Drawing Images in Canvas not working properly - image

I need help with canvas because of one problem that Im trying to solve for about a day. Here is part of code that I am testing.
var imgpos = 0;
function drawshape(context, shape, fill, bb) {
context.translate( 0, 130);
context.scale(1, 0.65);
context.shadowOffsetX = 0;
context.shadowOffsetY = 10;
context.shadowBlur = 9;
context.shadowColor = "black";
context.arc(shape.x, shape.y, shape.r, shape.sa, shape.ea, shape.cc);
context.lineWidth = shape.lw;
// line color
context.strokeStyle = fill;
// not working :( ---------------
for(var lg = 0; lg < shape.ic; lg++) { //
var imagesel = new Image();
imagesel.src = '/images/themes/default/capsules/'+imgpos+'.png';
imagesel.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(imagesel, xx, yy);
if(imgpos != 8){imgpos++;} else {imgpos=0;}
// till here :( ---------------
if(shape.link != 'Limited'){
context.scale(1, 0.65);
context.font = "bold 15pt Arial";
context.fillStyle = "WHITE";
if(bb <= 2){
context.fillText(shape.link, -170, 0);
if(bb > 2){
context.fillText(shape.link, +170, 0);
context.scale(1, 0.65);
context.translate( 0, 130);
context.font = "bold 15pt Arial";
context.fillStyle = "WHITE";
context.fillText(shape.link, shape.x, shape.y-10);
So this code (except of part not working) draws arcs in style of halfcircle, but each of them is separated and shaded etc... My problem is that I want to put pictures in all of them BUT not the same number of pictures (thats the reason for cycle <- must be right, tested and working with alert!...). In first should be one picture, in second two, in third one ... and finaly in ninth two. But if i try this code, pictures are all drowe on one place and all of them are changing position if this function runs... I dont know what to do with that..
Firstly I wanted to add them to the path (each of paths have link, but thats another function, working properly too), than I tryied to do it separated from that function but nothing worked for me. Important part of code is only not working part, averything else is working perfectly.
Thanks for help.

It looks like you're fooled by the infamous loop variable issue. JavaScript variables live per function, not per block. So, your imagesel / imgpos variables only exist once in fact, which means you only have one image at one location. The variable is overwritten each loop iteration.
You should wrap the appropriate loop code in a function to actually create separate variables. Also, you haven't declared xx / yy anywhere with var.
for(var lg = 0; lg < shape.ic; lg++) {
(function(imgpos) {
var imagesel = new Image();
imagesel.src = '/images/themes/default/capsules/'+imgpos+'.png';
imagesel.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(imagesel, xx, yy);
if(imgpos != 8){imgpos++;} else {imgpos=0;}


Unreliable behaviour of GTK function gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell()

