Unreliable behaviour of GTK function gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell() - user-interface

I need some help understanding why a bug is happening in some code using a GtkTreeView, and how to fix it.
In the program, the user opens an image and runs a function to detect stars in the image. This is all reliable and works fine. Data about each star is populated into a GtkTreeView.
The user then clicks on a star in the display which triggers a callback:
gboolean on_drawingarea_button_release_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer user_data)
that in turn calls the function shown below:
void set_iter_of_clicked_psf(double x, double y) {
GtkTreeSelection *selection = GTK_TREE_SELECTION(gtk_builder_get_object(gui.builder, "treeview-selection"));
GtkTreeView *treeview = GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget("Stars_stored"));
GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(treeview);
GtkTreeIter iter;
gboolean valid;
gboolean is_as;
const double radian_conversion = ((3600.0 * 180.0) / M_PI) / 1.0E3;
double invpixscalex = 1.0;
double bin_X = gfit.unbinned ? (double) gfit.binning_x : 1.0;
if (com.stars && com.stars[0]) {// If the first star has units of arcsec, all should have
is_as = (strcmp(com.stars[0]->units,"px"));
} else {
return; // If com.stars is empty there is no point carrying on
if (is_as) {
invpixscalex = 1.0 / (radian_conversion * (double) gfit.pixel_size_x / gfit.focal_length) * bin_X;
valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter);
while (valid) {
gdouble xpos, ypos, fwhmx;
gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COLUMN_X0, &xpos, -1);
gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COLUMN_Y0, &ypos, -1);
gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COLUMN_FWHMX, &fwhmx, -1);
fwhmx *= invpixscalex;
gdouble distsq = (xpos - x) * (xpos - x) + (ypos - y) * (ypos - y);
gdouble psflimsq = 6. * fwhmx * fwhmx;
if (distsq < psflimsq) {
GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(model, &iter);
if (!path) return;
gtk_tree_selection_select_path(selection, path);
gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell(treeview, path, NULL, TRUE, 0.5, 0.0);
gui.selected_star = get_index_of_selected_star(xpos, ypos);
valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter);
siril_debug_print("Point clicked does not correspond to a known star\n");
The code steps through each iter in the GtkTreeView and checks whether the location clicked is close enough to the centre of a star: the key bit of the code then follows inside the conditional towards the end of the function. If the location matches a star, a GtkTreePath is declared and initialised based on the iter, changes the selection to that path and calls gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell() which is supposed to scroll the GtkTreeView so that the selected star is shown.
For some users the code works every time and causes the tree view to scroll to the selected star. For other users sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work. When it doesn't work I can tell the correct code path is followed because gui.selected_star is updated correctly (it triggers a drawing event in the subsequent redraw(REDRAW_OVERLAY) call. It is only gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell() that appears to function erractically.
Neither I nor one of my fellow developers can see why it works sometimes but not always, nor can we see why some users don't see the bug at all. So if any GTK gurus could enlighten me I'd be most grateful!


Custom trackbar ticks

I'm using the stock Trackbar control. I would like to custom draw the ticks.
Here I made an experiment, just trying to draw in the right place:
NMHDR* nMhdr = (NMHDR*) lParam;
if (nMhdr->code == NM_CUSTOMDRAW)
switch (nMcd->dwDrawStage)
if (nMcd->dwItemSpec == TBCD_TICS)
FillRect(nMcd->hdc, &nMcd->rc, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
In my CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, if dwItemSpec == TBCD_TICS, then the update rect (NMCUSTOMDRAW->rc) is always an empty rect. I checked, and for the other items (TBCD_CHANNEL and TBCD_THUMB), I get a valid rect and can draw in place of the channel and thumb.
Ok: so what's the point of TBCD_TICS if it doesn't give me a rect to draw in?
So maybe I can get the tick positions another way. Well, there's TBM_GETTICPOS, which seems like it would work. Except the documentation mentions this:
The positions of the first and last tick marks are not directly available via this message.
So how can I get the first and last tick positions? They do not correspond with the start and end of the channel, the ticks are inset slightly. Perhaps we can calculate the insert from the sides of the channel, but that seems fragile (especially on differently scaled displays).
So how can I get the first and last tick positions?
The old method (XP and older) to get them seems to still work (I just tested on Windows 10) :
RECT rectTrackbar;
GetClientRect(hWndTB, &rectTrackbar);
RECT rectThumb;
SendMessage(hWndTB, TBM_GETTHUMBRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rectThumb);
int nThumbWidth = rectThumb.right - rectThumb.left;
int nXTicFirst = rectTrackbar.left += (nThumbWidth + 2);
int nXTicLast = rectTrackbar.right -= (nThumbWidth + 2 + 1);

