Retrieving command line argument of process at driver level - windows

Hello I am writing a minifilter driver for intercepting all the irp packets from a certain process say a.exe .
So , in the driver code it can be done by applying a check on the command line arguments that started the process.
Does anyone know how can i retrieve the command line argument ??
Thanks in advance .

There's no supported way to do this from within kernel-mode. In fact, trying to access user-mode process information from the kernel is a pain in general. I would suggest firing up a request to a user-mode service, which can then find that information and pass it back down to your kernel component.
However, there an undocumented method to do it. If you can get a handle to an EPROCESS struct for the target process, you can get at a pointer to the PEB (process environment block) struct within it, which then has a pointer to an RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure, which has a member called CommandLine.
UNICODE_STRING* commandLine = epProcess->Peb->ProcessParameters->CommandLine;
The downside to this is that EPROCESS is almost entirely opaque and PEB is semi-opaque too, meaning that it may change in future versions of Windows. I certainly wouldn't advocate trying this in production code.

Try using the NtQueryInformationProcess or ZwQueryInformationProcess function with the PROCESSINFOCLASS parameter as ProcessBasicInformation. The output parameter, ProcessInformation, will be a struct of type PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION. As Polynomial mentioned, this struct has a pointer to the process's PEB struct, which contains the information you are looking for in its ProcessParameters field.


Detect whether a process is being debugged; in kernel land

Is there a way to detect (in kernel-mode) that a debugger (in user-mode) is attached to another process (also in user-mode) on Windows ?
I cannot find any API or flag in the EPROCESS structure that would reveal this information. Ideally, I'm looking for a flag that cannot be altered from a program in user-mode, nonetheless I'm unaware if this information is also kept at kernel level.
Thanks !
exist (from xp) undocumented api
extern "C"
PsIsProcessBeingDebugged(PEPROCESS Process);
which return Process->DebugPort != NULL very simply and reliable api, can be used at any irql (because Process object in not paged memory).
Library: NtosKrnl.lib
IRQL: Any level

what is the purpose of the BeingDebugged flag in the PEB structure?

What is the purpose of this flag (from the OS side)?
Which functions use this flag except isDebuggerPresent?
thanks a lot
It's effectively the same, but reading the PEB doesn't require a trip through kernel mode.
More explicitly, the IsDebuggerPresent API is documented and stable; the PEB structure is not, and could, conceivably, change across versions.
Also, the IsDebuggerPresent API (or flag) only checks for user-mode debuggers; kernel debuggers aren't detected via this function.
Why put it in the PEB? It saves some time, which was more important in early versions of NT. (There are a bunch of user-mode functions that check this flag before doing some runtime validation, and will break to the debugger if set.)
If you change the PEB field to 0, then IsDebuggerPresent will also return 0, although I believe that CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent will not.
As you have found the IsDebuggerPresent flag reads this from the PEB. As far as I know the PEB structure is not an official API but IsDebuggerPresent is so you should stick to that layer.
The uses of this method are quite limited if you are after a copy protection to prevent debugging your app. As you have found it is only a flag in your process space. If somebody debugs your application all he needs to do is to zero out the flag in the PEB table and let your app run.
You can raise the level by using the method CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent where you pass in your own process handle to get an answer. This method goes into the kernel and checks for the existence of a special debug structure which is associated with your process if it is beeing debugged. A user mode process cannot fake this one but you know there are always ways around by simply removing your check ....

IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() fails with no return status