I need some help understanding why a bug is happening in some code using a GtkTreeView, and how to fix it.
In the program, the user opens an image and runs a function to detect stars in the image. This is all reliable and works fine. Data about each star is populated into a GtkTreeView.
The user then clicks on a star in the display which triggers a callback:
gboolean on_drawingarea_button_release_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer user_data)
that in turn calls the function shown below:
void set_iter_of_clicked_psf(double x, double y) {
GtkTreeSelection *selection = GTK_TREE_SELECTION(gtk_builder_get_object(gui.builder, "treeview-selection"));
GtkTreeView *treeview = GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget("Stars_stored"));
GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(treeview);
GtkTreeIter iter;
gboolean valid;
gboolean is_as;
const double radian_conversion = ((3600.0 * 180.0) / M_PI) / 1.0E3;
double invpixscalex = 1.0;
double bin_X = gfit.unbinned ? (double) gfit.binning_x : 1.0;
if (com.stars && com.stars[0]) {// If the first star has units of arcsec, all should have
is_as = (strcmp(com.stars[0]->units,"px"));
} else {
return; // If com.stars is empty there is no point carrying on
if (is_as) {
invpixscalex = 1.0 / (radian_conversion * (double) gfit.pixel_size_x / gfit.focal_length) * bin_X;
valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter);
while (valid) {
gdouble xpos, ypos, fwhmx;
gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COLUMN_X0, &xpos, -1);
gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COLUMN_Y0, &ypos, -1);
gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COLUMN_FWHMX, &fwhmx, -1);
fwhmx *= invpixscalex;
gdouble distsq = (xpos - x) * (xpos - x) + (ypos - y) * (ypos - y);
gdouble psflimsq = 6. * fwhmx * fwhmx;
if (distsq < psflimsq) {
GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(model, &iter);
if (!path) return;
gtk_tree_selection_select_path(selection, path);
gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell(treeview, path, NULL, TRUE, 0.5, 0.0);
gui.selected_star = get_index_of_selected_star(xpos, ypos);
valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter);
siril_debug_print("Point clicked does not correspond to a known star\n");
The code steps through each iter in the GtkTreeView and checks whether the location clicked is close enough to the centre of a star: the key bit of the code then follows inside the conditional towards the end of the function. If the location matches a star, a GtkTreePath is declared and initialised based on the iter, changes the selection to that path and calls gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell() which is supposed to scroll the GtkTreeView so that the selected star is shown.
For some users the code works every time and causes the tree view to scroll to the selected star. For other users sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work. When it doesn't work I can tell the correct code path is followed because gui.selected_star is updated correctly (it triggers a drawing event in the subsequent redraw(REDRAW_OVERLAY) call. It is only gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell() that appears to function erractically.
Neither I nor one of my fellow developers can see why it works sometimes but not always, nor can we see why some users don't see the bug at all. So if any GTK gurus could enlighten me I'd be most grateful!

GMS2 Argument always returns undefined

I'm new to Game Maker Studio 2, whenever I try to call my script with scr_tile_collision(collision_tile_map_id, 16, velocity_[vector2_x]);, it states that the arguments are undefined. In my script I have the following, no matter whether I make the variables local or not, the script cannot seem to detect the params.
/// #param tile_map_id
/// #param tile_size
/// #param velocity_array
var tile_map_id = argument0;
var tile_size = argument1;
var velocity = argument2;
// For the velocity array
var vector2_x = 0;
var vector2_y = 1;
show_debug_message(tile_map_id); // no matter which variable is placed here, it is undefined.
// Move horizontally
x = x + velocity[vector2_x];
// Right collisions
if velocity[vector2_x] > 0 {
var tile_right = scr_collision(tile_map_id, [bbox_right-1, bbox_top], [bbox_right-1, bbox_bottom-1]);
if tile_right {
x = bbox_right & ~(tile_size-1);
x -= bbox_right-x;
velocity[# vector2_x] = 0;
} else {
var tile_left = scr_collision(tile_map_id, [bbox_left, bbox_top], [bbox_left, bbox_bottom-1]);
if tile_left {
x = bbox_left & ~(tile_size-1);
x += tile_size+x-bbox_left;
velocity[# vector2_x] = 0;
// Move vertically
y += velocity[vector2_y];
// Vertical collisions
if velocity[vector2_y] > 0 {
var tile_bottom = scr_collision(tile_map_id, [bbox_left, bbox_bottom-1], [bbox_right-1, bbox_bottom-1]);
if tile_bottom {
y = bbox_bottom & ~(tile_size-1);
y -= bbox_bottom-y;
velocity[# vector2_y] = 0;
} else {
var tile_top = scr_collision(tile_map_id, [bbox_left, bbox_top], [bbox_right-1, bbox_top]);
if tile_top {
y = bbox_top & ~(tile_size-1);
y += tile_size+y-bbox_top;
velocity[# vector2_y] = 0;
As of GMS2 2.3.0, the scripts in GMS2 needs to be within functions.
Normally these scripts should've been converted automatically, but perhaps that didn't happened for you. Try making a new script, and the function will appear there (along with a message in the comments about the new scripts), and you'll be able to assign parameters within that function.