Cannot get OpenAL to play sound

I've searched the net, I've searched here. I've found code that I could compile and it works fine, but for some reason my code won't produce any sound. I'm porting an old game to the PC (Windows,) and I'm trying to make it as authentic as possible, so I'm wanting to use generated wave forms. I've pretty much copied and pasted the working code (only adding in multiple voices,) and it still won't work (even thought the exact same code for a single voice works fine.) I know I'm missing something obvious, but I just cannot figure out what. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
First some notes... I was looking for something that would allow me to use the original methodology. The original system used paired bytes for music (sound effects - only 2 - were handled in code.) A time byte that counted down every time the routine was called, and a note byte that was played until time reached zero. this was done by patching into the interrupt vector, windows doesn't allow that, so I set up a timer that routing that accomplished the same thing. The timer kicks in, updates the display, and then runs the music sequence. I set this up with a defined time so that I only have one place to adjust the timing at (to get it as close as possible to the original sequence. The music is a generated wave form (and I've double checked the math, and even examined the generated data in debug mode,) and it looks good. The sequence looks good, but doesn't actually produce sound. I tried SDL2 first, and it's method of only playing 1 sound doesn't work for me, also, unless I make the sample duration extremely short (and the sound produced this way is awful,) I can't match the timing (it plays the entire sample through it's own interrupt without letting me make adjustments.) Also, blending the 3 voices together (when they all run with different timings,) is a mess. Most of the other engines I examined work in much the same way, they want to use their own callback interrupt and won't allow me to tweak it appropriately. This is why I started working with OpenAL. It allows multiple voices (sources,) and allows me to set the timings myself. On advice from several forums, I set it up so that the sample lengths are all multiples of full cycles.
Anyway, here's the code.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FreeConsole(); //Get rid of the DOS console, don't need it
if (InitLog() < 0) return -1; //Start logging
SDL_Event event;
InitVideo(false); //Set to window for now, will put options in later
curmusic = 5;
while (event.type != SDL_KEYDOWN) SDL_PollEvent(&event);
return 0;
void CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hWind, UINT Msg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime)
void InitAudio(void)
ALCdevice *dev;
ALCcontext *cxt;
Log("Initializing OpenAL Audio\r\n");
dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
if (!dev) {
Log("Failed to open an audio device\r\n");
cxt = alcCreateContext(dev, NULL);
if(!cxt) {
Log("Failed to create audio context\r\n");
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
Log("Error during buffer creation\r\n");
alGenSources(4, Source);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
Log("Error during source creation\r\n");
void PlayMusic()
static int oldsong, ofset, mtime[4];
double freq;
ALuint srate = 44100;
ALuint voice, i, note, len, hold;
short buf[4][_BUFFSIZE_];
bool test[4] = {false, false, false, false};
if (curmusic != oldsong) {
oldsong = (int)curmusic;
if (curmusic > 0)
ofset = moffset[(curmusic - 1)];
for (voice = 1; voice < 4; voice++)
mtime[voice] = 0;
if (curmusic == 0) return;
//Only 3 voices for music, but have
for (voice = 0; voice < 3; voice ++) { // 4 set asside for eventual sound effects
if (mtime[voice] == 0) { //is note finished
alSourceStop(Source[voice]); //It is, so stop the channel (source)
mtime[voice] = music[ofset++]; //Get the next duration
if (mtime[voice] == 0) {oldsong = 0; return;} //zero marks end, so restart
note = music[ofset++]; //Get the next note
if (note > 127) { //Old HW data was designed for could only
if (note == 255) note = 127; //use values 128 - 255 (255 = 127)
freq = (15980 / (voice + (int)(voice / 3))) / (256 - note); //freq of note
len = (ALuint)(srate / freq); //A single cycle of that freq.
hold = len;
while (len < (srate / (1000 / _FREQ_))) len += hold; //Multiply till 1 interrup cycle
while (len > _BUFFSIZE_) len -= hold; //Don't overload buffer
if (len == 0) len = _BUFFSIZE_; //Just to be safe
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) //calculate sine wave and put in buffer
buf[voice][i] = (short)((32760 * sin((2 * M_PI * i * freq) / srate)));
alBufferData(Buffer[voice], AL_FORMAT_MONO16, buf[voice], len, srate);
alSourcei(openAL.Source[i], AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE);
alSourcei(Source[i], AL_BUFFER, Buffer[i]);
} else --mtime[voice];
Well, it turns out there were 3 problems with my code. First, you have to link the built wave buffer to the AL generated buffer "before" you link the buffer to the source:
alBufferData(buffer,AL_FORMAT_MONO16,&wave_sample,sample_lenght * sizeof(short),frequency);
Also in the above example, I multiplied the sample_length by how many bytes are in each sample (in this case "sizeof(short)".
The final problem was that you need to un-link a buffer from the source before you change the buffer data
The music would play, but not correctly until I added that line to the note change code.