This is my code:
WCHAR ntNameBuffer[128];
swprintf(ntNameBuffer, L"\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition1");
RtlInitUnicodeString(&symbol, ntNameBuffer);
KdPrint(("OSNVss:symbol is %ws\n",symbol.Buffer));
status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(&symbol,
My driver is next-lower-level of \\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition1.
When I call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer it will fail and no status returns and it not continue do remaining code.
When I use windbg debug this, it will break with a intelpm.sys;
If I change the objectname to "\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition2" (the partition2 is really existing), it will success call
If I change objectname to "\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition3", (the partition3 is not existing), it failed and return status = 0xc0000034, mean objectname is not existing.
Does anybody know why when I use object "\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition1" it fails and no return status? thanks very much!
First and foremost: what are you trying to achieve and what driver model are you using? What bitness, what OS versions are targeted and on which OS version does it fail? Furthermore: you are at the correct IRQL for the call and is running inside a system thread, right? From which of your driver's entry points (IRP_MJ_*, DriverEntry ...) are you calling this code?
Anyway, was re-reading the docs on this function. Noting in particular the part:
The IoGetDeviceObjectPointer routine returns a pointer to the top object in the named device object's stack and a pointer to the
corresponding file object, if the requested access to the objects can
be granted.
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer establishes a "connection" between the caller
and the next-lower-level driver. A successful caller can use the
returned device object pointer to initialize its own device objects.
It can also be used as as an argument to IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack,
IoCallDriver, and any routine that creates IRPs for lower drivers. The
returned pointer is a required argument to IoCallDriver.
You don't say, but if you are doing this on a 32bit system, it may be worthwhile tracking down what's going on with IrpTracker. However, my guess is that said "connection" or rather the request for it gets somehow swallowed by the next-lower-level driver or so.
It is also hard to say what kind of driver you are writing here (and yes, this can be important).
Try not just breaking at a particular point before or after the fact but rather follow the stack that the IRP would travel downwards in the target device object's stack.
But thinking about it, you probably aren't attached to the stack at all (for whatever reason). Could it be that you actually should be using IoGetDiskDeviceObject instead, in order to get the actual underlying device object (at the bottom of the stack) and not a reference to the top-level object attached?
Last but not least: don't forget you can also ask this question over on the OSR mailing lists. There are plenty of seasoned professionals there who may have run into the exact same problem (assuming you are doing all of the things correct that I asked about).
thanks everyone , I solve this problem; what cause this problem is it becoming synchronous; when I
call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer , it will generate an new Irp IRP_MJ_WRITER which pass though from high level, when this irp reach my driver, my thread which handle IRP is the same thread whilch call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer ,so it become drop-dead halt;

How to find out caller info?

This will require some background. I am using Detours to intercept system calls. For those of who don't know what Detours is - it is a tool which redirects call to system functions to a detour function which allows us to do whatever we want to do before and after the actual system call is made. What I want to know is that if it is possible to find out somehow any info about the dll/module which has made this system call? Does any win32 api function help me do this?
Lets say traceapi.dll makes a system call to GetModuleFileNameW() inside kernel32.dll. Detour will intercept this call and redirect control to a detour function (say Mine_GetModuleFileNameW()). Now inside Mine_GetModuleFileNameW(), is it possible to find out that this call originated from traceapi?
call ZwQuerySystemInformation with first argument SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation.
once you have the returned buf, typecast it to PSYTSTEM+PROCESS_INFORMATION and use its field to extract your info.
status = ZwQuerySystemInformation (
SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation, buf, bufsize, NULL);
proc_info->ProcessName, which is a UNICODE_STRING will give you the calling process name.
Please note that the structure and field I am talking about is not documented and might change in future release of windows. However, I am using it and it works fine on WIN XP and above.
I don't know how many stack frames will be on the stack that are owned by Detours code. Easy to find out in the debugger, the odds are good that there are none. That makes it easy, use the _ReturnAddress intrinsic to get the caller's address. VirtualQuery() to get the base address, cast it to HMODULE and use GetModuleFileName(). Well, the non-detoured one :)
If there are Detours stack frames then it gets a lot harder. StackWalk64() to skip them, perilous if there are FPO frames present.

Problem with .release behavior in file_operations

I'm dealing with a problem in a kernel module that get data from userspace using a /proc entry.
I set open/write/release entries for my own defined /proc entry, and manage well to use it to get data from userspace.
I handle errors in open/write functions well, and they are visible to user as open/fopen or write/fwrite/fprintf errors.
But some of the errors can only be checked at close (because it's the time all the data is available). In these cases I return something different than 0, which I supposed to be in some way the value 'close' or 'fclose' will return to user.
But whatever the value I return my close behave like if all is fine.
To be sure I replaced all the release() code by a simple 'return(-1);' and wrote a program that open/write/close the /proc entry, and prints the close return value (and the errno). It always return '0' whatever the value I give.
Behavior is the same with 'fclose', or by using shell mechanism (echo "..." >/proc/my/entry).
Any clue about this strange behavior that is not the one claimed in many tutorials I found?
BTW I'm using RHEL5 kernel (2.6.18, redhat modified), on a 64bit system.
The release() isn't allowed to cause the close() to fail.
You could require your userspace programs to call fsync() on the file descriptor before close(), if they want to find out about all possible errors; then implement your final error checking in the fsync() handler.