Vulkan copying image from swap chain

I am using the vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer function and getting a memory access violation and don't understand why.
Here is the code:
VkBufferImageCopy region = {};
region.bufferOffset = 0;
region.bufferRowLength = width;
region.bufferImageHeight = height;
region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
region.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
region.imageOffset = { 0, 0, 0 };
region.imageExtent = {
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(m_drawCmdBuffers[i], m_swapChain.buffers[i].image,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, m_renderImage, 1, &region);
The swapchain images are created here in the initialization code:
// Get the swap chain images
VK_CHECK_RESULT(fpGetSwapchainImagesKHR(device, swapChain, &imageCount, images.data()));
// Get the swap chain buffers containing the image and imageview
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < imageCount; i++)
VkImageViewCreateInfo colorAttachmentView = {};
colorAttachmentView.pNext = NULL;
colorAttachmentView.format = colorFormat;
colorAttachmentView.components = {
colorAttachmentView.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
colorAttachmentView.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
colorAttachmentView.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
colorAttachmentView.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
colorAttachmentView.subresourceRange.layerCount = 1;
colorAttachmentView.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D;
colorAttachmentView.flags = 0;
buffers[i].image = images[i];
colorAttachmentView.image = buffers[i].image;
VK_CHECK_RESULT(vkCreateImageView(device, &colorAttachmentView, nullptr, &buffers[i].view));
And my buffer is similarly created here:
VkBufferCreateInfo createinfo = {};
createinfo.size = width * height * 4 * sizeof(int8_t);
createinfo.sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
//create the image copy buffer
vkCreateBuffer(m_device, &createinfo, NULL, &m_renderImage);
I have tried different pixel formats and different createinfo.usage settings but none help.
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::supportedUsageFlags defines the limitations on the ways in which you can use the VkImages created by the swap chain. The only one that is guaranteed to be supported is color attachment; all of the other, including transfer src, are optional.
Therefore, you should not assume that you can copy from a presentable image. If you find yourself with a need to do that, you must first query that value. If it does not allow copies, then you must render to your own image, which you copy from. You can render from that image into the presentable one when you intend to present it.

Making a game with 4 possible answer buttons

I am new to ActionScript-3 and I am attempting to make a game to learn more.
For every picture that is displayed I want there to be 4 choices (buttons) and only one of them to be the correct one. But how can I make it so that the text from the buttons will be random.
As you can see I've made it so the 4th button is always the correct answer. I don't want to make all this thing for every picture that is displayed...to much pointless code.
Can anybody help me? If you need extra information I will gladly provide it.
var k:int;
GAME.varianta1.text = "Cameleon";
GAME.varianta2.text = "Snake";
GAME.varianta3.text = "Frog";
GAME.varianta4.text = "Snail";
function variante_gresiteunu(e:MouseEvent){
if (varianta_gresita_apasata1 == 1){
totalScore -= score_variante_gresite;
GAME.text1.text = totalScore;
varianta_gresita_apasata1 = 2;
function variante_gresitedoi(e:MouseEvent){
if (varianta_gresita_apasata2 == 1){
totalScore -= score_variante_gresite;
GAME.text1.text = totalScore;
varianta_gresita_apasata2 = 2;
function variante_gresitetrei(e:MouseEvent){
if (varianta_gresita_apasata3 == 1){
totalScore -= score_variante_gresite;
GAME.text1.text = totalScore;
varianta_gresita_apasata3 = 2;
GAME.extra_points.visible = false;
function variante (e:MouseEvent) {
if (GAME.stichere.sticker1.currentFrame == (1)){
GAME.extra_points.visible = true;
//go to great job screen
GAME.greatJob.visible = true;
function mouse_over_variante (e:MouseEvent) {
function mouse_out_variante (e:MouseEvent) {
You like to have 4 images and they will be tested right?
The text below the images will be randomness. I saw your code and I
confess I was confused. I made a different one.
I undestand that this code is a little diferent of what you ask, but i think it will > give you some new ideas and help you on your app...
//start button added on the sceen named f3toc. I give a function name for him f3roll.
function f3roll(e:MouseEvent):void{
//creating variables for the picture.
var bola:Number
var quadrado:Number
var pentagono:Number
//Here is just a randomization code, you can change it to the what you want to use after the =
bola = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10);
pentagono = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10);
f3res1_txt.text = String (bola + 8 + 8);
f3res2_txt.text = String(bola - 1 + bola);
f3res3_txt.text = String (pentagono + 10 - bola);
//converting number to string so we can put tem into the text fields.
var pentagonotring:String = pentagono.toString();
var bolastring:String = bola.toString();
//function to check wen the name is correct. each wrong do nothing and every correct add 1 to a variable, in the end wen this variable reach 3 it does something.
f3check_bnt.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, f3check);
function f3check (e:MouseEvent):void{
if (f3inp2_txt.text == pentagonotring){
f3ver_ext2.text = "Correct"
} else {f3ver_ext2.text = "Wrong";}
if (f3inp1_txt.text == bolastring){
f3ver_ext1.text = "Correct"
}else {f3ver_ext1.text = "Wrong";}
// function to check wen the variable pass reach 3
pass = 0;
if (f3ver_ext1.text == "Correct"){
if (f3ver_ext2.text == "Correct"){
if (pass == 3){

