "gadget_name.gadget" then, if you executed this it would not install.
You need to go into the gadget.gadget folder and zip up them files. For example in that folder you may have 2 folder labeled EN-US and Images. you need to zip them up from there and when save them as "gadget_name.gadget", change the extension from .zip to .gadget.
It may be a late reply but it might be helpful.

Check there are no empty folders in your gadget zip.
Also ensure you have the correct Directory structure Eg,
If you could post the gadget zip file it could also be helpful.


Adding customized colors to POTX file

I know there already is an answer to the question here:
How to add new(customized) Theme colors to Powerpoint using VBA
But it didn't work. And as I'm not allowed to comment there (not enough reputation) I'm sorry for opening up a new question. (Dear admins - this isn't really clever in my opinion. Now we have two threads on the same thing, just because I'm not allowed to comment.)
Back to topic:
I followed the instructions of Echo, recommended in the other thread, but it didn't work. I have ppt2010 and tried with a THMX, a POTX and a PPTX. It's always the same. I rename the file by adding a .zip - I extract the ZIP - I copy Echo's example code and paste it right before /a:theme in theme1.xml file - I save it - I zip the whole folder - I delete the ZIP Extension - and it's corrupt. When I doubleclick, PPT opens without a slide. When I got to "open" and choose the template, I get an error message. "Repair" doesn't help. - What am I doing wrong?
(Somewhere else I read, I have to add this to every theme-file, but it doesn't make a difference)
Be kind to yourself. Use 7-zip (free) to open the PPTX (it can open them directly w/o having to rename them, and won't corrupt the files).
Alternatively, rename the file to zip, doubleclick to open the zip in Windows Explorer, drag any file you need to edit to the desktop, edit it there, drag it back into the still-open zip, then close the zip.

Reason why folder associated with saved webpage gets deleted when we delete saved page

I have saved a complete webpage and there is also one folder saved with resources but when I delete webpage or move saved webpage to other directory then the folder associated with it also gets deleted or moved. So what is the code written behind it. Because I want to do same with my webpage and folder.
Thanks in advance for you kind help.
This "association" between the HTML file and its resources folder is a behaviour implemented by the Windows operating system.
It has nothing to due with a webpage in particular, with its HTML, JavaScript, or even with a particular browser.
Windows 2000 provides a simple way to connect a primary HTML file to its group of associated files. If Connected Files is enabled, when you perform any of the commands [Copy, Cut, Paste, Move, Delete, Send To] on a file or folder of associated files, the same command is performed on all connected files.
Even though the official page mentions "Windows 2000", the same behaviour is implemented in Windows XP and many (if not all) later versions of Windows.
See these pages:
Removing file / folder link after using “Save As…” then “Web Page, complete”
Operations on an HTML file or folder apply to similarly named folder or HTML file (from Microsoft support)

How to configure an autorun.inf file?

I was wondering if I can create an autorun.inf file that does not run an .exe file. Intstead, it can open up a web browser or plays a video. How do I go about doing these steps? Of course, I do know that some .inf files can be detected as a virus, but this autorun.inf file I wish to do is clean.
Advice on how to do this is appreciated.
basically, everything you put in the open= portion of the .inf will be opened with the default associated application, or executed.
If you put a web address in there like this :
it will open in the system's default web browser.
you can (of course) always check the docs Microsoft provides.

Opening a CHM file produces: "navigation to the webpage was canceled"

