No route matches [POST] "/story/new" after submitting form - ruby

I've just started "Build Your Own Ruby on Rails" and I have had to use Google a lot, as the book seems to have a bunch of places where the code just doesn't work. This time, I couldn't find an answer. Okay, so here's the deal. I have a form that looks like this:
<%= form_for :story do |f| %>
name:<br />
<%= f.text_field :name %>
link: <br />
<%= f.text_field :link %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
It shows up fine when I go to localhost:3000/story/new. The thing is, when I try to type stuff into the form and press "submit," I get this error:
Routing Error
No route matches [POST] "/story/new"
My routes.rb looks like this:
FirstApp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :story
story_controller looks like this:
def new
#story =[:story])
The story_controller stuff for new is straight out of the book. I thought I might have had a solution here, but no dice. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm guessing you meant (note the at sign):
<%= form_for #story do |f| %>
That'll probably take care of your routing issue, but as John mentions, your controller action is a bit off, too. The new action should only load a dummy model and display the new.html.erb page - the saving should take place in a separate action, called create.
Hope this helps!
Edit: Minimal controller code:
class StoriesController < ApplicationController
def new
#Make a dummy story so any default fields are filled correctly...
#story =
def create
#story =[:story])
#Saved successfully; go to the index (or wherever)...
redirect_to :action => :index
#Validation failed; show the "new" form again...
render :action => :new

First off, Rails is relies on convention over configuration when using singular vs plural names. If you want to follow convention, you have to change the line in your routes.rb to resources :stories, which would generate following routes:
stories GET /stories(.:format) stories#index
POST /stories(.:format) stories#create
new_story GET /stories/new(.:format) stories#new
edit_story GET /stories/:id/edit(.:format) stories#edit
story GET /stories/:id(.:format) stories#show
PUT /stories/:id(.:format) stories#update
DELETE /stories/:id(.:format) stories#destroy
Note, that in this case you would have to rename your controller to StoriesController. However, your routes.rb has resources :story, which generates following routes:
story_index GET /story(.:format) story#index
POST /story(.:format) story#create
new_story GET /story/new(.:format) story#new
edit_story GET /story/:id/edit(.:format) story#edit
story GET /story/:id(.:format) story#show
PUT /story/:id(.:format) story#update
DELETE /story/:id(.:format) story#destroy
As you can see, indeed, there is no route for POST /story/new. I guess, the error that you are getting is triggered by following code in your controller:
It is quite wrong, because you trying to check for POST request inside the action that is routed to by GET. Just remove this code from your new action and add create action to your StoryController like this:
def create
#story = params[:story]
redirect_to #story, notice: "Story created"
render action: "new"
This should resolve your issue for now. But I strongly recommend using plural stories for your resources, since it will be back to haunt you again.

This is the part that you (and me) have missed from the guide:
There's one problem with this form though. If you inspect the HTML
that is generated, by viewing the source of the page, you will see
that the action attribute for the form is pointing at /articles/new.
This is a problem because this route goes to the very page that you're
on right at the moment, and that route should only be used to display
the form for a new article.
The form needs to use a different URL in order to go somewhere else.
This can be done quite simply with the :url option of form_for.
Typically in Rails, the action that is used for new form submissions
like this is called "create", and so the form should be pointed to
that action.
Edit the form_for line inside app/views/articles/new.html.erb to look like this:
<%= form_for :story, url: stories_path do |f| %>


Rails 4 - Controller Edit Action Returning Wrong Record

I have a Comment model which belongs to both User and Story. Creating a comment correctly associated to the appropriate User and Story is working fine but when trying to edit the comment my edit action appears to retrieving the wrong record.
The offending action in comments_controller.rb:
def edit
#story = Story.find_by(params[:story_id])
#comment = #story.comments.find_by(params[:id])
The link used to render the comments/edit view:
<%= link_to 'edit', edit_story_comment_path(comment.story_id, %>
The corresponding view:
<%= form_for(#comment, url: { controller: 'comments', action: 'update' }) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :content %>
<%= f.submit "update" %>
<% end %>
The edit view appears to be rendering the most recently added comment regardless of which #comment I am trying to edit.
You're using find_by, which is basically a magic find_by_X method, with no fields specified. find_by(1) generates invalid SQL for me using Postgres, but it might be that whatever database back-end your using accepts it.
Regardless, find_by certainly won't do what you want it to do.
You should be using find, if you want to find records by id:
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])