Replace certain cell values in a column

Disclaimer: I am Newb. I understand scripting a little, but writing it is a pain for me, mostly with loops and arrays, hence the following.
I am attempting to pull all of the data from a specific column (in this case H [8]), check each cell's value in that column and if it is a y, change it to Yes; if it's n, change it to No; if it's empty, leave it alone and move onto the next cell.
Here's what I have so far. As usual, I believe I'm pretty close, but I can't set the value of the active cell and I can't see where I'm messing it up. At one point I actually changed ever value to Yes in the column (so thankful for undo in these cases).
Example of Sheet:
..... COL-H
r1... [service] <-- header
r2... y
r3... y
r4... n
r5... _ <-- empty
r6... y
Intent: Change all y's to Yes and all n's to No (skip blank cells).
What I've tried so far:
Function attempt 1
function Thing1() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("mySheet");
var lrow = ss.getLastRow();
var rng = ss.getRange(2, 8, lrow - 1, 1);
var data = rng.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == "y") {
data[i][0] == "Yes";
Function attempt 2
function Thing2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("mySheet");
var lrow = ss.getLastRow();
var rng = ss.getRange(2, 8, lrow - 1, 1);
var data = rng.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == "n") {
} else if (data[i][0] == "y") {
Once I'm done here, I want to modify the function so that I can target any column and change one value to another (I already have a method for that, but I need to be able to set the value). It would be like so: =replace(sheet, col, orig_value, new_value). I will post it as well below.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Completed Code for searching and replacing within a column
function replace(sheet, col, origV1, newV1, origV2, newV2) {
// What is the name of the sheet and numeric value of the column you want to search?
var sheet = Browser.inputBox('Enter the target sheet name:');
var col = Browser.inputBox('Enter the numeric value of the column you\'re searching thru');
// Add old and new targets to change (Instance 1):
var origV1 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 1:] What old value do you want to replace?');
var newV1 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 1:] What new value is replacing the old?');
// Optional - Add old and new targets to change (Instance 2):
var origV2 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 2:] What old value do you want to replace?');
var newV2 = Browser.inputBox('[Instance 2:] What new value is replacing the old?');
// Code to search and replace data within the column
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheet);
var lrow = ss.getLastRow();
var rng = ss.getRange(2, col, lrow - 1, 1);
var data = rng.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == origV1) {
data[i][0] = newV1;
} else if (data[i][0] == origV2) {
data[i][0] = newV2;
Hope this helps someone out there. Thanks Again #ScampMichael!
The array named data was created from the values in the range and is independent of the spreadsheet after it is created so changing an element in the array does not affect the spreadsheet. You must modify the array and then put the whole array back where it came from.
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == "n") {
data[i][0] = "No";
} else if (data[i][0] == "y") {
data[i][0] = "Yes";
rng.setValues(data); // replace old data with new