Getting the width of Win32 TreeView control

The Win32 TreeView control does not have a built-in message/macro to get its (scrollable) width, e.g. if want to set the TreeView's width so it won't need to have a scrollbar.
How can this be done?
Here's a C function to do this:
int TreeView_GetWidth(HWND hTreeWnd)
SCROLLINFO scrollInfo;
scrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(scrollInfo);
scrollInfo.fMask = SIF_RANGE;
scrollBarInfo.cbSize = sizeof(scrollBarInfo);
// To find the whole (scrollable) width of the tree control,
// we determine the range of the scrollbar.
// Unfortunately when a scrollbar isn't needed (and is invisible),
// its range isn't zero (but rather 0 to 100),
// so we need to specifically ignore it then.
if (GetScrollInfo(hTreeWnd, SB_HORZ, &scrollInfo) &&
GetScrollBarInfo(hTreeWnd, OBJID_HSCROLL, &scrollBarInfo))
// Only if the scrollbar is displayed
if ((scrollBarInfo.rgstate[0] & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE) == 0)
int scrollBarWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
// This is a hardcoded value to accomodate some extra pixels.
// If you can find a cleaner way to account for them (e.g. through
// some extra calls to GetSystemMetrics), please do so.
// (Maybe less than 10 is also enough.)
const int extra = 10;
return (scrollInfo.nMax - scrollInfo.nMin) + scrollBarWidth + extra;
return 0;

how to set "smart" breakpoint in Xcode when method returns a specific value?