2 instance variables of the same name in different controllers

I finished Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial. Now I'm working on the suggested exercises. The application he builds is basically a Twitter clone where one can post Microposts and they appear in your feed
The main page is in home.html.erb from the StaticPagesController and features a Micropost textbox where one can post Microposts. The code for the textbox looks like so:
<%= form_for(#micropost) do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.text_area :content, placeholder: "Compose new micropost..." %>
<%= f.submit "Post", class: "btn btn-large btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
The #micropost variable is initialized in the StaticPagesController like so:
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
def home
if signed_in?
#micropost =
Now inside the MicropostsController there's a create action like so:
def create
#micropost =[:micropost])
flash[:success] = "Micropost created!"
redirect_to root_url
#feed_items = []
render 'static_pages/home'
My question is what is the purpose of the first #micropost variable as opposed to the second?
The first #micropost becomes available to the view rendered by the first controller method; the second #micropost becomes available to the view rendered by the second controller method. And it just so happens that the two methods are rendering the same view.
The only wrinkle is that since the second controller is conditional. If the create succeeds (passes validation and saves) then there's a redirect, so there's no proper view (although there will be in a moment, after the client-side redirect). But if it fails, then the view gets an object that contains the user-entered values as well as the validation errors which the view can then show to the user.

Problem rendering an Ajax partial with link_to specifying a controller action

I have a div (id="content") on a "proposition" show page into which I want to render different partials depending on which tab at the top of the div is selected.
I'm trying to render a partial (substantive_content) with AJAX using the following link_to:
<%= link_to "Connected", :url => {:controller => "propositions",
:action => "substantive_content"}, :remote => true %>
I've got two problems:
On clicking the link, a GET request
is sent to
PropositionsController#show, and
not (I presume) to the "substantive
content" action. This just refreshes the page and doesn't do anything remotely. The correct partial isn't displayed.
I'm not sure how then to render a
partial into the "content" div.
At the moment I have this in the PropositionsController:
def substantive_content
respond_to do |format|
format.js{ render :update do |rightbar|
rightbar.replace_html 'content', 'Hello World!'
... but am not sure where to go from here. Am I even going about this in the right way? I'm very new to rails, javascript, etc.
Any help with either of these problems would be fantastic. Thanks!
In your routes.rb file you should have an entry for the substantive_content action. It might look something like this:
match "substantive_content" => "propositions#substantive_content", :as => substantive_content
Then in your view the link should look something like this:
<%= link_to "Connected", substantive_content_path, :remote => true %>
I would render a js.erb file when the js request comes to the substantive_content action. The action would look soemthing like this:
def substantive_content
respond_to do |format|
Then create a substantive_content.js.erb file in your views/propositions directory. In that file you can use jquery to update the content div:
$('#content').html("<%= render :partial => 'your_partial_name_here' %>");
Without knowing more about the actual application you're working on, its hard to say if this is the best way to accomplish what you want. I generally try to stay as "RESTful" as possible with my apps so I'm reluctant to create actions aren't part of the normal index, new, create, show, etc. set. That's not to say that it isn't neccesary in this case, but it's something to think about.

Using AJAX in Rails: How do I change a button as soon as it's clicked?

Hey! I'm teaching myself Ruby, and have been stuck on this for a couple days:
I'm currently using MooTools-1.3-compat and Rails 3.
I'd like to replace one button (called "Follow") with another (called "Unfollow") as soon as someone clicks on it. I'm using :remote => true and have a file ending in .js.erb that's being called...I just need help figuring out what goes in this .js file
The "Follow" button is in a div with id="follow_form", but there are many buttons on the page, and they all have an id = "follow_form"...i.e. $("follow_form").set(...) replaces the first element and that's not correct. I need help replacing the button that made the call.
I looked at this tutorial, but the line below doesn't work for me. Could it be because I'm using MooTools instead of Prototype?
$("follow_form").update("<%= escape_javascript(render('users/unfollow')) %>")
ps. This is what I have so far, and this works:
in app/views/shared:
<%= form_for => #event), :remote => true do |f| %>
<div><%= f.hidden_field :event %></div>
<div class="actions"><%= f.submit "Follow" %></div>
<% end %>
in app/views/events/create.js.erb
alert("follow!"); //Temporary...this is what I'm trying to replace
*in app/controllers/subscriptions_controller.rb*
def create
#subscription =[:subscription])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(..) }
format.js {render :layout}
Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated!
The ID selector should be used if there is only one of those elements on the page, as the Id selector us for unique IDs. A Class selector is what your looking for. Classes are used for multiple elements that have the same styles or same javascript events.
The code to replace Follow with Unfollow would be as follows in Mootools. I am not totally understanding your question, but you will need to assign a ID to the button.
//Ajax Here
Mootools has a different set of functions than Prototype, so most (if not all) code designed for prototype will not work in Mootools. If you want to see the functions in Mootools, I recommend the Docs (its a good read):
This code would work as well for you, if you do not/can not add unique IDs to each form element:
if(this.value == 'Follow') {
//Ajax Here