I am trying to open a .chm file.
I downloaded the source, extracted it, and double clicked on Waffle.chm and clicked "Open" but no matter what element in the chm file I click, I get the message:
Navigation to the webpage was canceled.
What you can try:
Retype the address.
What's going on here?
Microsoft Security Updates 896358 & 840315 block display of CHM file contents when opened from a network drive (or a UNC path). This is Windows' attempt to stop attack vectors for viruses/malware from infecting your computer and has blocked out the .chm file that draw data over the "InfoTech" protocol, which this chm file uses.
Microsoft's summary of the problem:
If you are using Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, windows has created a quick fix. Right click the chm file, and you will get the "yourfile.chm Properties" dialog box, at the bottom, a button called "Unblock" appears. Click Unblock and press OK, and try to open the chm file again, it works correctly. This option is not available for earlier versions of Windows before WindowsXP (SP3).
Solve the problem by moving your chm file OFF the network drive. You may be unaware you are using a network drive, double check now: Right click your .chm file, click properties and look at the "location" field. If it starts with two backslashes like this: \\epicserver\blah\, then you are using a networked drive. So to fix it, Copy the chm file, and paste it into a local drive, like C:\ or E:. Then try to reopen the chm file, windows does not freak out.
Last resort, if you can't copy/move the file off the networked drive. If you must open it where it sits, and you are using a lesser version of windows like XP, Vista, ME or other, you will have to manually tell Windows not to freak out over this .chm file. HHReg (HTML Help Registration Utility) Utility Automates this Task. Basically you download the HHReg utility, load your .chm file, press OK, and it will create the necessary registry keys to tell Windows not to block it. For more info:
Windows 8 or 10? --> Upgrade to Windows XP.
"unblocking" the file fixes the problem. Screenshot:
Win 8 x64:
just move it to another folder or rename your folder (in my case: my folder was "c#").
avoid to use symbol on folder name. name it with letter.
In addition to Eric Leschinski's answer, and because this is stackoverflow, a programmatical solution:
Windows uses hidden file forks to mark content as "downloaded". Truncating these unblocks the file. The name of the stream used for CHM's is "Zone.Identifier". One can access streams by appending :streamname when opening the file. (keep backups the first time, in case your RTL messes that up!)
In Delphi it would look like this:
var f : file;
writeln('unblocking ',s);
I'm told that on non forked filesystems (like FAT32) there are hidden files, but I haven't gotten to the bottom of that yet.
P.s. Delphi's DeleteFile() should also recognize forks.
The definitive solution is to allow the InfoTech protocol to work in the intranet zone.
Add the following value to the registry and the problem should be solved:
More info here:
Go to Start
Type regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx
You should get a success message like:
" DllRegisterServer in hhctrl.ocx succeeded "
Now try to open your CHM file again.
other way is to use different third party software. This link shows more third party software to view chm files...
I tried with SumatraPDF and it work fine.
I fixed this programmatically in my software, using C++ Builder.
Before I assign the CHM help file, Application->HelpFile = HelpFileName, I check to see if it contains the "Zone.Identifier" stream, and when it does, I simply remove it.
String ZIStream(HelpFileName + ":Zone.Identifier") ;
if (FileExists(ZIStream))
{ DeleteFile(ZIStream) ; }
There are apparently different levels of authentication. Most articles I read tell you to set the MaxAllowedZone to '1' which means that local machine zone and intranet zone are allowed but '4' allows access for 'all' zones.
For more info, read this article:
This is how my registry looks (I wasn't sure it would work with the wild cards but it seems to work for me):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
As an additional note, weirdly the "UrlAllowList" key was required to make this work on another PC but not my test one. It's probably not required at all but when I added it, it fixed the problem. The user may have not closed the original file or something like that. So just a consideration. I suggest try the least and test it, then add if needed. Once you confirm, you can deploy if needed. Good Luck!
Edit: P.S. Another method that worked was mapping the path to the network locally by using mklink /d (symbolic linking in Windows 7 or newer) but mapping a network drive letter (Z: for testing) did not work. Just food for thought and I did not have to 'Unblock' any files. Also the accepted 'Solution' did not resolve the issue for me.
Moving to local folder is the quickest solution, nothing else worked for me esp because I was not admin on my system (can't edit registery etc), which is a typical case in a work environment.
Create a folder in C:\help drive, lets call it help and copy the files there and open.
Do not copy to mydocuments or anywhere else, those locations are usually on network drive in office setup and will not work.

Xcode - Can't see files in Documents directory using File Sharing

can somebody please help! I'm creating audio files using Xcode and placing those files in the 'documents' directory of my app, the point being that I can retreive them using iTunes and File Sharing.
I save the audio files as type .caf, I've created a directory list to make sure that all my files are actually there, they are. I NSLog the directory that the files are being stored to, it's the application documents folder. I have 'UIFileSharingEnabled/Application Supports iTunes Sharing' as TRUE in the info.plist. Everything seems to be working fine, EXCEPT... I just can't see the files in iTunes File Sharing. I KNOW they're there... I can even email them successfully from the same directory, but they don't show in iTunes.
Please can somebody help!
Thanks a lot!!!!
What you're saying doesn't really makes sense.
If you've done all the things you've mentioned properly, you should have had access to the application directory through iTunes.
Nevertheless, considering some problem still happens, you can do the following:
If you have SSH access to your phone (for jailbreak iPhone), you can use SSH to list the files on the documents directory.
If you don't have SSH, you have to solve the problem internally - through your application.
I recommend: List iPhone application document files