I have a method which returns a bool value, with several exit points.
However, it does not seem to work correctly, so I would like to set an automatic breakpoint to see when it returns a YES value, so I can check all the variables and calculations in the debugger.
I would like to stop the debugger whenever a YES value is returned.
I have a similar smart breakpoint set for objc_exception_throw, so I know it's possible, I am just not sure how.
(In case it helps anyone, the way you can set the exception breakpoint: in the Breakpoints window (Run -> Show -> Breakpoints) enter objc_exception_throw as "Breakpoint", and libobjc.A.dylib as "Location")
EDIT: the specific code I would like to use it for:
- (BOOL)collisionOccured {
// Assumption: helicopter is of square shape (collision calculated by radius), walls are rectangles
// This approach is based on the solution seen here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/401847/circle-rectangle-collision-detection-intersection/402010#402010
float helicopterImageWidth = [helicopter texture].contentSize.width;
float wallImageWidth = [[walls lastObject] texture].contentSize.width;
float wallImageHeight = [[walls lastObject] texture].contentSize.height;
float helicopterCollisionRadius = helicopterImageWidth * 0.4f;
CGPoint helicopterPosition = helicopter.position;
int numWalls = [walls count];
for (int i = 0; i < numWalls; i++) {
CCSprite *wall = [walls objectAtIndex:i];
if ([wall numberOfRunningActions] == 0) {
// The wall is not moving, we can skip checking it.
CGPoint wallPosition = wall.position;
float helicopterDistanceX = abs(helicopterPosition.x - wallPosition.x - wallImageWidth/2);
float helicopterDistanceY = abs(helicopterPosition.y - wallPosition.y - wallImageHeight/2);
if (helicopterDistanceX > (wallImageWidth/2 + helicopterCollisionRadius)) { return NO; }
if (helicopterDistanceY > (wallImageHeight/2 + helicopterCollisionRadius)) { return NO; }
if (helicopterDistanceX <= (wallImageWidth/2)) { return YES; }
if (helicopterDistanceY <= (wallImageHeight/2)) { return YES; }
float cornerDistance_sq = powf((helicopterDistanceX - wallImageWidth/2), 2) +
powf((helicopterDistanceY - wallImageHeight/2), 2);
return (cornerDistance_sq <= powf(helicopterCollisionRadius, 2));
// this should not occur
return NO;
This method is called via
- (void)update:(ccTime)delta {
if ([self collisionOccured]) {
NSLog(#"A collision occured");
The problem is that the update method takes delta (time passed) as argument, so I can't check what's happening frame by frame -- whenever I continue the execution, I am presented with a different scene.
(I am using cocos2d in the code)
You can set conditional breakpoints. With a slight tweak to update:
- (void)update:(ccTime)delta {
BOOL collided = [self collisionOccured];
if (collided) {
NSLog(#"A collision occured");
you can set a breakpoint as normal after the BOOL's assignment (i.e. on the if line), then right-click on the blue breakpoint arrow and select "Show Message Bubble", and add collided as the Condition. The extra variable should get optimized away in Release build mode.
If you're using a local return variable:
- (BOOL)someMethod {
BOOL ret = NO;
if (something) {
ret = YES;
} else if (something_else) {
ret = YES;
// ... and so on
return ret;
You can just set a watch point on ret
Otherwise, you're probably stuck with stepping through the code—hopefully some clever combination of conditional breakpoints will help you not have to break on every invocation. Setting a method breakpoint like you do with objc_exception_throw wouldn't work, because it will stop on every invocation, and breaking on the return value at the calling site is too late to figure out how you got there.
If you can post the code, we may be able to give more specific help as to a debugging strategy. Good luck. :-)