Rails3 routing error with ajax

UPDATED CODE at the bottom
I am creating a story voting app via Simply Rails 2 book. I am getting this error when I click the button to vote up a story:
No route matches "/stories/4-pure-css-icons-showcase"
My routing file looks like this:
Shovell::Application.routes.draw do
get "votes/create"
root :to => "stories#index"
resources :stories do
resources :votes
class VotesController < ApplicationController
def create
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
create.rsj :
page.replace_html 'vote_score', "Score: #{#story.votes.size}"
page[:vote_score].visual_effect :highlight
<span id="vote_score">
Score: <%= #story.votes.size %>
<%= %>
<%= link_to, %>
<div id="vote_form">
<%= form_tag :url => story_votes_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
story.rb :
class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name, :link
has_many :votes
def to_param
"#{id}-#{name.gsub(/\W/, '-').downcase}"
I've been working through a number of other errors before this having to do with deprecated code and so forth, so I feel somewhat lost at the moment. It seems like it should just be a routing a issue, but since I've been working through AJAX errors that also have to do with the vote function I wanted to post those files just in case it was more than routing.
It says no route matches "/stories/4-pure-css-icons-showcase" but when I visit "/stories" (my root) and click on the link to take me to "/stories/4-pure-css-icons-showcase" it works fine, however after clicking on the vote button I get this error. As you could probably tell after reading the code, it is suppose to update the vote count and do a :highlight via ajax.
Changed code (all changes are per Sam's advice):
Shovell::Application.routes.draw do
resources :votes
root :to => "stories#index"
resources :stories do
resources :votes
<div id="vote_form">
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
class VotesController < ApplicationController
def create
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
respond_to do |format|
The problem is still exactly the same, but I think (read: hope) we are making progress!
The scenario: My index (/stories) page randomly displays a story from the database, when you click the link it takes you to the story's internal page (ex. /stories/2-sitepoint-forums) on this page it displays the number of votes the story has and has a button to vote for it. When you click the vote button it is suppose to use ajax to update the and use a :highlight visual effect. However, the problem is that when you click the vote button the page changes to a "Routing Error" page which displays:
No route matches "/stories/2-sitepoint-forums"
Its weird to me because you can in fact be routed to that address and you are from the link on the first page...
Here is the error in the console:
Started POST "/stories/2-sitepoint-forums?url=%2Fstories%2F2-sitepoint-forums%2F
votes%2F2-sitepoint-forums&remote=true" for at 2010-11-08 16:30:17 -08
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/stories/2-sitepoint-forums"):
Rendered C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.0.0.rc2/lib/action_dis
patch/middleware/templates/rescues/routing_error.erb within rescues/layout (1.0m
Im not sure if this is any more telling, but I thought I'd add it incase.
I have not been able to solve this problem as of yet. Because I still don't feel like I completely understand the issue I have decided to move over to the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial Book online and see if I can't figure it out while working through it. Since I was planning to do it next anyway (I have plans to combine both apps later) it appears now is the time.
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
That should send it to the create action.
def create
#story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
respond_to do |format|
And that should take care of your ajax.
take this get "votes/create" out of your routes
and add this
map.resources :votes
I'm not familiar with using form_tag and :remote (as I normally just write jQuery for stuff like this) but a couple of things definitely pop out at me with what you're doing here that may help you resolve the issue.
First of all, I think you can rework the way you set up a vote and thus the way you set up the form for the vote. In the stories controller, for the show action, I'd set up the vote right away:
#vote = =>
This lets you set up your form as so:
= form_for(#vote), :remote => true do |f|
= hidden_field f.story_id
= submit_tag "Vote"
This is both a cleaner way of doing things, in my opinion, but also may fix the general issue you are dealing with, because you are now passing data with the form (the hidden field) in your POST request. Rails will behave unexpectedly if you perform AJAX POST requests that do not actually submit data.
In other words, your original form is likely running as an AJAX POST request but it would have worked better as an AJAX GET request, since it is not actually submitting data, it is simply "hitting" an URL.
I am not sure if you found the answer to your problem yet, but I wanted to post for others that may be looking for an answer similar to yours.
The code:
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
will result in /stories/:story_id/votes/new url with a :post request. It won't work because the new route is a :get method request. If you wanted to go to the new method, you'll need to tell the form to use the get http method.
<%= form_tag :url => new_story_vote_path(#story), :remote => true, :html => { :method => :get } do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
However, I think that you are wanting to route to the create method in your controller. I would do something like:
<%= form_tag :url => story_votes_path(#story), :remote => true do %>
<%= submit_tag 'shove it' %>
<% end %>
This should route correctly to the create method in your VotesController.