Jump to listbox item by typing first few characters

I have a list of items (potentially large) from which the user must select one. I'd like to allow the user to type the first few letters of the desired item to jump to the correct place in the list. By default, each keypress jumps to the first item starting with that letter, so you can't type the first several letters. Is there any straightforward way to do this? Any CodeProject or other such example?
I've looked for hours, and found any number of samples for IAutocomplete, but that won't help here because I need to guarantee that the result is in the list.
The only way I can think to do this is to derive from CListBox, capture the keystrokes myself, find the item, run a timer so that new keystrokes after a sufficient pause will start a new search... since I'm not an MFC jock, this is daunting. Any tips much appreciated.
One clarifying note: my ultimate goal is actually to get this keyboard behavior for a ComboBox of DropDownList style (i.e. no edit box). The lack of an edit box rules out most autocomplete code, and the need for ComboBox functionality means I can't use CListCtrl by itself.
After much unnecessary pain, I've discovered that the real correct answer is simply to use LBS_SORT. Simply by specifying this style, the basic vanilla listbox supports the incremental search keyboard shortcut style I wanted. Without LBS_SORT (or CBS_SORT for a combobox), you get the irritating and almost-useless jump-to-first-letter-only behavior. I didn't try LBS_SORT because my list contents were added in sorted order anyway.
So the dozen or so hours of investigating custom controls, etc., all for naught because the Microsoft documentation makes no mention of this important behavioral difference in the description of LBS_SORT!!
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
I've implemented such a functionality in core Win32. Heres the code.
Somewhere in your message loop that processes the list box insert:
case WM_CHAR:
if(HandleListBoxKeyStrokes(hwnd, wParam) == FALSE)
return FALSE;
Heres the code (propably not fully complete):
/* ======================================================================== */
/* ======================================================================== */
#define RETURNr(a, b) // homegrown asserts
BOOLEAN HandleListBoxKeyStrokes(HWND hwnd, UINT theKey)
#define MAXCHARCACHEINTERVALL 600.0 // Max. milisecs time offset to consider as typed 'at once'
static char sgLastChars[255] = {'0'};
static double sgLastCharTime = 0.;
static HWND sgLasthwnd = NULL;
if(GetSecs() - sgLastCharTime > MAXCHARCACHEINTERVALL ||
sgLasthwnd != hwnd)
*sgLastChars = 0;
if(theKey == ' ' && *sgLastChars == 0)
return TRUE;
sgLastCharTime = GetSecs();
sgLasthwnd = hwnd;
AppendChar(sgLastChars, toupper(theKey));
if(strlen(sgLastChars) > 1)
LONG l = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
Char255 tx;
GetClassName(hwnd, tx, sizeof(tx));
if( (! stricmp(tx, "Listbox") &&
(! stricmp(tx, "ComboBox") && // combo Box support
long Count, l, BestMatch = - 1, BestMatchOff = 0;
long *cmdSet = (! stricmp(tx, "ComboBox")) ? CBcmdSet : LBcmdSet;
RETURNr((Count = SendMessage(hwnd, cmdSet[0], 0, 0)) != LB_ERR, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
RETURNr((l = SendMessage(hwnd, cmdSet[1], i, 0)) != LB_ERR, TRUE);
RETURNr( l < sizeof(tx), TRUE);
RETURNr((l = SendMessage(hwnd, cmdSet[2], i, (LPARAM)&tx)) != LB_ERR, TRUE);
if(! strncmp(tx, sgLastChars, strlen(sgLastChars)))
SelListBoxAndNotify(hwnd, i);
return FALSE;
char *p;
if(p = strstr(tx, sgLastChars))
int off = p - tx;
if(BestMatch == -1 || off < BestMatchOff)
BestMatch = i;
BestMatchOff = off;
// If text not found at start of string see if it matches some part inside the string
if(BestMatch != -1)
SelListBoxAndNotify(hwnd, BestMatch);
// Nothing found - dont process
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* ======================================================================== */
/* ======================================================================== */
void SelListBoxAndNotify(HWND hwnd, int index)
// i am sorry here - this is some XVT-toolkit specific code.
// it has to be replaced with something similar for native Win32
WINDOW win = xvtwi_hwnd_to_window(hwnd);
WINDOW parent = xvt_vobj_get_parent(win);
xvt_list_set_sel(win, index, 1);
EVENT evt;
memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(evt));
evt.type = E_CONTROL;
evt.v.ctl.id = GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd);
evt.v.ctl.ci.v.lbox.dbl_click = FALSE;
xvt_win_dispatch_event(parent, &evt);
/* ======================================================================== */
/* ======================================================================== */
double GetSecs(void)
struct timeb timebuffer;
return (double)timebuffer.millitm +
((double)timebuffer.time * 1000.) - // Timezone needed for DbfGetToday
((double)timebuffer.timezone * 60. * 1000.);
/* ======================================================================== */
/* ======================================================================== */
char AppendChar(char *tx, char C)
{ int i;
i = strlen(tx);
tx[i ] = C;
tx[i + 1] = 0;
Can you use a CListView CListCtrl instead? They work like that by default.
